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Modul Sistem Parkir Kendaraan Roda 4 Menggunakan PLC OMRON CPM-1A Suhaedi Suhaedi
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 1, No 1 (2013): JTT ( Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu )
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v1i1.6


AbstractNow the current number of transportations such as cars are increasing, consequently and more transportations, the more solid as well for the car park area. The problem in this situations is the comfort by worried motorists. Therefore presented in this thesis about the planning that has been done that is making an example of a model where an automatic car parking area which can be controled of its capacity. The example of model an automatic parking area is a miniature as eight centimeters high , four centimeters wide and fifty centimeters long and can accommodate four cars as many as nine cars. Manufacture of miniature automatic car parking is to use actuators such as DC, many infrared sensors, some of the photo diode sensors, relay and limit switches. Programmable logic control (PLC) is used as a controller that control all hardware. To display information, it uses an indicator light marked “FULL” and “EMPTY”. The result of test is performed by running an automatic car parking system and the system can function properly and ready in use. Keyword : automatic car parking, capacity, programmable logic control, infrared and photo diode sensor, actuator, limit switch.AbstrakSaat ini jumlah kendaraan seperti mobil semakin meningkat, akibatnya semakin banyak kendaraan maka semakin padat juga untuk area tempat parkir mobil. Permasalahannya kenyamanan sangatlah di risaukan oleh para pengendara mobil . Karena itu pada tugas akhir ini dipaparkan tentang perancangan yang telah dilakukan yaitu pembuatan sebuah contoh model tempat area parkir mobil otomatis yang dapat di kontrol kapasitasnya. Contoh model area parkir otomatis ini berupa miniatur setinggi 15 cm, lebar 40 cm dan panjang 50 cm juga dapat menampung kendaraan mobil roda empat sebanyak sembilan kendaraan. Pembuatan miniatur parkir mobil otomatis ini menggunakan penggerak seperti motor DC juga beberapa sensor infra merah, photo diode, relai dan limit switch. Programmable Logic Control (PLC) digunakan sebagai kontroller yang mengontrol semua perangkat keras. Untuk displai informasi mengunakan sebuah indikator lampu bertulisan “FULL” dan “EMPTY”. Dengan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan dengan menjalankan sistem area parkir mobil otomatis dan sistem dapat berfungsi dengan baik dan siap digunakan.Kata kunci : Parkir mobil otomatis, kapasitas, PLC (Programmable Logic Control), Sensor Infra merah dan Foto dioda, Penggerak, Limit switch.JTT Vol 1 No 1 Hal: 1-5
Pelatihan Peningkatan Kompetensi Bidang Sistem Kendali Menggunakan Modul Arduino Di SMK Pangeran Antasari Balikpapan Fathur Zaini Rachman; Suhaedi Suhaedi; Hadiyanto Hadiyanto; Ihsan Ihsan
LOYALITAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : IAI Darussalam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30739/loyal.v3i2.366


The activity at the "Pangeran Antasari Balikpapan" Vocational School has several objectives: improving teacher competency by training and testing directly on Arduino-based practice modules that have multi-input and multi-output peripherals that have extensive functions for applications in automatic control systems. Analysis and discussion to partners there are 2 main problems, the problem of automation technology and teacher competence. The problem of automation technology is solved by training practice modules that are useful as learning media in the field of automatic control systems and can be implemented for various applications. The problem of teacher competence with technology updates is solved by the development of learning media so that the teacher is able to create and innovate in the control system. The method used in this activity is discussion, explanation, demonstration, practice, and observation.
Pengendalian Kestabilan Terbang Robot Penjelajah Udara Dengan Metode Hybrid PID-FUZZY Nur Yanti; Fathur Zaini Rachman; Suhaedi Suhaedi
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 5 No 6: Desember 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.771 KB) | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2018561134


Abstrak Pengembangan robot dengan sistem kecerdasan buatan memiliki keunggulan, seperti pada robot penjelajah udara dimana pemanfaatannya dapat digunakan sebagai robot pemadam api pada kebakaran hutan, pengambilan gambar. Robot penjelajah udara beroperasi menggunakan empat rotor dan empat buah baling-baling. Karena kombinasi inilah sistem mampu mengendalikan gaya angkat pesawat,  melalui kondisi torsi yang seimbang. Robot mampu melakukan pitch, yaw, dan roll menggunakan kendali empat rotor. Ketika robot penjelajah udara melakukan gerakan manuver, gerakan melayang (hovering) memerlukan kestabilan terbang, sehingga robot penjelajah udara ini dirancang dengan menggunakan sistem kendali hibrid PID-Fuzzy agar dihasilkan kestabilan terbang sesuai posisi ketinggian tertentu dan proses pendaratan. Metode penelitian meliputi perancangan rangkaian dan alat, pembuatan program untuk remote dan motor brushless, implementasi program pada kontroler, serta pengujian alat. Dengan kendali hibrid PID-Fuzzy diharapkan mengatasi berbagai masalah kendali saat terbang dengan mengubah nilai gain Kp, Ki, dan Kd dan mampu mengatasi sistem kendali robot yang nonlinier, sehingga dihasilkan kestabilan terbang robot yang baik sesuai tingkat ketinggian terbang dan saat pendaratan.    Abstract  The development of robots with artificial intelligence systems has advantages, such as in air explorers robots where their utilization can be used as fire fighting robots in forest fires, shooting. The air explorer robot operates using four rotor and four propellers. Because of this combination the system is able to control the lifting force of the aircraft, through a balanced torque conditions. The robot is able to pitch, yaw, and roll using the four rotor controls. When the air-cruise robot performs a maneuvering motion, hovering requires flying stability, so the air explorer robot is designed using a PID-Fuzzy hybrid control system to generate flying stability in a certain altitude position and landing process. Research methods include circuit design and tools, programming for remote and brushless motors, program implementation on controllers, and tool testing. With PID-Fuzzy hybrid control is expected to overcome the problems of control when flying by changing the gain value Kp, Ki, and Kd and able to overcome the nonlinear robot control system, resulting in good robot flying stability according to the level of flying altitude and when landing.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 4 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (762.514 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i4.5061


