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The Supplementation of Urea Molasses Multi-nutrient Moringa Block (UM3B) on the Diameter and Total Follicle in Balinese Cows Abdul Malik; Siti Erlina; Aam Gunawan; Neni Widaningsih; Rizkie Elvania; Mawardi Mawardi
Jurnal Ternak : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Islam Lamongan Vol 12, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ternak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/jt.v12i1.94


       The research of the aim to analyze giving of urea molasses multi-nutrient moringa block (UM3B) to the amount and diameter of follicles in crossbred cattle. A total of 10 cows were used study. all cows were divided two groups, one group consist of 5 crossbreed cows.  Group one was given UM3B, and group two was not given UM3B (control). The result of this study about total of follicle was significant different (P > 0,05) between group one (with UM3B) and group two (control) without UM3B, whereas, the diameters of the follicles was no significant different (P <0,05) among group one with UM3B and group two without UM3B, but trend of diameter of follicle show batter with group one. The conclusion of study was the use of urea molasses multi-nutrient moringa block (UM3B) giving a positive impact on total of follicular growth in the right and left ovary.
KETERKAITAN SUBSISTEM AGRIBISNIS ITIK ALABIO PETELUR DI KABUPATEN HULU SUNGAI UTARA PROVINSI KALIMANTAN SELATAN (The Relationship Between Agribusiness Subsystems of The Alabio Layer Ducks In Hulu Sungai Utara District South Kalimantan Province) Siti Erlina
Indonesian Journal of Applied Sciences Vol 3, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5335.824 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/ijas.v3i3.15051


AbstrakUsaha peternakan itik alabio di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara belum berkembang sebagaimana mestinya ditunjukkan 80 persen peternak kepemilikannya dibawah 500 ekor. Pengembangan agribisnis itik alabio dengan  memperhatikan semua subsistem menjadi penting agar diperoleh tingkat produksi dan pendapatan maksimal.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji keterkaitan antar subsistem agribisnis itik alabio petelur terhadap produksi dan pendapatan peternak. Penelitian menggunakan metode survey, penentuan sampel peternak memakai teknik stratified random sampling, sedangkan sampel pedagang, breeder dan pembesaran melalui teknik purposive. Hipotesis diuji dengan analisis multivariat, uji F dan uji T. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengembangan agribisnis melalui peningkatan produksi dapat dilakukan dengan memperhatikan sumber bibit, harga kandang, jumlah pakan, jumlah tenaga kerja dan biaya pemasaran, sedangkan melalui peningkatan pendapatan dengan memperhatikan sumber bibit, harga bibit, harga kandang, jumlah pakan dan biaya pemasaran. Secara bersama-sama semua subsistem menentukan namun secara parsial subsistem lembaga penunjang tidak menentukan tingkat produksi dan pendapatan peternak.Kata kunci : Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara, itik alabio, pengembangan gribisnis.AbstractAlabio duck farming businesses in Hulu Sungai Utara district have not yet been developed as it should be, it indicated that 80 percent of the owners farmers just owned under 500 ducks. Alabio duck agribusiness development with attention to all subsystems become important in order to obtain the maximum level of production and income. This research aimed to examine the linkages between agribusiness subsystems of Alabio duck layers . Research used a survey method with stratified random sampling technique, while the sample traders, breeders and growers by using purposive. The hypothesis testing analysis used multivariate analysis, F test and T test. The results showed, agribusiness development through increased production can be done with the source of female ducks, cages prices, the amount of feed, the amount of labor and marketing costs. While through increasing of revenue could be fulfilled by female duck sources, female duck price, price of the cage, the amount of feed and marketing costs. Together of all subsystems were crucial but in partial subsystems supporting institutions did not determine the level of production and income of the farmers. Keywords: Hulu Sungai Utara District, Alabio ducks , agribusiness development.
Vitamin e sebagai antioksidan terhadap fertilitas perkawinan ayam Bangkok dengan ayam broiler Fitriani Fitriani; Siti Erlina; Aam Gunawan; M. Subhan; Warih Nugroho
Jurnal Ilmiah Fillia Cendekia Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Fillia Cendekia
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32503/fillia.v5i2.1137


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui vitamin E sebagai antioksidan pada indukan perkawinan ayam bangkok dengan ayam broiler. Materi yang digunakan adalah indukan ayam jantan bangkok dan betina broiler dan vitamin e. Metode penelitian eksperimental menggunakan Chi Kuadrat dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan Kontigensi, Korelasi dan Regresi. Parameter yang diamati fertilitas dan daya tetas. Hasil diperoleh dengan persamaan regresi y = 88,43 - 2,08 yang berarti turunnya 2,08 % (r = 0,52) dan dan daya tetasnya di tunjukkan dengan persamaan regresi (y = 1,55 + 94,187 ) yang berarti naiknya 1,6 % (r = 0,757). Kesimpulan adalah vitamin e pada indukan ayam jantan dan betina tidak berpengaruh terhadap fertilitas dan daya tetas
Publisher : Universitas Islam kalimantan MAB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (224.534 KB) | DOI: 10.31602/jpai.v3i2.1328


