T. Ekowati
Laboratorium Sosial Ekonomi, Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Diponegoro

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Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture Vol 35, No 3 (2010): (September)
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jitaa.35.3.179-184


The study aimed to analyze the potency of dairy cattle agribusiness development in SemarangRegency and the factors influencing the potency of dairy cattle agribusiness development. The studywas conducted from September to December 2008 in Semarang Regency, Central Java, using surveymethod. Three districts were purposively chosen based on the largest population of dairy cattle in theSemarang Regency. Of the three districts selected, six villages were chosen based on the largestpopulation of dairy cattle. The respondents were chosen randomly using simple random, hence thesample size in this study was 90. Data were gathered through primary and secondary data. The data wereanalyzed descriptively and statistically. The analysis of LQ (Location Quotient) was used to analyze thepotency of dairy cattle agribusiness development, while the multiple regression model was used todetermine the factors affecting the potency of dairy cattle agribusiness development, with the followingregression equation: Y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + b4x4 + b5x5 b7x7 b6x6 + + + e, whereas Y = is theproduction of milk, and x1 to X7, respectively, are x1 (age), x2 (education), x3 (Number of familymembers), x4 (number of lactating cows), x5 ( amount of feed, forage), x6 (amount of feed concentrate)and X7 (calving interval). The results showed that the potency of dairy cattle agribusiness developmentin Semarang Regency is potential (LQ> 1) with the value of 4.67 and LQ Population GDP = 1.71. Thisstudy indicated that socio, economic and demographic resources are important factors that can helpdevelop and improve dairy cattle farming. Meanwhile, there were significant relationships between 7independent factors and the potency of dairy cattle agribusiness development, with the followingregression equation: Y = -6.082 + 0.032 x1 + 0.223 x2 + 0.717 x3 + 9.221 x4 + 0.067 x5 x6 + 0.486 -0.323 X7 + e. Moreover, the value of R2 = 0.886, it is indicated that 88.6% of the variation in the thedependent variable can be explained by the independent variable, only 11.40% can be explained by othervariables.
THE INFLUENCE OF 5-C FACTORS ON RATE OF CREDIT RETURN IN BEEF CATTLE FARMING IN CENTRAL JAVA Prasetyo, E.; Sunarso, S.; Santosa, P.B.; Rianto, E.; Ekowati, T.; Yuwana, D.M.; Mulyatno, B.
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture Vol 37, No 3 (2012): (September)
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jitaa.37.3.213-219


The aims of study were to analyze (i) income of beef cattle farming, (ii) ability of farmers to meettheir obligation for returning credit, (iii) role of character, capacity, capital, collateral and conditions(5C) and its effect on credit return. The study was conducted using survey methods on farmers (fatteningand cow-calf operation), who use credit. Sample location was determined using two stage clusterrandom sampling based on beef cattle population, namely region of Grobogan, Blora, Rembang,Wonogiri and Boyolali. Number of respondents was 50 for fattening and 50 for cow-calf operation. Datawere analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistic, which consisted of scoring, income and multiplelinear regression. Results showed that income per-year of beef cattle fattening was greater than cow-calfoperation (IDR 8,954,208.00>1,606,786.00), as well as its contribution to the household farmers’income (49.45>14.91%). Credit return ability was 61.35% based on amount of credit IDR 22,482,510.Five-C analysis resulted that character and capacity of farmers were in adequate category, while capital,collateral and condition were IDR 14,932,500.00, IDR 58,740,000.00 and IDR 14,440,600.00. Capitaland collateral had significant effects, while character, capacity and condition had no significant effectson credit return.
An income analysis of beef cattle fattening system and its contribution to the total household income in Central Java Province Prasetyo, E.; Ekowati, T.; Gayatri, S.
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture Vol 45, No 4 (2020): December
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jitaa.45.4.365-372