Abstrak: Pandemi COVID-19 memberikan implikasi pada sisi ekonomi Indonesia yang didominasi oleh Usaha Mikro, kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). Permasalahan ini perlu perhatian khusus karena kontribusi UMKM terhadap perekonomian nasional yang cukup besar, termasuk UMKM Lapak Poltekba yang menjadi mitra pengusul dalam PKM ini. Beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra UMKM Lapak Poltekba, antara lain: (1) penjualan masih dilakukan secara konvensional; (2) keterbatasan akses jarak akibat pandemi COVID – 19; (3) kurangnya pemahaman mitra mengenai keberlanjutan bisnis dalam situasi pandemi; (4) mitra tidak pernah melakukan pencatatan dan pengeloaan keuangan. Tujuan kegiatan PKM ini untuk memberikan paradigma baru dan solusi kepada mitra dalam berjualan pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Tiga keterampilan akan disampaikan dalam kegiatan ini, yaitu pembuatan Website, pengisian konten Website, dan promosi penjualan melalui media sosial. Metode dilakukan dengan: (1) Pendampingan pembuatan Website penjualan; (2) Pelatihan dan bimbingan teknis terkait pengoperasian aplikasi sistem informasi penjualan berbasis Website; (3) Pendampingan peningkatan pemahaman tantangan pandemi dengan menerapkan solusi darurat secara daring. Setelah program terjadi peningkatan penjualan sebesar 25% dikarenakan media promosi yang menjangkau wilayah penjualan yang lebih luas. Pelatihan serta pendampingan pada kelompok mitra terjadi transfer ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kepada warga mitra yang tentang pemanfaatan IT dalam pandemi ini sebesar 100%.Abstract:  COVID-19’s pandemic gave an impact to the condition of economy in Indonesian especially for the small medium enterprise that play a vital role to the whole economics. Lapak Poltekba – as a partner to this program – is one of the small medium enterprise in Balikpapan deals with some problems in this pandemic situation, etc: (1) a conventional sales system; (2) distance barrier during pandemic situation; (3) limitation knowledge about business sustainability; (4) the difficulty to prepare financial statements and how to manage the financial management. This program was come to give a solution to the partners – Lapak Poltekba – to survive its business during this difficult situation. The actions are to give some solutions to the partner and it was categorized in 3 skill: (1) establish a Website; (2) fill the sales content on that Website; (3) sales promotion through social media. That action will followed by three methods: (1) accompany partner during sales Website operation; (2) giving training to the partner in order to give a direction how to manage a sales Website; (3) giving an education about how to survive and handle the sales during this covid – 19 pandemic through social media. As the result of this program, sales are increased by 25% and the knowledge of Lapak Poltekba about IT and sales website are increased by 100%.
Desain Model dan Simulasi PLC-Mikrokontroler sebagai Modul Pembelajaran Berbasis PLC Qory Hidayati; Fathur Zaini Rachman; Nur Yanti; Nurwahidah Jamal; Suhaedi Suhaedi
JTERA (Jurnal Teknologi Rekayasa) Vol 2, No 2: December 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Sukabumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31544/jtera.v2.i2.2017.73-82


Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) merupakan suatu piranti yang dibuat sebagai pengganti kumpulan relai-relai mekanik yang digunakan dalam sistem kontrol. PLC berkerja dengan cara membaca instruksi-instruksi dari masukannya. Karena PLC pada umumnya memiliki harga yang cukup mahal dan hanya beberapa orang yang dapat mempelajarinya, maka dibuatlah PLC trainer. PLC trainer dirancang menggunakan mikrokontroler Arduino Uno, modul input (berupa: toggle switch, push button, dan limit switch), dan modul output (berupa: LED, seven segment, motor DC, dan buzzer). PLC trainer juga dilengkapi prototype lampu lalu lintas sebagai modul output simulasi lampu lalu lintas empat arah. PLC trainer memanfaatkan LDmicro untuk membuat pemrograman ladder diagram dengan instruksi-instruksi sesuai dengan keinginan programmer dan menggunakan software Xloader untuk upload program ke Arduino Uno. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh bahwa mikrokontroler Arduino Uno dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai PLC trainer untuk modul pembelajaran.
Civitas Ministerium Vol 2, No 01 (2018): Civitas Ministerium
Publisher : Civitas Ministerium

