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Pelatihan Literasi Iklan Pada Ibu-Ibu PKK di RW 07 Mustikajaya Bekasi Sri Rejeki; Dwi Budi Srisulistiowati
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat UBJ Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dan Publikasi Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (487.902 KB) | DOI: 10.31599/jabdimas.v4i2.699


Abstract Advertising literacy is the ability to recognize, evaluate, and understand advertisements and other commercial messages. The freedom of the public when using a social media will have an impact on the lack of supervision of an information content that will be broadcast. Thus, errors arise from the information obtained so that it can trigger hoaxes. The existence of fake news circulating refers to certain themes or topics. The activity took place at RW 07 Mustikajaya, East Bekasi. Advertising literacy activities were carried out by two lecturers of the Faculty of Computer Science. The activity was divided into two activity sessions, namely Understanding Literacy and Hoax Applications. In practice, we carry out Community Service (PKM) as a manifestation of the Tridarma of higher education, and mothers fill out a list of questions before and after receiving material conducted in Google Classroom and in its implementation using Google Meet. To improve understanding, advertising literacy materials are equipped with one of the hoax applications, namely Hoax Buster Tools. With this training, participants can increase their knowledge as well as stimulate them to get ideas and take appropriate actions in filtering the information obtained. Keywords: Advertising Literacy, Hoax Buster Tools, PKM Abstrak Literasi iklan merupakan kemampuan untuk mengenali, mengevaluasi, serta memahami sebuah iklan dan pesan yang berbau komersial lainnya. Bebasnya masyarakat pada saat memanfaatkan suatu media sosial akan berimbas dengan kurangnya pengawasan dari suatu konten informasi yang akan ditayangkan. Sehinggal, muncul kekeliruan dari informasi yang didapat sehingga bisa memicu hoaks (berita palsu). Adanya berita bohong yang beredar lebih merujuk pada beberapa tema ataupun topik tertentu, Kegiatan berlangsung di RW 07 Mustikajaya Bekasi Timur. Kegiatan literasi iklan dilakukan oleh dua orang dosen Fakultas Ilmu Komputer. Dalam kegiatan tersebut dibagi menjadi dua sesi kegiatan yaitu Pengertian Literasi dan Aplikasi Hoax. Praktiknya kami melakukan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) sebagai salah satu perwujudan Tridarma perguruan tinggi, serta ibu-ibu melakukan pengisian daftar pertanyaan (Assessment) sebelum dan sesudah menerima materi yang dilakukan di Google Classroom dan dalam pelaksanaannya menggunakan Google Meet. Untuk meningkatkan pemahaman, materi literasi iklan dilengkapi dengan salah satu aplikasi hoax yaitu Hoax Buster Tools. Dengan adanya pelatihan ini peserta dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan sekaligus sebagai stimulasi dalam mendapatkan ide dan melakukan tindakan yang tepat dalam menyaring informasi yang didapat. Kata kunci: Literasi Iklan, Hoax Buster Tools, PKM
Analisis Kinerja Keuangan pada Rasio Aktivitas dan Rasio Likuiditas Terhadap Perusahaan Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk Tahun 2016-2020 Dwi Budi Srisulistiowati; Sri Rejeki
J-MAS (Jurnal Manajemen dan Sains) Vol 7, No 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jmas.v7i1.343


Ratio analysis is a method used to analyze a company's financial statements. The purpose of this study is to determine the performance of financial statements by analyzing the ratio of activity and liquidity based on those listed on the IDX, namely the financial statements of PT. Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk 2016-2020. This study uses a descriptive type of research with a quantitative approach. In this case, the report used to analyze the financial statements of PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk. By reviewing financial reports, performing calculations, comparing or measuring, and applying reporting results from research. The technique used consists of the use of reports related to the analysis of activity ratios and liquidity ratios. Based on the calculation results of the table above, it can be concluded that the ratio of Current Assets of PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk from 2016 to 2020 has an unstable value. Because in 2016 to 2017 it decreased, while in 2018 to 2019 it increased and again decreased in 2020. It can be seen in the current ratio of PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk which is not satisfactory because it is still below the industry average value. Suggestions in this study is that PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk needs to evaluate management performance, whether it runs effectively or not. In addition, it is also necessary to re-evaluate the use of its assets, to be able to measure the level of efficiency in the use of company resources. Because seen from the ratio of Working capital turn over and Fixed assets turn over PT Radiant Utama Interinsco Tbk continues to decline from year to year. In this case the management must work harder to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of its assets.
Menciptakan Sumber Daya Manusia Berkarakter pada Lembaga Pendidikan Non Formal Melalui Analisis Pengembangan dan Pengelolaan di Kota Bekasi Sri Rejeki; Dwi Budi Srisulistiowati
J-MAS (Jurnal Manajemen dan Sains) Vol 7, No 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jmas.v7i1.340


