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Journal : JEMPER (Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Perbankan)

Pengaruh Likuiditas, Solvabilitas dan Nilai Pasar Terhadap Return Saham Dede Hertina; Mohamad Bayu Herdiawan Hidayat
Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Perbankan Vol 1, No 1 (2019): JEMPER Januari - Juni
Publisher : Prodi Manajemen S1 dan D3 Keuangan & Perbankan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (143.176 KB) | DOI: 10.32897/jemper.v1i1.128


The purpose of this study was to determine the information, solvability, and value of shares of the Agricultural Sector Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2012-2016 period. The method used in this research is descriptive and verification method with a quantitative approach. Research Results The company with the highest liquidity in 2012 was PT Bumi Teknokultura Unggul Tbk with liquidity of 6747.74, and the company with the lowest liquidity in 2013 was PT Bumi Teknokultura Unggul Tbk with liquidity of 14.33. The highest solvency value is PT. Central Proteinaprima Tbk amounted to 64.05, while the lowest solvency value in 2015 was owned by PT Inti Agri Resources Tbk at 0.04. The highest Market Value in 2012 was PT. Central Proteinaprima Tbk amounted to 38.72, while the lowest average market value in 2016 was PT Gozco Plantation Tbk of 0.19. The highest Stock Return Value in 2014 was PT. Central Proteinaprima Tbk at 1.06, while the lowest stock return value in 2015 was owned by PT Eagle High Plantations Tbk at -0.66.
Profitabilitas : Dampak dari Likuiditas dan Leverage Keuangan Dede Hertina; Mohamad Bayu Herdiawan Hidayat; Dewi Putri Damayanti
Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Perbankan Vol 1, No 2 (2019): JEMPER Juli - Desember
Publisher : Prodi Manajemen S1 dan D3 Keuangan & Perbankan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (231.262 KB) | DOI: 10.32897/jemper.v1i2.225


The purpose of this study is to determine the liquidity and financial leverage effect on profitability. The object of this research was carried out at various industrial manufacturing companies in the automotive sub-sector and components listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2017 which were measured using the Current Ratio, the Return to Assets. The sampling method in this study uses purposive sampling with panel data regression analysis so that there are 12 companies that fit the criteria of the sample. The results of testing hypotheses together show liquidity and financial leverage affect profitability, while partially, only liquidity has an influence on profitability, financial leverage variable does not affect the profitability of the company
Co-Authors Adinda Triana Ramadhina Afghan Prawira Agnia Novena Ahmad Furqon Ai Siti Nurjanah Alfiana Alifa Apriansyah Alwi Sahid Amiruddin Amiruddin Andi Hidayatul Fadlilah Andya Fitrist Bani Koni Aprih Santoso Ardiani Ika Sulistyawati Ari Wirawan Asep Sudrajat Asri Ady Bakri Cecep Supriadi Dara Mustika Dea Armenda Denisa Wulandari Deny Purwo Sambodo Desman Serius Nazara Devy Mawarnie Dewi Putri Damayanti Dian Septiani Eko Cahyo Mayndarto Elsa Yulandri Farida Wulan Dari Fatharani Nur Tsaniya Fika Deningtyas Galih Kharisma Ramadhan Gita Genia Fatihat Gita Genia Fatihat Gita Genia Fatihat Hariandy Hasbi Hendrik Elisa Sutejo Samosir Heny Herawati Hermiyetti Hermiyetti I Kadek Wira Dharama Prayana Indra Syahril Intan Dewi Yuli Yutika Irfan Imamul Haqiqi Irgie Yudha Fahrezi Irmayani Wardani Ivan Aripin John Henry Wijaya John Henry Wijaya John Henry Wijaya John Henry Wijaya Kharisya Ayu Effendi Laila Zafira Arizona Leni Nur Pratiwi Leni Nur Pratiwi Linda Andryana Linda Destya Wahyuni Maghfirah Aulia Rahmah Martini, Ervita Mekar Meilisa Amalia Mochamad Hadidsyam Prawira Dirgasurya Mochammad Handri Hanafie Mohamad Bayu Herdiawan Hidayat Mohamad Bayu Herdiawan Hidayat Mohamad Bayu Herdiawan Hidayat Mohamad Bayu Herdiawan Hidayat Mohamad Bayu Herdiawan Hidayat Muslim Musran Munizu Nur Aini Fathimah Pratiwi, Dian Mega Putra, Halim Dwi R Susanto Hendianto R Susanto Hendianto R Susanto Hendianto R.Susanto Hendianto Ratna Komala Putri Reny Febiani Robby Hekmatyar Rosilia Hervina Sakina Ichsani Sakina Ichsani Sakina Ichsani Sakina Ichsani Sofan Rahmat Sri Hastutik Susanto Hendiarto Syukran H Abdul Uning Kuraesin Vemy Suci Asih Via Adillia Vici Saradede Aprillian Lase Vincentia Wahju Wijadatun Wien Dyahrini Wiwin Apriyanti Yana Hendayana Yana Hendayana Yana Hendayana Yendri, Okma Yoesoep Edhie Rachmad Yoga Aidil Bagja Kadiman Zalfa Bhetari Pristia Amary Zalina Zainudin