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The Role of Salam TV as Islamic Based Television in Promoting Interfaith Harmony in North Sumatera Andini Nur Bahri; Ahmad Zueni
An Nadwah Vol 27, No 1 (2021): Januari - Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (145.742 KB) | DOI: 10.37064/nadwah.v27i1.9942


This study aims to determine the role of Salam TV in promoting harmony among religious communities in North Sumatera. This research method is a qualitative method that aims to get an in-depth description of speech, writing and behavior observed from an individual, group, community or organization in a specific setting which is studied from a comprehensive perspective. Salam TV does not produce programs that specifically feature harmony or tolerance. Salam TV's strategy in establishing harmony among religious communities is maintaining the shows that do not contain expressions of hatred that can trigger conflicts between religious communities. Institutionally Salam TV opens itself to work together in social and cultural fields to non-Muslim institutions. 
An Nadwah Vol 27, No 2 (2021): Juli - Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37064/nadwah.v27i2.10981


This study aims to find out the influence of the @republikaonline Instagram account has on meeting the online information needs of the Muslim millennial generation. This study uses a quantitative approach, which is a search or use of data in the form of numbers as a tool to analyze information or events that by using simple linear regression analysis which aims to analyze the magnitude of the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The sample is 100 North Sumatra State Islamic University students who are followers of the @republikaonline Instagram account. Based on the results of the study, the significance value is smaller than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05), so it can be concluded that the X variable has a very significant influence on the Y variable.
The Utilization of WhatsApp on Journalistic Practices of Harian Sumut Pos Andini Nur Bahri
Jurnal Komunika Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi dan Kajian Islam Vol 6, No 1 (2019): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Program Studi Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37064/jki.v6i1.5516


The existence of mobile chat applications is one proof of technological and communication development. One popular chat application, WhatsApp, allows journalists to gain information and data needed to help the journalistic practices. The goal of this study is to examine the utilization of WhatsApp on journalistic practices implemented in Harian Sumut Pos. The results of the study show that WhatsApp has an important role in the news gathering process. The journalists stated that they use WhatsApp to get data like photos and videos from news sources
KABAR MEDAN EFFORTS IN OVERCOMING FAKE NEWS IN SOCIAL MEDIA Yosya Putri Ritonga; Andini Nur Bahri; Irma Yusriani Simamora; Ahmad Zueni
An Nadwah Vol 28, No 2 (2022): Juni - Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37064/nadwah.v28i2.14208


The purpose of this study is to determine how Kabar Medan's online news media efforts are in combating fake news (hoaxes) on social media, as well as what factors are impeding and supporting the Kabar Medan media's efforts in combating fake news on social media. This study uses a descriptive-qualitative approach. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study indicate the efforts of the Kabar Medan media in tackling fake news (hoaxes) on social media is a fact-checking platform that is in accordance with the guidelines set by the press council and is systematically implemented by the Kabar Medan media.
Jurnal Abdi Mas Adzkia Vol 3, No 1 (2022): Agustus- Desember 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30829/adzkia.v3i1.13429


Orphans need support and attention more from stakeholders in order to improve their life skill. Some training and workshop should be conducted such as English and Computer. Bani Adam orphanage is one of the left behind orphanage in Medan which has insufficient facilities for the education of the orphans. They also rarely accepted any program that create the orphans capacities. This community service aim to increase the English skill of the orphans especially English for office to encourage the orphans gain better understanding in English for office.
Pelatihan Komputer Dasar dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Siswa Menggunakan Metode Participatory Action Research (PAR) Raissa Amanda Putri; Andini Nur Bahri; Franindya Purwaningtyas; Ulfayani Mayasari; Laylan Syafina
Jurnal IPTEK Bagi Masyarakat Vol 2 No 3 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Ali Institute of Research and Publication

