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Peran biomarker saliva dalam deteksi penyakit mulut menggunakan nanoteknologi sebagai metode yang menjanjikanRole of salivary biomarkers in the detection of oral diseases using nanotechnology as a promising method Dewi Zakiawati; Irna Sufiawati
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students Vol 5, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjdrs.v5i1.25998


Pendahuluan: Saliva merupakan zat kaya biomarker yang sering digunakan sebagai indikator kesehatan tubuh. Saliva menunjukkan keadaan infeksi, status hormonal, imunologi, nutrisi, metabolisme, bahkan keganasan. Saat ini perkembangan alat diagnostik mengarah pada nanoteknologi, yang populer karena menawarkan prosedur non-invasif, akurat, dan efisien. Evaluasi terhadap deteksi penyakit mulut menggunakan saliva sebagai biomarker, khususnya yang menggunakan teknologi nano perlu dilakukan guna mengetahui sejauh mana metode tersebut membantu dalam ketepatan diagnosis penyakit mulut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas peran biomarker saliva dalam mendeteksi penyakit mulut dengan metode nanoteknologi. Metode: Jenis penelitian systematic review. Pencarian research gap menggunakan strategi PICO. PubMed database digunakan untuk pencarian artikel penelitian, dan kata kunci yang digunakan berdasarkan MeSH. Pelaporan hasil riset systematic review menggunakan panduan PRISMA. Penilaian kualitas artikel dianalisis menggunakan QUADAS. Hasil: Deteksi penyakit mulut menggunakan biomarker saliva merupakan alternatif metode non-invasif, selain itu, dengan teknologi nano memperlihatkan hasil yang akurat dalam waktu singkat. Penyakit gigi dan mulut, baik kelainan genetik maupun patogenik, bersifat lokal maupun sistemik, dapat berkembang menjadi kelainan yang mengancam jiwa. Kondisi ini membutuhkan investigasi yang cepat, salah satu caranya adalah dengan mengoptimalkan peran pemeriksaan biomarker saliva menggunakan nanoteknologi. Simpulan: Penerapan nanoteknologi menggunakan biomarker saliva merupakan pilihan metode yang menjanjikan sebagai alat diagnostik baik di riset maupun klinis, khususnya dalam deteksi penyakit mulut.Kata kunci: Alat diagnostik, biomarker, nanoteknologi, penyakit mulut, saliva. ABSTRACTIntroduction: Saliva is a biomarker-rich substance often used as a health indicator of the human body. Saliva shows the state of infection, hormonal status, immunology, nutrition, metabolism, even malignancy. Currently, the development of diagnostic tools leads to nanotechnology, which is popular due to the non-invasive, accurate, and efficient procedures. Evaluation of the detection of oral diseases using saliva as a biomarker, especially those using nanotechnology, needs to be done to determine how this method helps in the accuracy of the diagnosis of oral diseases. This study was aimed to discuss the role of salivary biomarkers in the detection of oral diseases using nanotechnology methods. Methods: type of research is systematic review. Exploration for research gaps were using the PICO strategy, research articles were collected from Pubmed database, and keywords were determined based on MeSH. The results were reported using the PRISMA guidelines, and the quality of the articles was analysed using QUADAS. Results: Detection of oral diseases using salivary biomarkers was an alternative non-invasive method. Additionally, along with nanotechnology enable to show accurate results in a short time. Oral diseases, both genetic and pathogenic, occur locally or systemically and can develop into a life-threatening condition. This situation requires rapid investigation; one of the ways is by optimising the role of salivary biomarker assessment using nanotechnology. Conclusion: The application of nanotechnology using salivary biomarkers is a promising method option as a diagnostic tool in both research and clinical utility, especially in the detection of oral diseases. Keywords: Diagnostic tools, biomarker, nanotechnology, oral disease, saliva.