Non-formal education is one type of education organized by the community. Outside of school activities, this education prioritizes the real conditions that exist in the community, what the community needs under certain conditions, can be used as a reference for the implementation of non-formal education. Moral development can be applied in formal and non-formal education to create intelligent, polite, and dignified human resources who are able to compete with other countries. Character education can create a winning mentality for future generations. Teachers and parents must be able to teach them how to behave properly. One example of Non-Formal education is tutoring or Bimbel at PEC (Practical Education Center) located in Bekasi City which instills students' moral behavior and has a vision to shape the character of students with noble, professional, independent and outstanding character. The purpose of this study is to understand concepts, theories related to moral education and human resources, to find out what are the obstacles in building student character formation, and to find out the attitudes needed to shape students' personalities so that they can become better individuals to improve their character. the quality of human resources with character. The teacher's role in learning is closely related to providing students' learning motivation in delivering subject matter. So that teachers are required to change knowledge to students and create a memorable learning process.
JIM UPB (Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Universitas Putera Batam) Vol 10 No 1 (2022): Volume 10 Nomor 1 2022
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33884/jimupb.v10i1.5415


In general, it is said to be healthy with banks in carrying out some of their functions well by carrying out various policies, especially monetary policy. The level of banking soundness shows the guarantee of the security of the customer's budget stored in the bank. When banking regulations have to assess the Banking Soundness Level using the securities approach (Risk based Banking Rating) as stated in Article 2 paragraph (3), regarding the scope of value on several elements with a risk profile, Good Corporate Governance (GCG) , Earnings (Profitability), Capital (Budget). The observation method used is descriptive analysis. This observation aims to see the level of banking soundness at Bank Sinarmas. Observations by taking secondary data obtained from the financial statements of Bank Sinarmas for 2016-2020 which are available on the website Sinarmas has to make efficiency in terms of spending on business operating costs seen from the high BOPO ratio. Even Bank Sinarmas has to follow up on the settlement of non-performing loans, seen from the fluctuations in the value of the NPL which has been unstable for several years.
Peningkatan Pendapatan Bunga Bersih Dari Pengaruh Aktiva Produktif Pada Bank Central Asia Tahun 2017-2021 Dwi Budi Srisulistiowati; Rani Suryani; Sri Rejeki
Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah Vol. 21 No. 4 (2021): Edisi Khusus: Implementasi Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (Desember 2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Publikasi (LPPMP)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (343.891 KB) | DOI: 10.31599/jki.v21i4.929


From the several sources of budget that the bank has collected, it is appropriate for the bank to prepare a budget placement program based on the distribution program by taking into account the policies that have been determined. The total budget collected by the bank consists of two types, namely the budget that cannot be loaned and the budget that can be lent. The existence of a budget that cannot be loaned will increase the cost of the budget that will be purchased by residents called the cost of funds, in the end it will force banks to be able to manage a budget that has been activated into a very useful source of income and can co-exist with other banks. To simplify the analysis, all the variables to be analyzed are combined and then calculated in the SPSS application, so that the results obtained are that the distributed credit variables are the most significantly correlated with interest income. The definition is that the higher the budget that is distributed to distributed credit, so that interest income tends to increase.
Media Digitalisasi Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Menggunakan Model Blended Learning di Era Pandemi COVID 19 Sri Rejeki; Dwi Budi Srisulistiowati
Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah Vol. 21 No. 4 (2021): Edisi Khusus: Implementasi Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (Desember 2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Publikasi (LPPMP)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (192.789 KB) | DOI: 10.31599/jki.v21i4.935


