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Journal Analytica Islamica Vol 8, No 1 (2019): ANALYTICA ISLAMICA
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UIN Sumatera Utara

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Abstrak islam merupakan agama yang sempurna dalam mengatur segala aspek kehidupan, termasuktentang komunikasi dengan terminologi yang berbeda. Di antaranya adalah al-hikmah sebagaimetode dakwah. Dakwahbi al-hikmah adalah dakwah dengan bijak, yaitu dakwah yang memperhatikansuasana, situasi dan kondisi, menggunakan metode yang relevan, realistis sesuai dengan tantanganyang dihadapi, serta memperhatikan kadar kebutuhan dan tingkatan pemikiran. Terminologi alhikmahdalam al-Qur?an sedikitnya ada 20 kali dan terdapat dalam 12 surah. 6 diturunkan diMakkah dan 13 di Madinah. Dalam setiap surah kata al-hikmah disebutkan sekali, kecuali dalamQ.S. al-Baqarah[2]: 269 dua kali. Dalam ilmu komunikasi sendiri terdapat komponen-komponenkomunikasi yakni adanya komunikator, pesan, media, komunikan, dan efek. Dan komponen-komponentersebut terpenuhi maka komunikasi yang ada akan berjalan dengan efektif. Dan dalam kontekskomunikasi, al-hikmah adalah komunikasi persuasif, yaitu komunikasi mengajak, membujuk, danmerayu, dilakukan lemah lembut tanpa menggunakan kekerasan, dengan menempatkan berbagaikomponen komunikasi secara tepat dan proporsional, sehingga apa yang diharapkan dapat tercapai.Pendekatanal-hikmah dalam komunikasi memanglah sebuah keharusan ditengah masyarakat globalyang multikuktural karena pendekatan inilah yang paling sesuai dan merupakan anjuran Al Qur?andalam berdakwah. Al hikmah (dimaknai apapun) selalu sesuai dan mampu beradaptasi dalamsetiap suasana dan situasi medan dakwah. Dan kaitannya dengan komunikan maka pendekatanal hikmah ini mempunyai makna yang mendalam dalam menarik simpati dan empati komunikandan cocok diberikan kepada mereka yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir yang baik.Kata Kunci: Al-Hikmah dan Komunikasi Persuasif
Membentuk Kepribadian Islam melalui Strategi Komunikasi Lembaga Dakwah Kampus (LDK) di STMIK Budi Darma Medan Saputra, Imam; Ritonga, Fitri Aisyah; Sikumbang, Ahmad Tamrin; Zainun, Zainun
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 14 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v14i1.3644


Personality as an integration of one’s tendency to behave, act and behave. The personality referred to in this case is the personality of honesty and istiqomah which is in accordance with the teachings of Islam and is called the personality of Islam. This study aims to describe the communication strategies of Campus Da'wah Institutions in shaping the Islamic personality of students, as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors of the campus Da'wah Communication strategy in shaping the Islamic personality of STMIK Budi Darma Medan students. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method by analyzing and making interpretation of data found through interviews. The data that has been collected is checked for validity, the data analysis technique starts from reducing the data and making conclusions from the results of the study. The results of this study are that to develop a communication strategy must begin with planning, implementation and of course in this strategy there are supporting and inhibiting factors. The communication strategy of Campus Propagation Institute in shaping the Islamic personality of students by planning and implementing activities that are Islamic by instilling the values of Islamic personality to students. Islamic personality here is the personality of honesty, responsibility, initiative and istiqomah in the daily life of students. Strategies that LDK does include mentoring, recitation and sharing among others. Supporting and inhibiting factors in the Campus Da'wah Institute strategy are good responses from students, while the inhibiting factor is the lack of funds. Kepribadian sebagai integrasi dari kecenderungan seseorang dalam bersikap, bertindak dan berperilaku. Kepribadian islam merupakan kepribadian tentang kejujuran, tanggungjawab, inisiatif dan istiqomah yang sesuai dengan ajaranajaran Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi komunikasi Lembaga Dakwah Kampus dalam membentuk kepribadian Islam mahasiswa, serta faktor pendukung dan penghambat dari strategi komunikasi Lembaga Dakwah Kampus. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan menganalisis dan membuat interpretasi data yang ditemukan melalui hasil wawancara. Data yang telah dikumpulkan diperiksa keabsahannya, teknik analisa data dimulai dari mereduksi data dan membuat simpulan hasil penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian ini mendeskripsikan strategi komunikasi Lembaga Dakwah Kampus dalam membentuk kepribadian Islam mahasiswa. Bentuk-bentuk strategi komunikasi adalah komunikasi antar personal dan komunikasi tidak langsung yaitu dakwah berbasis materi dan dakwah berbasis media. Faktor pendukung dalam strategi Lembaga Dakwah Kampus ini yaitu respon yang baik dari mahasiswa, pengurus LDK memiliki potensi yang lebih, LDK Al-Hayyan memiliki susunan struktur anggota keorganisasian yang jelas sedangkan faktor penghambatnya yaitu masalah kurangnya dana dalam program LDK, kurangnya waktu untuk bersosialisasi dan semangat anggota LDK yang menurun.
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Communication Pattern of Pertamina in Muslim Communities, Rantau District, Aceh Tamiang Regency Riswanto, Riswanto; Sikumbang, Ahmad Tamrin; Efendi, Erwan
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i3.2465


