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Analysis of The Quality of The Eskanusa.Com Website on User Satisfaction with the Webqual 4.0 Method Mochammad Lazzuardi Effendi; Nurajijah Nurajijah; Siti Nurlela
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 5, No 3 (2021): October
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v5i3.134


Information technology is currently growing rapidly, one of which is the use of the internet. PT. Eskanusa Putraco is one of the companies that use the internet as a medium to sell goods online on their website, namely User satisfaction with the use of the website will affect employee performance. This study aims to analyze how satisfied users are in their activities on the website using the webqual 4.0 method with 3 independent variables, namely Usability, Information Quality, Interaction Quality, Service (Service Interaction Quality), and 1 dependent variable, namely Overall (Overall Impression) / User Satisfaction. Data collection techniques used questionnaires that were distributed to 44 respondents. Data management is carried out using descriptive statistics to calculate the overall data obtained, which is then tested for validity and reliability tests to find out the data obtained are valid and reliable, followed by classical assumption tests using 3 tests, namely normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity to determine if symptoms occur. or not on the data, and multiple linear regression analysis to determine the independent variable has an influence with the dependent variable with the F test and T test. It is known that the variables (usability), information quality (information quality), interaction quality, service (service interaction quality) affect user satisfaction, the results obtained are 40% or not good enough because the variables of information quality and interaction quality, which are known to have not good enough influence on users.
Jurnal Pilar Nusa Mandiri Vol 15 No 1 (2019): PILAR Periode Maret 2019
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nusa Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1096.159 KB) | DOI: 10.33480/pilar.v15i1.1


SMK Sirajul Falah is a Vocational High School located in the Bogor area. However, the selection of the favorite majors in SMK Sirajul Falah is still qualitative so that the process of choosing the favorite majors become not accurate. This is what makes the need for a method that is able to manage the data of the selection of the favorite majors and generate a ranking of the calculation of the weight of the selection of the favorite majors. In the selection of these favorite majors, there is a method of Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) which can be used in quantitative problem-solving. The SAW method is used to compare each criterion with one another, so as to give the results of the favorite majors and provide an assessment of each department at the Sirajul Falah Vocational School.
Jurnal Pilar Nusa Mandiri Vol 15 No 2 (2019): PILAR Periode September 2019
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nusa Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1516.957 KB) | DOI: 10.33480/pilar.v15i2.618


Pemasaran presisi memberikan kemampuan pada perusahaan untuk menawarkan produk-produk yang dibuat secara khusus kepada pelanggan dan memberikan kemampuan kepada perusahaan untuk menarik minat pelanggan dengan pesan-pesan pemasaran yang dibuat secara khusus. Penelitian ini menyajikan kerangka kerja pengambilan keputusan baru menggunakan teknik data mining. Pertama, penelitian ini menyajikan model tren untuk memprediksi secara akurat kuantitas pasokan bulanan; kedua, menggunakan model RFM (Recency,Frequency, Monetary) untuk memilih atribut untuk mengelompokkan pelanggan ke dalam kelompok sesuai history transaksi belanjanya; ketiga, menggunakan Algoritma K-Means untuk membuat clustering pelanggan berdasarkan data RFM masing-masing pelanggan, keempat, menggunakan Decision Tree untuk mengidentifikasi nilai atribut penting untuk membedakan kelompok pelanggan yang berbeda; dan akhirnya, dari proses data mining yang peneliti lakukan menciptakan berbagai strategi penawaran yang menargetkan setiap cluster pelanggan. Data penjualan dari Syifamart di Subang Jawa Barat, dikumpulkan dan digunakan dalam studi kasus untuk menggambarkan bagaimana mengimplementasikan kerangka yang diusulkan. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukan bahwa proses data mining dari history transaksi penjualan 351,158 rows, dengan agregasi berdasarkan pelanggan menggunakan metode RFM dan diekstraksi dengan menggunakan algoritma clustering k-means membentuk 4 (empat) cluster optimal. Keempat (empat) cluster tersebut diklasifikasikan dengan menggunakan algoritma decision tree sehingga Syifamart dapat mengetahui mana pelanggan potensial dan mana pelanggan yang tidak potensial. Untuk ketersediaan pasokan stok, manajemen memprediksi kebutuhan persediaan produk dengan menggunakan metode tren dimana stok di bulan selanjutnya di prediksi dengan menggunkana history penjualan di bulan sebelumnya.
Analisis Technology Acceptance Model Penerimaan Website Ilmukomputer.Com Pada Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika Sri Hadianti; Heckel Sungkar; Resti Kartika Dewi; Siti Nurlela; Achmad Rifai; Laela Kurniawati
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Terapan Vol 7 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Informasi Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/jtit.v7i1.130


