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DISTRIBUSI SUMBERDAYA IKAN DEMERSAL DI PERAIRAN LAUT CINA SELATAN Moh. Rasyid Ridho; Richardus F. Kaswadji; Indra Jaya; Subhat Nurhakim
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan dan Perikanan Indonesia Vol. 11 No. 2 (2004): Desember 2004
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari hubungan antara distribusi sumberdaya ikan demersal dengan kedalaman perairan dan faktor-faktor lingkungan perairan Laut Cina  Selatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari tanggal 10 September - 5 Oktober 2001 dengan kedalaman 13-72 meter. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa distribusi sumberdaya ikan demersal tergantung dari salinitas, kedalaman dan suhu perairan. Pengaruh faktor salinitas lebih besar dari faktor kedalaman dan suhu perairan. Distribusi Alepes kalla, Selaroides leptolepis, Scutor ruconeus, Leiognathus leusiscus, Pomadasys maculatus, Pomadasys argyreus, Pampus argenteus, Upeneus tragula dan Nemipterus mesoprion pada perairan dangkal dengan salinitas yang rendah serta suhu yang tinggi. Sebaliknya Nemipterus marginatus, Nemipterus peronii, Nemipterus tambuloides, Priacanthus macracanthus dan Upeneus bensasi pada perairan yang lebih dalam, salinitas yang tinggi dan pada suhu yang rendah. Distribusi Atropus atropus, Gazza minuta, Leiognatus equulus dan Scomberomorus commerson pada perairan dengan kecerahan yang tinggi. Scolopsis taeniopterus, Saurida undosquamis dan Priacanthus tayenus memiliki toleransi yang luas terhadap faktor lingkungan.Kata kunci: distribusi, ikan demersal, perairan Laut Cina Selatan.
Produktifitas Primer dan Laju Pertumbuhan Fitoplankton di Perairan Pantai Bekasi Richardus F. Kaswadji; Fifi Widjaja; Yusli Wardiatno
Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan dan Perikanan Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (1993): Desember 1993
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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Observasi dan eksperimen telah dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi produktifitas primer dan laju pertumbuhan fitoplankton serta estimasi pemangsaan fitoplankton oleh zooplankton di perairan Muara Bekasi, Muara Jaya, dan Muara Sorongan,Kabupaten Bekasi di lokasi muara sungai (Stasiun S), perairan antara sungai dan laut (Stasiun SL) dan laut di depannya (Stasiun L). Produktifitas primer diukur dengan menggunakan metode botol gelap-botol terang, sedangkan laju pertumbuhan fitoplankton diukur dengan metode penyaringan. Pengukuran dan eksperimen dilakukan pada bulan Februari , Maret, dan April 1993. Dari hasil pengukuran didapatkan nilai rata-rata produktifitas primer sebesar 428,16,322,55, dan 343,97 gC/ml/tb berturut-turut untuk Stasiun S, SL, dan L. Laju tumbuhan fitoplankton adalah 16 %, 54 %, dan 26 % penggandaanlhari untuk Stasiun S, SL, dan L. Klorofil yang hilang di Stasiun S, SL, dan L berturut-turut adalah sebesar 2,28, 3,81, dan 2,38~tlhari, atau sekitar Ix )0-4, 3x )0-4, dan 0,7x 10-4 ~Cl1t/zooplankter/hari ditransfer dari fitoplankton ke zooplankton .Kata-kata kunci: fitoplankton, produktifitas primer, laju pertumbuhan, perairanpantai, Kabupaten Bekasi.
This research to study relation between environment parameter, plankton abundance and primary productivity with abundance of tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry, calculates plankton predating rate speed by tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry and other larva and studies plankton population dynamics, tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry before, at the time and after peak season.  Result of research indicates that some environment parameters significant differs according to observa Nur Asia Umar; Richardus F. Kaswadji; Ario Damar; Ismudi Muchsin; I Wayan Nurjaya
Forum Pasca Sarjana Vol. 32 No. 2 (2009): Forum Pascasarjana
Publisher : Forum Pasca Sarjana

