Nina Djustiana
Department of Dental Materials, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung 40132, Jawa Barat

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Tissue reaction against implantation of nanocomposite and giomers Vilvarajah, Anusha S; Djustiana, Nina; Widyaputra, S. Sunardhi
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 23, No 1 (2011): March
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3007.105 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol23no1.14057


Dentistry today has inherited technological advancement from other Dental Material sciences, examples are Nanocomposite and Giomers. Nanocomposites and Giomers are common materials used in Dentistry. But what are the implications when these materials are used in practice? The aim for this the study shows the analysis of tissue reaction due to implantation of Nanocomposite and Giomers. The subcutaneous tissue of a mouse is substituted with the human gum tissues. In the experimental group, Nanocomposite and Giomers were implanted in the subcutaneous tissue abdomen region in mice. The slides were made from the surrounding of implantation for both experimental and control groups. The evaluation of the effects of the implant is done in a time interval. Evaluated time intervals are 24 hours, 7" day, 14th day, 21st day and 28th day respectively. The amounts of inflammatory cells formation in both groups were compared.Once the results of the inflammatory cells are evaluated in the given time interval for Nanocomposite, Giomer, and control group then they are statistically analyzed. The statistics used in the experiments is Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon. The conclusion of this research showed that statistically significant differences on lymphocytes value between treatment and control group.
CosmoGov Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu Pemerintahan FISIP UNPAD

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (337.194 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/cosmogov.v1i1.11803


Kejahatan perdagangan orang (human trafficking) adalah kejahatan kemanusiaan yang terorganisasi, artinya kejahatan ini melibatkan beberapa orang yang memiliki jaringan atau keterkaitan satu sama lain dan memiliki tujuan untuk mengeksploitasi korban demi keuntungan sepihak (pelaku). Dalam kurun waktu 2005-2009, Jawa Barat menduduki peringkat teratas kasus human trafficking. Salah satu daerah di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang merupakan daerah rentan menghadapi permasalahan tindak  human trafficking adalah Kabupaten Indramayu. Berbagai data menyebutkan bahwa kasus human trafiking di Kabupaten Indramayu selalu mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Penelitian kali ini mencoba menghadirkan hal-hal yang telah dan akan dilakukan oleh stakeholder di Kabupaten Indramayu dalam meminimalisasi tingkat tindak human trafficking
Description of palatal rugae size and direction in children with gender difference Nur, Muhammad Arfianto; Djustiana, Nina; Malinda, Yuti
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 30, No 1 (2018): March
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (160.194 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol30no1.14323


Introduction: Indonesia has a high number of children victims of disaster in the last five years, but the children do not have identity cards, causing difficulties in the identification process. Palatal rugae are considered unique in individuals, and their morphology remains stable throughout life. Data of palatal rugae pattern in children aimed to facilitate the process of identification of the childs gender. The purpose of this research was to discover the description of palatal rugae in children which can be used as a reference of gender identification in children. Method: A descriptive research design was performed with purposive sampling method. Samples were taken from 119 maxilla images consisted of 69 images of girls maxilla and 50 images of boys maxilla. The study was performed by taking individual maxilla images with intraoral mirror and observing towards the direction of the palatal rugae according to the Carrea classification, and the size of palatal rugae according the Lysell classification. Results: The type IV direction and secondary size of palatal rugae were found to be dominant on both sides of maxilla in boys and girls. Conclusion: Palatal rugae in boys and girls were having the same direction which was the type IV, and the size of secondary rugae was found to be dominant on both sides of the palate. Palatal rugae also proofed to be able to become the complementary method for determining unidentified gender in children.
The comparison of surface hardness between thermoplastic nylon resin and heat-cured acrylic resin Utami, Marina; Febrida, Renny; Djustiana, Nina
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 21, No 3 (2009): November
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (182.61 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol21no3.14117


