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Pengembangan E-Modul Interaktif Berbasis Android pada Mata Kuliah Strategi Belajar Mengajar Ricu Sidiq; Najuah
Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 9 No 1 (2020): JPS - Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah, Volume 9 Nomor 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah Pascasarjana UNJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (885.152 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/JPS.091.01


This research aims to develop an interactive e-module for Android based on the Teaching and Learning Strategy Course. The subject of this research were students of History Education Department 2017, State University of Medan. The method used in this research was R&D. Using the Borg and Gall development model which included the first steps; Preliminary research (preparation, deepening survey, need analysis), second; Product development Planning (data collecting, product identification development), third; Product validation and revision (expert study, small group trials, large group trials), fourth; Product implementation (planning, preparation, implementation, observation, evaluation). This development research resulted in a product that meets the validation by material experts reaching 93% with a highly valid category, learning design experts reach 82% by valid categories, media experts reach 86% with valid categories and 86% for effectiveness media usage. The implications of the results of this research is that it can improve, trigger, strengthen students interest to study independently and the process of learning more effective, efficiency so that can improve the learning quality. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan e-modul interaktif berbasis Android pada mata kuliah Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Subjek penelitian ini angkatan 2017 jurusan pendidikan sejarah unimed. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah R&D. dengan menggunakan model pengembangan Borg and Gall yang meliputi langkah-langkah pertama; penelitian pendahuluan (persiapan, survey pendalaman, analisis kebutuhan), kedua; perencanaan pengembangan produk (pengumpulan data, identifikasi produk yang dikembangkan), ketiga; validasi dan revisi produk (telaah pakar, uji coba kelompok kecil, uji coba kelompok besar), keempat; implementasi produk (perencanaan, persiapan, pelaksanaan, observasi, evaluasi). Penelitian pengembangan ini menghasilkan produk yang memenuhi validasi oleh ahli materi mencapai 93% dengan kategori sangat valid, ahli desain pembelajaran mencapai 82% dengan kategori valid, ahli media mencapai 86% dengan kategori valid dan 86% persentase untuk efektifitas penggunaan media. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalah dapat membangun, memicu, memperkuat minat mahasiswa untuk belajar secara mandiri dan proses pembelajaran lebih efektivitas, efesiensi sehingga terjadi peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran.
Puteri Hijau : Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 4, No 2 (2019): Puteri Hijau Vol. 4 No. 2
Publisher : Department of History Education, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/ph.v4i2.16304


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui group pada apliksi whatsApp dimanfaatkan sebagai wadah diskusi dalam pengimplementasian nilai-nilai karakter Pancasila para penggunanya. Dalam proses penggunaan, nilai-nilai karakter Pancasila perlu di implementasikan oleh setiap pengguna, guna menghindari perilaku negatif, berita bohong, dan menimbulkan konflik-konflik di dalam masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan didalam penelitian ialah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus pada ruang diskusi maya atau WA group dalam pengimplementasian nilai-nilai karakter pancasila. Sumber data dalam penelitian dibedakan menjadi 2 jenis, yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer merupakan data yang diperoleh secara langsung melalui pengamatan dari WA Group kelas Mandiri 2016 Pendidikan Sejarah, Universitas Negeri Medan. Pengamatan ini digunakan sebagai teknik pengambilan data yang dilihat dari interaksi sosial, Sementara, untuk data sekunder diperoleh melalui studi pustaka atau library research. Hasil penelitian ialah  pemanfaatan WhatsApp Group dalam pengimplementasian nilai-nilai karakter Pancasila pada era disrupsi dengan menggunakan peraturan-peraturan dalam ruang diskusi sehingga terciptanya tukar pikiran, musyawarah, dan pengambilan keputusan menggunakan bahasa saling menghormati, bebas dan bertanggungjawab. Kata Kunci : Group, WhatsApp, Karakter
Sejarah Berdirinya Kesultanan Serdang 1723-1946 Ricu Sidiq; Najuah N; Ika Purnama Sari; Friska Olivia
Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 11 No 2 (2022): JPS - Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah, Volume 11 Nomor 2 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah Pascasarjana UNJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPS.112.05


