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Conflict Accommodation Ideas Based on Custom Institutions Siram Sopi in Gold Mining Area of Romang Island, Indonesia Yamres Pakniany; Febby Nancy Patty
Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan Vol. 7 No. 3 (2019): Sodality
Publisher : Departement of Communication and Community Development Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (232.374 KB) | DOI: 10.22500/sodality.v7i3.27836


Conflict over natural resources in mining areas often has impacts on social relations between communities, including that in the gold mining area in Romang Island. The conflict in this area involves various actors. This research was conducted with the aim to find out the accommodation efforts made in reconciling the actors. This research used qualitative methods by observation and interviews, while data analysis was carried out using interactive models. The results showed that conflict accommodation is a process undertaken to reconcile conflicting actors. The sopi flush deed is one of the customary deeds which is usually practiced to reconcile conflicting actors. The sopi flush deed functions to reconcile the conflicting actors in the gold mining area in Romang Island, Southwest Maluku Regency, Indonesia.
Waskita: Jurnal Pendidikan Nilai dan Pembangunan Karakter Vol 3, No 2 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (608.625 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.waskita.2019.003.02.5


Peace activity is a social phenomenon which has been done in order to develop a good relation among interfaith society. Many methods have been conducted which aim to create a good messagein the society. The peace activity is done among the society that has experienced social conflict in their life. Ambon is one of the conflict areas that is suitable for any peace activities. Although the conflict has finished for years, the peace activity needs to be repeated more in order to strengthen the power of peace in Ambon. This research found that board games contain togetherness value and also identity value which are important to develop the idea of peace among youngsters. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through literature study, observation and interviews. Data analysis is performed using an interactive model that includes, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The study was conducted in March 2019 in Ambon city. The purpose of this study was to determine the values of board games in building peace between youth and cross-faith young women in Ambon city.
Mitigasi Bencana Gempa Bumi Berbasis Kearifan Lokal di Desa Nuwewang Kecamatan Pulau Letti Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya Yamres Pakniany; Weldemina Yudit Tiwery; Heinrich Rakuasa
DIALEKTIKA Vol 15, No 1 (2022): Pemikiran Keagamaan dan Perubahan Sosial
Publisher : IAIN Ambon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33477/dj.v15i1.3155


Maluku Barat Daya merupakan daerah yang memiliki indeks risiko gempa bumi tertinggi di Provinsi Maluku. Hal ini dikarenakan daerah ini merupakan daerah tektonik yang sangat aktif dan kompleks. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya mitigasi bencana berbasis kearifan lokal di Desa Nuwewang, dalam hal ini mitigasi bencana gempa bumi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Analisis data kualitatif melalui reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, kearifan lokal masyarakat Desa Nuwewang dalam mitigasi bencana gempa bumi dapat dilihat pada konstruksi bangunan yang masih menggunakan material lokal seperti kayu dan bambu. Kedua, ketika terjadi gempa, masyarakat Nuwewang akan meneriakkan “Opruru Ampuapenu o” yang artinya “tanah goyang telah datang”. Ini adalah peringatan dini saat terjadi gempa. Masyarakat Desa Nuwewang menyadari bahwa falsafah (hnyoli lieta) adalah tradisi untuk saling mengingatkan dan membantu saat terjadi bencana, yang merupakan bagian dari mitigasi bencana berbasis kearifan lokal. Kata kunci: Gempa Bumi, Mitigasi Bencana, Kearifan Lokal.
Mapping the Local Wisdom of Sasi Laut Culture in Nuwewang Village, Maluku Province Heinrich Rakuasa; Philia Christi Latue; Yamres Pakniany
ULIL ALBAB : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 2 No. 4: Maret 2023
Publisher : CV. Ulil Albab Corp