The implementation of CSR communication program is inseparable from the role of public relations as a bridge between Pertamina companies and the community and vice versa. As a resident of Rantau Subdistrict, Aceh Tamiang Regency, Pertamina's CSR has interpersonal and group communication relationships with the community. This research is qualitative research. Qualitative research is social research that fundamentally relies on human observations in its own area and relates to these people who try to reveal the facts/actual phenomena that occur in the field. the actual, the researcher is the key instrument, the data is descriptive, emphasizes the process, the data analysis is inductive, and the meaning of each event is an essential concern in qualitative research. The facts are said because they are in accordance with what is happening on the ground. The purpose of this research is to describe social events, by revealing factual events in the field and revealing hidden values, being more sensitive to descriptive information and trying to maintain the integrity of the object under study. CSR (Corparate Social Responsibility) PT Pertamina communicates partnerships to catfish farms owned by Muslim communities as part of the development of water farms related to the orientation of catfish farming development policies in order to build a prosperous society.
Teacher’s Islamic Communication Strategy in Character Education through Parenting Program at SDIT Al Fityan Medan School Sikumbang, Ahmad Tamrin; Lubis, Lahmuddin; Hasibuan, Effiati Juliana
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 3, No 3 (2020): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v3i3.1118


The main character education is not only the responsibility of teachers at school, but also must be a concern of parents at home. For this reason teachers need to convey the importance of character education for all of students’ parents through parenting programs. This study aims to describe how the character education communication strategy through parenting programs will be reviewed by students’ parents from the aspects of communication planning, program implementation and program evaluation also. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques uses participant observation and focus on  interviews. The technique of guaranteeing the validity of the data uses source triangulation. The results showed that the character education of students through parenting programs organized by schools in the aspects of planning, implementation and evaluation of the program was good enough. Parents have the benefits from this parenting program in educating their children at home.
Peranan BK Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Modelling Dalam Mencapai Tugas Perkembangan AUD Di Kelas Raudhah I Ra As-Sa’adah Mardianto, Mardianto; Sikumbang, Ahmad Tamrin; Hadrah, Hadrah
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/rdje.v7i2.8663


The problem in this research is the role of guidance and counseling using modelling techniques in achieving early childhood development tasks in the Raudhah I RA As-Sa’adah class. This study aims to explain the role of counseling guidance, the use of modelling techniques, and the role of guidance and counseling using modelling techniques in achieving development tasks in Raudhah I RA As-Sa’adah class. This research was conducted using qualitative research using descriptive methods. The subjects of this study were students. The informants are the Principal, Treasurer, Class Teachers and Parents. Data collection techniques in this study through: Observation, Interview dan Documentation. The data analysis process was carried out by: Data reduction, Data presentation and Conclusion drawing. Then the data collected is checked the validity of the data through data triangulation. General findings in this study are the task of early childhood development. The results of the research are: (1) The role of guidance an counseling and counseling which is very important in RA As-Sa’adah (2) The use of modelling techniques is carried out well (3) The role of guidance and counseling using modelling techniques in achieving early childhood development tasks has not yet been implemented optimal
Utopia Islam Disfungsi Subliminal Message dalam Media Sosial Ahmad Tamrin Sikumbang; Zainun Zainun; Imam El Islamy
JURNAL SIMBOLIKA: Research and Learning in Communication Study (E-Journal) Vol 6, No 2 (2020): JURNAL SIMBOLIKA OKTOBER
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/simbollika.v6i2.4035


