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Forum Agribisnis Vol 1, No 1 (2011): FA Vol 1 No 1 Maret 2011
Publisher : Forum Agribisnis

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One of horticultural commodities which contribute significantly to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is vegetables. Agropolitan Cianjur is one vegetable producing areas in Indonesia with the priority commodity of carrots and leeks. Farmers in the area of Cianjur agropolitan face the constraints in production fluctuations from the two commodities which indicate a production risk. Therefore, we need to analyze the production risk of carrot and leek  in the region of Cianjur agropolitan andto  analyze the alternative of risk management handlin gin  the production of carrot and leek that can be applied in the region of Cianjur agropolitan. The method used to analyze the level of production risk in carrots and leeks is variance, standard deviation, and coefficient variation That tools can find the alternative production of risk management. Base on the return of productivity, production risk of carrots is 26 percent and lees is 29 percent. The Alternative of risk management is, first, farmers should irrigate carrot and leeks in the dry season and use plastic mulch for leeks. Second, farmers should implement the Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Third, farmers must do proper fertilization and rotate the cropping pattern well. Fourth, farmers must use appropriate input variables according to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Fifth, the government must improve training and extension in cultivation of carrots and leeks and also increase the oversight of the farmers performance. Sixth, diversification by intercropping.
Marketing Strategy Development for Green House Karamba Hydroponic Vegetables Audra Siti Nurjanah; Popong Nurhayati; Annisa Ramadanti
Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis Vol. 19 No. 1 (2022): JMA Vol. 19 No. 1, March 2022
Publisher : School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/jma.19.1.69


Green House Karamba, as a hydroponic vegetable producer, faces fluctuating sales volume and difficulty in reaching the end consumer. Therefore, Green House Karamba needs strategy formulation. This study aimed to: (1) analyze the ekisting marketing strategy of Green House Karamba based on marketing mix 4C; (2) analyze the competitive advantage of Green House Karamba based on competitive conditions; and (3) formulate a marketing strategy that can be applied by the company. This study focused on the products of hydroponic vegetables of Green House Karamba. Marketing mix 4C analysis, Porter’s five forces model, and marketing genius approach were employed for this study. Based on marketing mix 4C analysis, there were rooms for improvement in co-creation, communal activation, and conversation. According to Porter’s five forces model analysis, Green House Karamba’s potential competitive advantage were in terms of price and quality, relative independent production, and differentiation. The results of the previous analyses were considered for strategy formulation using a marketing genius approach. Based on marketing genius analysis, comprehensive marketing strategy and value proposition development were recommended for Green House Karamba. This study is expected to help Green House Karamba in facing competition. Keywords: hydroponic, marketing genius, marketing mix 4C, marketing strategy
Analysis of Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty Factors with CRM Approach in Agribusiness E-commerce Company Iqra Rizky Goranda; Popong Nurhayati; Megawati Simanjuntak
Journal of Consumer Sciences Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Consumer Sciences
Publisher : Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jcs.6.2.111-128


XYZ e-commerce is a company that sells an agricultural product that draws benefits from the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this research was to analyze CRM factors, satisfaction, and consumer loyalty. This study using quantitative research selected with convenience sampling. The online survey applied toward 232 respondents who were unsatisfied with the service in Jabodetabek and processed using Structural Equation Model (SEM). Based on the SEM results, it was found that CRM has a significant effect on consumer satisfaction and consumer satisfaction with consumer loyalty. In contrast, CRM has no significant effect on consumer loyalty. This research concluded that XYZ needs to become a company that makes it easy for consumers, is professional, reliable and trustworthy. However, efforts need to be made to improve the relationship between criticism and suggestions, communication and providing information, regulating product availability, delivery time, and saving consumer costs—the results of this research results are expected to increase satisfaction and loyalty through the CRM approach.
Perumusan Strategi Bersaing pada Grand Malabar Hotel Ivan Godang Wardiman; Lukman Mohammad Baga; Popong Nurhayati
Value : Jurnal Manajemen dan Akuntansi Vol 16 No 1 (2021): Januari - Juni 2021
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32534/jv.v16i1.1837