Beef cattle fattening is raised by farmers in Central Java, but not yet profit oriented. The aims of this research were to analyze the farmer income of beef cattle fattening farm and its contribution to the total household income and to analyze the influence of production costs and farm size toward beef cattle farm income. Survey was used among 150 beef cattle farmers, while multi stage cluster quota sampling was used as sampling method. Income analysis, paired t test, and multiple linear regression were used for data analysis. Research result showed that the farmer’s income from beef cattle farm is IDR 6,736,824.21 per 6.32 month fattening period on an average farm scale was 2.31 heads (equal to IDR 1,065,953.20/month). While, average income of farm households from non-beef cattle farm was IDR 3,516,080.95/month. The contribution of beef cattle farm to household farmer’s income was 30.32%. Based on the paired t test, beef cattle farm income is significantly different and smaller than the income from non-beef cattle farm. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that variable cost and number of beef cattle had a significant effect on beef cattle farm income, while the fixed cost had no significant effect.
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture Vol 36, No 4 (2011): (December)
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jitaa.36.4.281-289


The study aimed to analyze the implementation of subsystem agribusiness on the beef cattlefarming in Central Java. Five districts (Rembang, Blora, Grobogan, Boyolali and Wonogiri) werepurposively chosen based on the value of Location Quotient (LQ). The study was conducted usingquota sampling method. Forty respondents of each district were chosen randomly using quota sampling.Data were analyzed through Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results showed that each subsystemagribusiness had adequate potential score. The score of 0.693, 0.721, 0.684, 0.626, and 0.691 were givenfor up-stream subsystem, on-farm, down-stream subsystem, marketing and supporting institution,respectively. The results showed that the SEM model was feasible with Chi-Square value=0.952;RMSEA=0.000; Probability =0.621 and TL1=1.126. The significant results of Critical Ratio (CR) were:up-stream subsystem to the on-farm agribusiness; on-farm subsystem to down-stream agribusiness;down-stream subsystem to the farmer’s income; marketing subsystem to the up-stream agribusiness andSupporting Institution to the marketing subsystem and down-stream agribusiness. The conclusion ofresearch indicated that the implementation of beef cattle subsystem agribusiness had adequate index andgive positive effect to the beef cattle agribusiness.
Market integration of fresh milk in dairy business area of Pamijahan District and Cisarua District, Bogor Regency - Indonesia Setianti, C.; Ekowati, T.; Setiadi, A.
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture Vol 42, No 1 (2017): March
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jitaa.42.1.42-47


The purpose of this study was to analyze the integration between dairy commodity market in milk distribution channels at Dairy Business Area, Pamijahan District and Cisarua District, Bogor Regency, West Java. The research method used was a survey method. Simple random sampling was a sampling technique used in this research to determine the respondent. Purposive method was a method that was used to determine research location. Respondents were 80 dairy cattle farmers at Dairy Business Area, Pamijahan District and 90 dairy cattle farmers at Cisarua District. Research data were consisted of primary data and secondary data. The results showed that the co-integration test in dairy farmers Dairy Business Area, Pamijahan District-Cisarua District trace statistic value of 18.27 was greater than 5% critical value of 15.41. The co-integration test in dairy cooperative level the trace statistic value of 28.63 was greater than 1% critical value of 20.04. Granger causality test results indicated that the results werea causality relation in Dairy Business Area, Pamijahan District and Cisarua District. There was an effect of the increase of milk price between Dairy Business Area, Pamijahan District and Cisarua District in Dairy Processing Industry Level, that’s mean there was an integration between the milk price in Dairy Processing Industry level.
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture Vol 37, No 1 (2012): (March)
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jitaa.37.1.41-49


The research was conducted to analyze some factors influencing production, income, farmhousehold consumption and investment of farm household beef cattle in Central Java. Five districts werepurposively chosen for research location based on the number of beef cattle population, namelyRembang, Blora, Grobogan, Boyolali and Wonogiri. Forty respondents of each district were chosenrandomly using quota sampling. Data were analyzed through Simultaneous Regression and estimated byTwo Stage Least Square (TSLS). The results showed that independent variables were simultaneouslysignificant to dependent variables (production, income, farm household consumption and investment)with the Probability F test 0.0000 and adjusted R2 were 91%; 89%; 96%; 62%, respectively. Thesimulation’s analysis of agribusiness implementation consisted of 1) decreasing 15% of service perconception, 2) increasing of beef cattle breed and number of beef cattle 15% respectively, 3) raising ofprice of rice and number of household member 15% respectively and 4) increasing of income and priceof beef cattle 10% respectively influenced to farm household consumption and investment 0.446% and5.14%, respectively, meanwhile production and income did not change. The research can be concludedthat the independent variables simultaneously significant influenced to production, income, farmhousehold consumption and beef cattle investment. The simulation of changing usage of input factor andprice significantly influenced to farm household consumption and beef cattle investment.
The factors influencing production and economic efficiency of beef cattle farm in Grobogan Region, Central Java Ekowati, T.; Prasetyo, E.; Handayani, M.
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture Vol 43, No 1 (2018): March
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jitaa.43.1.76-84


