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LITERASI: Indonesian Journal of Humanities Vol 5 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Humanities, Jember University

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The newspaper is as an institution which plays an important information provider in the construction of the structure of government, politics, law, economics, education, and culture.It serves commodification measures to safeguard the existence and to maximize profits. The research in the study of culture and media frames uses commodification theory and applies critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough. The study found that Jawa Pos has done process of commodification of young people in the newspaper business. This is done to young children who have great potentials for business development. The commodification was carried out through page “Detection” which has as one of its programs, Development Basketball League competition. Jawa Pos run a process of hegemony on younger children sooftly by introducing, shaping, and instilling a compelling discourse and encouraging their participation. It increases the image and circulation of Jawa Pos which maximize its finacial benefit.Keywords: young people, commodification, modern, Americanized
A Linguistic Landscape Study of English in Yogyakarta: Its Representation of Power in Commercial Boards Dewianti Khazanah; Hadi Sampurna; Reni Kusumaningputri; Riskia Setiarini; Supiastutik Supiastutik
ELLITE Vol 6, No 2 (2021): ELLITE: November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/ellite.v6i2.6380


This research explores how English is used in the expanding circle: tourism areas in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Although Bahasa Indonesia is the official language used, this does not mean that other languages will have a little share in the linguistic landscape. The total data used were 519 signboards which were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. This research found that in monolingual boards, the use of English was 23.7%, and Indonesian was 73.5%. The magnitude of the use of English, which is close to as salient as the use of Bahasa Indonesia, is particularly shown on the bilingual and multilingual signboards. This study highlights discussion on the representation of power of English in the investigated signboards, which was shown from the number of appearance and combination of English and other languages in the signboards. It is revealed that English is expressed not only for informative reasons but also for symbolic reasons such as indexing sophistication, cosmopolitanism, and fashionable appearance.
English as a Lingua Franca in the Eyes of Indonesian In-service Teachers: Attitudes and Beliefs Reni Kusumaningputri; Dewianti Khazanah; Riskia Setiarini; Hadi Sampurna
REiLA : Journal of Research and Innovation in Language Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): REiLA : Journal of Research and Innovation in Language
Publisher : The Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) - Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/reila.v4i1.9538


Based on the premise that teachers are at the forefront of global multilingual cultural awareness agencies, the research on their views toward English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) concepts is critical. This study investigated the attitudes and beliefs of 120 in-service secondary teachers toward ELF in Indonesia. It employed a mixed-method design. Research data was collected using a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. Thematic coding analysis was used to interpret qualitative data. The results indicated teachers' positive changes in attitudes and beliefs in five ELF categories: the presence of multilingual characters and pronunciation model used in the classroom, learning goals, the roles of language and culture, and the language used in the classroom and the assessment. Challenges to welcoming the ELF perspective in classroom practices identified in the study were government policy, parental support, and individual teachers' reflection on the current position of English in the global discourse, primarily since beliefs on the superiority of native English speakers were found to be strong. This study suggests that teachers’ awareness in designing sensitive instructions and materials to welcome lingua cultural varieties would improve the understanding of transpiring changes in the global sociolinguistic landscape. Government intervention is called for to provide cheaper and more accessible materials representing English variations.
English in Shop Signs: Exploring the Bilingual Creativities Found in the Tourism Landscape in Malang and Batu Dewianti Khazanah; Reni Kusumaningputri; Riskia Setiarini; Syamsul Anam; Hadi Sampurna
New Language Dimensions Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): New Language Dimensions Vol. 3 No. 1, June 2022
Publisher : English Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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As popular tourist sites, Malang and Batu in East Java are multicultural and multilingual in nature with at least local languages and national language being used on a daily basis. With globalization and growing markets for business, contacts among their citizens create captivating language/ linguistic landscapes. Many previous research have focused on the vitality and salience of language representations in signboards and discussed the impacts they have on the sociolinguistic reality of the people. This current study, however, explores the bilingual/ multilingual play of the languages used in shop signs in these cities and the possible effects they create. Of 88 signboards under investigation, lexical hybridization- Englishized spelling and hybrid compounding- and bilingual creativity at the syntactic level were the most used strategies. Other textual processes which were commonly found in the signboards are bilingual punning, bilingual rhyming, and mock Englishization. The semantic feature was commonly used as the complementary relationship between language and the content. Effects of these creative processes are projecting modernism, sophistication, association with the international market, ludic effect as an attention-getter, and facilitating memorization.
Gender Representation in Perpustakaan Intan Riskia Setiarini; Supiastutik Supiastutik; Dina Dyah Kusumayanti; Hadi Sampurna; Erna Cahyawati
Pioneer: Journal of Language and Literature Vol 13 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Letters, Universitas Abdurachman Saleh Situbondo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36841/pioneer.v13i2.1286


There is little research on gender-related children's picture books in Indonesia. In this article, we discuss the disclosure of gender representation in a picture book entitled Perpustakaan Intan. The high number appearances of women, the actions pinned on women, and the clothes displayed in both text and images are materials for visualizing women and men. Previous studies have revealed that men dominate the number of appearances in books. However, this book displays women more often than men. On the one hand, this raises the question of whether this means women are in power, and on the other hand, men are portrayed as powerless. Utilizing the multimodality approach, the results show that although women appear more in the narrative, women are still represented as less powerful.
EKSPLORASI KONSEP WISATA DESA DI DESA WALIDONO BONDOWOSO Hadi Sampurna; Rendra Chriestedy P; Rondhi Rondhi; Noer Novijanto
J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 6: Nopember 2022
Publisher : Bajang Institute