The surface hardness level of a denture base material is related to the resistance to abrasion, scratch, polishing and water sorption. Nowadays, thermoplastic nylon resins and heat-cured acrylic resins are used as denture base materials. Denture base must be immersed in water to maintain its humidity. The objective of this research was to compare the surface hardness level between thermoplastic nylon resins and heat-cured acrylic resins. Materials used for the research were thermoplastic nylon resins from Valplast and heat-cured acrylic resins QC-20, with a sample size of 64x(10±0.03)x(2.5±0.03) mm. Surface hardness is measured with Vickers Microhardness Tester and the data were analyzed by ANOVA method. The results showed that comparison ratio of surface hardness level between thermoplastic nylon resins and heat-cured acrylic resins before immersion is 3.2:7.3 VHN respectively, while the comparison value of both resins after immersion is 2.8:6.6 VHN. In conclusion, the surface hardness level of thermoplastic nylon resins is lower compared to heat-cured acrylic resins. This result is due to thermoplastic nylon resin’s higher porosity, its different polymer chains, and the plasticizers effect after immersion in water.
Hardness evaluation of dental composites fabricated from the uniform size and well-distributed zirconia-alumina-silica fillers with sol-gel technique Hakim, Muhammad Lukman Nur; Hasratiningsih, Zulia; Djustiana, Nina; Sunendar, Bambang; Faza, Yanwar
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 30, No 2 (2018): July
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (433.347 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol30no2.18319


Introduction: Several factor limits of services of dental composite have triggered further improvement. ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 system as filler of dental composite had been developed with sol-gel technique. Ultrasonic homogeniser were reported to change the particle size ditribution or shape. Unifom size and distribution of particle is believed to help define the behavior of hardness properties. Methods: The study was an laboratory experimental design. Filler ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 system were developed via sol-gel methods. Post calcination process, filler were immerse in ethanol and applied with ultrasonic homogeniser, with various amplitude i.e 50 rpm, 60 rpm and 80 rpm then named sample A, B, and C. XRD, SEM anda PSA were used to characterize of filler system. Subsequent filler were used to fabricate dental composite then evaluate the hardness value using micro-hardness tester. One–way ANOVA was used to analysis the statistical result of hardness value. Results: XRD pattern of three sample were similar in which tetragonal zirconia was prominent (57-61 %) followed by monoclinic zirconia (24-25%) and amorphous (15-17 %). While, SEM and PSA characterization showed amplitude 50 rpm (sample A) produce more uniform size and well-distributed particle filler than the others. In contrary, sample B and C showed higher peak in PSA results. It means there was dominating of filler with particular size.  However, the hardness value did not show significant differences between those filler (p>0,05). Conclusion: Dental composite that contain of different uniformity and distribution of filler ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 system has no significantly differences of hardness value.
Sintesis partikel zirkonia-alumina-silika (ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2) dari pasir zirkon alam sebagai bahan pengisi komposit kedokteran gigiSynthesis of zirconia-alumina-silica particles (ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2) from natural zircon sand as dental composite fillers Febrida, Renny; Joni, I Made; Susra, Silmina; Djustiana, Nina
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 29, No 1 (2017): April
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.075 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v30i2.18537


