Raya, Alia Bihrajihant
Departemen Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Caturtunggal, Depok,Yogyakarta 55281

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The Interrelation between Local Government of Kapuas Hulu Regency and Breeders in Developing the Breeding of Super Red Arowana Firmansyah, Firmansyah; Wahyuni, Hermin Indah; Raya, Alia Bihrajihant
Komunikator Vol 11, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jkm.112026


Super Red Arowana breeding activities have the potential to be developed for community and regional improvement in Kapuas Hulu Regency. Initiatives to establish breeding activities through programs that are expected to be a source of regional income and to create suitable self supports for breeders are still experiencing some obstacles due to the lack of interaction on communication and distribution of information between the local government of Kapuas Hulu and the breeders that are not transparent, equal, and smooth. This study aimed to find the interrelation of the Kapuas Hulu local government with the breeders in the development of Super Red Arowana captivity activities and the efforts of the stakeholders in improving interrelation through communication accommodation studies. This study uses a qualitative method for explanative purposes. The results showed that a problem in the internal environment Kapuas Hulu local government and the breeder impinge on the interrelation of them. The efforts of both parties in improving interrelation through joint media have not shown adequate results due to the lack of full and mutual recognition. The local government of Kapuas Hulu and the breeders in the process of accommodating communication have adopted not only convergence but also divergence adaptation. 
Daya Tarik Keanekaragaman Burung di Jalur Hijau Jalan Kota Yogyakarta Retno Nur Utami; Siti Nurul Rofiqo Irwan; Ahmad Sawardi; Alia Bihrajihant Raya
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 26 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18343/jipi.26.2.267


Urban greenery plays an important role in providing a biodiversity habitat of vegetation and birds as biotics in the urban ecosystem. The biodiversity can show attractions in Yogyakarta city as a tourism destination in Indonesia. This research was conducted on three types of roads of the secondary artery (SA), secondary collector (SC), and local (L). The bird diversity depended on tree greenery as its habitat and food source. This research aimed (1) to analyze bird diversity on the roadside greenery in Yogyakarta City, and (1) to reveal the attraction of birds on the urban greenery as a tourism attraction. The sample units were selected by the method of stratified random sampling. The bird observation was used by the method of transect line conducted on the three categories of roads in Yogyakarta City. The bird diversity was analyzed by Shannon-Wiener's (H') index diversity, and bird activity was descriptively analyzed. The number of birds found in the greenery was 685 belong to 12 species. The diversity indexes (H') of the birds on the roads of the secondary artery (SA), secondary collector (SC), and local (L) categories were 0.697 (low), 1.001 (medium), and 1.246 (medium). The index shows the equal quality of the bird attractions in the city. The low-medium of index value should be improved to reach a high H'. The improvement should be carried out by landscape planning for urban tourism through planting food source trees or habitat trees for birds on the urban greenery of Yogyakarta. The strength of the urban attraction of birds was also supported by species diversity, conservation status, bird activity, habitat trees, and the ecological function of urban trees on the roadside greenery of Yogyakarta city. Keywords: bird diversity, roadside greenery, urban attraction, urban greenery, Yogyakarta
Pendidikan Nonformal Dan Agribisnis Berkelanjutan Kajian Tentang Kontribusi Dana Desa Di Sleman Roso Witjaksono; Sunarru Samsi Hariadi; Subejo -; Krishna Agung Santoso; Sri Peni Wastutiningsih; Ratih Ineke Wati; Alia Bihrajihant Raya; Rahima Kalily; Suyoto H S; Ani Dwi Wimatsari
Jurnal Kawistara Vol 10, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (173.011 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/kawistara.41376


When quality education is not always accessible for youth in rural areas, non-formal education has provided a key alternative for the character and career of youth in villages. This role of non-formal education has been enhanced recently by the distribution of government village funds. Non-formal education has had a key role in the development of youth in villages. This paper elaborates on the role of village funds (dana desa) and non-formal education in managing agribusiness supported by village youth in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. This paper is based on mixed research method that combined quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. Samples were taken by proportionally in five villages in three sub-districts with a total sample of 60 village youth using simple random sampling. Quantitatively, the data is processed using multiple linear regression analysis, and qualitative data is analysed by simple descriptive. The results show that the dominant use of the fillage fund for infrastructure and lack of allocation for agriculture and youth empowerment activities. Nonetheless, the use of the village fund allocations to improve village roads has provided access and transportation of crops, and this can supports the sustainable management of organic zalacca agribusiness. Additionally, the improved management of the sustainable agribusiness made possible by the road construction. Ultimately, this paper points at the importance of youth attitude in the prospect of organic zalacca agribusiness.Keywords: Non-formal education; Organic zallaca; Sustainable agribusiness managemen; Village funds (dana desa); Village youth.
JSEP (Journal of Social and Agricultural Economics) Vol 14 No 3 (2021): JURNAL SOSIAL EKONOMI PERTANIAN (J-SEP)
Publisher : University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jsep.v14i3.25193