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/jim.v2i4.1473


Local wisdom is an effort and resilience of the community to manage and preserve its natural products by relying on certain customary rules. Since the 16th century, natural resources in maluku have been managed with a system called sasi. Sasi as a form of communal resource management practice carried out for generations in various locations in Maluku and parts of West Papua, this practice has long been believed to be one of the traditional wisdoms that is efficient in maintaining resource sustainability. This research focuses more on mapping the sea chassis area in Nuwewang Village, the sea chassis itself is a traditional open and close system for the utilization of certain marine resources that applies in a downward manner. This study aims to map local wisdom in the form of sea chassis applied in Nuwewang Village. The methods used are surveys and interviews, with data analysis carried out spatially using remote sensing methods based on geographic information systems. The results showed that the types of marine life that were breastfed were Sea Cucumbers (Holothuroidea spp) and Lola Snails (Trochus niloticus) as well as the boundary of the sea chassis from the eastern part starting from Tanjung Ayam to Tanjung Garam in the west with a coastline length of 13.34 km. The total area of sea chassis area in Nuwewang Village is 514.12 Ha
Mapping the Local Wisdom of Sasi Laut Culture in Nuwewang Village, Maluku Province Heinrich Rakuasa; Philia Christi Latue; Yamres Pakniany
ULIL ALBAB : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 2 No. 4: Maret 2023
Publisher : CV. Ulil Albab Corp

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/jim.v2i4.1473


Local wisdom is an effort and resilience of the community to manage and preserve its natural products by relying on certain customary rules. Since the 16th century, natural resources in maluku have been managed with a system called sasi. Sasi as a form of communal resource management practice carried out for generations in various locations in Maluku and parts of West Papua, this practice has long been believed to be one of the traditional wisdoms that is efficient in maintaining resource sustainability. This research focuses more on mapping the sea chassis area in Nuwewang Village, the sea chassis itself is a traditional open and close system for the utilization of certain marine resources that applies in a downward manner. This study aims to map local wisdom in the form of sea chassis applied in Nuwewang Village. The methods used are surveys and interviews, with data analysis carried out spatially using remote sensing methods based on geographic information systems. The results showed that the types of marine life that were breastfed were Sea Cucumbers (Holothuroidea spp) and Lola Snails (Trochus niloticus) as well as the boundary of the sea chassis from the eastern part starting from Tanjung Ayam to Tanjung Garam in the west with a coastline length of 13.34 km. The total area of sea chassis area in Nuwewang Village is 514.12 Ha
Diseminasi Obyek Wisata Di Pulau Moa, Maluku Barat Daya  Berbasis Webgis Menggunakan Arcgis Storymaps Susan E Manakane; Anelia P Wlary; Yamres Pakniany; Heinrich Rakuasa; Philia Christi Latue
Gudang Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): GJMI - AGUSTUS
Publisher : PT. Gudang Pustaka Cendekia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59435/gjmi.v1i2.30


Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi pemanfaatan teknologi WebGIS dan ArcGIS StoryMaps dalam diseminasi objek wisata di Pulau Moa, Maluku Barat Daya. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan bagaimana platform tersebut dapat digunakan secara efektif untuk mempromosikan keindahan alam dan budaya Pulau Moa kepada calon wisatawan. Metode penelitian melibatkan pengumpulan data geospasial objek wisata, pembuatan peta interaktif, dan penyusunan cerita berbasis lokasi dengan memanfaatkan fitur-fitur interaktif ArcGIS StoryMaps. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat enam lokasi objek wisata alam di Pulau Moa, Kabupaten Maluku Barat Daya yang sangat berpotensi dikembangkan diataranya yaitu Pantai Tiakur, Pantai Liukety, Pantai Syota, Gunung Kerbau, Pantai Seradona dan Pantai Gerdasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan ini memberikan kemampuan untuk menciptakan presentasi yang kaya multimedia, meliputi peta interaktif, gambar, dan narasi, yang mampu meningkatkan pemahaman dan daya tarik terhadap objek wisata di Pulau Moa. Harapannya, strategi ini dapat menjadi sarana efektif dalam mempromosikan Pulau Moa sebagai destinasi pariwisata menarik dan berkelanjutan, serta memberikan kontribusi positif pada perkembangan ekonomi lokal.
Urbanization and Social Change in Ambon City: Challenges and Opportunities for Local Communities Heinrich Rakuasa; Yamres Pakniany
Pancasila International Journal of Applied Social Science Том 2 № 01 (2024): Pancasila International Journal of Applied Social Science
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/pancasila.v2i01.331