This study aims to see how subliminal dysfunction occurs in social media in an Islamic context. The research technique used is literature study, looking at various sources regarding subliminals and relating them to conditions in social media. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research, which is a research process to understand human or social problems by creating a comprehensive and complex picture presented in words, reporting detailed views obtained from information sources, and carried out in a different setting natural. While the approach used is phenomenology, which is to describe the reality that is happening without explaining the relationship between variables. The research results obtained are that Islam teaches its people to have ethics in carrying out all activities, including communication on social media. In the concept of Subliminal Message from hidden messages invites the public to never trust the information received from social media, before finding out the truth and accuracy of the message, from sources that can be trusted, supported, and related to the message. The conclusion in this research is that the Subliminal Message concept invites the public to never believe the information received from social media, before finding out the truth and accuracy of the message, from sources that can be trusted, supported, and related to the message.
YOUTUBE AS A DA'WAH MEDIA Ahmad Tamrin Sikumbang; Rahmi Fiutra Ulwani
Jurnal Al-Bayan: Media Kajian dan Pengembangan Ilmu Dakwah Vol 26, No 2 (2020): JURNAL AL-BAYAN: MEDIA KAJIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN ILMU DAKWAH
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/albayan.v26i2.5792


The development of technology is currently experiencing rapid progress, a variety of media provide information without limit and time. Progress from various media in the information age has experienced significant changes in terms of actors, methods and effects. The presence of the internet and information products has succeeded in breaking through geographical barriers, national, racial, cultural and cultural boundaries. Citizens' activities are now increasingly important, considering that everyone can be directly connected through a global information network. The development in technology has a big influence on social life, especially in Indonesia, which easily access information offered by social media. The positive side of the presence of technology is that we can get various information about developments in various sectors both religion, education, economy, social culture and politics. While the negative elements are impressions that are not educational, full of violence and irrational. In various popular media, the presence of YouTube has become one of the easy tools in spreading da'wah, where people no longer have difficulty watching and listening to religious studies that are not always shown on the media such as on television. Da'wah through YouTube media has included various groups of people both parents, teenagers and children, in addition to making it easy for the preachers (preachers) to spread the teachings of Islam through YouTube also makes it easy for the public to access various lectures that he wants to listen to a variety of different topics and speakers.Keywords: youtube, media, dakwah
REFLEKSI ANOMALI MAKNA PERILAKU MEROKOK DI KALANGAN DOSEN UNIVERSITAS ISLAM RIAU Muhd Ar. Imam Riauan; Genny Gustina Sari; Abdul Aziz; Rendi Prayuda; Ahmad Tamrin Sikumbang
Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 02 (2020): Accredited by Kemenristekdikti RI SK No. 36/E/KPT/2019
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/bricolage.v6i02.2177


ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the meaning of smoking behavior. Symbolic interaction theory explains subjective meaning as the basis for action. The symbolic interaction perspective contains the same thoughts as social action theory about the subjective meaning of human behavior, social processes and pragmatism. This means that humans (in smoking behavior) act based on the meaning they understand. This study uses symbolic interaction theory which explains the behavior of the meaning understood by smokers as seen from the aspects of mind, self, and society. This study uses qualitative methods by using a constructivism approach. In-depth interviews data collection technique used to get information from lecturer’s smokers at Islamic University of Riau which was determined by purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is qualitative data analysis. The results of this study show that the anomaly meaning in smoking behavior is reflected based on the meaning that understood by smokers about smoking behavior. The meaning of smoking based on “Mind” is a negative activity, positive life habits, entertainment, symbol of creativity, hard work, symbol of friendship and an economic symbol. The meaning of smoking based on “Self” means dependence, self-confidence, and economic stability. While, based on the concept of society, smoking is a behavior caused by the social interaction of the smoker with the community in the smoker's environment in the family, general public, work environment, and past experiences.Keywords: anomaly meaning, lecturer, smoking behavior, symbolic interactionism  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui makna perilaku merokok. Teori interaksi simbolik menjelaskan makna subjektif sebagai dasar tindakan. Perspektif interaksi simbolik mengandung pemikiran yang sama dengan teori tindakan sosial tentang makna subjektif dari perilaku manusia, proses sosial dan pragmatismenya. Artinya  manusia (dalam perilaku merokok) bertindak berdasarkan makna yang dipahami dalam diri mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori interaksi simbolik yang menjelaskan perilaku dari makna yang dipahami oleh perokok yang dilihat dari aspek mind, self, dan sosiety. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivis. Teknik  pengumpulan  data yang dilakukan adalah wawancara mendalam kepada informan penelitian dosen perokok di lingkungan Universitas Islam Riau yang ditentukan dengan Teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat anomali makna dalam perilaku merokok yang direfleksikan berdasarkan makna yang dipahami oleh para perokok tentang perilaku merokok itu sendiri. Makna merokok berdasarkan Mind merupakan aktivitas negatif, kebiasan Positif, sarana hiburan, simbol kreativitas kerja keras, simbol pergaulan dan simbol ekonomi. Kemudian makna merokok berdasarkan Self bermakna ketergantungan, percaya diri, dan kemapanan ekonomi. Selanjutnya berdasarkan konsep society merokok adalah perilaku yang disebabkan oleh interaksi sosial perokok dengan masyarakat yang ada di lingkungan perokok. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa interaksi sosial perokok yang membentuk makna merokok terjadi di lingkungan keluarga, masyarakat umum, lingkungan kerja, dan pengalaman masa lalu.Kata Kunci: anomali makna, dosen, perilaku merokok, interaksi simbolik
Communication Strategy of the Deli Serdang Department of Culture, Youth, Sports and Tourism in Increasing Post-Covid-19 Tourist Visits Muhammad Wahyu; Ahmad Tamrin Sikumbang
LEGAL BRIEF Vol. 11 No. 3 (2022): August: Law Science and Field
Publisher : IHSA Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (540.496 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/legal.v11i3.379


The purpose of this study is to explain the strategy of Deli Serdang's Department of Culture, Youth, Sports, and Tourism in increasing tourist visits after Covid-19. The Covid-19 virus's presence in Indonesia has unintentionally hampered and limited activities and community activities. The impact is also felt in a variety of industries, including tourism. This study is a type of qualitative research that employs a descriptive approach method. The data for this study was derived from interviews with the Director of Tourism and Creative Economy. The findings revealed that the strategy used by the Deli Serdang Department of Culture, Youth, Sports, and Tourism in increasing tourist visits after Covid-19 was to promote and create content on social media accounts such as Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, as well as utilizing radio electronic media that includes tourist destinations in Deli Serdang Regency, and provides a small note that the public or visitors still adhere to the health protocols that have been established.
Communication System in the Organization of the Hajj Worship in North Sumatra, Indonesia Ahmad Tamrin Sikumbang; Syukur Kholil; Rubino Rubino; Farhan Indra
Khazanah Sosial Vol 4, No 3 (2022): Khazanah Sosial Vol 4, No 3 October 2022
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (238.942 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/ks.v4i3.17337


This article discusses the role of communication in attracting Hajj pilgrims to North Sumatra. This article examines the steps taken by the North Sumatra Province Ministry of Religion to implement a communication system in terms of services and pilgrim protection guarantees. This article's research employs a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Interviews were conducted with several informants who were considered qualified to answer this topic within the Ministry of Religion of North Sumatra, including the Jemaah Haji from North Sumatra. Literature studies and documentation are two other methods for gathering data. Data processing and analysis techniques were applied in three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. According to the findings of this study, the Ministry of Religion has ensured a fair, professional, and accountable implementation of the Hajj by prioritizing the interests of the congregation, and general and special services for disabled people. Meanwhile, both domestically and in Saudi Arabia, coaching takes the form of practice. Furthermore, the Ministry of Religion has put legal safeguards in place to ensure the safety of Hajj pilgrims.