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Accountability in Managing Business Funds through Budgeting to SME's I Gusti Ketut Agung Ulupui; Siti Fatimah Zahra; Dwi Handarini
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM) Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM) (DOAJ & SINTA 3 Indexed)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.913 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/JPMM.004.1.06


The classic problem that is still inherent in SME’s activities is the lack ofcapital. This is also felt by SMEs in the Tarumajaya sub-district, North Bekasi,West Java. So, there is a need for appropriate fund management andbudgeting. Therefore, this activity aims to provide workshops related toaccountability, good procedures for managing business funds, as well asproviding budgeting practices for SMEs. The method of implementing PKMactivities consists of 3 stages, namely: planning, implementation, andevaluation. The workshop was held in the Hall of TPI PALIJAYA Segara JayaVillage and was attended by 54 business people with different business objects.The material was delivered in the form of theory and practice, followed by adiscussion and question and answer session with the participants. Based on theresults of the questionnaire survey, it was found that before this training, only23% of the trainees stated that they had planned a business activity budget.Only 17% stated that they used to record transactions related to their businessactivities routinely. After this training, the participants increasingly understoodthe importance of budgeting in business. Thus, an assessment of 90% ofparticipants stated that the business budget was an important matter. As for theparticipant's assessment of the whole set of activities, 83% stated that thematerial presented by the service team was important, and 77% stated it wasuseful. As many as 73% of participants stated that the material had beendelivered by the service team clearly, and 87% of participants expressedsatisfaction with the community service activities carried out by the communityservice team from FE UNJ.
Basic Research Skills Training Aditya Pratama; Siti Fatimah Zahra
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM) Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM) (DOAJ & SINTA 3 Indexed)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPMM.004.2.10


The workload of a lecturer is not only about teaching ability, research but also demands for community service, the workload is stated in the law known as the Tri Darma of Higher Education. In terms of teaching, good teaching skills in a lecturer are of course an absolute must for a lecturer. Likewise with the obligations in research (making scientific papers), a lecturer must be able to make research that can be published both at the national and international levels. However, the scientific works produced by lecturers in Indonesia and published internationally are still relatively few. This is partly because lecturers are not given enough encouragement and support to be motivated in making scientific works. There should be various trainings and journal access facilities as a form of strategy to increase lecturer competence in writing scientific articles. Therefore, the PKM team took the initiative to carry out community service related to training on scientific work preparation skills to assist lecturers in improving the quality and quantity of their scientific publications. This activity consists of 3 stages, namely the preparation stage, the training implementation stage, and the activity evaluation stage. The existence of this PKM seems to be able to improve the participants' abilities in making good scientific works
RESEARCH BOOTCAMP: PENINGKATAN KUALITAS DASAR RISET Ayatulloh Michael Musyaffi; Siti Fatimah Zahra; Muhammad Yusuf; Rizki Firdausi Rachmadania
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 6 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.199 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i6.4867


Abstrak: Research Bootcamp merupakan tema kegiatan dalam rangka pelatihan dasar ketrampilan riset dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas artikel riset. Pengabdian ini dilatarbelakangi karena kurang meratanya pemahaman dan ketrampilan dosen-dosen atau pihak yang terkait dalam aplikasi yang berguna bagi penelitian yang dilakukan mahasiswa, tingkat plagiasi pada karya akhir mahasiswa masih cukup tinggi, dan masih kurangnya literasi mahasiswa dalam menemukan topik serta jurnal nasional dan internasional. Sehingga solusi yang dilakukan yaitu dilakukan Pelatihan mengenai penulisan artikel ilmiah melalui pemanfaatan Mendeley, Grammarly, dan Optimalisasi Ms. Word, Pelatihan dan pendampingan mengenai Teknik paraphrase dan pemanfaatan tools scan plagiasi, Pelatihan dan pendampingan berupa Teknik pencarian artikel ilmiah nasional dan internasional terindeks. Kegiatan ini dilakukan selama 1 hari penuh. Adanya pendampingan ini diharapkan dapat menuntun peserta untuk menghasilkan artikel ilmiah yang berkualitas. Sebanyak 101 berpartisipasi yang terdiri dosen dan mahasiswa dari berbagai kampus di Indonesia. Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, 83,2% telah paham dalam menggunakan tools dalam artikel ilmiah dimana sebelumnya hanya memiliki presentase 19,8% yang sudah paham. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa dalam melakukan pelatihan yang intensif, akademisi dapat memahami cara pembuatan jurnal melalui tools-tools Mendeley, Grammarly, melakukan paraphrase dan pemanfaatan Microsoft word.Abstract: Research Bootcamp is the theme of activities in the framework of basic training in research skills to improve the quality of research articles. This dedication is motivated by the lack of equal understanding and skills of lecturers or related parties in applications that are useful for research carried out by students, the level of plagiarism in student final works is still quite high, and there is still a lack of student literacy in finding topics and national and international journals. So, the solution is to conduct training on scientific article writing through the use of Mendeley, Grammarly, and Optimization of Ms. Word, training and assistance on paraphrasing techniques and the use of plagiarism scan tools, training, and assistance in the form of indexed national and international scientific article search techniques. This activity is carried out for 1 full day. This assistance is expected to guide participants to produce quality scientific articles. A total of 101 participants consisting of lecturers and students from various campuses in Indonesia. after participating in this activity, there is an increase in quality, improvement in the quality of scientific articles, mastery of reference tool managers, and producing scientific articles for the needs and contributions of each individual's science.
Peningkatan Laba Usaha melalui Edukasi Manajemen Persediaan dengan Aplikasi Koperasi Berbasis Android I Gusti Ketut Agung Ulupui; Yunika Murdayanti; Siti Fatimah Zahra
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 6 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30653/002.202162.568