Website is an e-Learning community that shares literature and lecture materials for free in the field of computing aka computer science and information technology in the Indonesian language. The main mission is to take part in the efforts to educate the nation's children, especially in computer science education, because the content of the website contains about computer science is more detailed again compared with the science of engineering faculty students get on campus.This research is done by using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) method. This research uses 3 (three) variables, namely Perceived usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and Attitude Toward Using. The data used are primary data obtained through questionnaire survey to students of Faculty of Informatics Engineering in Kota Bandung who has been using Website as a medium of information with a sample of 100 people. Data processed using SPSS software version 22.The results of this study note that the perception of benefit significantly affect the user attitude that is equal to 0.652 or 65.2%, the perception of ease of influence on user attitudes that is equal to 0.735 or 73.5%, and perceptions of usefulness, perceived ease of use significantly influence the attitude of users with the level Relationship R 0.877 = 87.7% and Rsquare 0.770 = 77%.
Prediction of Employee Attendance Factors Using C4.5 Algorithm, Random Tree, Random Forest Riza Fahlapi; Hermanto Hermanto; Antonius Yadi Kuntoro; Lasman Effendi; Ridatu Oca Nitra; Siti Nurlela
Semesta Teknika Vol 23, No 1 (2020): MEI 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/st.v23i1.7984


Research on the performance of workers based on the determination of standard working hours for absences conducted by workers in a certain period. In disciplinary supervision, workers are expected to be able to provide the best performance in the implementation of work in accordance with predetermined working hours. The measurement of the level of discipline of admission hours for placement workers is carried out every working day, continuously and continuously. Attendance monitoring already uses online attendance by using data downloaded from the online attendance provider as the main data. In addition, data collection is done by filtering employee absentee data and supporting information on the categories that cause mismatches in meeting work schedules. Mobilization of workers according to location and working hours has been regulated in company regulations allowing the placement of workers in accordance with the residence so as not to affect the desired work results the company is still within reasonable limits and can be increased. The assessment of this study as a progression factor inhibiting the company in achieving company targets. From the results of the author's analysis of the prediction of employee delay factors using three algorithms, namely the C.45 algorithm accuracy = 79.37% and AUC value = 0.646, Random Forest Algorithm accuracy = 78.58% and AUC value = 0.807 while for the Random Tree algorithm accuracy = 76.26% and the AUC value = 0.610.
Analisa Pola Penjualan Produk Sepeda Motor Yamaha Menggunakan Metode Algoritma Apriori Siti Nurlela; Lilyani Asri Utami
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v5i3.3064


The development of automotive industry in Indonesia can be classifiedas very rapid and annually increasing, causing highly competitive circumstances because many companies provide various types of motorcycle brands with quality and competitive prices. The company must create a marketing strategy pattern that can increase the level of sales efficiency of Yamaha motorcycle products. To overcome this problem, a strategy that can help increasing sales of motorcycle products is needed, in which by utilizing sales data owned by the company. Data mining can be used to process company sales data by looking for association rules with apriori algorithm on motorcycle product variables. From the results of the association rule analysis on sales data, with a minimum support of 30% and a minimum confidence of 75% can produce 3 rules with 3 products that are most in demand by consumers, namely the NEW MIOM3 CW, NEWAEROX155VVA and N-MAX, by knowing the most selling products, the company can add the most selling product supply and develop a marketing strategy to market the products with other products by examining the comparative advantage of the most sold products over the other products.
Techno Nusa Mandiri: Journal of Computing and Information Technology Vol 17 No 2 (2020): TECHNO Period of September 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33480/techno.v17i2.1678


