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Teknologi Pengolahan Fruit Leather Pada Siswa SMK NU Al Hidayah Ngimbang Lamongan Tri Rahayuningsih; Fungki Sri Rejeki; Marina Revitriani
Humanism : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/hm.v2i2.7545


Indonesia adalah negara agraris sekaligus penghasil buah-buahan yang sangat banyak dalam ukuran, jenis maupun jumlah. Potensi ini harus dikembangkan, mengingat buah sebagai hasil pertanian memiliki sifat mudah rusak karena  masa simpan yang pendek. Upaya pengolahan aneka ragam produk berbahan baku buah-buahan perlu terus ditingkatkan sebagai langkah untuk memperpanjang masa simpan buah tersebut. Selain itu konsumsi buah sangat bagus untuk kesehatan sehingga  olahan produk berbahan baku buahpun merupakan peluang pasar yang bagus untuk dikembangkan. Beberapa contoh produk olahan buah yang sering ditemui di Indonesia adalah manisan buah, keripik buah, selai buah dan buah dalam kaleng.  Fruit leather adalah jenis olahan produk buah yang sudah terkenal di negara Eropa, Amerika, Jepang tapi belum  banyak dikembangkan di Indonesia. Selain itu fruit leather bisa diolah dengan memanfaatkan buah naga dan buah apel dengan cara yang mudah. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan  transfer teknologi terkait pengolahan buah  menjadi fruitleather sebagai alternative diversikasi olahan produk berbahan baku buah-buahan sehingga bisa dipasarkan dengan cakupan lebih luas. SMK NU Al Hidayah Ngimbang Lamongan  adalah SMK swasta yang terletak di daerah Ngimbang Lamongan.  Salah satu jurusan yang dimiliki adalah jurusan Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian. Sebagian besar siswa SMK NU Al Hidayah Ngimbang belum mengenal produk Fruit Leather sehingga  mereka sangat tertarik   untuk mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat tentang pengolahan fruit leather.
Food product design with Wijaya Kusuma character based on pleasurable design Johan Paing Heru Waskito; Endang Retno Wedowati; Fungki Sri Rejeki; Emmy Wahyuningtyas
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology Vol 2, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Master Program of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (438.927 KB) | DOI: 10.52088/ijesty.v2i1.193


Understanding and appreciation of the identity of the Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya with the motto Anggung Wimbuh Linuwih, which means always growing and developing for the better, needs to be done. The strategy that can be applied is to design a superior product that has the character of Wijaya Kusuma This food product was designed with the nuances of the character of Wijaya Kusuma. The product that reviewed in this research is chocolate product. Food product design in this study used the concept of pleasurable design, which reviews product design from the aspects of functionality, usability, and pleasure. Pleasurable design was chosen with the consideration that this product design method involves customers as product users to participate in building product designs as needed and   wanted. The purpose of this study was to determine the attributes of chocolate products according to market demand, as well as to design a chocolate product design with the character of Wijaya Kusuma values. Based on the research results obtained 16 product configurations based on seven product attributes (taste, sweetness level, texture, shape, packaging method, health benefits, and appearance/profile). Attributes that have a high importance value are attributes of appearance/profile and taste. Attributes of appearance/profile can directly describe the character of Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya. while the taste attribute is one of the key attributes in food products.   Product design 5 (chocolate taste, slightly sweet, texture of slightly hard, rectangle shape, folded packaging method, no preservatives, and UWKS logo profile) became the selected product with a total utility value of 10.75.
Proporsi Tepung Beras Merah dan Tepung Kedelai terhadap Kualitas Wingko Dio Alif Utama; Diana Puspitasari; Fungki Sri Rejeki
Jurnal Ilmu Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknologi Pangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jiphp.v4i2.7050


Wingko is a traditional food that has potenstial to be developed. Diversification of wingko can be done by using brown rice flour and soybean flour, which also expected to increase the nutritional content of wingko. The research objective 1). To determine the effect of the proportion of glutinous rice flour, brown rice flour, and soybean flour on the quality of wingko, 2) To determine the financial feasibility of wingko. This research used factorial randomized block design. Factor 1 is brown rice flour and factor 2 is soybean flour. The parameters tested were moisture, ash, crude fiber, protein, and organoleptic tests which included aroma, taste, color, and texture, as well rancidity (physical), and microbial tests (visually). Selection of alternatives using the expectation value methods. Financial feasibility parameters include BEP (Break Even Point), NPM (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return), and PP (Payback Period).The result showed that B2K1 treatment was selected with total expectation value 7.66. This treatment has a yield percentage 9.75%, 13.48% moisture content, 1.96% ash, 6.45% protein, 7.50% crude fiber, 34.60% aroma parameters, 45.60% taste, 40.00% texture, and 13.30% color. The results of financial analysis with parameters of BEP, NPV, IRR,and PP can be concluded that wingko production business design is feasible to be developed
KUALITAS BISKUIT MP-ASI DARI TEPUNG KOMPOSIT KIMPUL-KACANG TUNGGAK DAN TEPUNG SAGU SELAMA PENYIMPANAN Diana Puspitasari; Fungki Sri Rejeki; Endang Retno Wedowati; Koesriwulandari; Akmarawita Kadir
Journal of Research and Technology Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): JRT Volume 6 No 1 Jun 2020
Publisher : 2477 - 6165

