Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya keterampilan membaca siswa kelas IV SDN Pakis V Surabaya. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan membaca kelas IV di SDN Pakis V Surabaya melalui membaca petunjuk denah dengan menggunakan metode demonstrasi yang dilakukan selama dua bulan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDN Pakis V Surabaya. Kelas yang diteliti peneliti adalah kelas IV dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 32 orang. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dimulai pada akhir bulan November 2023. Bentuk penelitian adalah tindakan kelas. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari instrumen lembar aktivitas guru dan siswa serta tes hasil belajar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebagaimana diuraikan pada bab IV, maka tujuan penelitian telah tercapai. Sebab dari data diketahui rata-rata kemampuan siswa sebelum penerapan metode demonstrasi (data awal) hanya tercapai pada nilai rata-rata 65,9. Kemudian setelah diterapkan metode demonstrasi (siklus I), diperoleh skor rata-rata 71,6 dengan kategori lebih tinggi, dan siklus II 88 atau dengan kategori tinggi, namun indikator kinerja tercapai pada 96,9% siswa atau 31 orang. Kata Kunci : Keterampilan membaca, membaca petunjuk denah, metode demonstrasi. Abstract This research was motivated by the lack of reading skills of grade IV students of SDN V Surabaya. The aim to be achieved in this study is to improve the reading skills of grade IV at SDN V Surabaya through reading floor plan instructions using the demonstration method carried out for two months. This research was conducted at SDN V Surabaya. The class studied by the researcher was class IV with 32 students. This class action research begins in late November 2023. The form of research is class action. The research instrument consists of teacher and student activity sheet instruments and learning outcome tests. Based on the results of the research as described in Chapter IV, the research objectives have been achieved. From the data, it is known that the average ability of students before the application of the demonstration method (preliminary data) was only achieved at an average score of 65.9. Then after applying the demonstration method (cycle I), an average score of 71.6 was obtained with a higher category, and cycle II was 88 or with a high category, but performance indicators were achieved in 96.9% of students or 31 people. Keywords: Reading skills, reading floor plan instructions, demonstration methods.