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Pengawetan Ekstrak Zat Warna Alami dari Gambir (Uncaria gambir) dalam Pelarut Air Edia Rahayuningsih; Wiratni Budhijanto; Rizal I. Rosyid; Yosephine I. Ayuningtyas
Jurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia Vol 18, No 1 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jtki.2019.18.1.4


Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan jenis dan jumlah bahan pengawet yang secara efektif dapat menghambat reaksi biodegradasi zat warna alami dalam ekstrak gambir (Uncaria gambir) dalam pelarut air, serta menentukan nilai parameter reaksi biodegradasi zat warna alami dalam ekstrak gambir. Ekstrak zat warna alami dari gambir, yang telah bebas padatan, sebanyak 300 mL ditambah asam sitrat (0,006 gram/mL ekstrak) sebagai bahan bahan pengawet. Ekstrak kemudian disimpan dalam reaktor yang ditutup rapat dan dilindungi dari sinar ultra violet. Setiap selang waktu 2 hari, kadar pewarna alami dianalisis dengan metode gravimetri. Percobaan dilakukan dengan cara yang sama untuk 5 jenis pengawet lainnya dan dengan berbagai konsentrasi, yaitu: larutan formalin dalam air, larutan kitosan dalam asam asetat, ekstrak temu kunci (Boesenbergia rotunda L.), ekstrak daun salam (Syzygium polyanthum), dan ekstrak daun bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.), masing-masing sebanyak 5 mL larutan atau ekstrak bahan pengawet dalam 40 mL sampel ekstrak. Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat ditetapkan bahwa larutan formalin dalam air dan larutan kitosan dalam larutan asam asetat 2% merupakan pengawet yang paling efektif menghambat reaksi biodegradasi zat warna alami dalam ekstrak, dibandingkan pengawet lainnya, yaitu: asam sitrat, ekstrak daun salam, ekstrak temu kunci, dan ekstrak daun bandotan. Jumlah formalin dan kitosan yang ditambahkan dalam ekstrak paling efektif berturut-turut adalah 0,017% dan 0,25% v/v. Nilai parameter reaksi biodegradasi zat warna alami dalam ekstrak diperoleh dalam bentuk konstanta kecepatan pertumbuhan spesifik (µ0, hari-1), konstanta saturasi (Ks, g/mL), konstanta kematian (kd, hari -1), rasio kd/µ0, dan yield (Yi). Kata kunci: biodegradasi, gambir, pengawet, pewarna alami. Abstract. Preservation of Natural Dye Extract from Gambir (Uncaria gambir) in Water as Solvent. The purpose of this study was to determine the type and the amount of preservative agent which effectively prevent biodegradation reaction of natural colorant in the aqueous extract of “gambir” (Uncaria Gambir). This study also determined the parameter values in the biodegradation reaction of gambir extract. The experiment was carried out by first preparing 300 mL of filtered gambir extract, into which citric acid as much as 0.006 g/mL was added as a preservative. The extract was then stored in a closed reactor with UV protector. Every two days, sample was drawn from the reactor for gravimetric analysis to determine the colorant concentration. Besides citric acid, the same experiments were also conducted for five other preservatives, which were the aqueous formaldehyde solution, the chitosan dissolved in 2% acetic acid solution, the  extract of “temu kunci” (Boesenbergia rotunda L.), the extract of  Indian bay leaf (Syzygium polyanthum), and the extract of “bandotan leaf” (Ageratum conyzoides L.). This study showed that aqueous formaldehyde solution and chitosan dissolved in 2% acetic acid solution was the most effective preservative to prevent biodegradation reaction of natural colorant in gambir extract, in comparizon to citric acid, “temu kunci”, Indian bay leaf, and “bandotan” leaf. The effective concentrations of formalin and chitosan were 0.017% and 0.25% v/v respectively. The parameters of the biodegradation reaction of the natural colorant in gambir extract in the form of specific growth rate coefficient (µ0, day-1), saturation constant (Ks, g/mL), death constant (kd, day -1), ratio of kd/µ0, and yield (Yi). Keywords: biodegradation, gambir, natural dye, preservative. Graphical Abstract
Modeling perilaku pestisida organofosfor dalam tanah sawah Edia Rahayuningsih; Boma Wikan Tyoso; Wahyudi Budi Sediawan; S Supranto; Bostang Radjagukguk
Jurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia Vol 3, No 1 (2004)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jtki.2004.3.1.5