The industry 4.0 revolution era, the hotel competitive rivalry competition, and the covid-19 pandemic are challenges for every industry to compete, especially the hospitality industry. Faced with this situation, a strategy is needed in winning the competition. This study is aimed to formulate a competitive strategy at the Grand Malabar Hotel in the midst of fierce competition in Bandung hospitality industry. This study uses primary and secondary data collected through observation, questionnaires, interviews, literature studies and related journals. This study combaines quantitative and qualitative approaches at the same time to optain optimal results. Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) are used as the methods of this study. The result of this study shows that currently the Grand Malabar Hotel is entering into red ocean. There are 13 competitive factors analyzed, 3 of which must be eliminated, 1 factor must be subtracted, and 7 factors must be increased. The nnovation has been made by creating 6 factors, including: (1) cooperation with travel agents, (2) creating hotel website, (3) information on tourist attractions, (4) utilization of IoT, (5) self service check-in kiosks, (6) rooftop cafe. The strategy formulation has been tested and commercially feasible to be implemented by Grand Malabar Hotel. Keywords: Blue ocean strategy (BOS), competitive strategy, hotel, importance-performance analysis (IPA), value innovation.
Forum Agribisnis Vol 1 No 1 (2011): FA Vol 1 No 1 Maret 2011
Publisher : Magister Science of Agribusiness, Department of Agribusiness, FEM-IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/fagb.1.1.1-19


One of horticultural commodities which contribute significantly to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is vegetables. Agropolitan Cianjur is one vegetable producing areas in Indonesia with the priority commodity of carrots and leeks. Farmers in the area of Cianjur agropolitan face the constraints in production fluctuations from the two commodities which indicate a production risk. Therefore, we need to analyze the production risk of carrot and leek  in the region of Cianjur agropolitan andto  analyze the alternative of risk management handlin gin  the production of carrot and leek that can be applied in the region of Cianjur agropolitan. The method used to analyze the level of production risk in carrots and leeks is variance, standard deviation, and coefficient variation That tools can find the alternative production of risk management. Base on the return of productivity, production risk of carrots is 26 percent and lees is 29 percent. The Alternative of risk management is, first, farmers should irrigate carrot and leeks in the dry season and use plastic mulch for leeks. Second, farmers should implement the Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Third, farmers must do proper fertilization and rotate the cropping pattern well. Fourth, farmers must use appropriate input variables according to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Fifth, the government must improve training and extension in cultivation of carrots and leeks and also increase the oversight of the farmers performance. Sixth, diversification by intercropping.
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): JABM Vol. 6 No. 1, Januari 2020
Publisher : School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/jabm.6.1.50


This research aimed to: (1) measure the level of market orientation of freshwater ornamental fish cultivators in West Java production centers, (2) analyze turnover and profits as an indicator of the performance of freshwater ornamental fish aquaculture business in West Java production centers, and (3) analyze the effect of market orientation of fish cultivators on the performance of freshwater ornamental fish aquaculture business in West Java production centers. Primary data were collected through observation and interviews with 240 samples of freshwater ornamental fish cultivators in West Java production centers. Research samples determined by multistage sampling methods. The descriptive analysis and profit and loss analysis were employed to analyze the collected data. Research hypotheses were tested by Spearman correlation. The results showed that the market orientation level of ornamental fish cultivators in West Java production centers was categorized as high. Thus, data mode showed that in 2018 the business made a turnover of Rp216,000,000 and a profit of Rp33,971,333. Market orientation and each of market orientation indicators (market knowledge, consumer orientation, competitor orientation, coordination with labor, and marketing implementation) had a significant and positive relationship to business performance. Consumer orientation was the highest market orientation indicator in the relationship between market orientation and business performance.. Keywords: freshwater ornamental fish aquaculture, market orientation, business performance Abstrak: Penelitian bertujuan (1) Mengukur tingkat orietasi pasar pembudidaya ikan hias air tawar di sentra produksi Jawa Barat, (2) Menganalisis omset dan keuntungan sebagai indikator kinerja usaha budidaya ikan hias air tawar di sentra produksi Jawa Barat, dan (3) Menganalisis pengaruh orietasi pasar pembudidaya ikan terhadap kinerja usaha budidaya ikan hias air tawar di sentra produksi Jawa Barat. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan wawancara kepada 240 sampel pembudidaya ikan hias air tawar di sentra produksi Jawa Barat. Penentuan sample penelitian menggunakan multistage sampling. Metode analisis berupa analisis deskriptif dan analisis rugi laba. Pengujian terhadap hipotesis penelitian dilakukan menggunakan korelasi Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat orientasi pasar pembudidaya ikan hias di sentra produksi Jawa Barat terkategori tinggi, sehingga pada tahun 2018 mampu menghasilkan modus omset usaha Rp216 juta dan modus keuntungan usaha Rp33.971.333. Orientasi pasar dan masing-masing indikator orientasi pasar (pengetahuan pasar, orientasi konsumen, orientasi pesaing, koordinasi dengan tenaga kerja dan pelaksanaan pemasaran) memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dan positif terhadap kinerja usaha. Orientasi konsumen merupakan indikator orientasi pasar yang tertinggi dalam hubungan antara orientasi pasar dengan kinerja usaha. Kata kunci: budi daya ikan hias air tawar, orientasi pasar, kinerja usaha
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Vol. 7 No. 3 (2021): JABM Vol. 7 No. 3, September 2021
Publisher : School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/jabm.7.3.643