Waru Village is one of the villages in the Bogor Regency area. However, the selection of recipients of the Hope Family Program (PKH) in Waru Village is still subjective/qualitative so that the process of receiving the Hope Family Program (PKH) in Waru Village is not accurate and has not been on target. This makes the need for a method that can manage data on recipients of the Hope Family Program (PKH) and produce a ranking from the calculation of weight for the selection of recipients of the Hope Family Program (PKH). In making decisions about recipients of the Hope Family Program (PKH), there is a Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method that can be used in quantitative problem-solving. With the SAW method, each criterion is compared with one another to provide results of recipients of the Hope Family Program (PKH) and provide an assessment of each recipient (alternative) of the Hope Family Program (PKH) in Waru Village. This study aims to determine the recipients of the PKH assistance program so that it can produce a decision on recipients of PKH assistance that the government distributes to the Waru village accurately on target.
Analysis of The Quality of The Eskanusa.Com Website on User Satisfaction with the Webqual 4.0 Method Mochammad Lazzuardi Effendi; Nurajijah Nurajijah; Siti Nurlela
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 5, No 3 (2021): October
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (672.769 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v5i3.134


Information technology is currently growing rapidly, one of which is the use of the internet. PT. Eskanusa Putraco is one of the companies that use the internet as a medium to sell goods online on their website, namely User satisfaction with the use of the website will affect employee performance. This study aims to analyze how satisfied users are in their activities on the website using the webqual 4.0 method with 3 independent variables, namely Usability, Information Quality, Interaction Quality, Service (Service Interaction Quality), and 1 dependent variable, namely Overall (Overall Impression) / User Satisfaction. Data collection techniques used questionnaires that were distributed to 44 respondents. Data management is carried out using descriptive statistics to calculate the overall data obtained, which is then tested for validity and reliability tests to find out the data obtained are valid and reliable, followed by classical assumption tests using 3 tests, namely normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity to determine if symptoms occur. or not on the data, and multiple linear regression analysis to determine the independent variable has an influence with the dependent variable with the F test and T test. It is known that the variables (usability), information quality (information quality), interaction quality, service (service interaction quality) affect user satisfaction, the results obtained are 40% or not good enough because the variables of information quality and interaction quality, which are known to have not good enough influence on users.
Analisis Dan Perancangan UI/UX Aplikasi Lazada Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking Dina Ariska; Siti Nurlela
Jurnal Infortech Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/infortech.v4i2.13234


Aplikasi Lazada merupakan salah satu e-commerce yang ada di Indonesia. Memiliki berbagai campaign menarik yang ditawarkan bagi para penggunanya, salah satunya Gajian Ganti Handphone. Tentu pembuatan halaman campaign telah berdasarkan pertimbangan banyak hal, salah satunya tampilan desain halaman. Namun dalam penggunaannya masih ditemui beberapa permasalahan. Penelitian ini akan berfokus pada analisis UI dan UX dengan menggunakan metode Design Thinking dan rancangan kembali prototipe desain antarmuka halaman campaign tersebut. Penggunaan metode Design Thinking akan mengadaptasi metode yang biasa diterapkan oleh desainer menggunakan prosedur iteratif dalam pemikiran desain dari pernyataan masalah hingga solusi masalah. Tujuannya adalah untuk menghasilkan ide sebanyak mungkin sehingga ditemukan permasalahan dan solusi terbaik untuk masalah tersebut. Metode ini akan dimulai dengan tahap Understand, Observe, Define point of view, Ideate, Prototype, Test dan Reflect. Prototipe yang telah dirancang menggunakan Figma kemudian diuji kepada 5 penguji dengan menggunakan metode pengujian System Usability Scale (SUS). Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh hasil uji dengan total nilai 88 dan disimpulkan acceptable, grade scale B dan adjective rating adalah excellent.
CKI ON SPOT Vol 11, No 2 (2018): CKI On SPOT
Publisher : STIKOM CKI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.045 KB)


ABSTRACTSirajul Falah Vocational School is one of the private vocational high schools located in Bogor that always strives to improve quality both internally and externally on an ongoing basis in order to compete with other vocational high schools. One of the efforts made is to provide teachers who are ready to educate students of the Sirajul Falah Vocational School. However, the process of teacher acceptance in the Sirajul Falah Vocational School is still subjective. The C4.5 algorithm will be used in this study. Decision tree is a very strong and famous classification and prediction. The C4.5 algorithm is an algorithm used to form a decision tree to predict or classify a very strong one. In C4.5 algorithm to build a decision tree the thing to do is to choose an attribute as root, then create a branch for each value in the root.Keywords: C4.5 Algorithm, Data mining, Teacher acceptance.