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis I-Spring merupakan media pembelajaran yang mengkombinasikan audio, video dan quiz maker yang terintegrasi menjadi satu kesatuan, sehingga memberikan kemudahan bagi tenaga pendidik dalam mentransfer materi bahan ajar kepada peserta didiknya melalui infrastruktur program aplikasi dan pemanfaatan media elektronik sebagai bagian dari metode edukasinya. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pelatihan pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis aplikasi i-spring ditujukan untuk peningkatan kualitas teaching method pada guru SMK di Balikpapan. Peserta pelatihan sekaligus mitra dalam kegiatan ini adalah para guru dan siswa SMK Pangeran Antasari di kota Balikpapan, berjumlah 15 orang guru dari berbagai bidang studi dan 5 orang siswa perwakilan dari kelas X (Sepuluh). Masih minimnnya pengetahuan guru terkait teknologi komputer, maka tim penye- lenggara dari Jurusan Teknik Elektronika Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan memberikan metode pelatihan dengan cara penyampaian materi, praktek langsung dan demonstrasi menyajikan hasil karya dari masing-masing peserta. Hasil evaluasi berdasarkan pengisian kuisioner dan pengamatan langsung, menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan ini berhasil 100% karena peserta pelatihan mampu mengimplementasikan aplikasi I-Spring dalam membuat media pembelajaran multimedia yang dilengkapi soal kuis, meskipun hanya 85% peserta pelatihan yang mampu menganalisa dan mengembangkan secara kreatif materi pelatihan yang diberikan.
The Application of Energy Management Systems Using the Internet of Things to Improve the Efficiency of Electrical Energy Usage in the MSMEs Sector Erick Sorongan; riklan kango; Suhaedi Suhaedi
PROtek : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Vol 10, No 1 (2023): PROtek : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/protk.v10i1.5042


Monitoring the electrical energy of the MSME sector is necessary because the current use of electricity is less effective and consumes more electrical power. The use of electrical power can only be seen through the kWh meter measuring instrument and only shows the cumulative amount of electrical energy used. The analog panel design constraint only displays aggregate consumption data, not real-time. This study aims to develop an energy management system through Internet of Things communication for monitoring and controlling electrical devices in MSME sector buildings. Designer of a real-time measurement system that can read the parameters of the amount of electricity consumed so that MSME users can monitor the use of electricity consumption quickly and accurately via the internet and become a solution for more efficient monitoring work. The monitoring system is designed for load groups in buildings by using the ESP32 NodeMCU as a data processor for data received from the PZEM-004T sensor and sent directly to the Blynk server so that the data can be monitored and controlled on the Blynk interface via a smartphone. The data displayed on the Blynk application is in the form of voltage (volts), current (amperes), power (watts), electrical energy (kWh), and electricity usage rates in rupiah in real-time. The results of the study obtained show that the proposed method can read the energy consumption data of the electrical load used with an error value of 0.54% in voltage measurement and an error value of 2.93% in current measurement and has a delay in sending data to the monitoring application of an average of 3 seconds. The proposed draft Energy Management System can improve electricity efficiency if applied to solve the problem of electrical energy consumed in MSME sector buildings.
Penerapan Solar Cell untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Energi dan Perekonomian Pedagang Kaki lima Ruang Terbuka Hijau Kota Balikpapan Riklan Kango; Hendra Sanjaya Kusno; Ezra Hartarto Pongtuluran; Dahyang Ika Leni Wijayani; Suhaedi Suhaedi
Journal of Applied Community Engagement Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Journal of Applied Community Engagement (JACE)
Publisher : ISAS (Indonesian Society of Applied Science)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (538.408 KB) | DOI: 10.52158/jace.v2i2.444


The electricity source of the street vendor community in Taman Bekapai, Balikpapan City, depends on PLN sources, resulting in an electrical energy crisis. As well as the amount of investment that must be spent to build a cable system power grid is an obstacle. This service aims to implement 60 WP solar panel technology products with solar cell electricity generation integrated into street vendor cart storefronts as an environmentally friendly electricity operational cost efficiency. The method of implementing activities directly and limitedly pays attention to health protocols. The stages are: (1) implementing electricity source products from new energy for street vendor carts (2) technical and operational assistance for solar panel maintenance for traders, (3) accounting information management training as financial management of partner businesses, (4) evaluation and monitoring of the results of village development program activities. The result of this program is the availability of 1 (one) street vendor cart integrated with 60 WP/h solar panel technology as a source of electrical energy and lighting. The installation of these solar panels can reduce the trader's electricity operations with an efficiency of about 13-17%. In addition, there was a 56% increase in partner knowledge of venture management and a 70% increase in skills in using solar panels as an alternative source of electricity to merchant carts.