Pendahuluan: Pasir zirkon (ZrSiO4) merupakan mineral alam yang tersusun atas zirkonia (ZrO2) dan silika (SiO2) yang berikatan dengan stabil. Zirkonia adalah salah satu material keramik kedokteran gigi yang banyak digunakan karena memiliki sifat mekanis dan biokompatibilitas yang tinggi. Zirkonia dapat dikombinasikan dengan silika dan alumina untuk membentuk suatu bahan pengisi komposit dengan sifat mekanis dan estetis yang dapat disesuaikan dengan sifat gigi kodrat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan bahan bahan pengisi komposit alternatif di bidang kedokteran gigi yang berasal dari pasir zirkon alam untuk dijadikan bahan bahan pengisi komposit. Metode: Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah eksperimental laboratoris untuk mensintesis dan mengkarakterisasi partikel ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 dari bahan baku alam berupa pasir zircon dengan reaksi geopolimerisasi dan proses pemanasan suhu tinggi. Aktivator yang digunakan adalah larutan NaOH 3 mol dengan temperatur pemanasan 1100° C pada lama pemanasan 4 jam, 6 jam, dan 8 jam.  Hasil: Hasil analisis uji X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) menunjukkan jumlah zirkonia berstruktur tetragonal terbesar ada pada sampel pemanasan 8 jam, yaitu 24%. Hasil analisis uji Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) menunjukkan rasio komposisi zirkonia-alumina-silika dengan nilai zirkonia tertinggi ada pada sampel pemanasan 8 jam, yaitu 55,7 : 23,6 : 20,6. Hasil analisis mikrograf Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) menunjukkan morfologi permukaan dan partikel yang tidak beraturan dan beraglomerasi. Simpulan: Sintesis partikel zirkonia-alumina-silika (ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2) dari pasir zirkon alam dengan pemanasan 8 jam ditinjau dari jumlah zirkonia berstruktur tetragonal memadai digunakan sebagai bahan pengisi komposit berdasarkan uji XRD danEDS, namun pada ujiSEM partikel berbentuk tidak beraturan dan beraglomerasi. ABSTRACTIntroduction: Zircon sand (ZrSiO4) is a natural mineral that is composed of zirconia (ZrO2) and silica (SiO2) which binds stable. Zirconia is a dental dentistry material that is widely used because it has high mechanical properties and biocompatibility. Zirconia can be combined with silica and alumina to form a composite filler with mechanical and aesthetic properties that can be adapted to the nature of natural teeth. The purpose of this study was to produce alternative composite fillers in the field of dentistry derived from natural zircon sand to be used as composite fillers. Methods: This type of research was experimental laboratory to synthesize and characterize ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 particles from natural raw materials in the form of zircon sand with geopolymerization reaction and high temperature heating process. The activator used is a 3 mol NaOH solution with a heating temperature of 1100 ° C at a heating time of 4 hours, 6 hours, and 8 hours. Results: The results of the X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) test showed that the largest number of zirconia with a tetragonal structure was on an 8-hour heating sample, which was 24%. The results of the Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) test analysis show the highest ratio of zirconia-alumina-silica composition with zirconia values in the 8 hour heating sample, which is 55.7: 23.6: 20.6. The results of the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) micrograph analysis showed that the surface morphology and particles were irregular and agglomerated. Conclusion: Synthesis of zirconia-alumina-silica particles (ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2) from natural zircon sand with 8 hours heating in terms of sufficient tetragonal zirconia amount used as composite filler based on XRD and EDS test, but in SEM test irregularly shaped particles and agglomerated.Keywords: Zircon sand, zirconia-alumina-silica, geopolymerisation, composite filler materials
Fabrication and Characterization of Nylon 6 Fiber via Wet Spinning Method for Application as a Reinforcing Material for a Direct Dental Bridge Wijaya, Dissa Kirana; Djustiana, Nina; Faza, Yanwar; Cahyanto, Arief; Hardiansyah, Andri
Makara Journal of Science Vol. 27, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Nylon is a biocompatible thermoplastic polymer that is well known for its excellent fracture resistance, making it suitable for fabricating fiber-reinforced composite (FRC)-based dental bridges. FRC is widely used in dentistry. This study aimed to investigate the structural and morphological characteristics of the nylon 6 fiber prepared using five different weights of nylon 6 dissolved in formic acid. The nylon 6 fiber was successfully fabricated via a simple wet spinning method using water as a coagulant. The fiber was then characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. FTIR spectroscopy confirmed the presence of nylon 6 characteristics in the fiber in the form of N–H and C=O groups at a specific wave number. The differences in the diameter and morphological shape of the fiber were attributed to the nylon 6 different concentrations. Furthermore, the nylon 6 fiber can be used to produce cost-effective products and realize suitable characteristics for use as an alternative to traditional materials for fabricating direct dental bridges.