Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia STKIP Puangrimaggalatung Sengkang

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Hubungan Timbal Balik Manusia dan Alam dalam Legenda Ikan Bungo: Kajian Ekologi Sastra Arisa; Muhlis; Andi Srimularahmah; Nur Rahmi
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia FKIP Universitas Islam Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/geram.2021.vol9(1).5607


Literary ecology in the Bungo Fish legend discusses the relationship between humans and nature and vice versa. To create a balance, awareness is needed in managing, preserving and maintaining local wisdom, which is beginning to erode due to human unpreparedness in facing technological developments. The problems in literary works, especially the Bungo Fish legend originating from Sumpabaka in Wajo Regency, are based on several reasons. First, there is a relationship between living things and their environment experienced by the main character, namely Topanggalung and Bungo Fish. Second, the local colour is very thick in the legend of Bungo Fish, which is that the people who come from Sumpabaka do not consume Bungo Fish. Third, the problem of literary ecology in the Bungo Fish legend, if examined carefully, is social criticism of real life that does not pay attention to nature. This study discusses the reciprocal relationship between humans (characters) and nature based on literary ecology based on the problems above. This study describes the literary ecology related to the reciprocal relationship between humans and nature in the Bungo Fish legend. The method used in this research was a literature study that specifically examined the text on the Bungo Fish legend. The collected data analyzed by analytic descriptive and data analysis techniques. The results of research related to the reciprocal relationship between humans and nature include human responsibility towards nature, living in harmony with nature, being fair with nature, upholding democracy with nature, and moral integrity.
Efektifitas Model Pembelajaran Inquiry Based Learning dalam Meningkatkan Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Siswa SMP Kecamatan Sabbangparu Sri Wahyuni; Arisa Arisa
Jurnal KIBASP (Kajian Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajaran) Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Jurnal KIBASP (Kajian Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajaran)
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (287.518 KB) | DOI: 10.31539/kibasp.v1i2.225


This study aims to discuss the effectiveness of learning inquiry based learning model in improving the learning of Indonesian junior high school students in Sabbangparu District. The data collected in this study, carried out through two cycles. Research subjects were teachers and students of class VIII with a total of 32 students, consisting of 20 males and 12 females. The result of learning analysis after applied inkuiri model in class student of SMP Negeri 2 Sabbangparu Wajo Regency that is at student prasiklus stage which complete with value more than 75 counted 0 student with percentage of 100 percent unfinished. In the first cycle, the students learning achievement increased, that is 20 students with 63 percent complete percentage of study with a value of more than 75. In cycle II also an increase that is a complete student with a value of more than 75 as many as 28 students with 88 percentage. So complete students learn to increase from 68 percent to 88 percent. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the application of inquiry model effectively improves the learning of Indonesian junior high school students in Sabbangparu subdistrict, especially on the matter of writing argumentation text. After the existence of the research, it is suggested that teachers should always supervise the class to motivate students' activeness and provide individual and group guidance. Keywords: Effectiveness, Inquiry, Students, Sabbangparu
Cakrawala Indonesia Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Mei - Oktober
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55678/jci.v7i1.642


Metode penelitian tersebut menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). PTK termasuk jenis tindakan refleksi diri dalam dunia pendidikan. Subjek penelitian yaitu kelas VIIIA di SMP Negeri 1 Lilirilau. Penelitian ini berfokus pada proses dan hasil keterampilan lisan siswa melalui strategi pembelajaran kolaboratif tipe Think Pair Share, yang diselesaikan dalam dua siklus yang masing-masing terdiri dari dua sesi antara peneliti dan pendidik. Wawancara digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data, meninjau catatan, dan mengamati. Analisis data dirancang untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Pada siklus I 8 siswa meningkat menjadi 15 siswa (46,9%) dengan nilai 70, kemudian pada siklus II sebanyak 28 siswa (87,5%) mendapat nilai 70. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa menjadi lebih aktif di kelas melalui peningkatan dalam menyatakan dukungan, sanggahan, atau penolakan dalam diskusi melalui strategi pembelajaran kooperatif tipe thinking-to-share (TPS) selama proses pembelajaran.
Representasi Nilai Budaya Bugis dalam Novel Athirah Karya Alberthiene Endah: Kaman Etnografi Siti Hasriyati; Arisa; Sutrisman; Hj. Andi Ebe; Putri Wulandari
AIJER: Algazali International Journal Of Educational Research Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): OKTOBER (AIJER)
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Makassar

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Abstract: Representation of Bugis Cultural Values ​​in the Novel Athirah by Alberthiene Endah: Kaman Ethnography. This study aims to represent bugis cultural values in Athirah's novel. This type of research is qualitatid research. The object of research analyzed is the value of Bugis culture in the novel Athirah by Alberthiene Endah. The data described are Bugis cultural values using aspects of social values and religious values. The source of data in this study is the novel Athirah by Alberthiene Endah. Data collection techniques are analytical techniques using the method of recording, observing, and determining novel texts. The results of this study are (1) the form of social values in bugis cultural culture includes five things, namely, caring for family, caring for others, being honest, independent, and polite. (2) the form of religious values in Bugis culture includes three things, namely, akidah, worship, and morals. The form of conveying bugis cultural values in the novel Athirah by Alberthiene Endah is a form of attitude and behavior of the character in his life.
Representasi Nilai Budaya dalam Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Bugis di Kabupaten Wajo dan Relevansinya Terhadap Pembelajaran Sastra di Perguruan Tinggi Illangsari Illangsari; Nur Rahmi; Arisa Arisa
Jurnal Sinestesia Vol. 12 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