The purpose of this research is to provide an understanding to the public that previously in the Serdang Bedagai region there was once a Sultanate that was known to the Malay peninsula, namely the Serdang Sultanate and to add written sources to show the existence of the Serdang Sultanate. The method used in this research is historical method through heuristic, criticism, interpretation, and historiography steps. The results of this study are that the establishment of the Serdang Sultanate originated from a dispute that occurred as a result of a struggle for the throne between the second and third sons of the Deli Sultanate which occurred around 1723, namely between Tuanku Pasutan and Tuanku Umar Johan Alamshah. Since its inception, the Serdang Sultanate continued to experience its glory and peak during the reign of Sultan Thaf Sinar Basarshah (1817-1850) which was marked by progress and bustling trade so that the Serdang region became prosperous. Then, the decline of the Sultanate of Serdang occurred during the reign of Sultan Basyaruddin Shariful Alamshah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat umum bahwa dulunya di wilayah Serdang Bedagai pernah berdiri sebuah kesultanan yang dikenal hingga ke Semenanjung tanah Melayu yaitu Kesultanan Serdang dan untuk menambah sumber tulisan guna menunjukkan eksistensi Kesultanan Serdang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sejarah melalui langkah-langkah heuristik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa berdirinya Kesultanan Serdang berawal dari perselisihan yang terjadi akibat perebutan tahta antara putra kedua dan ketiga kesultanan deli yang terjadi sekitar tahun 1723 M, yakni antara Tuanku Pasutan dengan Tuanku Umar Johan Alamshah. Sejak awal berdirinya Kesultanan Serdang terus mengalami kejayaan dan puncaknya pada masa pemerintahan Sultan Thaf Sinar Basrshah (1817-1850) yang ditandai dengan maju dan ramainya perdagangan sehingga wilayah Serdang menjadi makmur. Kemudian, kemunduran Kesultanan Serdang terjadi pada masa pemerintahan Sultan Basyaruddin Shariful Alam Syah. Pada saat pemerintahannya banyak terjadi konflik antara pejabat-pejabat daerah taklukkan dan akibat adanya hegemoni Belanda pada tahun 1862.
Traces of the Siantar Kingdom in Pematang Village, Simalungun Village, Pematang Siantar City Ricu Sidiq; Lastiarma Silaban; Mawini Simamora; Yona Febyola Siagian; Ruth Maria Siregar
Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education, May
Publisher : BIRCU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birle.v6i2.7560


This study aims to find out how the history of the Siantar kingdom traces in the village of Pematang Siantar.Pematang Siantar City is an area that was formerly part of the Siantar kingdom. The Kingdom of Siantar is one of theoldest kingdoms in Simalungun which is a confederation of kings of Maroppat. One of the most famous kings of this kingdom was King Sang Naualuh whose reign brought prosperity to the Simalungun community. This study focuses on the history of the Siantar kingdom and historical relics in the form of sites and buildings that still stand firmly in Pematang Village, Simalungun Village, and Pematang Siantar City. As for conducting this research, the research method used is a historical research method consisting of heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and historiography.
SEJARAH TUAN GURU BASSALAM: Syekh Abdul Wahab Rokan Ricu Sidiq; Dwi Ryzki Adyanti; Miftahul Jannah; Masroito Siregar; Nurhaliza Nurhaliza
Puteri Hijau : Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Puteri Hijau: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah
Publisher : Department of History Education, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/ph.v8i1.44518


Sheikh Abdul Wahab Rokan Al-Khalidi Naqsyabandi is a prominent scholar, Wali Allah, leader of Tariqat Naqsaybandiah, Freedom Fighter and known as Tuan Guru Babussalam. He was born in the village of Danau Runda, Rantau Binuang Sakti Village, Negeri Tinggi, Kecepatan District, Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau. Tuan Guru was born on the 10th of Rabi'ul Akhir 1230 H (28 September 1811). He has a good morals, diligent worship, and always implement God's command. At the moment his mother had died at the time he was 2 years old he was then sorted by his father and his father became the first madrasah he knew and studied religious science. He stayed on the langkat at the offer of the sultan of Moses, and he gave up the area above the bug sei to be the home of sheikh abdul wahab and his followers and a village called "babussalam”.He herself indicate the science of religion and other ones never left behind his education. This study aims to find out how the journey of the story of a Sheikh Abdul Wahab Rokan in North Sumatra. This study uses a research method used is a historical research method consisting of Heuristics, Source Criticism, Interpretation and Historiography.
Optimalisasi Metode Multiple Intelegence untuk Pengembangan Soft Skill dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Bonus Demografi Menuju Indonesia Emas 2045 Ricu Sidiq; Gloria Rosalina Simamora; Sri Rahayu Marpaung; Taty Simatupang; Gita Tarigan; Ayu Suryani
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 4 No. 3 (2024): Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v4i3.10260