Manajemen pendarahan gingiva akibat pansitopenia pada pasien dengan suspek anemia aplastikManagement of pancytopenia gingival bleeding in patients with suspected aplastic anaemia Fika Faradillah Drakel; Dewi Zakiawati; Nanan Nur'aeny
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 34, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v34i1.33530


Pendahuluan: Pansitopenia merupakan suatu keadaan yang ditandai oleh adanya anemia, leukopenia serta trombositopenia akibat gangguan pada sumsum tulang yang menyebabkan proses produksi sel hematopoietik menjadi tidak normal. Salah satu manifestasi rongga mulut pada pansitopenia adalah pendarahan gingiva. Perawatan pendarahan gingiva telah banyak dilakukan dengan pemberian obat kumur feracrylum 1%, atau dengan cara mengompres lokasi pendarahan menggunakan kain kasa yang ditetes dengan lidokain. Laporan kasus ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan manajemen perawatan pendarahan gingiva pada pasien pansitopenia dengan suspek anemia aplastik. Laporan kasus: Seorang pria berusia 50 tahun dengan keluhan lemah badan, demam, melena dan gingiva berdarah sejak dua tahun yang lalu, tidak disertai rasa sakit pada gingiva dan area lainnya dalam rongga mulut. Pasien ini dirawat bersama oleh bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam dan Ilmu Penyakit Mulut. Pemeriksaan rongga mulut menunjukkan adanya pendarahan pada gingiva regio rahang atas kiri dan bawah kiri. Hasil pemeriksaan penunjang menunjukkan hemoglobin: 7,1g/dL, hematokrit: 18%, eritrosit 1,46x104/μL, leukosit 2,5x103/μL, trombosit 7,2x104/μL. Hasil pemeriksaan sumsum tulang yang pertama sulit dinilai. Transfusi darah diberikan dua labu perhari selama enam hari, area pendarahan pada gingiva dilakukan  kompres menggunakan asam traneksamat selama satu sampai tiga menit kemudian dilanjutkan kumur asam traneksamat selama satu menit. Hasil setelah terapi selama 6 hari, tidak ditemukan lagi pendarahan pada gingiva. Simpulan: Terapi lokal kompres dan kumur asam traneksamat dapat menjadi pilihan perawatan yang sangat efektif untuk menghentikan pendarahan gingiva pada pasien pansitopenia, selain terapi transfusi darah tetap dilakukan untuk mengembalikan kadar normal komponen dalam darah.Kata kunci: anemia aplastik; asam traneksamat; pansitopenia; pendarahan gingiva ABSTRACTIntroduction: Pancytopenia is a condition characterised by anaemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia due to disorders of the bone marrow that cause the production process of hematopoietic cells to become abnormal. One of the oral manifestations of pancytopenia is gingival bleeding. Gingival bleeding treatment has been mainly carried out by administering 1% Feracrylum mouthwash or compressing the bleeding site using gauze dripped with lidocaine. This case report aimed to describe the management of pancytopenia gingival bleeding in patients with suspected aplastic anaemia. Case report: A 50-year-old male with the chief complaint of weakness, fever, melena, and gingival bleeding two years prior, without gingival pain and other oral cavity areas. This patient was treated simultaneously by the Department of Internal Medicine and Oral Medicine. Examination of the oral cavity revealed bleeding in the left maxillary and left mandibular gingiva. Investigation results showed haemoglobin level was 7.1g/dL, hematocrit 18%, erythrocytes 1.46x104/μL, leukocytes 2.5x103/μL, and platelets 7.2x10⁴/μL. However, the first bone marrow examination result was still challenging to assess. Therefore, two flasks of blood transfusions were given per day for six days. The bleeding gingival area was compressed using tranexamic acid for one to three minutes, followed by tranexamic acid gargling for one minute. After six days of therapy, no more gingival bleeding was detected. Conclusion: Local compress therapy and tranexamic acid gargling can be effective treatment options to stop gingival bleeding in pancytopenia patients; blood transfusion therapy needs to remain carried out to restore normal levels of blood components.Keywords: aplastic anaemia; tranexamic acid; pancytopenia; gingival bleeding
Distribution of oral ulceration cases in Oral Medicine Integrated Installation of Universitas Padjadjaran Dental Hospital Dewi Zakiawati; Nanan Nur'aeny; Riani Setiadhi
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 32, No 3 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol32no3.23664


Introduction: Oral ulceration defines as discontinuity of the oral mucosa caused by the damage of both epithelium and lamina propria. Among other types of lesions, ulceration is the most commonly found lesion in the oral mucosa, especially in the outpatient unit. Oral Medicine Integrated Installation (OMII) Department in Universitas Padjadjaran Dental Hospital serves as the centre of oral health and education services, particularly in handling outpatient oral medicine cases. This research was the first study done in the Department which aimed to observe the distribution of oral ulceration in OMII Department university Dental Hospital. The data is essential in studying the epidemiology of the diseases. Methods: The research was a descriptive study using the patient’s medical data between 2010 and 2012. The data were recorded with Microsoft® Excel, then analysed and presented in the table and diagram using GraphPad Prism® Results: During the study, the distribution of oral ulceration cases found in OMII Department was 664 which comprises of traumatic ulcers, recurrent aphthous stomatitis, angular cheilitis, herpes simplex, herpes labialis, and herpes zoster. Additionally, more than 50% of the total case was recurrent aphthous stomatitis, with a precise number of 364. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the OMII Department in university Dental Hospital had been managing various oral ulceration cases, with the most abundant cases being recurrent aphthous stomatitis.