This research discusses the impact of migration on social change in Ambon City, Indonesia. Ambon City, as the economic and cultural center of the Maluku region, has undergone significant transformation due to migration, both internal and external. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach through literature study. The results of this study outline how migration has created challenges in terms of social integration, changes in cultural identity, and the potential for social conflict. On the other hand, migration also brings opportunities in the form of economic growth, cultural diversity, and cross-cultural innovation. To overcome these challenges, the Ambon City government needs to formulate policies that support social inclusion, sustainable economic development, and preservation of cultural identity. Collaboration between natives and migrants should also be enhanced to create a harmonious and competitive environment, ensuring that Ambon City remains an attractive and diverse place for all its residents. This research underscores the importance of an in-depth understanding of migration dynamics and social change to capitalize on migration opportunities while maintaining the social, economic and cultural sustainability of Ambon City.
Implementation of Augmented Reality in Social Education: A Literature Analysis of Applications and Benefits Yamres Pakniany; Heinrich Rakusa
Journal Education Innovation (JEI) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JEI - Oktober
Publisher : Yayasan Perguruan Kampus

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In an increasingly connected modern era, the implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) technology has opened new doors in social education. The researcher conducted a literature analysis of AR applications in the context of social education and identified the main benefits generated using a qualitative descriptive method through literature study.  The analysis revealed that AR enables more interactive and immersive social learning by providing realistic and interactive simulations of social situations. The benefits of AR in social education include increased student understanding of social issues, increased student engagement, and active participation in social problem solving. However, challenges such as the cost of AR application development and teacher training need to be overcome to maximize the potential of this technology. This research underscores important implications, including the development of more effective learning models, close collaboration with technology developers, and integrated curriculum planning. With a deep understanding of AR applications and their benefits, social education can face a more innovative and effective future, preparing students to play an active role in social change and solving pressing social issues
Development of ArcGIS StoryMaps as Digital-based Innovative Learning Media Yamres Pakniany; Heinrich Rakusa
Journal Education Innovation (JEI) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): JEI - Januari
Publisher : Yayasan Perguruan Kampus

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The development of ArcGIS StoryMaps as a Digital-based Innovative Learning Media is a study that explores the potential of utilizing this digital narrative platform in improving the quality of education. In the increasingly connected and technology-based context of modern education, ArcGIS StoryMaps provides a powerful tool for visualizing and explaining information through the incorporation of maps, images, text, video and audio in the form of interactive narratives. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The type of research used is a literature study which is research that has been done before by collecting journal books, magazines, and scientific papers that are interrelated with the problems and research objectives. The results of this study discuss the basic concepts of ArcGIS StoryMaps, the development of learning materials, implementation in learning, challenges that may be faced, as well as recommendations and guidelines for further development. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide a deep insight into how the use of StoryMaps can enrich students' learning experience and improve their preparation for an increasingly connected and digital future.
Utilization of Bing Image Creator to Design Learning Media with the Theme of Natural Disasters in the Form of Artificial Intelligence-Based Animation Yamres Pakniany; Philia Christi Latue; Heinrich Rakusa
Journal Education Innovation (JEI) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JEI - Oktober
Publisher : Yayasan Perguruan Kampus

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This research describes the utilization of the Bing Image Creator platform in designing learning media with the theme of natural disasters in the form of animations supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Increasingly sophisticated AI technology has brought significant innovation in education, and in the context of natural disaster learning, it opens the door for educators to create more engaging, informative and adaptive learning experiences. Bing Image Creator provides access to a variety of high-quality images and illustrations that allow curriculum creators to depict in detail the phenomenon of natural disasters.  This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. This research uses the Bing Image Creator platform to design learning media with the theme of natural disasters in the form of animation. The results showed that the integration of AI Bing Image Creator really helped the teacher to design learning media with the theme of natural disasters in the form of animations which included floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, putting winds, tsunamis and earthquakes to help in the teaching and learning process. Another result is a learning media that allows students to better understand the causes, impacts and coping tactics of natural disasters, as well as increase awareness and preparedness in facing disaster threats. This article discusses the concepts and implications of using Bing Image Creator and AI in the context of natural disaster education and its impact on learning effectiveness and student understanding.