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.522 KB)


Kimpul can be used as various types of products to increase added value, one of that is biscuits. The advantages of biscuits include long-lasting, also easy to digest. Therefore biscuits can be made as complementary foods for ASI (MP-ASI). MP-ASI biscuits are commonly consumed by children aged 12-24 months. MP-ASI biscuits with the raw material of kimpul flour still need other ingredients to increase the protein content in order to meet the quality requirements, such as cowpea flour. To improve the texture to make it softer, it is used sago flour. Sago flour, which has a high starch content, also functions as an adhesive. This study aimed to determine the quality of the MP-ASI biscuit product of kimpul-cowpea composite flour and sago flour during storage. The research used a single factor RAK, namely the type of packaging (PE pouch, aluminum foil pouch, PE-aluminum foil pouch) and repeated three times. Observation during storage was done in every two weeks for six months. The parameters taken were physical characteristics, water content, Aw, FFA, TPC, and peroxide number. The results showed that during storage, there was a decrease in the quality of physical characteristics, increased water content, Aw, FFA, peroxide number, and TPC. Based on physical and chemical quality, the treatment that experienced the lowest quality decline was P1 (Aluminum Foil).
PENAMBAHAN EKSTRAK TEH TERHADAP KARAKTERISTI MIE BASAH Fungki Sri Rejeki; Diana Puspitasari; Endang Retno Wedowati
Journal of Research and Technology Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018): JRT Volume 4 No 2 Des 2018
Publisher : 2477 - 6165

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (136.692 KB)


Wet noodles as a source of carbohydrates have a moderate GI value that is 53-56. For this reason, engineering processes was needed to reduce GI value so that it becomes safe and healthy food. Tea (Camellia sinensis) contains tannin polyphenols which can reduce protein and starch digestibility so that the glycemic response decreases. The addition of tea extract to the noodleswill result in changes in product properties, so that research on quality of wet noodles with tea extract addition was needed. This research used Factorial Randomized Block Design. The first factor was tea type with two levels and second factor was tea extract concentration with three levels. The parameters observed were organoleptic test, namely taste, aroma and color, and chemical tests, namely protein and tannin content. The research conclusion were: (1) based on organoleptic test, the addition of green tea was preferred over black tea, (2) the addition of green tea and black tea did not caused significant differences in protein content, (3) the tannin content with the addition of green tea tends to be higher than black tea, and (4) the selected treatmentwas T1K1 (addition of 1% green tea extract) containing 5.81% protein and 15.39% tannin. Keywords: Wet Noodles, Tea Extract, Organoleptic, Protein, Tannin.
Product value analysis of processed kimpul products as an effort to develop local resources Endang Retno Wedowati; Fungki Sri Rejeki; Diana Puspitasari
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology Vol 2, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Master Program of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52088/ijesty.v2i4.319


Kimpul (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) is one of the local products that produce non-rice carbohydrates that have the potential to be developed. The potential of kimpul tubers can be developed by utilizing it into various types of processed products to provide value. The kimpul tubers can be processed into kimpul chips, kimpul sticks, or other preparations. Meanwhile, kimpul flour can be processed into various products, including wet noodles, biscuits, cookies, pastries, or other processed forms. From the various diversification of processed products, it has the potential to be developed into food industry products. For this reason, it is necessary to analyze the value of the various preparations in terms of product performance and required production costs. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of various kimpul preparations with various criteria, analyze the production costs of various kimpul preparations, conduct value analysis of various kimpul preparations based on performance and cost analysis, and provide recommendations for the type of product that is able to provide the best value. Product performance is based on the parameters of organoleptic properties, product attractiveness, product benefits, and product purchase decisions. The value of the product is analyzed based on the benefits of the product and the costs required to realize these benefits. The results of product value analysis show that products that have high benefits, but only require relatively low costs provide high product values. Alternative products that are recommended to be produced are kimpul chips, kimpul sticks, and kimpul cookies.
Proportion of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Kimpul (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) Flours and Dragon Fruit (Hylocereuscostaricensis) Substitution on Wet Noodle Ika Rahmawati; Fungki Sri Rejeki; Diana Puspitasari; Endang Retno Wedowati
Food Science and Technology Journal (Foodscitech) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Dr Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.148 KB) | DOI: 10.25139/fst.v5i1.4797