PT XYZ is a company engaged in the retail business of Pertamina's products. PT XYZ needs to have the right alternative strategy to respond the slowdown in fuel sales growth and the growth of foreign gas stations in DKI Jakarta & Banten fuel retail industry. This research aims to analyze internal and external factors that affect the business of PT XYZ and develop appropriate business strategies for PT XYZ. Some of the analytical tools used in this research are VRIO analysis, Porter's Five Forces, PESTEL, Internal-External matrix, and SWOT analysis. The method of collecting data is carried out through observation, interviews, questionnaires, and literature studies. Interviewees in this study consisted of internal parties that government policies in PT XYZ and external parties, namely the BPH Migas committee. Based on the results of the identification of the internal and external environment, there are several internal factors consisting of 7 strengths and 5 weaknesses of the company, as well as strategic external factors consisting of 4 opportunities and 4 threats that affect the business of PT XYZ. PT XYZ is in quadrant V in the IE matrix, so that there are 9 alternative strategies that can be applied to PT XYZ's business, consisting of 6 product development strategies and 3 market penetration strategies. Keywords: alternative strategy, PESTEL, Porter’s Five Forces, SWOT, VRIO
Analysis of Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty Factors with CRM Approach in Agribusiness E-commerce Company Iqra Rizky Goranda; Popong Nurhayati; Megawati Simanjuntak
Journal of Consumer Sciences Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Consumer Sciences
Publisher : Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jcs.6.2.111-128


XYZ e-commerce is a company that sells an agricultural product that draws benefits from the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this research was to analyze CRM factors, satisfaction, and consumer loyalty. This study using quantitative research selected with convenience sampling. The online survey applied toward 232 respondents who were unsatisfied with the service in Jabodetabek and processed using Structural Equation Model (SEM). Based on the SEM results, it was found that CRM has a significant effect on consumer satisfaction and consumer satisfaction with consumer loyalty. In contrast, CRM has no significant effect on consumer loyalty. This research concluded that XYZ needs to become a company that makes it easy for consumers, is professional, reliable and trustworthy. However, efforts need to be made to improve the relationship between criticism and suggestions, communication and providing information, regulating product availability, delivery time, and saving consumer costs—the results of this research results are expected to increase satisfaction and loyalty through the CRM approach.
Risk Management At The Agency Inspectorate XYZ Nurlinda Dewi Kusumah; Lukman Mohammad Baga; Popong Nurhayati
International Journal of Social Service and Research Vol. 1 No. 4 (2021): International Journal of Social Service and Research (IJSSR)
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46799/ijssr.v1i4.56


Risk management in the government environment is currently still not implemented effectively in all government institutions, including the XYZ Agency Inspectorate. Whereas risk management is able to assist the government in achieving its goals and there are regulations to implement it, namely Government Regulation no. 60 of 2008. This study aims to analyze the application of risk management at the XYZ Agency Inspectorate. The benefit of conducting this research is that it can provide management with an understanding of the results of the risk management portrait so that it can decide on the treatment of risks that have the potential to threaten the achievement of activity objectives. Qualitative research methods are carried out through literature studies, normative studies and prospective studies. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis research type. The results obtained from this study are that the implementation of risk management in the XYZ Agency's Inspectorate has not been optimally carried out because it is still using the XYZ Agency's risk management standards.
Business Review and Case Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): BRCS, Vol 2 No 1, April 2021
Publisher : School of Business, IPB University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/brcs.2.1.49


Indonesia has a high penetration users of smart phone occupied 4th position behind China, India, and US. The utilization of smart phone should be contributed positive matter to its users, once increasing reading habbit. We argued that so important to user to find some nonfiction books information related to their needs and desires, and high potential platform business model development. This paper aims to map a relation between users experience in exploring and reading of nonfiction books to platform business development opportunities. The study was human centre and qualitative approach, conducted by user experience analysis with empathy mapping canvas and customer journey mapping approach, then conducted mind mapping for synthesis problems as user experiences. The result shown the frequently user problems are lacked of nonfiction books information, lacked of reading motivation, constrained on purchasing or rent the book, lacked of book reading management. By solving those problems should drive to ideate developing platform based human centered design and shown highly potential market platform for special user book reader and generally smart phone users. Keywords: user experience, human centre, empathy map canvas, customer journey mapping