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STOMATOGNATIC- Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 7, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember

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Emergency case in endodontic treatments need accuracy diagnostic and treatment immediately because it produces pain and puffines. We can get accuracy diagnostic by dental record, subjective inspection, objective inspection, periodontium inspection, and radiography inspection. Treatment for endodontic emergency case based on diagnostic result and etiology to reduce pain and desease in serious condition. The dentist ought to has enough knowledge and skill about pain mechanisme, patient management, diagnostic, anaesthetic, terapeutic treatment, the accuracy treatment for soft and hard tissue and can reduce anxiousness patient.
STOMATOGNATIC- Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 7, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember

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There has been dramatic progression in the adhesion of dental adhesives and resins to enamel and dentin in the 40 years since Buonocore1 introduced the technique of etching enamel with phosphoric acid to improve adhesion to enamel. The first dental adhesives bonded resins to enamel only, with little or no dentin adhesion. Subsequent generations have dramatically improved bond strength to dentin and the sealing of dentin margins while retaining a strong bond to enamel. The widespread demand for, and use of, dental adhesives has fuelled an intensive development of better and easier dental adhesives in rapid succession; dentists have literally been inundated with successive “generations” of adhesive materials. There are seven generatios in bonding agent and have a different characteristics. This article discusses the progression of dental adhesives up to the last generation.
Metode Penentuan Usia Melalui Gigi dalam Proses Identifikasi Korban Kartika Apriyono, Dwi
Cermin Dunia Kedokteran Vol 43, No 1 (2016): Neurologi
Publisher : PT. Kalbe Farma Tbk.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1487.2 KB) | DOI: 10.55175/cdk.v43i1.14


Gigi dapat digunakan untuk menentukan identitas korban yang meninggal karena kecelakaan, kejahatan, ataupun karena bencana alam. Penentuan perkiraan usia gigi yang tepat menggunakan lebih dari satu metode perkiraan usia gigi dan melakukan pengukuran serta kalkulasi berulang-ulang. Metode Demirjian, Nolla, dan Gustafson adalah metode penentuan usia melalui gigi yang sering digunakan, masing-masing memiliki keunggulan dan keterbatasan. Akurasi hasil penentuan usia bergantung pada beberapa faktor yang membutuhkan beberapa penyesuaian. Penelitian lanjutan diperlukan dengan ruang lingkup sampel yang lebih besar, penggunaan teknologi yang lebih maju, dan populasi yang berbeda agar dapat meningkatkan derajat validitasnya.
Efek konsumsi kopi arabika selama masa laktasi pada tikus Wistar terhadap erupsi gigi anak tikusThe effect of Arabica coffee consumption during lactation of breastfeeding Wistar rats on the tooth eruption of the offsprings Luthfia Choirunnisa; Dwi Kartika Apriyono; Amandia Dewi Permana Shita
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjdrs.v4i2.27506