Electronic learning (E-learning) is essentially an educational learning medium through the use of computer or internet technology, namely web-based learning technology (Web Based Instuc- tion). the implementation of e-learning is one part of alternative technology in helping to run the learning curriculum during the Covid 19 pandemic. aimed at knowing the process of implement- ing Blended Learning learning with google classroom XI-TKJ material class, to find out the per- ceptions of teachers and students towards the implementation of the COVID19 pandemic era google classroom learning. This research uses a qualitative method approach, the data sources in this study include primary and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. Checking the validity of the data using credibil - ity, transferbility, dependability, and confirmability.
Implementasi Keamanan Jaringan Hotspot dengan Metode Address List pada RB MikroTik di SMKIT Nurul Qolbi Ilham Anwar Ramadhan; Rakhmat Purnomo; Sri Rejeki
Journal of Students‘ Research in Computer Science Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Informatika Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31599/jsrcs.v3i2.639


SMKIT Nurul Qolbi uses the internet as a means of promotion, marketing, learning and practical communication to teachers, students, and school employees. But the SMKIT Nurul Qolbi network has not implemented hotspot network security in sharing and managing internet connections to teachers, students, and school staff computers. Without hotspot network security, many computers use the internet irregularly, causing other computers to not get a fair share of internet access. Due to the uneven internet connection, this causes disruption of school operations, so that it has an impact on the school's losses, both material and managerial. The absence of hotspot network security at SMKIT Nurul Qolbi is exacerbated by the large number of teachers, students, and school employees who do not use the internet to access needs related to work and learning. There are still many teachers, students, and school employees who use the internet to access social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and other sites that have nothing to do with work and learning, making the hotspot internet ineffective at Nurul Qolbi's SMKIT. Therefore, to maximize internet access found at SMKIT Nurul Qolbi, hotspot network security is needed. With hotspot network security, it is hoped that all computers can use the internet smoothly and stably even though all computer units use the internet at the same time and with hotspot network security it is hoped that it can increase the productivity of teachers, students and school employees.  Keywords: Address list, Hotspot, Network Security   Abstrak SMKIT Nurul Qolbi menggunakan internet sebagai sarana untuk melakukan promosi, pemasaran, pembelajaran dan komunikasi yang praktis kepada Guru, Siswa, dan pegawai sekolah. Tetapi pada jaringan SMKIT Nurul Qolbi belum menerapkan keamanan jaringan hotspot dalam membagi dan mengatur koneksi internet kepada komputer Guru, Siswa, dan pegawai sekolah. Tanpa adanya keamanan jaringan hotspot banyak komputer yang menggunakan internet secara tidak beraturan sehingga menyebabkan komputer yang lain tidak mendapat jatah akses internet yang adil. Karena koneksi internet yang tidak merata, hal ini menyebabkan terganggunya operasional kegiatan sekolahan, sehingga berdampak pada ruginya sekolah baik dari material maupun manajerial. Belum adanya keamanan jaringan hotspot pada SMKIT Nurul Qolbi diperparah dengan banyaknya Guru, Siswa, dan pegawai sekolah yang menggunakan internet tidak untuk mengakses kebutuhan yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan dan pembelajaran. Masih banyak Guru, Siswa, dan pegawai sekolah yang menggunakan internet untuk mengakses situs-situs social media seperti facebook, twitter, maupun situs-situs lainnya yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan pekerjaan dan pembelajaran, membuat tidak efektifnya jaringan hotspot yang ada SMKIT Nurul Qolbi tersebut. Oleh sebab itu untuk memaksimalkan akses internet yang terdapat pada SMKIT Nurul Qolbi diperlukan keamanan jaringan hotspot. Adanya keamanan jaringan hotspot sangat diharapkan semua komputer dapat menggunakan internet dengan lancar dan stabil walaupun semua unit jaringan komputer menggunakan internet dalam waktu yang bersamaan serta dengan adanya keamanan jaringan hotspot diharapkan dapat meningkatkan produktifitas dari Guru, Siswa, dan Pegawai Sekolah. Kata kunci: Address list, Hotspot, Keamanan jaringan
Web-Based Mail Search Using the Levenshtein Distance Algorithm Mayora Lolly Ishimora; Herlawati Herlawati; Sri Rejeki
PIKSEL : Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Sistem Embedded and Logic Vol 10 No 2 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/piksel.v10i2.5606


