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Journal : Journal of Government and Civil Society

Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Posyandu Camar Kelurahan Poris Plawad Utara Kecamatan Cipondoh Kota Tangerang Toddy Aditya
Journal of Government and Civil Society Vol 1, No 2 (2017): Journal of Government and Civil Society (October)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (124.857 KB) | DOI: 10.31000/jgcs.v1i2.445


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran bagaimana kualitas pelayanan di Posyandu Kota Tangerang, yang merupakan salah satu bentuk Upaya Kesehatan Bersumber Daya Masyarakat (UKBM) yang dikelola dan diselenggarakan dari, oleh, untuk dan bersama masyarakat dan dalam hal ini dilaksanakan oleh kader Posyandu dengan dukungan teknis dari petugas kesehatan dengan subjek penelitian di Posyandu Camar Kelurahan Poris Plawad Utara Kecamatan Cipondoh Kota Tangerang. Metode yang digunakan untuk menjawab permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode Kualitatif, Instrument penelitiannya menggunakan cara Observasi langsung dan wawancara pada masyarakat, kader posyandu dan petugas kesehatan, yang berada di wilayah Posyandu Camar Kelurahan Poris Plawad Utara Kecamatan Cipondoh Kota Tangerang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelayanan di Posyandu Camar Kelurahan Poris Plawad Utara Kecamatan Cipondoh Kota Tangerang, masih harus ditingkatkan. Agar masyarakat mendapat pelayanan kesehatan lebih optimal, oleh karena itu perlu juga di lengkapi fasilitasnya. Perlu adanya pembinaan dan koordinasi peran kader Posyandu, dengan Tokoh masyarakat, Aparat di Kelurahan Poris Plawad Utara Kecamatan Cipondoh Kota Tangerang, guna untuk meningkatkan Kualitas Kesehatan dan pengetahuan masyarakat secara Optimal.The purpose of this study is to describe how the quality of service in integrated health in Tangerang City, which is one form of power Sourced Public Health Efforts (UKBM) are managed and organized from, by, for and with the community and in this case carried out by cadres posyandu with technical support from health workers with the object of research in North Village Poris Plawad Cipondoh districts Tangerang. The method used to answer the problem in this study is to use qualitative methods, research instrument using direct observation and interview means to the community, health posts and cadres of health workers, who are in the territory of the village gulls Poris Plawad Cipondoh Northern District of Tangerang. The results showed that the service at Posyandu Camar Kelurahan Poris Plawad Utara Cipondoh Sub-district, Tangerang City, still needs to be improved. In order for the public to get more optimal health services, therefore it is necessary also in complete facilities. There needs to be guidance and coordination of Posyandu cadres role, with community leaders, Government employee in Poris Plawad Utara Village Cipondoh sub-district, Tangerang City, in order to improve the quality of health and public knowledge optimally.
Coordination of Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Tangerang City in Flood Mitigation Tito Inneka; Toddy Aditya
Journal of Government and Civil Society Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Journal of Government and Civil Society (October)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1192.83 KB) | DOI: 10.31000/jgcs.v2i2.1048


Flooding is a threatening problem both in the city and in the countryside. One of the flood-prone cities is Tangerang City. The cause of flooding is overflowing from the Kali and blockage of existing drainage. Various efforts have been made to prevent flood disasters, the Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daearah (BPBD) of Tangerang City which is an agency that has the task to assist the disaster, in coordination with the Tangerang City government in order to overcome the problems of frequent floods. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the coordination of Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) in flood prevention in Tangerang City. The research method used is qualitative research. The results of the study show that the coordination of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) is well underway and in accordance with the managerial hierarchy, rules and procedures, and plans and goal setting.