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Potensi destinasi wisata utama yang akan dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah Desa Walidono adalah Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Sampean. Namun demikian, pengembangan kawasan DAS Sampean di Walidono belum dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik karena kurangnya infrastruktur pendukung, belum adanya atraksi wisata yang menarik, serta belum adanya industri pendukung pariwisata. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tim pelaksana kegiatan ini mencoba untuk memberikan solusi terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi. Aplikasi pendekatan PRA dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik (1) Direct Observation (observasi langsung), (2) Semi Structured Interviewing (SSI), dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Melalui semua kegiatan yang tim lakukan, akhirnya dapat dicapai penguatan pokdarwis yang diharapkan dapat mengelola wisata DAS Sampean dengan membentuk Kedai kopi dan pengelolaan tempat wisata
The ‘Face’ of Indonesian Cosmetics: Investigating Language Choices in Local Brand Advertisement Boards and Consumers’ Preferences Dewianti Khazanah; Reni Kusumaningputri; Hadi Sampurna; Riskia Setiarini; Syamsul Anam
Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics, 8(1), May 2023
Publisher : Pusat Pelatihan, Riset, dan Pembelajaran Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21462/ijefl.v8i1.579


English has been extensively chosen by multinational companies for the purpose of advertising cosmetics in expanding circle countries. However, studies focusing on the language choices made by Indonesian local cosmetic companies for their advertisement boards and the consumers’ preferences regarding these choices are scanty. The goals of this study, thus, are double-layered. First, the choices of language in each element of the advertisement board copywriting- brand and product names, taglines, slogans, and product descriptions- were revealed. Second, the consumers’ preferences regarding language choices on each of these elements were explored. The language choices were revealed by scrutinizing 98 collected local cosmetic advertisement boards using the types of language choice by da Silva (2017). Preferences were gathered using a survey adapted from Hornikx et al. (2010) and da Silva (2014) and were explored using thematic analysis. The findings show that English dominated all elements of copywriting in the local cosmetic advertisement boards- in brand and product names, taglines, slogans, and descriptions. The study, however, pointed out the gap between the domination of English and consumers’ preferences. A significant number of people chose Bahasa Indonesia as the voice for these advertisements mainly in the aspect of slogans and brand names. The findings show that the choice of Bahasa Indonesia in brand names was more preferable as it projected the products’ national identity in the global market and consumers’ national pride. The same preference was also found in the product descriptions as most consumers deemed Bahasa Indonesia to promote better understandability. These findings suggest that Indonesian cosmetic companies’ language choice policy for product advertisements needs to be revisited.
ANALISIS RISIKO PENGEMBANGAN WISATA KULINER TIRTA AGUNG DI KABUPATEN BONDOWOSO Winda Amilia; Andrew Setiawan Rusdianto; Ida Bagus Suryaningrat; Rendra Chriestedy Prasetya; Nadie Fatimatuzzahro; Hadi Sampurna; Rokhani Rokhani; Laksmi Indreswari; Dadin Gilang Pranata; Thabed Tholib Baladraf
Jurnal Industri Parawisata Vol 6, No 1 (2023): JULY
Publisher : Universitas Sahid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36441/pariwisata.v6i1.1219


Pandemi Covid-19 melumpuhkan berbagai sektor salah satunya pariwisata. Hal ini berdampak terhadap mobilitas masyarakat sehingga banyak ditemui wisata yang tutup, seiring membaiknya keadaan saat ini mulai banyak ditemui wisata yang mulai dibuka kembali, salah satu tempat wisata yang dibuka adalah wisata kuliner Tirta Agung. Wisata kuliner Tirta Agung merupakan kawasan rekreasi yang terdiri dari kolam renang, wisata kuliner, dan pemandangan. Wisata kuliner Tirta Agung kawasan rekreasi terbaik yang dimiliki Kabupaten Bondowoso. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan rekomendasi kepada pengelola kawasan Wisata Tirta Agung terkait dengan kesehatan dan keselamatan wisatawan. Penelitian dimulai dengan pengumpulan data primer melalui wawancara wisatawan menggunakan kuesioner dan data sekunder. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengolahan data menggunakan metode House of Risk (HOR) yang terdiri dari dua fase. Fase pertama dilakukan identifikasi sumber dan kejadian risiko serta dilakukan perhitungan pada nilai Risk Priority Number dan Risk Potential Number. Data yang sudah didapatkan lalu dianalisis pada HOR fase kedua sehingga dapat tercipta strategi mitigasi risiko bagi pelaku wisata. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat 7 agen risiko yang diprioritaskan yaitu tidak adanya pemeriksaan awal, luas lahan yang sempit, jam operasional yang panjang, meja dan kursi tidak steril, tidak tersedianya mesin EDC, rendahnya kesadaran karyawan dan rendahnya kesadaran pengunjung. Dari agen risiko yang ditemukan, didapatkan 4 strategi penanganan antara lain pengecekan terkait kondisi kesehatan pengunjung, perawatan aksesoris, penyampaian aturan yang berlaku kepada pengunjung, dan mempertegas kebijakan yang ada terhadap setiap pengunjung dan karyawan wisata.