INCREASING BUSINESS PROFIT THROUGH INVENTORY MANAGEMENT EDUCATION WITH ANDROID-BASED COOPERATIVE APPLICATIONS. This community service activity aims to understand cooperative managers and SMEs in managing their inventory records with digital technology. Generally, cooperative management becomes ineffective and inefficient and sometimes high inventory costs arise. The purpose of proper management is to minimize operational costs to a minimum so that it will optimize company performances. In overcoming this, cooperatives have the opportunity to continue to develop in the era of digitalization because business actors must collaborate and work together to survive and to develop their businesses and must be accompanied by creativity and innovation to organize organizations and business strategies by optimizing the application of digital technology. This method of implementing Community Service is carried out online through the zoom meeting application with cooperative/SMEs management participants and in collaboration with the Cooperative, SMEs and Trade sub-offices and is supported by Jakpreneur. The implementation of this activity was carried out for 1 day through a lecture approach method on training materials, practice and training discussion on inventory recording using an android-based financial note application. The achievement of the results of this activity is the resulting increase in the competence of cooperative and SMEs members which aims to be prepared as strong entrepreneurs, capable of starting businesses and being able to utilize information technology as a business opportunity to build relatively easy networks. Information technology has been proven to provide the opportunity to build a business efficiently while providing a reasonable profit.
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM) Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM) (DOAJ & SINTA 3 Indexed)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPMM.006.1.01


Research is one of the tri dharma tasks carried out by a lecturer and student. Lack of knowledge of lecturers and students in basic research skills will hinder competence in creating quality research in the development of science and have an impact on the lack of scientific publications. Therefore, seeing that there is still little research being held, this PKM activity aims to improve the ability of partners in terms of skills in conducting research and writing articles through training that discusses 5 main topics, namely Access to International Journals, Paraphrasing, Referencing Manager Software with Mendeley, Turnitin, and Microsoft Word Advance. The implementation of this PKM activity is carried out in 4 stages: 1. Identification and determination of target participants, identification of needs, implementation of training and evaluation of activities. This training was attended by 168 participants from 4 partner campuses, namely Buana Perjuangan University, Trisakti School of Management, Mpu Tantular University, and Semarang State University. Many participants were enthusiastic about the material presented, as seen by the many questions and answers with participants during the training discussion session. It is hoped that this training can improve the abilities of the participants and the number of researches.
Jurnal Abdi Insani Vol 8 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Insani
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/abdiinsani.v8i2.405


Selama masa pandemi COVID 19 ini, provinsi Jawa Barat berupaya untuk mendorong kembali kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat dengan melakukan penataan pencatatan persediaan bahan baku sehingga dapat menaikkan kembali omset penjualan. Persediaan memainkan fungsi yang sangat penting dalam kelangsungan hidup serta perkembangan bisnis. Manajemen persediaan yang tidak efektif dan efisien dapat menyebabkan kerugia dan penyusutan penjualan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah: 1) Dipahaminya konsep-konsep dalam pengendalian persediaan terutama dalam pencatatan bahan baku dan barang jadi, 2) Dilaksanakannya microlearning mengenai penggunaan aplikasi smart apps terdaftar pada google play store “catatan keuangan koperasi” dan aplikasi pencatatan persediaan menggunakan ms. excelll yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi peserta. Metode pelaksanaan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat ini dilakukan secara daring melalui aplikasi zoom meeting dengan peserta pengelola koperasi/UMKM serta turut mengundang para mitra koperasi dan UMKM dari Departemen Ekonomi, Pembina Daerah Salima Kota Bogor dan Perwakilan Mitra UMKM Kota Depok. Kegiatan ini mampu menghasilkan peningkatan kompetensi koperasi dan UMKM dalam pengendalian persediaan, mampu menghitung laporan keuntungan, dan mampu mempraktekan aplikasi pencatatan persediaan baik berbasis android maupun ms. excelll sehingga para pelaku usaha mampu membuat pencatatan persediaan secara digitalisasi
Bahasa Inggris Gina Mufidah; Karuniana Dianta A.S; Siti Fatimah Zahra
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Literature Vol. 1 No. 6 (2022): INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AND LITERATURE
Publisher : Yayasan Education and Social Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (166.674 KB) | DOI: 10.53067/ijomral.v1i6.64