The environmental pollution caused by pesticide could be minimized with the availability of mathematical model which described fate of pesticide in the environment. The research aimed to determine the mathematical model of fate of pesticide in rice field. The mathematical model could be selected from mathematical models which expressed the fate of pesticide in rice field. The numerical solutions and computer programs of each mathematical model were developed. The optimum mathematical model was selected by conducting a simulation of the computer programs. The optimum mathematical model if it described fate of pesticide in the rice field accurately, a small number of parameters involved, and it required short time of computer computation. The optimum mathematical model express as follow: (1) Interphase mass transfer between solid and liquid based on volumetric mass transfer. (2) The sorption of pesticide by soil could be described by double layer model. (3) The diameter of soil particle was expressed in average diameter, and (4) Pesticide concentration in soil was uniform.Key Words: Modeling, Pesticide, Rice FieldAbstrakPencemaran lingkungan oleh pestisida dapat dikendalikan bila tersedia model matematis yang dapat menggambarkan perilaku pestisida secara kuantitatif selama berada di lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan model matematis yang dapat menggambarkan perilaku pestisida organofosfor dalam tanah sawah. Penentuan model matematis dilakukan dengan menyusun beberapa model matematis yang dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan perilaku pestisida dalam tanah sawah. Persamaan diferensial yang tersusun untuk masing-masing model matematis diselesaikan secara  numeris dan disusun program komputernya. Dengan  melakukan simulasi, dengan bantuan program computer yang telah disusun, dapat dipilih model matematis yang optimum. Model matematis yang optimum bila dapat menyatakan dengan baik proses yang terjadi, jumlah parameter yang teribat sedikit, dan waktu yang diperlukan untuk berhitung singkat. Model matematis yang optimum adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Peristiwa perpindahan massa pestisida organofosfor antarfasa antara larutan dan padatan tanah didasarkan atas perpindahan massa volumetris.  (2) Peristiwa sorpsi pestisida oleh tanah mengikuti mekanisme model dua permukaan (double layer). (3) Ukuran butir tanah dinyatakan dengan diameter rerata (Daw), dan (4) Konsentrasi pestisida dalam padatan tanah seragam.Kata Kunci: Modeling, Pestisida, Tanah Sawah.
Bioremediasi sebagai Usaha Konservasi Lingkungan pada Pencemaran Limbah Pemboran Minyak di Job Pertamina – Petrochina East Java Tuban Ai Siti Fatimah; Edia Rahayuningsih; Tjahyo Nugroho Adji
Majalah Geografi Indonesia Vol 25, No 2 (2011): Majalah Geografi Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Geografi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (60.836 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/mgi.13368


