Nirmala Friyanti Devy
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika, Jln. Raya Tlekung No. 1, Junrejo, Batu, Jawa Timur 65301

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Evaluasi Variasi Somaklonal pada Benih Jeruk Hasil Pebanyakan Melalui Embriogenesis Somatik Yulianti, Farida; Devy, Nirmala Friyanti; Widyaningsih, Sri
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 22, No 4 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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ABSTRAK. Deteksi dini variasi somaklonal sangat penting dilakukan untuk menghindari kerugian secara ekonomis akibat penggunaan bibit off-type. Hingga saat ini teknik molekuler masih merupakan sarana terbaik untuk menganalisis stabilitas genetik tanaman hasil mikropropagasi. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menguji stabilitas genetik tiga varietas tanaman jeruk (JC, Volkameriana, dan siam Kintamani)  hasil perbanyakan melalui embriogenesis somatik. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Terpadu, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika (Balitjestro), pada Bulan Oktober 2010 sampai dengan Desember 2011. Pengujian kestabilan genetik dilakukan dengan teknik PCR menggunakan penanda inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR). Pengujian dilakukan pada empat stadia umur, yaitu fase kalus, embrio, planlet, dan semaian. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga dilakukan untuk mengelompokkan tanaman hasil perbanyakan yang diuji di dalam dendrogram yang dihitung menurut UPGMA menggunakan metode SAHN pada program NTSys-PC versi 2.10.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa planlet yang disubkultur sebanyak lima kali tidak mengalami penyimpangan secara genetik. Sebagian besar tanaman hasil perbanyakan dengan embriogenesis somatik setelah 10 kali subkultur mengalami perubahan genetik.  Penyebab terjadinya variasi somaklonal ialah periode kultur yang lama (lebih dari 12 bulan) dan penggunaan hormon benzyl amino purine (BAP) yang cukup tinggi sebesar 3 mg/l.  Dengan demikian, perlu dilakukan efisiensi proses perbanyakan benih jeruk melalui embriogenesis somatik.ABSTRACT.  Yulianti, F, Devy, NF and Widyaningsih, S 2012. Evaluation of Somaclonal Variation of Citrus Plantlets Resulted from Somatic Embryogenesis.  Early detection of somaclonal variation is very important to avoid economic losses caused by using off-type seedling. Until now, molecular technique is still one of the best tools for early detection of genetic stability of micropropagated plant materials. The research was aimed to test occurance of somaclonal variation of the three varieties of citrus (JC, Volkameriana, and siam Kintamani) micropropagated via somatic embryogenesis. The research was conducted at Integrated Laboratory of Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruit Research Institute (ICISFRI), from October 2010 to December 2011. Somaclonal variation testing was performed by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. The test was done on the four stages i.e. callus, embryos, plantlets, and seedlings. Meanwhile, this research was also to group micropropagated plants in the dendrogram that was calculated by using the UPGMA method in the SAHN program NTSys-PC version 2.10. The results showed that plantlets that had been subcultured five times did not have a genetic variation.  Most of the plants resulted from somatic embryogenesis multiplication that after 10 times subculture undergone genetic changes. The occurrence of somaclonal variation appeared as a result of long culture period (more than 12 months) and the use high concentration of hormones benzyl amino purine (BAP) at 3 mg/l.  Thus, the process of citrus propagation through somatic embriogenesis necessary to efficient.