The use of information technology in filing letters has been widely applied, especially in government institutions. In the Administrative Affairs of the Police Information Technology Bureau, the archiving of incoming and outgoing letters is still done manually, by utilizing records in a large agenda book and stored in a large folder. The absence of a system capable of assisting mail processing causes work to be inefficient, especially in terms of searching for letters. The purpose of this research is to produce a website that can help search letters by applying the Levenshtein Distance Algorithm. The design begins with needs analysis, design, implementation, verification (system testing), operation and maintenance. A website that can search letters by applying the Levenshtein Distance Algorithm was generated. This website is very helpful in the process of searching for letters to the Administrative Affairs of the Police Information Technology Bureau.
Penentuan Pola Frekuensi Jenis Perawatan Kecantikan Berbasis Web Menggunakan Algoritma Apriori (Studi Kasus: Peterson Salon Bekasi) Herlawati Herlawati; Rahmadya Trias Handayanto; Sri Rejeki; Wowon Priatna; Prima Dina Atika; Syahbaniar Rofiah; Endang Retnoningsih; Faisal Adi Saputra; Galih Apriansha Pradana
Journal of Students‘ Research in Computer Science Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Informatika Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31599/jsrcs.v3i2.1381


Currently, technology can affect services in any field, both in areas such as salon services and sales of clothing products. How to plan a marketing strategy using the web based on service transaction data and products that are most often chosen by customers. Therefore, an information system for determining frequency patterns is needed using the website-based Apriori Algorithm method. The results of research on salons based on the type of beauty treatment obtained for the type of treatment with a minimum confidence = 70%, the first confidence value is 63% if the customer chooses to wash (shampoo), the customer chooses scissors, the second the confidence value is 100%, if the customer chooses to blow then chooses also cut, and the third confidence value is 86% if the customer chooses creambath then the customer chooses to cut too. Meanwhile at the shop clothes determining the frequency pattern of types of clothes with a minimum value of confidence = 70% so that the results include if a customer buys a veil, the customer buys a robe with a confidence value of 71.43% and if a customer buys khimar then the customer will also buy a robe with a confidence value of 78, 57%. With these results salon and clothing store owners can determine marketing strategies by providing the right product and service recommendations to customers. Keywords: Apriori Algorithm, Beauty Care, Recommendations, Sales   Abstrak Saat ini teknologi dapat mempengaruhi pelayanan dalam bidang apapun seperti jasa salon maupun penjualan produk pakaian. Bagaimana merencanakan strategi pemasaran menggunakan web berdasarkan data transaksi layanan dan produk yang paling sering dipilih oleh pelanggan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sistem informasi penentuan pola frekuensi menggunakan metode Algoritma Apriori berbasis website. Hasil penelitian pada salon berdasarkan jenis perawatan kecantikan diperoleh untuk jenis perawatan dengan minimum confidence=70% yang pertama nilai confidence sebesar 63% jika pelanggan memilih cuci (keramas) maka pelanggan memilih gunting, yang kedua nilai confidence sebesar 100% jika pelanggan memilih blow maka memilih digunting juga, dan yang ketiga nilai confidence 86% jika pelanggan memilih creambath maka pelanggan memilih digunting juga. Sedangkan pada toko pakaian penentuan pola frekuensi jenis baju dengan nilai minimum confidence= 70% sehingga mendapatkan hasil diantaranya jika pelanggan membeli kerudung maka pelanggan membeli gamis dengan nilai confidence sebesar 71,43%  dan  jika  pelanggan  membeli  khimar maka pelanggan juga akan membeli gamis dengan nilai confidence sebesar 78,57%. Dengan hasil tersebut pemilik salon dan toko pakaian dapat menentukan strategi pemasaran dengan memberikan rekomendasi jasa dan produk yang tepat kepada pelanggan. Kata kunci: Algoritma Apriori, Penjualan, Perawatan Kecantikan, Rekomendasi
Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Pada Bank Sinarmas Dengan Menggunakan Common Size Dwi Budi Srisulistiowati; Rani Suryani; Sri Rejeki
EKOMBIS REVIEW: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 11 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : UNIVED Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/ekombis.v11i2.3890


The purpose of the study was to determine the composition of assets, liabilities and total income in the financial statements of Bank Sinarmas using the Common Size method. The type of research in this research is quantitative research. The data used is secondary data, namely financial statements in the form of balance sheets and income statements for 2019-2021. The results showed that the balance sheet, especially assets, increased, but on the cash side it decreased. Liabilities, especially liabilities, experienced stability from 2019-2021. Equities are also experiencing stability. This shows that the bank's financial development is stable, where the proportion of liabilities is greater than the proportion of equity. While on the income statement, seen from other operating income experiencing instability and profit for the year increased in 2019-2021, this shows that the performance of Bank Sinarmas in 2019-2021 was good because the company was able to maintain its net profit in the following year.