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UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN EKSTRAK ETANOL KLIKA FALOAK (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br) DENGAN METODE DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) Astuti Amin; Jeanny Wunas; Yuniven Merina Anin
Jurnal Fitofarmaka Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (2015): JURNAL FITOFARMAKA INDONESIA
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (316.052 KB) | DOI: 10.33096/jffi.v2i2.180


Telah dilakukan penelitian uji aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol klika faloak dengan metode DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol kulit batang faloak terhadap radikal bebas DPPH berdasarkan nilai IC50. Klika faloak diekstraksi secara maserasi dengan menggunakan pelarut etanol dan  dibuat dalam 5 seri konsentrasi yaitu 20 ppm, 40 ppm, 60 ppm, 80 ppm dan 100 ppm. Ekstrak diuji terhadap DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrihidrazyl) sebagai radikal bebas dan diukur pada panjang gelombang 516 nm dengan absorbansi 0,640 menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Kemampuan antioksidan diukur sebagai penurunan absorbansi larutan DPPH setelah penambahan ekstrak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak etanol klika faloak (S. quadrifida R.Br) mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan kuat dengan nilai IC50  4, 8101 ppm dan vitamin C sebagai kontrol positif mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan kuat dengan nilai IC50 3,4873 ppm. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol klika faloak (S. quadrifida R.Br) memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang lebih lemah dibandingkan dengan vitamin C sebagai kontrol positif.
MIKROENKAPSULASI EKSTRAK BUAH BUNI (Antidesma bunius L.) MENGGUNAKAN MALTODEKSTRIN DENGAN METODE SPRAY DRYING Michrun Nisa; Agustina Ma'tang Parinding; Abdul Halim Umar; Nur Khairi; Astuti Amin; Maulita Indrisari; Wahyu Hendrarti; Andi Nur Aisyah
Jurnal Ilmiah Ibnu Sina (JIIS): Ilmu Farmasi dan Kesehatan Vol 4 No 2 (2019): JIIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan ISFI Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.314 KB) | DOI: 10.36387/jiis.v4i2.270


Buni fruits (Antidesma bunius L.) is one of the plants that contain anthocyanin dyes. This study aims to create and characterize buni fruit extract microcapsules containing anthocyanin using spray drying method. The coating materials used were 5%, 7%, 5%, 5%, and 5% of the maltodextrin. Buni fruit was determined by the total content of anthocyanin and microcapsules obtained by organoleptic characterization, microencapsulation efficiency, particle morphology, and particle size distribution. The total content of anthocyanin from buni fruit extract is 18.14 mg/100g. Microcapsules obtained by variation concentration of pink maltodextrin typical of buni fruit weighing 2.7 g, 3.3 g, 2.3 g, obtained the value of EEC (%) 50, 55, and 59, respectively, on the appearance of SEM form spheries and on PSA particle size distribution 2.5 μm, 2.1 μm, 2.6 μm.
Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Mesokarp Buah Semangka (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb) Matsun & Nakai) dengan Metode ABTS Astuti Amin; Radhia Riski; Nuning Rindam Sutamanggala
Jurnal Farmasi dan Ilmu Pengobatan Vol 6 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : STIFA Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32814/jpms.v6i1.122


Mesokarp buah semangka adalah lapisan kulit semangka antara endokarp dan mesokarp berwarna putih yang memiliki banyak kandungan senyawa, salah satunya adalah flavonoid yang dapat berperan sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi antioksidan ekstrak etanol mesokarp buah semangka dengan melihat nilai IC50. Mesokarp buah semangka diekstraksi dengan cara maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 70%. Hasil uji aktivitas antioksidan menggunakan metode ABTS (2,2-azinobis-(3-etilbenzotiazolin-6-sulfonic acid) menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan sangat kuat dengan nilai IC50 31,42 µg/ml. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa mesokarp buah semangka memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dengan kategori sangat kuat terhadap radikal bebas ABTS.
Jurnal Farmasi UIN Alauddin Makassar Vol 4 No 2 (2016): Jurnal Farmasi
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jurfar.v4i2.2248