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam skala ex-situ, data yang diperoleh dari setiap perlakuan berupa data deskriptif komparatif. Tujuan penelitian adalah : 1) Mengkaji efektifitas indigeneous sebagai pendegradasi penurunan TPH(Total Petroleum Hydrokarbon), pada sumur Sukowati#4, Sukowati #6, dan Sukowati #7. 2) Mengetahui penyebab penurunan laju degradasi TPH Sukowati#4, lebih cepat dibanding Sukowati #6 dan Sukowati #7. 3) Pemanfaatan hasil bioremediasi untuk masyarakat sekitar lokasi dan rekomendasi saran strategis pengelolaan limbah hasil olahan bioremediasi. Teknik remediasi yang dilakukan secara land farming, dengan menambahkan end-product pada treatment bioremediasi. Variable perlakuan tanah 3:1, pengamatan yang dilakukan selama 20 minggu Indigeneous dan end-product mampu mendegradasi mikroorganisme sumur pemboran Sukowati #4 dengan penurunan TPH yang signifikan sedangkan pada Sukowati #6 mengalami penurunan TPH 25% dan Sukowati #7 penurunan TPH mencapai 20%. Pada minggu ke-8 penurunan TPH mencapai 90 %. Tanah hasil olahan bioremediasi dengan teknik land farming banyak mengandung komponen kimia (N, P, K), memungkinkan untuk digunakan lahan tanaman jarah sebagai rekomendasi saran strategi pengelolaan lingkungan. Pada umumnya masyarakat sekitar lokasi memanfaatkan tanah hasil olahan bioremediasi sebagai tanah urug dan pembuatan batako. ABSTRACT This research was conducted in the scale of ex-situ, the data obtained from each treatment in the form of comparative descriptive data. Research objectives are: 1) Assess the effectiveness of indigeneous as degrading reduction in TPH (Total Petroleum hydrocarbon), on wells Sukowati # 4, Sragen # 6, and # 7 Sragen. 2) Determine the cause of a decrease in the degradation rate of TPH Sragen # 4, faster than Sragen Sragen # 6 and # 7. 3) Using the findings of bioremediation for the community around the location and strategic advice on the management of waste processed bioremediation. Remediation techniques are done farming land, by adding end-product in bioremediation treatment. Variable soil treatment 3: 1, observations made during the 20 weeks of indigeneous and end-product capable of degrading microorganisms drilling wells Sragen # 4 with a reduction in TPH significantly while in Sragen # 6 decreased TPH 25% and Sragen # 7 reduction in TPH reaches 20% , At week 8 TPH decline reached 90%. The processed soil bioremediation techniques farming land contains many chemical components (N, P, K), allowing for the use of cropland history as recommendation suggestion environmental management strategies. In general, people around the site use the land as a soil bioremediation processed urug and brick-making.
Optimasi Kondisi Operasi Ekstraksi Zat Warna Alami dari Daun Ketepeng (Terminalia Catappa) Menggunakan Response Surface Method Zakiah Awalia J S Dahlan; Edia Rahayuningsih; Ahmad Tawfiequrrahman
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2018: PROSIDING SNTKK 2018
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

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Laju Reaksi Hidrolisis Herbisida Glifosat di Tanah Jenuh Air Edia Rahayuningsih; Aswati Mindaryani; Mukti Mukti; Bostang Radjagukguk
Forum Teknik Vol 30, No 2 (2006)
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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The objectives of the research were to find out the parameters of the hydrolysis reaction rate (k,,) and partition coefficien (Kr) of glyphosate herbicide in saturated soil system, to identify the variables affecting those parameters, and to develop the empirical equations corelating those parameters to the pertinent variables.The experimental work or physical simulation in laboratory was conducted in a batch reactor. The sterilized soil 5 gram put into a 1000 cm3 of Erlenmeyer glass and 500 cm3 of glyphosate solution with 8 g/1 concentration was added. The Erlenmeyer mouth was covered with plastic film and the entire Erlenmeyer surface was covered with aluminium foil to minimize vaporization and photolysis reaction. The solution was mixed continuously with magnetic stirrer. At the initial time and selected time intervals, 5 cm3 of the samples were taken with syringe. The samples were centrifuged and filtered, 1 cm3 of the filtrate were analyzed its glyphosate concentration with UV- VIS. The experiments were conducted for various soil types, and the empirical correlation between the hydrolysis reaction rate (k,,) and partition coefficien (Kr) with the affecting variables can be developed.Based on the laboratory data and the simulation of mathematical model, it could be concluded that the empirical correlation between the Kr and kh values with the affecting variables could be represented in the equations:Kr =11.035 (%organic matter) + 0.25 (%clay mineral) mL gramkh =1.0810 (%organic matter) + 1.5310-5 (%clay mineral) min-1
Kinetika Reaksi pada Pembuatan Glifosat dari N-PMIDA (Neophosphonomethyl Iminodiacetic Acid) dan H2O2 dengan Katalisator Pd/Al2O3 Irmawaty Sinaga; Edia Rahayuningsih; I Made Bendiyasa
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 3, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.851 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.566