The productivity of Chicken in two groups of partners (Kindai Limpar and Harapan Masa) in Pengaron Sub-district, Banjar Regency, South Borneo, is still low. This is due to the lack of knowledge about the management of breeders of good and correct Chicken care and the inability of farmers to buy a tool for the beak (debeaker), because the price is very expensive and only outside of South Borneo. In addition, knowledge of effective and efficient marketing strategies is still lacking. Therefore, Science and Technology Program for the Community is very necessary to overcome these problems. The target audience of this program is a society that has not been economically productive but has a strong desire to become an entrepreneur. Outcome targets are services and Technology / tools / products / goods. The method used is counseling and demonstration. Both groups of Partners get knowledge through counseling and technology transfer in the form of cutting tool part (debeaker) in a special modification, simple and cheap (modified debeaker from the team proposer). In this counseling activity breeders are given maintenance ways to start seedling, seed selection, cage, feeding, drinking, beak cutting techniques, pest control and chicken livestock disease (vaccine feeding technique), maintenance techniques of Chicken Buras start zero days until with three weeks and maintenance techniques of Chicken Buras age three weeks up to the age of eight weeks. In addition, the two partner groups are assisted by the provision of partial modification tools (debeaker) of the team as well as informed on how to use the tool and partners are also given knowledge about the marketing strategy of effective and efficient domestic poultry. Based on the results of the activities of IbM it can be seen that the participants / partners IbM very interested and enthusiastic with the activities of this IbM. This activity can open the insight of breeders, improve knowledge and skills of breeders in breeding chickens males with better technology implementation and correct, so it can overcome the problems faced by farmers so far and will ultimately increase the income and welfare breeders
PROSPEK USAHA PEMBUATAN KERUPUK IKAN GABUS Siti Erlina; Inda Ilma Ifada; Supianor Supianor
Publisher : Pusat Publikasi Jurnal Universitas Islam Kalimantan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31602/zmip.v41i2.426


Catfish is one of the potential fish that contains nutrients and albumin were quite high. To provide added value and increase the types of processed fish that can be consumed by all circles both parents, adults and children then performed Catfish processing in the form of fish crackers. In the city of Banjarmasin are small and medium enterprises that undertake the manufacture of Catfish Crackers with the highest number being in the Village Kuin cerucuk which is a tourist area. So far, these efforts are inherited from parents and yet so developed rapidly, while the area is a tourist center that conducted this study to determine Prospects Making Catfish Crackers from technical and economic aspects. Methods of research using census with descriptive and financial analysis. The process of making Catfish Crackers namely: mashed, separation of meat and bone fish, mixing spices, kneading, molding, steaming, cooling, cutting and drying. A total cost of Rp 2,590,008, - with a production of 53 kg, acceptance of Rp 3,767,272, - / month, an income of Rp 1,515,112, - / month, a profit of Rp 1,177,264, - / month, RCR 1,47, BEP price of Rp 48 370, - and BEP production of 37 kg.
Kajian Usaha Jamu Temulawak di Kelurahan Tanjung Rema Martapura Dini Sri Astuty; Siti Erlina; Inda Ilma Ifada
Rawa Sains: Jurnal Sains STIPER Amuntai Vol 12 No 2 (2022): Vol 12 No 2 (2022): Edisi Desember 2022
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Amuntai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36589/rs.v12i2.238


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui teknis dan prospek pembuatan jamu temulawak di Kelurahan Tanjung Rema Martapura. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis dengan metode deskriptif, kualitatif dan kuantitatif sehingga memperoleh gambaran yang diinginkan, terkait struktur biaya dan pendapatan usaha pembuatan jamu temulawak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik pembuatan minuman jamu temulawak di Kelurahan tanjung Rema Kecamatan Martapura masih tergolong tradisional dan sederhana.Berdasarkan nilai pendapatan yang diperoleh pengusaha SANI dan pengusaha Mama Ratih sama-sama efisien, karena nilai R/C ratio > 1.Penerimaan usaha pembuatan minuman jamu temulawak dalam satu bulan untuk pengusaha Sani Rp.39.840.000 dan Mama Ratih Rp.24.960.000 dengan rata-rata Rp.32.400.000. Pendapatan yang diterima pengusaha Sani perbulan yaitu Rp.12.888.554 dan Mama Ratih Rp.9.167.686, untuk keuntungan pengusaha Sani yaitu Rp.9.180.221 dan Mama Ratih Rp.6.017.686. Prospek Pengembangan Usaha Jamu Temulawak Di Kelurahan Tanjung Rema Martapura sangat terbuka lebar jika dilihat dari permintaan pasar maupun ketersediaan bahan baku serta jangka panjang.
Kajian Usaha Jamu Temulawak di Kelurahan Tanjung Rema Martapura Dini Sri Astuty; Siti Erlina; Inda Ilma Ifada
Rawa Sains: Jurnal Sains STIPER Amuntai Vol 12 No 2 (2022): Vol 12 No 2 (2022): Edisi Desember 2022
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Amuntai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36589/rs.v12i2.216


This study aims to determine the technical and prospect of making curcuma herbal medicine in Tanjung Rema Martapura Village. The research method uses analysis with descriptive, qualitative and quantitative methods so as to obtain the desired picture, related to the cost structure and income of the curcuma herbal medicine business. The results showed that the technique of making curcuma herbal drink in Tanjung Rema Village, Martapura District was still relatively traditional and simple. Based on the income value obtained by the SANI entrepreneur and the Mama Ratih entrepreneur, they are both efficient, because the R/C ratio value is > 1. The revenue from the business of making curcuma herbal drinks in one month for Sani entrepreneurs is Rp. 39,840,000 and Mama Ratih is Rp. 24,960,000. with an average of Rp.32,400,000. The income that the entrepreneur Sani receives per month is Rp. 12,888,554 and Mama Ratih is Rp. 9,167,686, for the profit of the entrepreneur Sani is Rp. 9,180,221 and Mama Ratih is Rp. 6,017,686. The prospect of developing the Curcuma Herbal Medicine Business in Tanjung Rema Martapura Village is very wide open when viewed from market demand as well as the availability of raw materials and the long term.