Daun Miana (Coleus scutellarioides Linn.) merupakan bahan baku obat di Indonesia yang dapat digunakan sebagai obat tradisional di Indonesia. Komponen kima yang terkandung dalam daun Miana merupakan komponen yang kompleks dapat ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode Spektroskopi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan determinasi dan analisis fingerprint terhadap sampel daun miana (Coleus scutellarioides Linn.) sehingga diperoleh pengelompokkan daun miana berdasarkan tempat tumbuh.  Sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 8 sampel yang berasal dari daerah Gowa, Sudiang, Bantaeng, Maros, Rembon, Sillanan, Mengkendek dan Seriti. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan Spektrometer   Fourier Transform-Infra Red Spectroscopy (FT-IR). Hasil penelitian dengan analisis FT-IR daun miana (Coleus scutellarioides Linn.) yang tumbuh ditempat berbeda secara geografis, diperoleh hasil spektrum yang relatif sama dari 8 jenis sampel dan pengukuran spektroskopi inframerah yang dikombinasikan dengan kemometrik, kelompok 1 (Gowa, Sudiang, Maros, Mengkendek, Bantaeng),  kelompok 2 (Rembon dan Sillanan), dan kelompok 3 (Seriti).
Jurnal Farmasi UIN Alauddin Makassar Vol 5 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Farmasi
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jurfar.v5i1.2370


Pada Penelitian telah dilakukan sintesis hidroksiapatit (HA) dari tulang Ikan Lamuru (Sardinella.) dan komposit HA-kitosan untuk aplikasi bone filler. HA diperoleh dengan reaksi hidrotermal antara  1M aragonit (CaCO3) dari  tulang Ikan Lamuru dan 0,6M NH4H2PO4 dengan suhu 200oC dan variasi durasi 12, 24 dan 36 jam. Kemudian dilakukan sintering dengan suhu 900°C selama 1 jam. Sampel dengan  kandungan HA tertinggi dijadikan matriks untuk mensintesis komposit, dengan kitosan sebagai serat/filler. Sintesis komposit HA-kitosan dilakukan dengan metode pencampuran sederhana dengan variasi kitosan dari 20 hingga 35%. Uji XRD, kekuatan tekan, dan MTT assay dilakukan untuk menentukan sampel terbaik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diperoleh 100% CaCO3 dari tulang sotong dan berhasil diproses menjadi 100% HA amorf. Proses sintering mengakibatkan perubahan prosentase HA dengan derajat kristalinitas yang jauh lebih baik. Kandungan HA tertinggi diperoleh pada durasi hidrotermal 36 jam setelah disintering, yaitu 91%. Sampel terbaik diperoleh pada komposit dengan kitosan 20% yang mengindikasikan terjadinya penyatuan secara sempurna antara HA dan kitosan. Penambahan kitosan meningkatkan viabilitas sel dari 89,00% menjadi 92,11%. Komposit HA dari tulang Ikan Lamuru -kitosan berpotensi untuk aplikasi bone filler pada tulang cancellous. 
Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Etanol Batang Daun dan Bunga Jumpai (Glinus oppositifolius (L.) Aug. DC.) Astuti Amin; Andi Paluseri; Rahmat Priyandi Linggotu
Jurnal Kimia Fullerene Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Fullerene Journal of Chemistry
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37033/fjc.v6i1.237


Jumpai (Glinus Oppoitifolius (L.) Aug. DC) contains flavonoids compounds that can act as antioxidants by donating hydrogen so as to stabilize the lack of electrons in free radicals. This study aims to determine the antioxidant potential of stem, leaf, and flower extracts by looking at the IC50 value. The stems, leaves, and flowers were extracted by maceration using 70% l ethanol solvent. The results of the antioxidant activity test using the DPPH method (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrilhydrazil) showed very strong antioxidant activity with IC50 values of 9.523 µg / ml stem, 32.89 µg / ml leaves, and 23.07 µg / ml flowers with vitamin comparisons. C obtained IC50 value of 1,698 µg / ml. Based on these results, it can be rejected that the stems, leaves, and flowers have antioxidant activity with a very strong category against DPPH free radicals (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrilhydrazil).
Pengaruh penambahan Ion Logam Natrium, Kalium, Magnesium, Kalsium pada biokonversi tepung jagung (Zea Mays L.) oleh Ragi Endomycopsis Fibuligera menjadi Senyawa Prebiotik Astuti Amin; asnita asnita
Jurnal Kimia Fullerene Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Fullerene Journal of Chemistry
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (584.836 KB) | DOI: 10.37033/fjc.v5i1.136