Acquaintance of bite mark identification procedures in Forensic Odontology Yuti Malinda; Dewi Zakiawati
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 27, No 3 (2015): November 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (959.733 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol27no3.13557


Introduction: Bite mark analysis casework strives to connect a biter to the teeth pattern present on the object linked in some way to crime or event. This analysis requiring an immediate response by the forensic odontologist since the marks fade rapidly in the living and the dead in a matter of hours. The aim of this article is to help the dentist to know and understand the procedures of bite mark identification in forensic odontology field. Literature review: Bite marks may be present the following situations, a fight between adults or children, a part of sexual or physical assault by adult on children, a rape, and homosexual activities. The marks can be single or multiple, varying degrees of severity from mild marking of the tissue to deep perforation, varying location may be found on breast, face/ head, abdomen, shoulder, upper extremity, buttocks, female genitalia, male genitalia, legs, ear, nose and neck. Discussion: Dentist should master the bite mark analysis procedures. When the suspect has been recognized, the first thing to do is swabbing the oral mucosa, and then taking photographs. The next steps are preparing to take impression, and always taking notes about the procedure and the result. A soon as all the documents are completed, do the matching procedures. Delay examination will cause the lost of valuable evidence. Conclution: Dentist should carefully determine the conclusion among these possibilities , the mark is “possible biter”, “probable biter”, or “with a high level of confidence, is the biter”
Profile of oral manifestations, oral hygiene, and nutritional status in pregnant women Wahyu Hidayat; Indra Mustika Setia Pribadi; Dewi Zakiawati; Anne Agustina Suwargiani
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 31, No 3 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol31no3.23792


Introduction: The pregnancy condition leads to few changes in women’s bodies, such as hormonal, physiological, and diet. These changes also manifest in dental and oral health. Hormonal changes affect the susceptibility of oral mucosal tissue, whereas emotional and dietary changes alter the pattern of dietary intake, dental cleaning, oral hygiene, and nutritional status. The purpose of this study was to discover the profile of oral manifestations, oral hygiene, and nutritional status in pregnant women. Methods: The population of the study was the pregnant women who visited the Garuda Community Health Centre in Bandung. Subjects were pregnant women aged 17-43 years old. The samples must meet the inclusion criteria of good health status, and the exclusion criteria were no systemic abnormalities, and not currently under long-term antibiotic therapy. The research design was a cross-sectional observation. Indicators measured in this survey were the profiles of oral manifestations, oral hygiene status which assessed using OHI-S, and nutritional status of pregnant women using haemoglobin (Hb) and Body Mass Index (BMI) level. Results: Oral manifestations found in pregnant women were tongue disorders and ulceration, with the coated tongue as the most frequently detected manifestation, and the least found was recurrent aphthous stomatitis, whereas the oral hygiene of pregnant women was categorised as good in the 1st and 2nd-trimester of pregnancy. However, it was found to be moderate in the 3rd trimester. In respect of the Hb level, the nutritional status of the pregnant women was averagely good. By contrast, the BMI score revealed that pregnant women was found of having overweight during the 2nd and 3rd trimester. Conclusion: The most frequently found oral manifestation in pregnant women is coated tongue, while the oral hygiene is categorised as good on the first two trimesters, and the nutritional status in the last two trimesters is considered as overweight.Keywords: Oral manifestation, oral hygiene, nutritional status.