Corporate farming is an activity to manage a stretch of farmer's land in one management, considering that extensification is challenging to implement in Bantul Regency. research aims to (1) knowing the motivation of farmers in implementing corporate farming in Bantul Regency; (2) knowing the factors that influence the motivation of farmers in implementing corporate farming in Bantul Regency; (3) knowing the influence of motivation on the sustainability of corporate farming in Bantul Regency. The method used is a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The sample used is 30 members of the corporate farming group, using a random sampling technique. Data were analyzed by proportion test, multiple linear regression, and simple linear regression. The results showed that most of the members of the corporate farming group had high motivation. Factors that positively affect farmers' motivation in implementing corporate farming include education level, side work, length of farming, membership status, farmer's attitude, role of farmer groups, and farmer's land ownership area. Motivation has a positive effect on the sustainability of corporate farming.
The Interrelation between Local Government of Kapuas Hulu Regency and Breeders in Developing the Breeding of Super Red Arowana Firmansyah Firmansyah; Hermin Indah Wahyuni; Alia Bihrajihant Raya
Komunikator Vol 11, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jkm.112026


Super Red Arowana breeding activities have the potential to be developed for community and regional improvement in Kapuas Hulu Regency. Initiatives to establish breeding activities through programs that are expected to be a source of regional income and to create suitable self supports for breeders are still experiencing some obstacles due to the lack of interaction on communication and distribution of information between the local government of Kapuas Hulu and the breeders that are not transparent, equal, and smooth. This study aimed to find the interrelation of the Kapuas Hulu local government with the breeders in the development of Super Red Arowana captivity activities and the efforts of the stakeholders in improving interrelation through communication accommodation studies. This study uses a qualitative method for explanative purposes. The results showed that a problem in the internal environment Kapuas Hulu local government and the breeder impinge on the interrelation of them. The efforts of both parties in improving interrelation through joint media have not shown adequate results due to the lack of full and mutual recognition. The local government of Kapuas Hulu and the breeders in the process of accommodating communication have adopted not only convergence but also divergence adaptation. 
The Effectiveness of Bhumi Merapi Agrotourism Promotion through Instagram Esti Esti; Sunarru Samsi Hariadi; Alia Bihrajihant Raya
Komunikator Vol 12, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jkm.122043


Agrotourism is an activity that integrates the agricultural system and the tourism system so that it forms an attractive tourist attraction. In its development, an agrotourism needs to get support in the form of promotion to inform the public about agrotourism, to increase the number of visitors, to increase agricultural education to visitors and the income for agro-tourism managers. This research was conducted at Yogyakarta Bhumi Merapi Agrotourism and its aim is to identify the effectiveness of promotional medium for Bhumi Merapi Agrotourism by Instagram and the influencing factors. The method used was descriptive method with a quantitative approach. Sampling was done by systematic random sampling with a total of 61 respondents. The analysis used was the proportion test and multiple linear regression test. The results showed that effectiveness of promotion of Bhumi Merapi Agrotourism by Instagram was 95.08%. It means that in general visitors rate Bhumi Merapi Agrotourism as an effective media for promotion. The effectiveness of Instagram is significantly influenced by the perception of visitors and the attractiveness of photos or videos which are uploaded on the official Instagram account of Bhumi Merapi Agrotourism.
Farmer’s Motivation Towards Agroforestry-Based Agriculture to Utilize Understorey-Cropping System in BKPH Purworejo KPH Kedu Selatan Fitri Lusiana Kurniasari; Alia Bihrajihant Raya; Roso Witjaksono
Agro Ekonomi Vol 30, No 2 (2019): DECEMBER 2019
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ae.48350


Agroforestry is a land management technique to be used together with the society in the cultivation of forestry and agricultural commodities. The concept of agroforestry carried out in BKPH of Purworejo, KPH Kedu Selatan, both high economic agroforestry crops, such as rubber, coffee, cocoa, teak, mahogany, etc.; low economic agroforestry plants, such as dadap, lamtoro, kaliandra, etc.; and seasonal agroforestry plants, such as rice, corn, peanuts, and others. The land management is an important effort to improve the quality and quantity of agricultural production, which included in extensification efforts. This research aims to determine farmers' motivation in cultivating agroforestry-based agricultural commodities, to determine factors that influence motivation in cultivating agroforestry-based agricultural commodities, and to determine the effect of motivation in cultivating agroforestry-based agricultural commodities on utilizing the understorey-cropping system at BKPH Purworejo. The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative analysis method. While the data processing method used was the proportion test and regression test. The results of this research indicated that approximately less than or equal to 50% of farmers have the low motivation of farmers to cultivate agroforestry-based agricultural commodities. Factors that have a positive effect on the motivation in cultivating agroforestry-based agricultural commodities included the role of agriculture-forestry extension agents and access to the marketing of agroforestry products. While the factor that has a negative effect on the farmer’s motivation is the obligation of farmers to cooperate with Perhutani. The motivation of farmers in cultivating agroforestry-based agricultural commodities has a positive effect on utilizing the understorey-cropping system at BKPH Purworejo, KPH Kedu Selatan.
Decision-Making Process Of Corporate-Farming Innovation In Bantul Regency Alia Bihrajihant Raya; Siti Fatonah; Ratih Ineke Wati; Sri Peni Wastutiningsih
Agro Ekonomi Vol 32, No 2 (2021): DECEMBER 2021
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ae.61255