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55537/jibm.v2i3.625


This Community Service is carried out at Madrasah Aliyah Al-Washliyah which is located at Jl. KL. Yos Sudarso KM. 6 Tg. Mulia District of Medan Deli. The problem with service partners is that currently they do not have adequate computer laboratories, so that students' abilities in using computer applications are still very limited. Meanwhile, the ability to use computers is now a must for every sector of life. This requires a lot of human resources who have the ability to use computers. Based on this problem, community service was created with the theme of basic computer training in improving the competence of Al-Washliyah Madrasah students. This community service aims to improve the competence of Madrasah Al-Washliyah Medan Deli students in using basic computer applications, namely Microsoft Office Word, Excel and Powerpoint
Pesan Dakwah dalam Film Series Assalamualaikum yang Tayang di Aplikasi Vidio Sinta Ayu Kusuma Wardhani; Ahmad Tamrin Sikumbang; Andini Nur Bahri
Maktabatun: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Informasi Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Maktabatun: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Informasi
Publisher : Prodi Perpustakaan dan Sains Informasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to analyze the message of da'wah in the Assalamualaikum film series that airs on the video application. This study uses a qualitative approach with the method of content analysis which refers to Roland Barthes' semiotic theory by analyzing signs and symbols, so that the message of Islamic da'wah contained denotative, connotative, and mythical meanings. The data collection technique is through scenes from the film series Assalamualaikum. which contain da'wah messages. The results of the research in this film are that there is a da'wah message, namely about aqidah such as saying wallahualam bish-shawab and getting married. The sentence wallahualam bish-shawab means that only Allah SWT knows best while we do not, which teaches us that everything can happen according to the will of Allah SWT. Getting married in this film shows that by getting married, a person has perfected his religion. . Sharia da'wah messages such as covering the genitals, women are required to wear the hijab, and perform prayers. This film series requires women to cover their genitals in accordance with predetermined beliefs, Muslim women are required to wear the hijab, and perform prayers which are one of the main means of prayer, a way to get closer to Allah SWT. Then the message of preaching about morals is to hasten the prayer that we must hasten the prayer when we hear the sound of the call to prayer.
Strategi Komunikasi Yayasan Muslim Youth Club dalam Pembinaan Ibadah pada Remaja di Kabupaten Batu Bara Yulia Nurul Putri; Rubino Rubino; Andini Nur Bahri
Maktabatun: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Informasi Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Maktabatun: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Informasi
Publisher : Prodi Perpustakaan dan Sains Informasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to determine the communication strategy of the Muslim Youth Club Foundation in fostering worship for adolescents in Batu Bara District. This research was conducted at Al Izzah Integrated Islamic Private High School, Aras Village, Air Putih District, Batu Bara Regency, North Sumatra. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method, a method carried out by looking at phenomena that occur or field conditions with data collection techniques. data and from research informants. There were 6 informants consisting of the chairman of the foundation, the secretary, the HRD department, the women's department and two fostered youths. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews and documentation. The results of the research found as follows: 1) The communication strategy used by the Muslim Youth Club Foundation in fostering worship for adolescents in Batu Bara Regency consists of several steps: first, determining the audience by taking into account the frame of reference and the situation and the conditions of the audience, compiling the contents of the message according to the conditions of the audience, determining methods including informative methods, question and answer methods and persuasive methods, selecting communication media including modules and the Koran, establishing the role of the communicator namely as role models and conducting evaluations. 2) There are several obstacles in developing communication strategies for fostering worship for adolescents in Batu Bara Regency, namely: psychological barriers, originating from the psychological condition of the communicant who feels worried and anxious, semantic barriers originating from differences in the language commonly used, mechanical barriers due to inadequate media inadequate and ecological barriers due to clamor and noise
Makna Pesan Dakwah Komunikasi Visual Pada Akun Instagram “@qomikin” (Analisis Semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce) Bagus Prasetya; Rubino Rubino; Andini Nur Bahri
Tabsyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 4 No. 4 (2023): Oktober: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59059/tabsyir.v4i4.337


This study aims to determine the meaning of visual communication da'wah messages contained in uploads of the Instagram account @qomikin in terms of Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic analysis in which there are 3 illustrative images of each of the main messages of da'wah namely faith, sharia, and morality so that the total images studied totaling 9 illustrative images. The type and research approach used is a qualitative method with a semiotic analysis approach. The data analysis technique used is Charles Sanders' semiotic analysis. The systematics of analyzing illustrative images includes the selection of illustrative images and then used as signs, then the signs found are then used as objects, and finally the objects that have been found in the illustrative images are interpreted and conclusions are drawn about the meaning of the da'wah messages. Aqidah includes the problem of monotheism which doubts Allah SWT as the provider of sustenance for His servants, thinks too much about worldly problems so that they forget to remember death, and finally, humans are sinners and Allah SWT's forgiveness is so wide for His servants who want to repent. Then the sharia-themed da'wah messages include riya issues or showing off good deeds to others through social media, always being tabayyun towards all news or information received, and finally, gentleness is a measure of the quality of a human being. Then lastly, the moral-themed da'wah message includes the problem of a person whose prayers want to be answered immediately but his obligations to God are not carried out optimally, humans as creatures who like to complain but are in a hurry and are even reluctant to pray, and lastly, the luck of humans who do tahajud and the virtues or benefits derived from the midnight prayer. The illustration images and subheadlines used by the Instagram account @qomikin are interrelated and very relevant to the da'wah message conveyed by the da'wah account owner.