Morsicatio buccarum dan labiorum kronis terkait kondisi depresi, kecemasan, dan stres: sebuah laporan kasus Inesh Zuria Artika; Nanan Nur'aeny; Dewi Zakiawati
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 35, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v35i1.41858


ABSTRAK         Pedahuluan: Morsicatio buccarum adalah kondisi pada mukosa bukal berupa fragmen putih kasar diakibatkan oleh traumatik mekanik kronis. Kondisi ini dapat juga ditemukan pada mukosa labial disebut morsicatio labiorum. Gejala klinis morsicatio berupa plak putih disertai adanya daerah erosi. Lesi dapat ditemukan pada kondisi yang berkaitan dengan depresi, kecemasan, dan stres. Tujuan penulisan adalah memaparkan temuan klinis morsicatio terkait dengan depresi, kecemasan, dan stress serta manajemen lesi. Laporan kasus: seorang pasien perempuan berusia 24 tahun datang mengeluhkan sariawan disertai area putih-putih pada pipi bagian dalam sejak 1 tahun. Keluhan terasa perih apabila tergigit dan makan pedas. Pasien memiliki kebiasaan buruk menggigit pipi dan bibir, serta mengalami kesulitan tidur. Pemeriksaan ektraoral terdapat deskuamasi pada bibir. Pemeriksaan intraoral terdapat lesi ulser dan terdapat plak putih bentuk tidak beraturan pada mukosa bibir dan pipi. Diagnosis kasus adalah morsicatio buccarum dan labiorum kronis dengan diagnosis banding leukoplakia, oral candidiasis, dan friksional keratosis. Hasil pemeriksaan pada pasien menggunakan kuesioner Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) menunjukan depresi dan kecemasan sangat berat, serta stres sedang. Pendekatan modifikasi perilaku telah diberikan, dibantu dengan antiiflamasi triamcinolone acetonide gel 0,1% dan antiseptik povidone iodine 1%, serta merujuk ke psikolog. Satu minggu setelah terapi keluhan berangsur sembuh, ukuran lesi berkurang dan warna mukosa mulai normal. Kunjungan ke-2 pasien merasa lebih baik dan keluhan tidak terasa perih. Simpulan: Perilaku menggigit pipi atau bibir yang kronis merupakan manifestasi kondisi stress dan salah satu faktor predisposisi morsicatio, sehingga terapi yang dilakukan adalah manajemen perilaku dikombinasikan dengan terapi farmakologis untuk membantu proses penyembuhan lesi.Kata kunci: DASS-21, modifikasi perilaku, morsicatio buccarum, morsicatio labiorum Chronic morsicatio buccarum and labiorum related to depression, anxiety, and stress: a case reportABSTRACT Introduction: Morsicatio buccarum is a condition of the buccal mucosa in the form of rough white fragments caused by chronic mechanical trauma. This condition can also be found on the labial mucosa called morsicatio labiorum. The clinical symptoms of morsicatio are white plaques accompanied by areas of erosion. Lesions can be found in conditions related to depression, anxiety, and stress. The purpose of writing is to describe the clinical findings of morsicatio related to depression, anxiety, and stress as well as the management of the lesions. Case report: a 24 year old female patient came complaining of canker sores accompanied by a white area on the inner cheek since 1 year. Complaints feel sore when bitten and eat spicy. The patient has a bad habit of biting her cheeks and lips and has difficulty sleeping. Extraoral examination revealed desquamation of the lips. Intraoral examination revealed ulcerous lesions and white plaques of irregular shape on the lips and cheek mucosa. Case diagnosis was morsicatio buccarum and chronic labiorum with differential diagnosis of leukoplakia, oral candidiasis, and frictional keratosis. The results of examination of the patients using the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) questionnaire showed very severe depression and anxiety, as well as moderate stress. A behavior modification approach has been given, assisted by anti-inflammatory triamcinolone acetonide gel 0.1% and 1% povidone iodine antiseptic, and referred to a psychologist. One week after treatment, the complaints gradually resolved, the size of the lesions decreased and the color of the mucosa began to return to normal. The 2nd visit the patient felt better and the complaint was not painful. Conclusion: Chronic biting of the cheek or lip is a manifestation of stressful conditions and one of the predisposing factors for morsication, the therapy used is behavioral management combined with pharmacological therapy to help the lesion healing process.Keywords: Behaviour change, DASS-21, morsicatio buccarum, morsicatio labiorum 
Peran kepatuhan pasien pada penatalaksanaan kasus ulser traumatik yang menyerupai Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Laporan kasus Sekar Safitri; Nanan Nur'aeny; Dewi Zakiawati