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This research to study relation between environment parameter, plankton abundance and primary productivity with abundance of tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry, calculates plankton predating rate speed by tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry and other larva and studies plankton population dynamics, tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry before, at the time and after peak season.  Result of research indicates that some environment parameters significant differs according to observation period and season.  Highest abundance of tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry and other larva reaches to 29067, 7733 and 54400 ind/1000 m3. Highest grazing rate to population of phytoplankton and plankton (phytoplankton + zooplankton) found when predator consisted of tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry and other larva with grazing rate up to 125 cells/liter/hour and 129 plankter /liter/hour respectively.  Highest predating rate to zooplankton population when predator consist of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry and there is phytoplankton as their prey up to 12 individual/liter/hour.  The certain plankton species significant correlation and estimated as natural food of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry that is some types of diatom and crustaceae from zooplankton.  Plankton population dynamics especially controlled by predator by tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry and other larva, while influence of environment parameter is small relative. Abundance of each phytoplankton and zooplankton ranged from 583-28563 cells/liter and 22-3413 ind/liter.  Average abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton significant differs higher at peak season compare  before and after tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry season. Predator-prey relation between phytoplankton and zooplankton shows phase change which succession between phytoplankton controls to zooplankton phases with zooplankton control to phytoplankton.  Abundance of plankton influences abundance of population of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry especially after peak season.  There is concordance of time between peak abundance of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry and other larva with peak abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton.   Key words : population dynamics, predating, predating rate, predator, prey, phytoplankton, zooplankton, tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry, other larva, Pinrang
The research aims to find out the existence and the most dominant rotifera in coastal territorial waters and estuaries in North Sulawesi, and their relationship with temperature, salinity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients.  The research was conducted in Manembo-nembo, Minanga, Wori, and Tumpaan.  Identification of rotifera revealed three species of rotifera from all locations, i.e. Brachionus rotundiformis, Brachionus caudatus, and Brachionus quadridentatus, with abundance value of 198 Joice R.T.S.L. Rimper; Richardus F. Kaswadji; Bambang Widigdo; Nawangsari Sugiri
Forum Pasca Sarjana Vol. 31 No. 1 (2008): Forum Pascasarjana
Publisher : Forum Pasca Sarjana

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The research aims to find out the existence and the most dominant rotifera in coastal territorial waters and estuaries in North Sulawesi, and their relationship with temperature, salinity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients.  The research was conducted in Manembo-nembo, Minanga, Wori, and Tumpaan.  Identification of rotifera revealed three species of rotifera from all locations, i.e. Brachionus rotundiformis, Brachionus caudatus, and Brachionus quadridentatus, with abundance value of 1984.4 ind/m3; 26.1 ind/m3; and 212.9 ind/m3 respectively.  Result of analysis indicates that abundance of those three rotifera are significantly different both between locations and sampling sites.  The  abundance of B. rotundiformis in Manembo-nembo and Minanga is higher compared to those in Wori and Tumpaan.  The abundance of B. caudatus is higher in Manembo-nembo and Minanga compared to those in Wori and Tumpaan.  The abundance of B. quadridentatus is also different from the other two species, the abundance is sifnificantly different in Minanga compared to those in Manembo-nembo and Tumpaan, but is not significantly different with those from Wori.  The highest abundance of B. rotundiformis was found in brackishwater pond and the lowest was in coastal area.   Key words: bioecology, rotifera, coastal water, estuary
Kebiasaan Makanan Ikan Beloso (Saurida undosquamis) di Perairan Laut Cina Selatan Bagian Selatan (LCS) Moh. Rasyid Ridho; Richardus F. Kaswadji; Indra Jaya; Subhat Nurhakim
Majalah Ilmiah Biologi BIOSFERA: A Scientific Journal Vol 22, No 1 (2005)
Publisher : Fakultas Biologi | Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.mib.2005.22.1.181


The objective of this research is to understand the food habit of the lizard fish (Saurida undosquamis) in Southern South China Sea.For this purpose, purposive random sampling was conducted over 19 stations in trawlable bottom waters using swept area method and sample of 250 of S. undosquamis were examined for their stomach content. The lengths of S. undosquamis under this observation were 15,0-26,8 cm. The result showed that the S. undosquamis is demersal fish that distributed diurnally. The food habit of the S. undosquamis in South China Sea was different between the day and the night. The food habit of S. undosquamis in the day are mainly small demersal fishes, especially Leiognathus leusiscus and Upeneus sulphureus that have the same diurnal distribution pattern as  S. undosquamis. Meanwhile, during the night time, the food habit of  S. undosquamis was dominated by shrimps.