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Arus kebudayaan asing yang masuk ke Indonesia, nyatanya membawa dan menimbulkan perubahan sosiokultural yang berpengaruh positif dan negatif. Oleh karena itu, generasi muda harus dibekali dengan nilai-nilai yang berdampak pada kepribadian yang kokoh agar tidak terombang-ambing oleh fluktuasi politik dan kebudayaan dari luar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai budaya yang terkandung dalam kumpulan cerita rakyat Bugis dengan metode kualitatif kajian strukturalisme. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan membaca, memilih cerita rakyat pada naskah, menandai data yang dibutuhkan, dan dianalisis. Berdasarkan analisis data, nilai-nilai budaya yang dijabarkan meliputi sosial budaya, nilai dalam konteks etika, dan nilai kehidupan.
Application Of The Field Trip Method To Improve The Ability To Write Descriptions Of Students At SMA Negeri 3 Kab. Wajo Nur Rahmi; Arisa; Abdul Kadir; Andi Halmina; Putri Wulandari
Jurnal Onoma: Pendidikan, Bahasa, dan Sastra Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/onoma.v9i1.2334


This study aims to improve the students writing description skills of class XI through the application of the field trip method located at Senior High School 3 Wajo. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR), which is aimed to improve the quality of learning practices in the classroom. The collected data were analysed critically by comparing the results of the actions in each cycle. The results obtained from this study include: (1) the application of the field trip method can improve writing learning. This is indicated by the increased activeness, attention, concentration, interest, and motivation of students in learning to write descriptions. (2) the application of the field trip method can improve students' ability to write descriptions. This is indicated by the increasing value of the students' writing. In cycle I the lowest score of students was 59 and the highest score of students was 82, while in cycle II the lowest score of students was 64 and the highest score of students was 95, (3) the completeness of student learning outcomes increased. In the first cycle the completeness of the learning outcomes was only 48% or 12 students and in the second cycle it was 96% or 24 students. The conclusion of this study is that the application of the field trip method can improve students' ability to write descriptions.
Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa dalam Pembentukan Kata pada Penulisan Teks Eksposisi Terhadap Siswa Kelas X MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 5 Wajo Kajian Morfologi Arisa Arisa; Ahmad Ghazali; Sutrisman; Nur Rahmi; Nurul Hidayah
AIJER: Algazali International Journal Of Educational Research Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): OKTOBER (AIJER)
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59638/aijer.v4i1.183


Abstract: Analysis of Language Errors in Word Formation in Exposition Text Writing for Class X MIPA 1 Students of SMA Negeri 5 Wajo Morphological Studies. This study aims to describe the form of language errors in writing exposition texts for class X MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 5 Wajo students using morphological studies. This type of research uses qualitative descriptive research methods. This researchwas carried out directly at SMA Negeri 5 Wajo to obtain qualitative description data. The object of this study is a language error in word formation in the writing of exposition texts for students of class X MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 5 Wajo: Morphological Studies. The technique of collecting the results of the analysis and discussion of this research can be found in the form of language errors in the field of morphology, namely errors in the process of forming the basic word into the word affix (duplication). A morphemic process that repeats the basic word form, either in whole, in part, or with changes in sound and (composition). Based on the results of the processed research data, it was found that language errors in affiliations were 26 words, errors were made in duplication, which was 3 words, and there were no language errors in composition. In addition to language errors at the morphological level, students also make language mistakes such as word writing errors and preposition writing errors. Keywords: Language Errors, Word Formation, Exposition Text
Konflik Batin Tokoh Utama Perempuan dalam Novel Cinta Suci Zahrana Karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy Arisa; Nur Rahmi; Rudi Karma; Muh. Damriansyah
AIJER: Algazali International Journal Of Educational Research Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): APRIL (AIJER)
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Makassar

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Abstract: The Inner Conflict of the Female Lead in Habiburrahman El Shirazy's Novel Zahrana Holy Love. This research was motivated by the researcher's desire to study the novel Holy Love Zahrana by Habiburrahman El Shirazy because it was considered very interesting to be researched because the story presents an inner conflict that makes Zahrana depressed. The inner conflict of the female protagonist in the novel Holy Love Zahrana by Habiburrahman El Shirazy is based on a study of literary psychology. The purpose of this study is to describe the picture of the inner conflict of the female main character which includes approaching conflicts, approaching conflicts away, distant conflicts, and the relevance of inner conflicts to character education in the novel Holy Love Zahrana by Habiburrahman El Shirazy.The resulting data is in the form of words, phrases and sentences contained in the novel. The type of research is qualitative descriptive with a literary psychology approach. The data collection technique used is a reading and recording technique. The data processing techniques used are collection, selection, and organization. The data analysis technique used is a content analysis technique. The technique of checking the validity of research used triangulation is, intensive discussion and guidance. The results of this study show that in the novel Holy Love Zahrana there is an inner conflict consisting of, 1) nearing conflict, 2) approaching conflict away, 3) distant conflict, and 4) the relevance of inner conflict to character education. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the overall data obtained were 24 data with the most data on inner conflicts approaching as many as 10 data, on approaching away as many as 6 data, the relevance of inner conflicts to character education as many as 5 data, and conflicts away from 3 data.