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Empowerment of PKK Mothers in Caring for Hair through Teaching Videos of Traditional Hair Care Lilis Jubaedah; Aniesa Puspa Arum
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM) (DOAJ & SINTA 3 Indexed)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/10.21009/JPMM.005.1.12


Empowerment of PKK Mothers in Caring for Hair through Teaching Videos of Traditional Hair Care. The objectives of this Community Service are 1) Increase the motivation of PKK mothers to bring out creativity in doing traditional hair care. 2) Improve the skills of PKK mothers to be creative and innovative in doing traditional hair care with the right techniques during the Covid 19 pandemic. 3) Providing knowledge about effectiveness in entrepreneurship. The method used is presentation and discussion by holding make-up webinars through zoom meetings. The webinar activity in August 2020 was attended by 20 participants from Jaka Sampurna Village, Bekasi. The activities included training in hair care competency skills by showing learning videos for traditional hair care. The results of this community service program are (1) partners have knowledge of traditional hair care. (2) partners can apply special skills in the field of hair care in their family and surrounding communities. (3) partner's interest in developing skills by opening a business in the hair sector
Strategi Pembelajaran Kooperatif Pada Mata Kuliah Penataan Rambut Aniesa Puspa Arum
JTP - Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Vol 22 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/jtp.v22i2.16490


This study aims to design and develop cooperative learning strategies in hairstyling subjects in order to increase motivation and learning involvement of students through the implementation of cooperative learning strategies. This type of research is research and development (R&D) using the 4D development model that aims to find, design, develop and disseminate the products produced so that they can be used in the learning process to improve student learning outcomes. The result of this research is design cooperative learning strategy in hairstyling subject, based on the characteristics and components of structured learning strategy.
International Journal of Education, Information Technology, and Others Vol 1 No 2 (2018): International Journal of Education, Information Technology, and Others
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (203.142 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2563433


This study aims to: (1) produce a learning video for the subject which is appropriate to be applied as learning media for Pascasarjana student teknologi pendidikan, and (2) investigate the approprioateness of the learning video at pascasarjana UNJ in order to be appropriate to be applied as learning media. The development of the learning video pascasarjana UNJ employed the Researcg & Development method by Allesi & Trollip, consisting of three development steps, i.e.: (1) planning: determining needs and objectives, colleting resources, and producing ideas; (2) design: making the flowchart and storyboard and preparing the script; and (3) development: producing the video and audio, programming the materials, preparing the supporting components, evaluating, and revising. The result of the development research was a learning video was assesses by a media expert, a materials expert, and students as users of the media. On the whole, the tryouts showed good results in the appropriate category with the following details. (1) from the materials expert the mean score was 5.55, which was in the appropriate category. (2) from the media expert the mean score was 3.5, which was in the appropriate category. (3) from the small-scale tryout involving students the mean score was 3.5, which was in the appropriate category. (4) from the large-scale tryout involving students the mean score was 3.19, which was in the appropriate cetagory. Based on the media appropriateness assessement, it can be conclude thet the learning video is sppropriate to be used as learning media at pascasarjana UNJ.
International Journal of Education, Information Technology, and Others Vol 2 No 2 (2019): International Journal of Education, Information Technology, and Others
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.604 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3558888


Purpose of this study is the development of the application of hybrid learning learning at Postgraduate State University of Jakarta. The targets in this study were lecturers who took courses in the UNJ Education Technology doctoral program. Considering this research is in the form of developing an online learning system, the research method used is research and development (R&D). the results of this study conclude as follows: 1) Readiness of students in implementing hybrid learning has met. The analysis shows that 3% is very high, 41% is high, 34% is moderate, 16% is low, and 6% is very low. 2) Lecturer readiness in implementing hybrid learning has fulfilled. From the results of the analysis showed as much as 14% Very High, 29% High, 57% Moderate, 0% Low, and 0% Very Low. 3) Readiness of facilities and infrastructure as well as policies on implementinglearning hybrid learning is sufficient and fulfilled