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 35, No 2 (2023): Agustus 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v35i2.47481


ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Ulser traumatik adalah lesi ulserasi akibat paparan trauma baik mekanis, termal, dan kimia pada mukosa oral. Gambaran klinis ulser traumatik dapat menyerupai gambaran klinis Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) yang merupakan epithelial cancer. Ulser traumatik dapat bersifat kronis, sehingga diperlukan kepatuhan pasien untuk keberhasilan perawatan. Laporan kasus ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan keberhasilan penatalaksanaan kasus ulser traumatik yang menyerupai OSCC melalui kepatuhan pasien. Laporan Kasus: Seorang perempuan berusia 24 tahun datang untuk kunjungan kontrol pasca satu minggu lesi ulserasi traumatik pada mukosa labial bawah. Pada kunjungan tersebut ditemukan lesi ulserasi baru pada lateral lidah kanan, berjumlah satu buah, berbentuk oval, berukuran ±5 mm, berwarna kekuningan, dikelilingi halo eritema, dangkal, serta berbatas jelas dan tegas. Setelah dua minggu lesi semakin membesar dari ukuran 5 mm menjadi 1 cm disertai indurasi, seperti pada kasus OSCC. Hasil pemeriksaan penunjang hematologi rutin dan hitung jenis leukosit menunjukkan parameter normal, kecuali kadar neutrofil batang di bawah normal. Pasien diberikan edukasi untuk mencegah trauma berulang. Menimbang kondisi pandemi serta kendala jarak, evaluasi dilakukan dengan kontrol berkala secara langsung dan melalui metode teledentistry. Penyembuhan lesi terjadi dalam waktu lama akibat kepatuhan pasien yang kurang terhadap instruksi yang diberikan. Setelah dilakukan edukasi ulang pada pasien, terdapat perbaikan lesi setelah dua bulan pemberian terapi medikasi dan edukasi kepada pasien. Temuan klinis lesi ulserasi traumatik pada rongga mulut yang bersifat kronis perlu ditindaklanjuti terutama apabila menyerupai tanda klinis keganasan. Simpulan: Kepatuhan pasien sangat mendukung keberhasilan dalam penatalaksanaan kasus ulser traumatik kronis yang menyerupai OSCC.Kata kunciulser traumatik, OSCC, kepatuhan pasien, medikasi, edukasi. The role of patient compliance in management of traumatic ulcer mimicking Oral Squamous Cell CarcinomaABSTRACTIntroduction: Traumatic ulcers arise from exposure to mechanical, thermal, and chemical trauma to the oral mucosa. The clinical appearance of traumatic ulcers in the oral cavity may resemble Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC), a type of epithelial cancer. Traumatic ulcers can sometimes become chronic, necessitating patient compliance for effective treatment. This case report aims to depict the successful management of traumatic ulcer cases that mimic OSCC, underscoring the pivotal role of patient compliance in the process. Case Report: A 24-year-old female returned for a follow-up visit one week after developing a traumatic ulcerated lesion on the lower labial mucosa. During the visit, a new solitary ulcerated lesion was discovered on the lateral right side of the tongue. The lesion was oval-shaped, approximately 5 mm in diameter, and exhibited a yellowish hue. It was encompassed by an erythematous halo, appeared shallow, had distinct borders, and displayed firmness. Over two weeks, the lesion had expanded from 5 mm to 1 cm, exhibiting induration. Remarkably, the lesion was painless, which raised concerns about its resemblance to Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC). Haematological investigations and leukocyte count outcomes returned within normal ranges, except for a below-normal count of stem neutrophils. The patient received guidance on measures to prevent re-trauma. Given the prevailing pandemic conditions and limitations in proximity, evaluations were conducted through periodic direct examination and teledentistry. Due to inadequate patient adherence to the provided instructions, the healing process of the lesion was prolonged. Upon patient re-education, a positive response to treatment was observed after two months of medical therapy and education. The clinical improvement underscored the significance of following up on chronic traumatic ulcerated lesions in the oral cavity, remarkably when their clinical presentation resembles signs of malignancy. Conclusion: Patient compliance significantly contributes to the successful management of chronic traumatic ulcer cases resembling OSCC, alongside eliminating underlying etiological factors.Keywordstraumatic ulcer, OSCC, patient compliance, medication, education.