Pendahuluan: Kopi merupakan minuman yang sering dikonsumsi masyarakat, biasanya diminum 1-3 cangkir per hari dengan kandungan kafein 60-200mg.  Konsumsi kafein lebih dari 300mg perhari akan mengganggu kesehatan, khususnya saat masa laktasi. Kafein menyebabkan terhambatnya absorpsi kalsium, sehingga jumlah kalsium dalam tubuh ibu dan bayinya akan berkurang.  Apabila saat masa laktasi ibu mengonsumsi kopi berlebihan, diperkirakan bayi akan mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan gigi berupa keterlambatan erupsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konsumsi kopi Arabika saat masa laktasi terhadap erupsi gigi anak tikus. Metode: Jenis penelitian eksperimental laboratoris. Penelitian ini menggunakan 12 tikus Wistar betina yang sedang menyusui, yang terbagi menjadi 3 kelompok yakni: kelompok kontrol (K), kelompok perlakuan kopi dosis normal (P1) dan kelompok perlakuan kopi dosis berlebih (P2). Kopi diberikan dalam bentuk seduhan dengan teknik sondase selama masa laktasi (21 hari). Satu anak tikus dari masing-masing induk tikus dilakukan euthanasia pada hari ke-22, kemudian dilakukan foto periapikal, selanjutnya kecepatan erupsi gigi diukur dengan CorelDraw X8. Data yang diperoleh diuji menggunakan uji one-way ANOVA dan dilanjutkan uji Least Significant Difference (LSD). Hasil: Uji one-way ANOVA memperlihatkan nilai p=0,0001 (p<0,05) yang menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari kecepatan erupsi gigi di antara kelompok kontrol, kelompok perlakuan kopi dosis normal dan dosis berlebih. Simpulan: Konsumsi kopi Arabika pada tikus selama masa laktasi dapat menghambat erupsi gigi anak tikus.Kata kunci: Kopi Arabika (Coffea arabica), laktasi, erupsi gigi. ABSTRACTIntroduction: Coffee is a beverage commonly consumed by the population, typically consumed approximately 1-3 cups a day with 60-200 mg of caffeine content. Consumption of more than 300 mg of caffeine per day will interfere with the health, especially for mothers during the lactation period. Caffeine induces calcium absorption reduction, thereby reducing the amount of calcium in the mother’s body as well as the baby. If the mother drinks excessive coffee during the lactation period, the baby is suspected to be having tooth development disorders such as delayed eruption. This research was aimed to analyse the effect of Arabica coffee consumption during lactation of breastfeeding Wistar rats on the tooth eruption of the offsprings. Methods: This research was an experimental laboratory. The research sample was 12 breastfeeding female Wistar rats that were divided into three groups, namely the control group, the standard dose coffee treatment group, and the overdose coffee treatment group. Coffee was administered during the lactation period (21 days) in the form of steeping with the sonde technique. One of the offsprings from each breastfeeding rats was euthanised on the 22nd day after birth. A periapical photo was taken, then the tooth eruption speed was measured with CorelDraw X8 software. The data collected were analysed using one-way ANOVA and proceeded with the LSD test. Results: The one-way ANOVA test showed the p-value = 0.0001 (p < 0.05) which indicated a significant difference in the tooth-eruption speed between the control group, the standard dose coffee treatment group, and the overdose coffee treatment group. Conclusion: Arabica coffee consumption during lactation period may delay the teeth eruption of the offsprings.Keywords: Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica), lactation, teeth eruption.
Estimasi Usia Kronologis Menggunakan Metode Moorrees, Fanning dan Hunt Modifikasi Smith pada Anak Laki-laki dan Perempuan di Kabupaten Jember Fithrie Rasdiana Makruf; Dwi Kartika Apriyono; Supriyadi Supriyadi
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjdrs.v6i1.34848


Pendahuluan: Indonesia terletak di pertemuan tiga lempeng tektonik utama di dunia yang merupakan wilayah teritorial yang sangat rawan bencana alam, salah satunya Kabupaten Jember merupakan wilayah rawan bencana ringan hingga sedang. Bencana alam merupakan fenomena alam yang tidak seorangpun mampu memperkirakan kapan terjadinya dan saat terjadinya bencana, kelompok yang paling rentan dalam situasi darurat bencana salah satunya anak sekolah pada fase middle child memiliki kondisi rentan secara psikologis dan sangat bergantung pada pihak-pihak di luar dirinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perbedaan estimasi usia kronologis menggunakan metode Moorrees, Fanning dan Hunt modifikasi Smith pada anak laki-laki dan perempuan. Metode: Pengamatan dengan menganalisis setiap citra radiograf panoramik dan penentuan setiap tahapan perkembangan gigi. Estimasi usia gigi ditentukan sesuai dengan tabel usia tahapan perkembangan metode Moorrees, Fanning dan Hunt (MFH) modifikasi Smith. Data hasil penelitian dilakukan analisis statistik menggunakan uji paired t-test. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan signifikan usia kronologis dengan usia gigi sampel perempuan sebanyak 0,49 – 0,86 tahun dengan nilai p<0,05 dan terdapat perbedaan signifikan usia kronologis dengan usia gigi sampel laki-laki sebanyak -0,02 – 1,19 tahun dengan nilai p<0,05. Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan estimasi usia kronologis menggunakan metode Moorrees, Fanning dan Hunt modifikasi Smith pada anak laki-laki dan perempuan.Kata kunci: metode Moorrees Fanning Hunt modifikasi Smith; panoramik; anak; usia kronologis ABSTRACTIntroduction: Indonesia is located at the confluence of three major tectonic plates in the world, a territorial area prone to natural disasters, one of which is Jember Regency, an area prone to mild to moderate disasters. Natural disasters are natural phenomena with a slight chance of prediction. In disaster emergencies, one of the most vulnerable groups is school children in the middle child phase, who are psychologically vulnerable and very dependent. The purpose of this study was to analyse differences in the chronological age estimation with Smith’s modified Moorrees, Fanning and Hunt method for male and female children. Methods: Observation by analysing each panoramic radiograph image and determining each stage of tooth development. The estimated tooth age was determined using Smith’s modified Moorrees, Fanning and Hunt (MFH) method according to the developmental stage age table. The research data were statistically analysed using the paired t-test. Results: There was a significant difference in chronological age with the dental age of the female children sample (0.49 – 0.86 years) with a p-value < 0.05, and there is also a significant difference in chronological age with the dental age of the male children sample (-0.02 - 1.19 years) with a p-value < 0.05. Conclusions: There are differences in estimating chronological age with Smith’s modified Moorrees, Fanning and Hunt method for male and female children.Keywords: Smith’s modified Moorrees, Fanning, and Hunt method; panoramic; children; chronological age
Perbedaan ukuran mahkota dan servikal gigi kaninus mandibula dan molar pertama maksila melalui pengukuran diagonal pada laki-laki dan perempuan dalam penentuan dimorfisme seksualDifferences in the crown and cervical sizes of mandibular canines and maxillary first molars measured with diagonal measurements in males and females in determining sexual dimorphism Kartika Artha Rini; Masniari Novita; Dwi Kartika Apriyono
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjdrs.v6i1.34079


ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Indonesia merupakan negara yang rentan terhadap bencana alam. Penentuan jenis kelamin menjadi prioritas utama dalam proses identifikasi korban dengan memanfaatkan perbedaan karakteristik gigi antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Metode pengukuran gigi dapat digunakan dalam menentukan jenis kelamin setelah gigi erupsi. Metode pengukuran gigi secara linear dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor sehingga kemudian dikembangkan metode pengukuran diagonal. Tujuan penelitian menganalisis perbedaan ukuran mahkota dan servikal gigi kaninus mandibula dan molar pertama maksila melalui pengukuran diagonal pada laki-laki dan perempuan dalam penentuan dimorfisme seksual. Metode: Jenis penelitian crossectional. Sampel terdiri dari 9 model gigi laki-laki dan 36 model gigi perempuan yang diukur lebar mesiobukal-distolingual dan mesiolingual-distobukal mahkota dan servikal gigi kaninus mandibula dan molar pertama maksila dengan kaliper digital. Analisis data menggunakan uji paired t-test dan independent two sample t-test. Hasil: Rerata ukuran gigi kaninus mandibula dan molar pertama maksila pada laki-laki lebih besar dari perempuan. Diameter mahkota dan servikal mesiobukal-distolingual dan mesiolingual-distobukal gigi kaninus mandibula dan molar pertama maksila hampir seluruhnya menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan antara laki-laki dan perempuan (p<0,05), kecuali pada gigi kaninus kiri mandibula dimensi servikal mesiolingual-distobukal (0,189) dan molar pertama kiri maksila dimensi mahkota mesiolingual-distobukal (0,084). Simpulan: Terdapat Perbedaan ukuran mahkota dan servikal mesiobukal-distolingual dan mesiolingual-distobukal gigi kaninus mandibula dan molar pertama maksila menunjukkan perbedaan antara laki-laki dan perempuan, sedangkan gigi kaninus kiri mandibula dimensi servikal mesiolingual-distobukal dan molar pertama kiri maksila dimensi mahkota mesiolingual-distobukal tidak menunjukkan perbedaan. Gigi yang menunjukkan dimorfisme seksual tertinggi yaitu gigi kaninus kanan mandibula dan gigi molar pertama kanan maksila.Kata kunci: dimorfisme seksual; pengukuran diagonal; kaninus mandibula; molar pertama maksilaABSTRACTIntroduction: Indonesia is a country that is prone to natural disasters. Sex determination is a top priority in the victim identification process by utilising the differences in dental characteristics between males and females. Odontometric measurement can be used in determining sex after tooth eruption. However, odontometric linear can be affected by various factors. As a result, alternative diagonal measurement methods were developed. The study aimed to analyse the differences in the crown and cervical sizes of mandibular canines and maxillary first molars measured with diagonal measurements in males and females in determining sexual dimorphism. Methods: The research was cross-sectional, conducted on nine male dental models and 36 female dental models measured mesiobuccal-distolingual and mesiolingual-distobuccal widths of the crown and cervical canines of the mandibular and maxillary first molars with digital calli-pers. Data analysis using paired t-test and independent two-sample t-test. Results: The mean size of the mandibular canines and maxillary first molars in males were higher than that of females. Almost all mesiobuccal-distolingual and mesiolingual-distobuccal crown and cervical diameters of mandibular canines and maxillary first molars showed significant differences between males and females (p<0.05), except for the mesiolingual-distobuccal left mandibular canine (0.189) and maxillary first molars and maxillary left first molar mesiolingual-distobuccal crown dimension (0.084). Conclusions: There are differences in the mesiobuccal-distolingual and mesiolingual-distobuccal crown and cervical sizes of the mandibular canines and maxillary first molars between males and females while the left mandibular canines mesiolingual-distobuccal cervical dimensions and maxillary left first molars did not show any difference in the mesiolingual-distobuccal dimensions of the crown. The teeth that showed the highest sexual dimorphism were the right mandibular canine and the maxillary right first molar.Keywords: sexual dimoprhism; diagonal measurement; mandibular canine; maxillary first molar
Perubahan Dimensi dan Warna pada Resin Komposit Nanofiller dan Microhybrid Akibat Pemanasan Suhu Tinggi Sebagai Referensi Identifikasi Forensik Rachel Marcelia Hamada; Dwi Kartika Apriyono; Erawati Wulandari
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 4 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Backgrounds: Restorative dental material is one of the forensic experts directory assistance to determining the identity of the unknown victim who in burn condition. Determining the identity can be done through changes dimensions. Changes dimensions can be look of reduced weight and discoloration on the restorationat high temperatures. Composite resin restorations is one materials that is mostly used because it has mechanical characteristic, aesthetic and physical well compared to other restorative materials.Objective: To identify the changes ofdimensions such as the weight reduction and the changes ofcolor between nanofiller composite resin with microhybrid composite resin which is heated at high temperatures. Method and Material: The material used is nanofiller composite resin andmicrohybrid composite resin. The stageof thetreatment is done by heating the composite resin at three temperatures: 319oC, 412oC, 800oC then look at the changes ofcolor and the weight reduction.Results and Conclusion: The results of two way ANOVA test and Post Hoc LSD test showed a significant differences with p <0.05. Theconclusion is there are physical changes such as discoloration and weight reductionof the composite resin which is heated at high temperatures.Keywords: Nanofiler composite resin,Microhybrid composite resin,and heated at high temperature.
Perbedaan Ukuran Gigi Molar Pertama Maksila dan Kaninus Mandibula Permanen Antara Mahasiswa Laki-laki dan Perempuan di FKG Universitas Jember Najla Irhamni Phasa; Dwi Kartika Apriyono; Masniari Novita
Pustaka Kesehatan Vol 6 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/pk.v6i2.8658