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 (2020): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT - SNPPM2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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Abstract This study aims to determine the interest of beauty graduates Vocational Schools major in entrepreneurship. This research uses descriptive quantitative research methods. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires via google form and interview to 30 respondents. The results of this study reveal that as many as 80% of SMK graduates are entrepreneurs according to their majors and as many as 20% are not self-employed or choose other jobs that are not in accordance with their majors. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui minat lulusan SMK jurusan tata kecantikan dalam berwirausaha. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebar kuisioner melalui google form dan wawancara kepada 30 responden. Adapun hasil penelitian awal ini mengungkap bahwa sebanyak 80% lulusan SMK berwirausaha sesuai dengan jurusan dan sebanyak 20% tidak berwirausaha atau memilih pekerjaan lain yang tidak sesuai dengan jurusan.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 (2021): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT - SNPPM2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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Abstract This devotion aims to uncover the interest of the Jaka Sampurna village residents in Hair Styling through Video tutorials. Partner problems are 1) the need to care for and beautify themselves, 2) the limited knowledge and skills of residents in hair styling. These two things are the reasons for implementing community service activities. As a solution to solve partner problems, the method used is to organize webinars to educate residents about knowledge and skills in hair styling which contains the basic concepts of hair styling, preparation to work procedures that are carried out online through video tutorials. The results of community service activities show the interest of the residents of Jaka Sampurna Village in Hair Styling through Video tutorials in terms of two factors, namely internal factors and external factors. The conclusion from community service activities is that residents are interested in doing hair styling to beautify themselves, so that these skills can be applied by themselves without having to go to the salon or go out from home, given the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic that has not been ended. Abstrak Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui minat warga Kelurahan Jaka Sampurna dalam Menata Rambut Melalui Video tutorial. Permasalahan mitra adalah 1) kebutuhan akan merawat dan mempercantik diri, 2) terbatasnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan warga dalam menata rambut. Kedua hal inilah yang menjadi alasan pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat. Sebagai solusi guna menyelesaikan permasalahan mitra, metode yang digunakan adalah dengan menyelenggarakan webinar guna mengedukasi warga tentang pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menata rambut yang berisi konsep dasar menata rambut, persiapan hingga prosedur langkah kerja yang dilakukan secara daring melalui video tutorial. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat menunjukan minat warga Kelurahan Jaka Sampurna dalam Menata Rambut Melalui Video tutorial ditinjau dari dua faktor, yaitu faktor internal dan faktor eksternal.secara keseluruhan memperoleh persentase sebesar 80% yang termasuk dalam kategori berminat. Adapun kesimpulan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah warga berminat untuk melakukan penataan rambut guna mempercantik diri, sehingga keterampilan ini dapat diterapkan sendiri tanpa harus ke salon ataupun ke luar rumah, mengingat kondisi pandemi covid 19 yang belum berakhir.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3 (2022): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT - SNPPM2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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Abstract Problems related to the limited knowledge of the community about the importance of utilizing natural ingredients in the surrounding environment to be used as potential for the beauty industry, especially for skin care. This is supported by the results of preliminary observations, that the skills needed by the community are in terms of making herbal medicine, making masks and cutting hair. This community service aims to provide counseling and training to the community about making masks by utilizing mangrove plants for skin care. The method of implementing the activity is demonstration in the form of tutorials, guided exercises and discussions by holding face-to-face or direct mask-making training, on August 4, 2022, located in Pantai Mekar Village, Muara Gembong District. The implementing team is educators or lecturers as well as students from the Makeup Education Study Program, and the target of this service activity is the community in the Pantai Mekar Village area, Muara Gembong District, totaling 15 people. This activity is carried out in stages and continuously with several achievement targets that are tailored to the needs of the local community by looking at natural resources and human resources that are ready to be maximized for their potential. The evaluation process is carried out by distributing instruments in the form of test questions, observation sheets and questionnaires that measure the knowledge, attitudes and skills of participants in participating in this community service activity. The results obtained from this community service activity are (1) The community has additional knowledge about the importance of taking care of the skin, supported by the increasing pretest and posttest scores where the average score obtained is 90 (2) The community is able to utilize resources the surrounding environment in the form of mangrove plants and skilled in making masks from mangrove plants, supported by observations of the attitudes of participants in the practice of making masks with an average score of 80, and (3) the community can produce products in the form of mangrove plant masks for skin care, supported by with evidence of the results of training in making powdered mangrove plant masks to a simple packaging process carried out by each participant with an average value of 90. Based on the results obtained from community service activities in the village area assisted by the Faculty of Engineering, it can be concluded that the acceptance of the Pantai Village community Blooming in This service activity in 2022 is high, as can be seen from the average value obtained for each indicator in achieving the goals of implementing community service. Abstrak Permasalahan terkait keterbatasan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat akan pentingnya memanfaatkan bahan-bahan alami yang ada di lingkungan sekitar untuk dijadikan potensi industri bidang kecantikan terutama untuk perawatan kulit. Hal ini didukung oleh hasil observasi awal, bahwa keterampilan yang dibutuhkan masyarakat adalah dalam hal pembuatan jamu, pembuatan masker dan pangkas rambut. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan pada masyarakat tentang pembuatan masker dengan memanfaatkan tanaman mangrove untuk perawatan kulit. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah demonstrasi berbentuk tutorial, latihan terbimbing dan diskusi dengan mengadakan pelatihan pembuatan masker yang dilakukan secara tatap muka atau langsung, pada tanggal 04 Agustus 2022, berlokasi di Desa Pantai Mekar, Kecamatan Muara Gembong. Adapun tim pelaksana adalah tenaga pendidik atau dosen serta mahasiswa dari Program Studi Pendidikan Tata Rias, dan sasaran dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah masyarakat di wilayah Desa Pantai Mekar, Kecamatan Muara Gembong yang berjumlah 15 orang. Kegiatan ini dilakukan secara bertahap dan berkelanjutan dengan beberapa target capaian yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat setempat dengan melihat sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia yang siap untuk dimaksimalkan potensinya. Proses evaluasi dilakukan dengan menyebarkan instrumen berupa soal tes, lembar observasi dan kuesioner yang mengukur pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan peserta dalam mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah (1) Masyarakat memiliki tambahan ilmu pengetahuan tentang pentingnya merawat kulit, didukung dari perolehan nilai pretest dan posttest yang meningkat dimana rata-rata nilai yang diperoleh adalah 90 (2) Masyarakat mampu memanfaatkan sumber daya alam sekitar berupa tanaman mangrove dan terampil dalam membuat masker dari tanaman mangrove, didukung oleh observasi sikap peserta dalam praktik pembuatan masker dengan rata-rata nilai yang diperoleh adalah 80, dan (3) Masyarakat dapat menghasilkan produk berupa masker tanaman mangrove untuk perawatan kulit, didukung dengan bukti hasil pelatihan membuat bubuk masker tanaman mangrove hingga proses pengemasan sederhana yang dilakukan oleh tiap peserta dengan rata-rata nilai 90. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat di wilayah desa binaan Fakultas Teknik, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa daya terima masyarakat Desa Pantai Mekar dalam kegiatan pengabdian tahun 2022 ini tinggi, terlihat dari rata-rata nilai yang diperoleh pada tiap indikator dalam mencapai tujuan pelaksanaan pengabdian pada masyarakat.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Poster Disertai QR-Code dalam Praktik Tata Rias Wajah Cikatri Kristanti Patria Ari Sukma; Aniesa Puspa Arum; Lilis Jubaedah
Jurnal Adijaya Multidisplin Vol 1 No 04 (2023): Jurnal Adijaya Multidisiplin (JAM)
Publisher : PT Naureen Digital Education

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Poster yang disertai QR-Code dalam penelitian ini merupakan salah satu media pembelajaran berbasis digital yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber belajar. Berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan dengan responden sebanyak 48 mahasiswa yang terdiri dari Angkatan 2018 dan 2019 yang aktif dan sudah mengikuti mata kuliah Tata Rias Wajah, didapatkan hasil 98% mahasiswa membutuhkan sumber belajar lain dan 74% mahasiswa setju bahwa media pembelajaran yang lebih menarik yaitu menggunakan poster dengan QR-Code yang berisikan video tutorial praktik. Tujuan dari pengembangan poster yang disertai dengan QR-Code menggunakan perangkat lunak Canva yaitu agar mahasiswa tata rias Universitas Negeri Jakarta memiliki sumber belajar tambahan yang layak dijadikan refrensi bahan pembelajaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu R&D (Research and Development) dengan model pengembangan 4D (Define, Design, Develop, and Desseminate). Uji kelayakan dilakukan oleh ahli materi dan ahli media. Uji praktikalitas dilaksanakan dengan dua tahap yaitu one to one dan small group pada mahasiswa prodi S1 Pendidikan Tata Rias Wajah Angkatan 2018 dan 2019 Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Instrument yang digunakan adalah kusioner tertutup berupa angket yang dibagikan menggunakan link google form.