In this study made prebiotic from bioconversion of corn flour (Zea mays L.) by yeast Endomycopsis fibuligera as an alternative substitute for antibiotics. In this study, the addition of Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ ions aimed to determine the optimum type and concentration of metal in prebiotic and testing the effect of prebiotic compounds produced on broiler weight gain. The analysis carried out included: reducing sugars, α-amylase and glucoamylase enzyme activity, protein content and cell biomass. To determine the existence of a significant effect, the analysis was carried out on broiler body weight given prebiotic compounds which were added to optimum metal ions and which were given prebiotic compounds without the addition of metal ions. The results showed that the addition of optimum metal ions was obtained on Ca2+ ions with a concentration of 0.25%, where the reducing sugar content of 0.600 mg / mL, the activity of the enzyme α-amylase and glucoamylase 0.519 and 0.287 units / mL, protein content 2.724 mg / mL, cell biomass 10.8933 mg / mL, from observations and statistical tests carried out by giving prebotic compounds by adding metal ions and giving prebiotic compounds without adding metal ions influence broiler weight gain with an average weight difference of 261 grams or 15% on day 30.
Sintesis dan karakterisai kitosan dari limbah cangkang udang sebagai stabilizer terhadap Ag nanopartikel Astuti Amin; Nur Khairi; Eko Allo
Jurnal Kimia Fullerene Vol 4 No 2 (2019): Fullerene Journal of Chemistry
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (488.751 KB) | DOI: 10.37033/fjc.v4i2.100


The research of manufacturing chitosan from shrimp shell waste , and their use as a stabilizer in the manufacture of silver nanoparticles has been done. The aim of the research was to synthesize silver nanoparticles using chitosan as a stabilizer by chemical reduction method and determine the effect of chitosan concentration on the stability of Ag nanoparticles. In this study, the raw material used is shrimp shell powder and then processed in several stages, eliminating proteins, demineralization, and deacetylation. Chitosan obtained is 16.4 % of shrimp shell powder, with a degree of deacetylation of 85 %. Chitosan is used to synthesize silver nanoparticles as a reducing agent of silver ions in silver nitrate solution and is expected to be stabilizer. Sample containing 45 mg of chitosan and 1000 ppm AgNO3 has 421,60 nm of maximum wavelength, and the average particle size is 154.07 nm.
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Nanopartikel Zn Menggunakan Kitosan Sebagai Reduktor Astuti Amin; Sri Reski Ananda
Jurnal Kimia Fullerene Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Fullerene Journal of Chemistry
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37033/fjc.v5i2.208


Zn nanoparticles is a material that is widely used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, as a sunscreen, skin whitening, and anti-aging. The aim of the research was to synthesize Zn nanoparticles using chitosan as a stabilizer by chemical reduction method and determine the effect of chitosan amount on the stability of Zn nanoparticles. This research, the raw material used is shrimp shell powder and then processed in several stages, eliminating proteins, demineralization, and deacetylation. Chitosan obtained is 22,8 % of shrimp shell powder, with a degree of deacetylation is 85 %. Chitosan was used to synthesize Zn nanoparticles as a reducing agent of Zn ions in the ZnO solution and was expected to be a stabilizer. The measurement using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) shows that the concentrate of Zn in solution synthesis result of 13,88 mg/l, based on the UV-Vis spectrophotometry obtained maximum wavelength of 355,71 nm and absorbance of 0,062, the shapes of the nanoparticles obtained tend to aggregate. Based on measurements by Particle Size Analyzer (PSA) which has been synthesized Zn nanoparticles have the average size of the particles in the sample is 213,41 nm.
Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Etanol Batang, Daun, dan Akar Kopasanda (Chromolaena odorata L.) dengan Metode FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power): Antioxidant Activity of Ethanol Extract of Stems, Leaves, and Roots of Kopasanda (Chromolaena odorata L.) with FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) Method Astuti Amin; Nur Khairi; Wahyu Hendrarti
Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan (J. Sains Kes.) Vol. 4 No. 5 (2022): Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan (J. Sains Kes.)
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.864 KB) | DOI: 10.25026/jsk.v4i5.1271


Kopasanda (Chromolaena odorata L.) is a plant that contains flavonoid compounds that can act as antioxidants. This study aims to determine the antioxidant potential of the ethanol extract of the stems, leaves and roots of kopasanda by looking at the IC50 value. The stems, leaves and roots of Kopasanda were extracted by maceration using 70% ethanol as solvent. The results of the antioxidant activity test using the FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) method showed very strong antioxidant activity with IC50 values ??of leaves 23.4 µg/ml, stems 37.556 g/ml and roots 36.860µg/ml with positive control of quarcetin, IC50 values ??were 2.724 g/ml . Based on these results, it can be said that the stems, leaves and roots have very strong antioxidant activity against the reduction of FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power).