Kebutuhan glyphosate di Indonesia meningkat sebanyak 0,75% per tahun. Saat ini, Indonesia mengimpor bahan ini dari Cina. Untuk mengurangi jumlah glyphosate impor, dibutuhkan glyphosate hasil produksi lokal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencapai kecepatan reaksi primer dalam memproduksi glyphosate dari neophosphonomethyl iminodiacetic acid (NPMIDA) dan hidrogen peroksida (H2O2), dan kecepatan reaksi sekunder AMPA pada variasi rasio reaktan dan suhu. Katalisator yang digunakan adalah palladium pada alumina (Pd/Al2O3). Lima gram NPMIDA dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah labu leher tiga 500 mL, dan 85 mL akuades ditambahkan ke dalamnya. Kemudian, 1 mL H2O2 ditambahkan ke dalam labu tersebut setiap 20 menit. Produk dari reaksi di saring dengan penyaringan vakum dan direaksikan dengan 130 mL etanol. Pemisahan glyphosate dilakukan dengan menyaring dan mencucinya dengan etanol dan dietil eter. Kemurnian produk glyphosate dianalisa menggunakan spektrometer UV/Vis. Kata kunci: glisin, oksidasi, katalisator logam mulia The need of glyphosate in Indonesia is increasing by about 0.75% annually. Nowadays, Indonesia imports the compound from China. In order to decrease the amount of imported glyphosate, it is necessary to produce it locally. This research aims at achieving primary reaction rate of producing glyphosate from neophosphonomethyl iminodiacetic Acid (NPMIDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and secondary reaction rate of aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) at various reactant ratios and temperatures. Palladium supported alumina (Pd/Al2O3) was used as catalyst. Five grams of NPMIDA was added into a-500 mL three neck flask, and 85 mL aquadest was poured into it. Then, 1 mL H2O2 was added into the three neck flask every 20 minutes.. The product was vacuum-filtered and reacted with 130 mL ethanol. Separation of glyphosate was performed by filtering and washing it with ethanol and diethyl ether. The purity of glyphosate product was analyzed using UV/Vis spectrometer. Keywords: glycine, oxidation, noble metal catalyst
Penurunan Logam Hg dalam Air Menggunakan Sistem Sub-Surface Flow Constructed Wetland: Studi Efektivitas Rikhanatul Firdausy Puspitasari; Agus Prasetya; Edia Rahayuningsih
Jurnal Rekayasa Proses Vol 13, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (330.332 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jrekpros.39339


A B S T R A C THigh amount of Mercury contamination is commonly found in traditional gold mining areas. This problem might occur due to the use of amalgamation process in traditional gold extraction process by dissolving the gold-bearing rocks with mercury (Hg). The utilization of mercury in gold mining activity has contaminated the water with Hg which might lead to serious health problems. This research was carried out by discharging the Hg-contaminated wastewater to enter a system called the Sub-Surface Flow Constructed Wetland (SSF-SW). The system employed a mixture of soil and the fibers of water hyacinth as the media on which Echinodorus palaefolius L. was planted. The wastewater containing HgCl2 at 8.59 mg/L was flown. The flow rate and pH were set to 6.3 L/hour and 6-7 pH at room temperature. Samples were collected at 0; 3.5; 7; 10.5 hours every day. The SSF-CW system was continually run for 10.5 hours and 13.5hour batch. The result of this research showed that the efficiency of Hg removal reached 92.79%. The results showed that the SSF-CW offers a stable system to reduce the mercury levels as shown in the growth of the plant and the total Hg removal efficiency. Plants with Hg exposure have distinct patterns of chlorosis. Some leaves turning yellow and die, others start with new growth. In addition, the growth of Echinodorus palaefolius L. was also influenced by the amount of nutrients in the soil.Keywords: Echinodorus palaefolius L., mercury, sub-surface flow constructed wetland A B S T R A KPencemaran merkuri banyak ditemukan pada penambangan emas tradisional. Pada umumnya proses yang diterapkan dalam penambangan emas tradisional dalam ekstraksi emas adalah proses amalgamasi, yaitu dengan cara mencampur bijih emas dengan merkuri (Hg). Aktivitas penambangan dengan memanfaatkan Hg menyebabkan tercemarnya air dengan Hg yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengalirkan air limbah Hg ke dalam sistem Sub-Surface Flow Constructed Wetland (SSF-CW). Media yang digunakan berupa campuran tanah dan serat eceng gondok serta ditanami dengan Echinodorus palaefolius L. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengalirkan air limbah HgCl2 berkonsentrasi 8,59 mg/L. Percobaan menggunakan laju alir 6,3 L/jam dengan pH sekitar 6-7 pada suhu ruangan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada jam ke 0; 3,5; 7 dan 10,5 pada setiap harinya. Operasi sistem SSF-CW dijalankan 10,5 jam kontinu dan 13,5 jam batch. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan efisiensi penurunan Hg sebesar 92,79%. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem SSF-CW cukup stabil. Kestabilan sistem SSF-CW dalam menurunkan kadar Hg dapat dilihat dari pertumbuhan tanaman dan total penurunan yang diperoleh. Tanaman yang terpapar Hg terlihat bercak klorosis. Beberapa daun menguning dan mati, sebagian lain tumbuh tunas baru. Pertumbuhaan Echinodorus palaefolius L. tidak lepas dari pengaruh unsur hara yang terdapat di dalam tanah.Kata kunci: Echinodorus palaefolius L., merkuri, sub-surface flow constructed wetland
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 12 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