Food purchase through the GrabFood delivery feature for people in DKI Jakarta, which is proven to help humans in their daily lives, is determined and influenced by many factors. In this study, the factors studied were consumer trust and the use of online motorcycle taxi services. This study aims to determine the effect of consumer trust and the use of online motorcycle taxi services on food purchases through the GrabFood Delivery feature for people in DKI Jakarta (Non-Thousand Islands). This research is quantitative. The object of this study is the people of DKI Jakarta aged eighteen years and over who use the GrabFood delivery feature, with an unknown population. The sample in this study amounted to 115 respondents, determined using the Malhotra formula by multiplying the number of sub-indicators by five. The analytical method used in this research is multiple regression analysis which includes several tests, namely reliability validity test, descriptive analysis, classical assumption test and statistical test. There are several indicators of each variable that state the least results. Namely, there is an indicator of company image on the consumer trust variable, an indicator of the ease of using online motorcycle taxi services and the last indicator of the number of purchases on the food purchase variable. The results of this study indicate that consumer trust and the use of online motorcycle taxi services partially affect food purchases. The variables of consumer confidence and the use of online motorcycle taxi services simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on food purchases which can be proven by the results of several tests that have been carried out using the SPSS 25 application
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Literature Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AND LITERATURE
Publisher : Yayasan Education and Social Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.266 KB) | DOI: 10.53067/ijomral.v2i2.103


One global goal to achieve is decent work and economic growth. Economic growth from one period to another reflects the achievement of a country's economic development. The factors of production owned by a country are used to produce goods and services, which will then determine the country's competency in economic growth within a certain time. This study aims to determine the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI), external debt, and trade openness (TO) on economic growth in emerging market countries with the Covid-19 pandemic as a dummy variable. The analysis technique in this study uses the least squares method, or Ordinary Least Square (OLS), for the dummy variable multiple linear regression model. The results of this study indicate that foreign direct investment (FDI), external debt, trade openness, and the Covid-19 pandemic simultaneously (together) affect economic growth. Foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade openness positively affect economic growth in emerging market countries. It is shown from the regression coefficient values that are equal to 2.044 and 5.248. Meanwhile, external debt and the Covid-19 pandemic had a negative (opposite) effect on the economic growth of emerging market countries. It is shown from the results of the regression coefficients, which are -0.007 and -2.018
International Research of Multidisciplinary Analysis Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): International Research of Multidisciplinary Analysis
Publisher : Nindikayla Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (376.043 KB) | DOI: 10.57254/irma.v1i2.28


Liquidity is an important aspect that can be considered a bank's lifeblood. To maintain business continuity, banks must always manage liquidity effectively. Liquidity easing is one strategy to assist economic growth during the COVID-19 epidemic. Where macroprudential policies are used to ease liquidity restrictions. The government seeks to induce more outstanding lending to debtors to promote economic growth. On the other hand, this easing of liquidity is thought to help maintain bank operations solvent. This liquidity easing during the pandemic was carried out by reducing the reserve requirement and increasing the MPLB ratio. In addition, Bank Indonesia strengthened RIM by adding an export money order in its calculation. The goal of this research is to look at how macroprudential policy, such as the Statutory Reserves instrument, the Macroprudential Intermediation Ratio, and the Macroprudential Liquidity Buffer, affects the liquidity of traditional commercial banks in Indonesia from 2018 to 2021. The monthly data comes from the Financial Services Authority website, specifically the Indonesian Banking Statistics section. The researchers employed a multiple linear regression approach utilizing EViews 10 software to evaluate the three hypotheses. First, the Statutory Reserves have a negative and minor influence on commercial bank liquidity, according to the findings. Second, RIM has a good and considerable impact on commercial bank liquidity. Third, PLM has a considerable negative impact on commercial bank liquidity. Simultaneously, the three independent factors are discovered to impact commercial bank liquidity
Indonesian Journal of Economy, Business, Entrepreneurship and Finance Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Economy, Business, Entrepreneuship and Finance
Publisher : Yayasan Education and Social Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53067/ijebef.v3i2.106


This study aims to determine the effect of product quality and reputation on customer decisions to use the services of Bank Syariah Indonesia located in DKI Jakarta. The research method used is a survey method with a quantitative approach. The population in this study is customers of Bank Syariah Indonesia in DKI Jakarta. The sample of this study amounted to 272 respondents determined by the formula of the Isaac and Michael table because the population number is unknown. Data collection techniques using questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study show that, partially, product quality and reputation have a positive and significant influence on customer decisions