Efektivitas Implementasi Senam Yoga Terhadap Kebugaran Tubuh Nella Giovani; Eti Herawati; Aniesa Puspa Arum
Jurnal Adijaya Multidisplin Vol 1 No 06 (2023): Jurnal Adijaya Multidisiplin (JAM)
Publisher : PT Naureen Digital Education

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh efektivitas implementasi senam yoga terhadap kebugaran tubuh mahasiswa Pendidikan Tata Rias angkatan 2019, 2020, dan 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Sampel dari adalah mahasiswa aktif Pendidikan Tata Rias angkatan 2019, 2020, dan 2021 yang telah mengikuti mata kuliah senam. Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 83 mahasiswa. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer, dengan menggunakan kuesioner melalui google form. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa hasil uji regresi linear sederhana yang telah dilakukan, maka diketahui Fhitung 0,715 dengan nilai signifikasi sebesar 0,00. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Efektivitas Implementasi Senam Yoga (X) berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Kebugaran Tubuh. Hasil uji koefisien determinasi pada tabel 4.7 diperoleh nilai koefisien determinasi sebesar 0.601. Sehingga Efektivitas Implementasi Senam Yoga mempunyai pengaruh sebesar 60.1% terhadap Kebugaran Tubuh.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2023): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT - SNPPM2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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Abstract Partner problems: 1) Limited knowledge about corrective facial makeup to support activities, 2) Limited media regarding corrective facial makeup as an alternative learning source. We facilitate solutions to problems by 1) Providing education about corrective facial makeup to support appearance, 2) Developing a pocketbook about corrective facial makeup as an alternative learning resource. The objectives of this activity: 1) Increase knowledge of the basic concepts of corrective facial make-up, 2) Stimulate creativity in applying corrective facial make-up according to facial conditions. The method of carrying out activities is lectures accompanied by case studies, discussions, demonstrations and guided practice at the Gayatri Beauty Academy, Singapore which will be held on August 27, 2023. The implementing team is lecturers from the Cosmetology Education Study Program, Jakarta State University, with a target of 20 migrant workers. Activities are carried out in stages with several achievement targets tailored to the needs, characteristics of the participants and the learning objectives to be achieved. Data collection instruments are: 1) Objective tests to measure knowledge, and 2) non-tests, in the form of performance sheets to measure skills and questionnaires to measure participants' attitudes/satisfaction. This activity showed positive results seen from: 1) the knowledge aspect of 20 participants got an average score of 85, which means they were able to absorb the material presented well, 2) the skills aspect of 17 participants (85%) got a score of 90, which means they were able to apply the rules. corrective facial makeup according to facial condition, 3) attitude aspect, as many as 90% of participants hope that similar activities can continue. It can be concluded that education about corrective facial makeup can improve participants' skills because it provides benefits and opportunities to open a business. Abstrak Permasalahan mitra:1) Terbatasnya pengetahuan tentang tata rias wajah korektif untuk menunjang aktivitas,2) Keterbatasan media tentang tata rias wajah korektif sebagai sumber belajar alternatif. Solusi permasalahan kami memfasilitasi dengan:1) Memberikan edukasi tentang tata rias wajah korektif guna menunjang penampilan,2) Mengembangkan buku saku tentang tata rias wajah korektif sebagai sumber belajar alternatif. Tujuan kegiatan ini:1) Meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai konsep dasar tata rias wajah korektif, 2) Merangsang kreativitas penerapan tata rias wajah korektif sesuai kondisi wajah. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan ceramah disertai studi kasus, diskusi, demostrasi dan praktik terbimbing bertempat di Gayatri Beauty Academy, Singapura yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 27 Agustus 2023. Tim pelaksana dosen Program Studi Pendidikan Tata Rias, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, dengan sasaran pekerja migran berjumlah 20. Kegiatan dilaksanakan secara bertahap dengan beberapa sasaran capaian yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan, karakteristik peserta dan tujuan pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa: 1) Tes objektif untuk mengukur pengetahuan, dan 2) Non tes, berupa lembar unjuk kerja guna mengukur keterampilan dan kuesioner untuk mengukur sikap/kepuasan peserta. Kegiatan ini menunjukan hasil positif dilihat dari: 1) aspek pengetahuan dari 20 peserta memperoleh nilai rata-rata 85 yang artinya mampu menyerap materi yang disampaikan dengan baik, 2) aspek keterampilan sebanyak 17 peserta (85%) memperoleh nilai 90 yang artinya mampu menerapkan tata rias wajah korektif sesuai kondisi wajah, 3) aspek sikap, sebanyak 90% peserta berharap kegiatan sejenis dapat berlanjut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa edukasi tentang tata rias wajah korektif dapat meningkatkan keterampilan peserta karena memberikan manfaat dan peluang untuk membuka usaha.