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Nitrate contaminant in Sembung-Kladuan watershed, Sleman, DIY (Yogyakarta Special Regency), Indonesia was being analyzed during 2005-2006. Discharges of the rivers were also being measured. Nitrate concentrations in the rivers were usually high in wet season, while Nitrate concentrations in the wells were high in late dry season. Nitrate loadings were also being examined. A simple filtration device to clean Nitrate from the wells for drinking water was made from a PVC pipe filled with charcoal and sand. The result of this filter was reduction of Nitrate concentration in the drinking water up to 65%.
Improving UV Protection of Cotton Fabrics Dyed with Peristrophe bivalvis Extract using UV Absorber Rachma Tia Evitasari; Edia Rahayuningsih
CHEMICA: Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 7, No 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/chemica.v7i1.16355


UV radiation from the sun that constantly exposes the skin can cause skin damage such as sunburn and skin cancer. The damage from UV can be reduced by clothing. Increasing UV protection on cotton fabric can be done by adding UV absorbers. The effect of type, treatment, and concentration of UV absorber on cotton dyed with phenoxazine natural dyes from Peristrophe bivalvis was studied. Two types of UV absorber were used, benzophenone and benzotriazole. Concentrations of UV absorber used in this study ranging from 5% to 15% on weight of fabric applied on three treatments, before dyeing, after dyeing, and both. UV protection on the cotton fabric was expressed by the UV Protection Factor (UPF) value. Lightfastness, washing fastness and rubbing fastness were also performed using grayscale. The use of UV absorbers increases the UPF value of dyed cotton by before and after dyeing treatment. The best UPF value was achieved by adding benzotriazole with a concentration of 15% by before and after treatment resulting in a UPF value of 5.45. The results of light fastness, washing fastness, and rubbing fastness ware also improved by the addition of UV absorber.
A STUDY ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS ON COTTON FABRICS COLORED BY GAMBIR NATURAL DYES (UNCARIA GAMBIR) Edia Rahayuningsih; Felix Arie Setiawan; Conny Julanda Ayanie; Ambrosius Aditya; Yosephine Intan Ayuningtyas
JURNAL KONVERSI Vol 8, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (859.417 KB) | DOI: 10.24853/konversi.8.1.10


The increasing interest in the use of natural dyes is not accompanied by sufficient information and method for the application due to broad natural dyes resources existence. Gambir (Uncaria gambir), one of promising favorable natural dyes, has been used as batik coloring for decades. However, the application of gambir extract as a textile colorant faces a severe problem to be encountered which is the microbial growth such as fungi, mold, and bacteria. This study proposed several antifungal agents to suppress the growth of the fungus such as chitosan, aloe vera, and formaldehyde. To conduct the fungus inhibition concentration of every antifungal agent, Aspergillus niger was introduced on the colored cloth medium with the addition of Potato Dextrose Broth (PDB) growth media. Three methods of antifungal addition during the coloring process were investigated namely pre-coloring, post-coloring, and mix coloring process. The growth of Aspergillus niger was observed and measured the diameter and thickness of the colony. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the treatment significantly. The result showed that all concentration of chitosan and formaldehyde addition, significantly, could suppress the fungus growth. However, formaldehyde is a toxic ingredient and harmful to the environment which becomes a limitation in the application. Meanwhile, from the significance level, Aloe vera could not inhibit the Aspergillus niger growth with the addition of 2 and 5 g/L, but it could suppress the Aspergillus niger growth with the addition of 8 g/L. Furthermore, the optimum condition was observed on the addition of 5 g/L chitosan at post-coloring method because of the minimum growth area of the Aspergillus niger.