Corporate farming is an agricultural innovation to answer narrow land tenure problems due to widespread land conversion and land fragmentation. The principle of corporate farming is land consolidation with one joint management. This research attempts to determine the decision-making process for corporate farming innovation in Bantul Regency, using an exploratory approach with the Social Network Analysis (SNA) method and ego-centered network analysis. The ego in this study is the innovator and chairman of the corporate farming team. The results of the study were presented in a sociogram using Pajek software. The actors involved in the corporate farming innovation decision-making process are the head of farmer groups, administrators, team leaders, member farmers, Bantul Regency Agricultural Service, local extension agents, and stakeholders including the Research Team of the UGM Faculty of Agriculture, Bank Indonesia Regional DIY, and BPTP DIY. The introduction stage was carried out in a farmer group meeting, and the UGM Faculty of Agriculture Research Team acts as the innovator. It is followed by the persuasion stage, which explains the benefits of implementing corporate farming during subsequent farmer group meetings. The decision stage is indicated by providing direction, assistance, and financial support, which relied on group agreement to commit corporate farming. The farmer groups’ heads dominated the persuasion stage, the decision stage, and the implementation stage. The differences between corporate farming and individual farming lie in some aspects, such as working together rather than individual work, semi-organic cultivation systems, and optimizing the use of agricultural machinery. At the confirmation stage, 62% of informants disagree to continue corporate farming due to significant drops in production yields. The change in the cultivation system from chemical to semi-organic is one reason for the decline in production.Keywords: corporate farming, ego-centered network, decision-making process, social network analysis
UNEJ e-Proceeding Proceeding of International Conference on Food Sovereignty and Sustainable Agriculture (FoSSA) 2017
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Coastal sandy land had been assumed as marginal land and abandoned for many years.Farmers who was living on coastal sandy land of Kulon Progo District had faced the worstpoverty problem. Since 1970 to 1980, they had cultivated coastal sandy land subsistently. Allof the inhabitants could not have a good economic condition, education, and healthy. Eyedisease had been epidemic on the dry season while health facility was inaccessable. However,recently, in that coastal sandy land area has been able to produce an economical commoditysuch as chili, watermelon, papaya and other horticulture products. Technological innovationwhich discovered by a farmer changed the socio-economics condition of coastal sandy landfarmers. It was invented by the farmer who belongs to B Farmer Group (BFG). As pioneers ofchili farming on coastal sandy land, the farmers in the BFG always attempt to invent newtechnology like evolution of well for watering technology and plastic mulch to ease the mostdifficult tasks of cultivating on marginal land. Those innovations diffused to neighboringvillages, G Farmer Group (GFG). Meanwhile, the GFG enforced institutionalized land planningfor the sustainability of chili farming. Then, GFG could introduce the institutional innovationtaking advantage of shared norms as a community. Community enforcement happened on theGFG through the sanction for dishonest behavior of individual against the farmer group. Theleader takes authority control of sanction while mostly individual member awares theequality and evennes for all of members and then, they achieved chili collective marketingsuccessfully. To understand how the community enforcement is part of the way to empowerthe community, social network analysis was used to mapping the pattern of relationship. Inaddition, exponential random graph models (ERGM) was functioned to gather the structuraleffect of ties in the farmer group network. To understand the effect of leader on communityenforcement, again ERGM was used to predict the role of leaders as exogenous effects onnetwork. The result of social network pattern, interlocking network appears on the GFG,members tend to get connected each other. The connection among members happenedbecause of the social norms and social setting on the farmer group. They attempt to form thestructural equivalence then community enforcement could empower them to workcollectively. Being connected, it means community shared the knowledge and informationconformly while connectivity among leaders have influenced on the information validity.
AGRITEXTS: Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol 43, No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (392.421 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/agritexts.v43i2.41634


applications on smartphones are functions that are made to facilitate human activities. Nowadays, many applications are used as sources of information, including in agriculture. One application that is a source of agricultural information is Desa Apps. Research on the response of UGM Faculty of Agriculture students to the Desa Apps Application was made with the aim of knowing: 1) Students of Faculty of Agriculture UGM responses towards Desa Apps Applications, 2) Factors that affect students of Faculty of Agriculture UGM responses towards Desa Apps Applications. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method. Sampling of respondent students was done by simple random sampling. The total sample is 60 students, 12 students from each department. The analytical method used is the proportion test and multiple linear regression analysis with the Backward method. The results of the study show that most students have a good response to the Desa Apps Application. Student motivation has a positive effect, the quality of information has a positive effect, and the completeness of features has a positive effect. The significance value of the motivation factor is 0.073 with a regression coefficient of 0.168, the significance value of the information quality factor is 0.003, with the regression coefficient of 0.353, the significance value of the feature completeness factor is 0.044 with the regression coefficient of 0.191.