Potensi pola bentuk rugae palatina dan sidik jari telunjuk sebagai sarana identifikasi forensik pada sub ras Deutro Melayu: studi cross-sectional Sildha Pura Kancana; Desyani Shalihah; Yuti Malinda; Dewi Zakiawati; Sudradjat Supian; Fahmi Oscandar
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students Vol 7, No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjdrs.v7i2.41920


ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Rugae palatina dan sidik jari memiliki pola khas setiap individu dan terbukti bisa digunakan sebagai penunjang identifikasi forensik. Proses identifikasi sidik jari bisa sulit dilakukan apabila data postmortem rusak. Rugae palatina memiliki data postmortem yang stabil dan akurat namun belum tersedia data antemortem. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis potensi pola bentuk rugae palatina dan sidik jari sebagai sarana identifikasi forensik. Metode: Jenis penelitian dilakukan secara analitis korelasional pada 191 orang subras Deutero Melayu berusia 18-25 tahun. Sampel sidik jari telunjuk diambil menggunakan alat sensor FM200 dan software Zsoft Attendance. Sidik rugae palatina diperoleh menggunakan foto oklusal dengan kamera DSLR 70D. Pola bentuk keduanya dianalisis menggunakan aplikasi ImageJ. Hasil: Pola bentuk rugae dan sidik jari terbanyak adalah kombinasi pola bentuk rugae palatina. Curve dan pola sidik jari Loop (C-L). Keduanya memiliki karakteristik khas berupa recurving ridge.  Pola bentuk rugae palatina Curve (C) (25,5%) dan pola bentuk sidik Loop (L) (47,5%) pada telunjuk (51%). Berdasarkan analisis statistik, dengan taraf kesalahan 5% terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara rugae ke-1 kanan dan telunjuk kanan (p=0,0004), rugae ke-1 kiri dengan telunjuk kanan (p=0,005), rugae ke-2 kiri dengan telunjuk kanan (p=0,0092) serta rugae ke-1 kanan dengan telunjuk kiri (p=0,033). Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara pola bentuk sidik jari telunjuk dengan pola bentuk rugae palatina. Temuan ini dapat menjadi acuan pada pengembangan teknik identifikasi forensik odontologKata kunci: ImageJ, forensik odontologi, rugae palatina, sidik jari.Potential of palatal rugae patterns and  index fingerprint as forensic identification tools in the Deutro-Malay Subrace: cross-sectional studyABSTRACTIntroduction: Palatine rugae and fingerprints have unique pattern for each individual and have been proven to be used to support forensic identification. The fingerprint identification process can be difficult if the postmortem data is damaged. Palatine rugae have stable and accurate postmortem data but antemortem data are not yet available. This study aimed to analyze the potential of palatine rugae pattern and fingerprints as a means of forensic identification. Methods: This research was conducted in a correlational analysis on 191 Deutro-malay sub races aged 18-25 years. Samples of index and Index finger fingerprints were taken using an FM200 sensor and Zsoft Attendance software. Palatine rugae prints were obtained using occlusal photographs from a 70D DSLR camera. The pattern of both shapes was analyzed using the ImageJ application. Results: The most common pattern of rugae and fingerprints is a combination of the pattern of the rugae palatine curve and the pattern of the loop fingerprint (C-L). Both have a distinctive characteristic of recurving ridges. The pattern of the palatine rugae curve (C) was (25.5%) and the pattern of the Loop print (L) was (51%) on the index finger. Based on statistical analysis, with an error rate of 5%, there was a significant relationship between the 1st right rugae and right index finger (p=0.0004), and right index finger (p=0.005), 2nd left rugae with right index finger (p=0.0092) and 1st right rugae with left index finger (p=0.033). Conclusion: There is a relationship between the pattern of the index and index finger fingerprints with the shape pattern of palatine rugae. These findings can be used as a reference for the development of forensic odontology identification techniques.Keywords: ImageJ, forensic odontology, fingerprints, palatine rugae.