The quality of human resources is one of the goals to be achieved in the program to improve soft skills (interpersonal skills). Through quality education, human resources will be achieved that are ready to compete in the work environment. One effort to improve the quality of education is to improve the quality of learning in schools. However, currently Indonesian education is still very far compared to other developing countries. Through the Multiple Intelligence method, it is hoped that the quality of Indonesian education can be improved through improvements in the field of soft skills. The objectives of this research are 1) to determine the influence of interpersonal skills (soft skills) in improving the quality of learning. 2) to find out the implementation of the Multiple Intelligence Method in the learning process in order to improve interpersonal skills (soft skills). The research method was carried out using library research by collecting the most up-to-date information about the research topic and then carrying out in-depth analysis through journals, books and relevant data sources. The information obtained is then arranged in the form of a discussion. The results of the analysis show that the Multiple Intelligences Method (MI can be implemented in the diversity of student intelligence and incorporate it into the learning process. One of the eight intelligences identified by Howard Gardner, focusing on interpersonal intelligence can be a strong foundation for improving student soft skills.
LOTS vs HOTS: Evaluation of History Textbooks for Class XII Senior High School Najuah Najuah; Sari Madani Rangkuti; Ricu Sidiq; Pristi Suhendro Lukitoyo; Arfan Diansyah
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 16, No 2 (2024): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v16i2.4547


This study evaluates the prevalence of Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) questions in Indonesian History textbooks for twelfth-grade students. Utilizing a quantitative research methodology, the study analyzes the first-semester evaluation questions from textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Erlangga, and Grafindo. Employing descriptive statistical techniques, the analysis reveals distinct disparities in the balance of LOTS and HOTS questions. Specifically, the Erlangga textbook contains 82.6% LOTS and 17.4% HOTS questions, while the Grafindo textbook shows a distribution of 96.7% LOTS and 3.3% HOTS questions. Furthermore, a comparative assessment of descriptive questions shows that the Ministry of Education and Culture’s textbook exhibits a ratio of 38.9% LOTS to 61.2% HOTS, Erlangga has 73.4% LOTS to 26.6% HOTS, and Grafindo features 90% LOTS to 10% HOTS. The findings indicate a significant underrepresentation of HOTS-based questions in the analyzed textbooks, suggesting a potential gap in fostering higher-level cognitive skills among students.
Differentiated Learning: Teachers' Understanding of Sekolah Penggerak Program at Deli Serdang District North Sumatera Ricu Sidiq; N Najuah; S Syarifah
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 16, No 2 (2024): AL-ISHLAH: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v16i2.5121


This research aims to describe the level of understanding of secondary school teachers in the Deli Serdang area regarding differentiated learning in the Independent Curriculum that applies in Indonesia. This research is quantitative survey research. Population: The subjects of this research were high school teachers in Deli Serdang Regency, totalling 366 people, with a sample of 216 people selected by random sampling. Data was collected through a survey using a closed questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses the Mann-Whitney test to see differences in teachers' understanding of differentiated learning in public and private schools participating in the Driving School Program. The research results show that the level of teacher understanding of differentiated learning in private schools is moderate, and the level of understanding of teachers in state schools is in the high category. Based on the Driving School Program, which does not differentiate between the status of public and private schools in funding and program assistance, differences in understanding occur due to several internal and external factors found in schools, such as principal leadership, teacher competency, and different teacher statuses in the two types of schools. In conclusion, the Mobilizing School Program provides the same treatment in public and private schools and has the same programs and assistance. However, teachers' understanding of learning varies, which certainly impacts the learning process and learning outcomes.