Mass disaster often happened in Indonesia. Sex identification is one of the important things for determining the identity of the victims. Sex can be identified based on the size of the teeth. The study determine the differences of maxillary first molar and mandibular caninus tooth size between male and female student in Faculty of Dentistry University of Jember. The sample of this study consisted of 34 tooth models of female and 6 tooth models of male that measured in mesiodistal and bucolingual width of maxillary first molar and mandibular caninus with a digital caliper. Data were analyzed using Independent T-test. There were significant differences (p ≤ 0,05) of maxillary first molar and mandibular caninus size between male and female. Mesiodistal and bucolingual width of maxillary first molar respectively are 10.64 mm, 11.90 mm in males, and 10.16 mm, 11.16 mm in females. The mesiodistal and bucolingual width of mandibular caninus are 7.13 mm, 7.85 mm in males, and 6.66 mm, 7.08 mm in females. It can be concluded that there was a difference in size of maxillary first molar and mandibular caninus between male and female. Keywords: sex identification, masiodistal width, bucolingual width, maxillary first molar, mandibular caninus
Gambaran Erupsi Gigi Permanen pada Anak Sindrom Down Usia 10-16 Tahun di Sekolah Luar Biasa Kabupaten Jember Loly Anastasya Sinaga; Dwi Kartika Apriyono; Masniari Novita
Indonesian Journal of Legal and Forensic Sciences (IJLFS) Vol 8 No 1 (2018): Indonesian Journal of Legal and Forensic Sciences
Publisher : Penerbit, sejak 2012 : Asosiasi Ilmu Forensik Indonesia dan UPT Lab. Forensik Sain dan Kriminilogi - Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/IJLFS.2018.v08.i01.p02