Wet noodle is a food product that is liked by all levels of society. The main ingredient for making wet noodle is wheat flour which must be imported from other countries. For this reason, it is necessary to look for other alternative raw materials, namely kimpul flour. Red dragon fruit can be used to increase nutritional value because it contains antioxidant and improves product appearance because it contains natural dyes. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of the proportion of wheat and kimpul flours, as well as the concentration of dragon fruit on the quality of dragon fruit wet noodle. This study used a factorial randomized block design (RBD) with the first factor being the proportion of wheat flour and kimpul flour (T1 = 40%:60%, T2 = 50%:50% and T3 = 60%:40%) and the second factor was dragon fruit concentration (N1 = 20% and N2 = 30%) with 3 replications. The results showed that the proportion of wheat flour and kimpul flour had a significant effect on protein content, elasticity, and organoleptic tests. While the concentration of dragon fruit significantly affected the water content, carbohydrate content, elasticity, and organoleptic tests. The conclusion of this research was the treatment of T3N2 (proportion of wheat flour and kimpul flour 60%: 40% and dragon fruit concentration 30%) became the selected treatment with parameters of water content 48.51%, ash content 1.72%, protein content 6 0.04%, fat content 2.64%, carbohydrate content 41.09%, and elasticity of 0.39, and has a total preference percentage of 100% color, 96.7% aroma, 100.0% taste and 96.7% texture.
Penerapan Rancangan Faktorial Pada Uji Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Pelet dari Limbah Perkotaan Terhadap Kandungan Gizi Sayuran Bayam (Amaranthus hybridus L): Application of Factorial Design in Test of the Effect of Organic Fertilizer Pellets from Urban Waste on the Nutritional Content of Spinach Vegetables (Amaranthus hybridus L) Dwi Haryanta; Fungki Sri Rejeki
Journal of Applied Plant Technology Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Journal of Applied Plant Technology (JAPT)
Publisher : Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (346.066 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/japt.v2i1.78


Factorial experimental designs involve more than one factor and what needs to be tested is the interaction between treatment factors in addition to the effects of each treatment factor itself. This study aims (a) to consider graphical line drawings as a reference for formulating conclusions that there is an interaction between the two treatment factors, and (b) to examine and follow up on the results of the analysis of variance in factorial experiments which conclude that the interaction between the two factors is significant, not to ignore the possibility of single factor variance dominating. . The research refers to the research data "Study of the Effect of Pellet organic Fertilizer from Municipal Waste on the Nutrient Content of Spinach (Amaranthus hybridus L)." the two single factors are significant, the graphic lines intersect a lot, the data presentation and interpretation refer to the combined treatment (b) the carotene content data in spinach vegetables, the interaction of the two treatment factors is significant, the two single factors are significant, the graphic lines are almost all parallel and almost intersect, so the data presentation and the interpretation of the PeOF raw material type factor refers to a single factor, (c) the data on the content of vitamin C in spinach vegetables, the interaction of the two treatment factors is significant, the two single factors are significant, the graphic lines are almost all not parallel, almost intersect, so the data presentation and the interpretation of the material type factor PeOF standard and urea application factor refer to a single factor. When using a factorial design, it is found that real interactions do not necessarily mean that the data presentation refers to the combined treatment. It is necessary to test further for the possibility that the diversity of single factors is more dominant so that the data presentation and conclusions refer to a single factor.
Pemanfaatan Limbah Ternak untuk Rumah Pangan Lestari dalam Upaya Penanganan Stunting di Desa Gelangsar Kabupaten Lombok Barat Halia Wanadiatri; Alvin Juniawan; Fathurrahman Fathurrahman; Endang Retno Wedowati; Fungki Sri Rejeki; Dwi Haryanta
Jurnal Pengabdian UNDIKMA Vol 5, No 2 (2024): May
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika (UNDIKMA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jpu.v5i2.9787


This community service activity aims to increase the understanding and skills of community members in utilizing livestock waste for sustainable food sources to handle stunting in Gelangsar Village, West Lombok Regency. The method of implementing this activity was through KOSABANGSA program outreach, training, and mentoring. The evaluation instrument for this activity used an environmental observation sheet and assesses the participation and activeness of participants during the activity. The results of this service activity showed that the community has the ability to process cowshed waste (solid) into 40 bags of compost, create a sustainable food house area using polybags in 8 groups spread throughout the village, and one KRPL point on land with an area of around 250 m2, and the types of plants were spinach, tomatoes, eggplant, chilies, mustard greens, lettuce, basil, long beans, family medicinal plants, and others. Guidance and assistance need to be continued considering that the community was very enthusiastic about being able to overcome stunting in Gelangsar village and at the same time wants to become an organic vegetable producer.