Pengaruh Densitas Awal Kalus dalam Perbanyakan Melalui Embriogenesis Somatik terhadap Daya Multiplikasi dan Stabilitas Genetik Planlet Siam Kintamani Devy, Nirmala Friyanti; Yulianti, Farida; -, Hardiyanto
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 22, No 4 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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Optimasi metode pada setiap tahapan perbanyakan melalui embriogenesis somatik perlu dilakukan, mencakup aspek eksplan, media, dan lingkungan tumbuh.  Tujuan penelitian ialah mengetahui pengaruh kepadatan awal (initial density) kalus dalam kultur embriogenesis somatik terhadap laju multiplikasi dan stabilitas genetik planlet yang dihasilkan dari perbanyakan dengan metode SE pada tanaman siam Kintamani. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium SE, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika (Balitjestro) mulai Bulan Maret 2009 sampai dengan Februari 2011. Penelitian terdiri atas dua tahap, yaitu (1) perlakuan densitas awal dan (2) analisis stabilitas genetik planlet yang dihasilkan dari perbanyakan SE  siam Kintamani. Kegiatan I terdiri atas lima perlakuan densitas kalus (ID100–ID300), yaitu  100, 150, 200, 250, dan 300 mg yang dikulturkan pada 25 ml media cair MS + 500 mg/l malt ekstrak (ME) + 1,5 mg/l BA, yang disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan tiga ulangan, tiap ulangan terdiri atas lima erlenmeyer, sedangkan pada penelitian analisis stabilitas genetik, sampel yang digunakan ialah tanaman hasil perbanyakan SE pada stadia planlet hasil subkultur 1–6. Planlet tersebut diuji keragamannya dengan teknik PCR menggunakan penanda inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, jaringan nuselus yang digunakan sebagai eksplan dapat tumbuh dengan memuaskan pada 12–45 hari setelah kultur pada media inisiasi kalus.  Pertambahan berat basah kalus pada setiap subkultur sangat beragam.  Pertambahan berat basah tertinggi terjadi pada ID100 subkultur ke-5, sedangkan pertambahan berat secara total tertinggi ditemukan pada perlakuan ID200. Tanaman hasil perbanyakan SE pada stadia planlet secara genetik seragam dengan induknya. Namun pengujian stabilitas genetik pada tanaman hasil SE masih harus terus dilakukan seiring dengan semakin lama tanaman dipelihara di dalam kultur, mengingat frekuensi mutasi dapat meningkat seiring dengan semakin lamanya periode kultur. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini ialah proses multiplikasi kalus dan induksi embriogenesis somatik berlangsung optimal dan tidak mengakibatkan off-type pada tanaman yang dihasilkan. The optimization of the whole stage on in vitro multiplication via somatic embryogenesis must be done in the explants, media, and growth environment factors. The aim of this experiment to determine the effect of callus initial density in somatic embryogenesis culture on multiplication rate and plantlet genetic stability resulted from somatic embryogenesis method on Kintamani tangerin. The research was conducted at SE Laboratory of Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruit Research Institute (ICISFRI) from March 2009 up to February 2011.  The research consisted of two activities, namely: (1) initial density treatments and (2) analysis of genetic stability of Kintamani tangerin plantlets resulting from SE. The 1st activity consisted of five treatments callus density (ID100 - ID300), namely 100, 150, 200, 250, and  300 mg of callus that cultured in 25 ml of liquid MS medium + 500 mg/l malt extract (ME) + 1.5 mg/l BA, using a randomized block design, three replicates with five erlenmeyers units, while at the analysis of genetic stability research, the samples used were plantlet-stadia derived from 1st up to 6th subculture. The variability of those plantlets was tested by PCR using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) marker. The results showed that nucellus tissue that used as explants can be grown satisfactorily in 12–45 days after culture at the callus initiation media. The fresh weight of callus increment on each subculture was very diverse. The highest fresh weight value was found in ID100 treatment in the fifth subculture. However, the highest of total weight increment was in ID200 treatment. The SE-derived plant was genetically uniform with its parent. However, genetic stability testing on the SE-derived plants should be still continued because it would give enhancement of the frequency of mutations with longer periods of culture.  The implication of the research was optimum process of callus multiplication and somatic embryogenesis induction and did not result in off-type plants.
Analisis Genotip Pohon Induk Jeruk Bebas Penyakit Hasil Perbanyakan Tunas Pucuk dengan Primer RAPD Supriyanto, Arry; Agisimanto, Dita; Purbiati, T; Devy, Nirmala Friyanti; Dwiastuti, Mutia Eti
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 16, No 1 (2006): Maret 2006
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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Uji tepat varietas untuk pohon induk jeruk bebas penyakit diperlukan untuk memastikan kebenaran genotip tanaman yang diperbanyak secara vegetatif. Percobaan dilakukan untuk menganalisis kesamaan genotip pohon induk jeruk bebas penyakit (benih penjenis) hasil perbanyakan vegetatif melalui penyambungan tunas pucuk dari pohon induk tunggalnya menggunakan penanda DNA RAPD. Daun dari tunas muda berumur 20-25 hari diekstrak untuk mendapatkan bulk DNA. Setiap sampel DNA dari setiap varietas diamplifikasi menggunakan 2 primer RAPD dan diseparasi menurut metode elektroforesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 2 primer RAPD OPN14 dan OPN16 mampu memperlihatkan keseragaman pita DNA benih-benih penjenis dengan  induknya. Hasil penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan genotip antara tanaman yang diperoleh dari protokol pembuatan benih penjenis dengan pohon induk tunggalnya.True variety testing is needed to proof the genotype truth fulness of virus free mother plant that vegetatively multiplied. Study was done to analyze the genotype similarity of virus free mother plant that vegetatively multiplied through shoot tip grafting from the single mother plant using DNA RAPD marker. Leaves from young flush of 20-25 days were extracted in order to find out the bulk DNA. Each DNA sample from each variety was amplified by 2 RAPD primer and separated electrophoretically. The results indicated that 2 RAPD OPN14 and OPN16 primer revealed the uniformity of DNA band of the breeder seeds and the mother plant. The results strongly confirm that there was no genotype differences among the plant generated from standard protocol of producing virus free of citrus breeder seeds and the single mother plant.