Background: Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs because of chromosome 21 has three chromosome (trisomy 21). The extra chromosome changes the genetic balance, physical characteristic, intellectual abilities, and physiological body function. Tooth eruption in Down Syndrome children typically delayed in both the timing and sequence of eruption up to two or three years. Objective: To observe the permanent teeth eruption in Down syndrome children at age 10-16 years old, boys and girls in Special Needs School in Jember. Materials and Methods: This research was a descriptive study with 7 subjects. Each subject was examined then calculated teeth that had emerged or functionally eruption with articualting paper. Result and Conclusion: Both permanent teeth that is still partially erupted tooth (emerged/ EM) and had erupted perfectly (functionally eruption/ FE) delayed in eruption in Down Syndrome boys and girls at age 10-16 years old.
Efek konsumsi kopi arabika berlebih selama masa laktasi terhadap densitas tulang mandibula anak tikus WistarThe effect of excessive Arabica coffee consumption during lactation on the mandibular bone density of Wistar rats offspring Shabrina Widya Ardiningrum; Amandia Dewi Permana Shita; Dwi Kartika Apriyono
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 32, No 3 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v32i3.27480


Pendahuluan: Laktasi merupakan periode penting dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi. Salah satu faktor risiko yang menyebabkan penurunan densitas tulang mandibula adalah konsumsi kopi berlebih selama masa laktasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konsumsi kopi Arabika selama masa laktasi terhadap densitas tulang mandibula anak tikus Wistar. Metode: Penelitian eksperimental laboratoris dilakukan terhadap 12 ekor tikus Wistar betina yang sedang menyusui. Penghitungan besar sampel berdasarkan jumlah kelompok penelitian (tiga kelompok), yaitu dengan rumus Arifin, dan didapatkan hasil empat ekor tikus untuk setiap kelompok penelitian, sehingga total jumlah sampel adalah 12 ekor tikus. Tiga kelompok penelitian terdiri dari kelompok kontrol (K) yang diberi akuades, kelompok perlakuan yang diberi kopi dosis normal (P1), dan kelompok perlakuan yang diberi kopi dosis berlebih (P2). Akuades dan kopi diberikan selama 21 hari sejak tikus mulai menyusui anaknya. Masing-masing induk tikus diambil satu anaknya untuk di-euthanasia pada hari ke-22. Kemudian dilakukan pengambilan sampel tulang mandibula dan dilakukan pengambilan rontgen foto periapikal. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengukuran densitas tulang mandibula menggunakan densitometer. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji one-way ANOVA dan LSD. Hasil: Hasil dari uji one-way ANOVA dari densitas tulang mandibula anak tikus menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan (p=0,0001) diantara seluruh kelompok penelitian. Hasil uji LSD menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p=0,0001) antara kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok yang diberi kopi dosis normal maupun dengan kelompok kopi dosis berlebih, demikian juga antara kelompok yang diberi dosis normal dengan dosis berlebih. Simpulan: Konsumsi kopi Arabika dalam dosis berlebih selama masa laktasi pada tikus Wistar dapat menurunkan densitas tulang mandibula anak tikus Wistar. Kata kunci: Laktasi, kopi arabika, densitas tulang mandibula. ABSTRACTIntroduction: Lactation is an important period in the growth and development. One of the risk factors that cause a decrease in mandibular bone density is excessive coffee consumption during lactation. This study was aimed to analyse the effect of coffee consumption, especially Arabica coffee, during lactation period on the rats’ mandibular bone density. Methods: This study was an experimental laboratory study of 12 lactating female Wistar rats. The sample size calculation was based on the number of research groups (three groups), the Arifin formula, and the results were four rats for each research group, so the total number of samples was 12 rats. The three research groups consisted of control group (K) which was given aquadest, treatment group that was given a normal dose of coffee (P1), and a treatment group that was given an excessive dose of coffee (P2). Aquadest and coffee were given for 21 days since the initial lactation period. One offspring of each female rat was taken to be euthanised on the 22nd day. Afterwards, the mandibular bone samples were taken from the young rats, and then the periapical x-rays was performed. Furthermore, the mandibular bone density measurement was carried out using a densitometer. Data was analysed using the one-way ANOVA and LSD tests. Results: The one-way ANOVA test of the mandibular bone density of the rats’ offspring showed a significant difference (p = 0.0001) between all study groups. The LSD test results showed a significant difference (p = 0.0001) between the control group and the group was given the normal dose of coffee and the group with an excessive dose of coffee and between the group that was given the normal and the excessive dose. Conclusion: Consumption of Arabica coffee in excessive dose during lactation of female Wistar rats can reduce the mandibular bone density of the offspring.Keywords: Lactation, arabica coffee, mandibular bone density.