Eksplorasi, Karakterisasi, dan Evaluasi Beberapa Klon Bawang Putih Lokal Hardiyanto, -; Devy, Nirmala Friyanti; Supriyanto, Arry
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 17, No 4 (2007): Desember 2007
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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ABSTRAK. Bawang putih lokal saat ini sangat sulit dijumpai di pasaran setelah membanjirnya bawang putih impor ke Indonesia. Hal ini tentunya diperlukan upaya perbaikan produktivitas dan kualitas bawang putih lokal sekaligus sebagai konservasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai karakter morfologi beberapa klon bawang putih lokal dan mendapatkan klon-klon bawang putih lokal hasil evaluasi yang potensial dan prospektif yang dapat bersaing dengan bawang putih impor. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Banaran, Batu pada ketinggian 900 m dpl. mulai bulan Juli sampai Oktober 2005. Eksplorasi dilakukan di beberapa daerah sentra produksi bawang putih. Karakterisasi dan evaluasi dilakukan berdasarkan descriptor lists dari IPGRI yang meliputi morfologi tanaman, produksi, dan kualitas umbi. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok terdiri dari 10 klon diulang 3 kali. Hasil eksplorasi diperoleh 3 klon bawang putih baru, yaitu Teki, Ciwidey, dan Lumbu Kayu. Daya tumbuh 10 klon bawang putih yang ditanam di KP Banaran, Batu umumnya tinggi yaitu sekitar 95%. Dilihat dari umur panen, klon dapat dikelompokkan menjadi 3 kategori, yaitu umur panen pendek (90-110 hari setelah tanam) meliputi NTT, Teki, Sanggah, dan Lumbu Kuning, umur panen sedang (111-131 hari setelah tanam) meliputi Saigon, Lumbu Hijau, Krisik, Tawangmangu, dan Ciwidey, dan umur panen dalam (di atas 131 hari), yaitu Tiongkok. Tinggi batang semu bervariasi antara 9-26 cm. Klon Ciwidey dan Tiongkok terlihat paling pendek dibandingkan dengan klon lainnya. Diameter batang semu klon Tawangmangu terlihat paling besar dibandingkan klon lainnya meskipun tidak berbeda nyata dengan klon Teki. Terhadap jumlah daun, klon Ciwidey paling sedikit (9 helai) dibandingkan klon lainnya (11-15 helai). Hasil dan komponen hasil terlihat bahwa klon Tawangmangu dan Krisik memiliki bobot umbi yang paling tinggi, yaitu masing-masing 66,67 g dan 58,33 g/tanaman dibandingkan 8 klon lainnya. Sedangkan klon Sanggah dan NTT memiliki bobot umbi terendah, yaitu hanya 23,67 g dan 24,33 g/tanaman. Adapun produksi total tertinggi dicapai oleh klon Tawangmangu dan Lumbu Hijau masing-masing mencapai 33,21 t/ha dan 29,49 t/ha.ABSTRACT. Hardiyanto, N.F. Devy, and A. Supriyanto. 2007. Exploration, Characterization, and Evaluation of Several Local Garlic Clones. Currently local garlics were rarely found in the market due to the flooding of imported garlic to Indonesia. Therefore, some efforts are needed to improve the productivity and quality as well as the conservation of local garlic clones. The aim of this research was to obtain some information on morphological characteristics of local garlic clones and the potential and prospective of local garlic clones which can compete with imported garlic. This research was conducted in Banaran Experimental Garden, Batu (900 m asl) from July to October 2005. Exploration was carried out in several centers of local garlic production. Characterization and evaluation were based on descriptor lists published by IPGRI such as morphology, yields, and quality. Randomized block design was used in this research consisted of 10 clones with 3 replications. Three new garlic clones were collected through exploration, those were Teki, Ciwidey, and Lumbu Kayu. Growth percentage of 10 local garlic clones grown in Banaran Experimental Garden, Batu was relatively high, it was 95%. Based on harvesting time, clones were classified into 3 groups, those were short period (90-110 days after planting) i.e: NTT, Teki, Sanggah, and Lumbu Kuning; medium period (111-131 days after planting) i.e.: Saigon, Lumbu Hijau, Krisik, Tawangmangu, and Ciwidey; and long period (more than 131 days after planting) i.e. Tiongkok. Plant height was varied between 9-26 cm. Plant height of Ciwidey and Tiongkok were relatively shorter than others, whereas diameter of Tawangmangu and Teki were relatively bigger than others. Total leaf number of Ciwidey (9 leaves) was lower than others (11-15 leaves). Based on yields and yield components, bulb weight of Tawangmangu and Krisik were higher than others, i.e. 66.67 g and 58.33 g/plant respectively, whereas Sanggah and NTT were lower than others, i.e. 23.67 g and 24. 33 g/plant. The high yield were performed by Tawangmangu and Lumbu Hijau, it reached 33.21 t/ha and 29.49 t/ha, respectively.
Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 15, No 2 (2014): October 2014
Publisher : Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development - MOA

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Somatic embryogenesis (SE) of callus culture in vitro is one of citrus propagation ways for producing free virus and genetically true-to-type plantlets. To induce growing of plantlets derived from this technology, they should be grafted ex vitro onto a citrus rootstock. The research aimed to evaluate the growth performance of citrus plants cv. Siam Kintamani (Citrus nobilis L.) that used both plantlets and scions as their stocks. The research was conducted at Tlekung Research Station, Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruit Research Institute from June 2011 to December 2012. The treatments were done at nursery house by grafting a plantlet and budding a scion onto an eight-month-old Japanese Citroon (JC) rootstock plant. The grafted and budded plants of one-year old were maintained at nursery house then transplanted into the field. In the field, the research was arranged in a randomized block design with three replications and used 15 plants as unit samples. The results showed that the vegetative growth of Siam Kintamani seedling derived from SE or grafted plant was faster than that of budded plant started from 10 to 12 months after treatment in the nersery house. In the field, the growth of SE grafted plant was only significantly different up to 6 months after transplanting. Plantlets produced from SE in vitro propagation can be used as a good alternative stock material for producing healthy citrus plants. Therefore, a further research is required especially on varieties used, reproductive growth and massive planlets production.
Analisis Genotip Pohon Induk Jeruk Bebas Penyakit Hasil Perbanyakan Tunas Pucuk dengan Primer RAPD Supriyanto, Arry; Agisimanto, Dita; Purbiati, T; Devy, Nirmala Friyanti; Dwiastuti, Mutia Eti
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 16, No 1 (2006): Maret 2006
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v16n1.2006.p%p


Uji tepat varietas untuk pohon induk jeruk bebas penyakit diperlukan untuk memastikan kebenaran genotip tanaman yang diperbanyak secara vegetatif. Percobaan dilakukan untuk menganalisis kesamaan genotip pohon induk jeruk bebas penyakit (benih penjenis) hasil perbanyakan vegetatif melalui penyambungan tunas pucuk dari pohon induk tunggalnya menggunakan penanda DNA RAPD. Daun dari tunas muda berumur 20-25 hari diekstrak untuk mendapatkan bulk DNA. Setiap sampel DNA dari setiap varietas diamplifikasi menggunakan 2 primer RAPD dan diseparasi menurut metode elektroforesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 2 primer RAPD OPN14 dan OPN16 mampu memperlihatkan keseragaman pita DNA benih-benih penjenis dengan  induknya. Hasil penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan genotip antara tanaman yang diperoleh dari protokol pembuatan benih penjenis dengan pohon induk tunggalnya.True variety testing is needed to proof the genotype truth fulness of virus free mother plant that vegetatively multiplied. Study was done to analyze the genotype similarity of virus free mother plant that vegetatively multiplied through shoot tip grafting from the single mother plant using DNA RAPD marker. Leaves from young flush of 20-25 days were extracted in order to find out the bulk DNA. Each DNA sample from each variety was amplified by 2 RAPD primer and separated electrophoretically. The results indicated that 2 RAPD OPN14 and OPN16 primer revealed the uniformity of DNA band of the breeder seeds and the mother plant. The results strongly confirm that there was no genotype differences among the plant generated from standard protocol of producing virus free of citrus breeder seeds and the single mother plant.