The study was aimed to analyze the on-farm agribusiness subsystem approach at farm household, to analyze beef cattle production influencing factors and to analyze economic efficiency of beef cattle farm. The method use for research was survey method at Wirosari District and Purwodadi District, Grobogan Regency as research location. Each district was determined two villages to obtain data from respondent. Quota sampling method was use for determination the number of beef cattle farm household without a counting of population as a sampling frame. The number of respondent for each village was 20 farmers, so the total respondent was 80 farmers. Data were analyzed descriptively for on farm sub-system agribusiness approach, multiple linear regression and economic efficiency. The research result showed that the on-farm agribusiness subsystem was on moderate to good condition, the influencing factors of production were breed, forage, concentrate, health, reproduction, labor, year of farming and agribusiness implementation. The value of reproduction efficiency was 8.975 higher than 1, it was not efficient. The efficiency of farm scale, forage, concentrate, health and labor were 0.352; 0.128; 0.0148; 0.0235 and 0.0834 respectively less than 1, and it had not been efficient yet. The conclusion of research was the agribusiness implementation in beef cattle farming was in moderate and good criteria and gave the benefit to farmers. Production factors of farm scale, forage, concentrate, health, reproduction, labor, years of farming and agribusiness implementation were influence to the beef cattle production. The efficiency of farm scale, forage, concentrate, health, and labor on the beef cattle farm were not been efficient yet, while reproduction became an inefficient production factor.   
The optimation of cow-calf beef cattle and paddy farming integration on farmer household Ekowati, T.; Prasetyo, E.; Handayani, M.
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture Vol 45, No 2 (2020): June
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jitaa.45.2.143-152


Farmer households generally operate food crops and livestock subsectors that have not fully implemented well, so an optimal farming has not been achieved. This study aimed to analyze optimation of cow-calf beef cattle and paddy farming integration and simulation changing in input prices and the usage of resources to the optimal model. Survey method was used in the research in Grobogan Regency by determining Wirosari District and Purwodadi District. Quota sampling method is used to determine the number of respondents without counting the population as a sampling frame. The number of respondents in each district was 40 farmers so the total respondent was 80 farmers. Data were analyzed using linear programing. Results showed that optimum conditions of integration were achieved in 0.45 ha land, 2.75 AU of cow-calf beef cattle with maximum income of IDR 52,112,440/year. The simulation results regarding in changing in input usege indicated that the addition of 0.25% land area gives a change in scale of cow-calf beef cattle by 0.018% and income of 14.78%. In conclusion, integration optimation was achieved on 0.4 5ha land, 2.75 UT cow-calf beef cattle and optimal solution simulations indicated that farmers have the ability to develop their farming.
Kesediaan Membayar Produk Sayuran Organik di Pasar Modern Jakarta Selatan Aufanada, Vickitra; Ekowati, T.; Prastiwi, W. D.
AGRARIS: Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development Research Vol 3, No 2: July-December 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (324.139 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/agr.3246


Organic vegetable products tend to have higher prices compare to non organic, therefore most consumers think organic vegetable products are expensive products. This research aims to determine consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for organic vegetable product and influencing factors towards WTP. This research was conducted in 6 modern market in South Jakarta by interviewing 100 consumers who were selected using quota sampling technique. Data were analyzed using contingent valuation method (CVM) to determine the average value of consumers’ WTP and logistic regression employed to determine the factors that influence WTP. The results showed that 82% consumers are willing to pay higher prices to buy organic vegetables products, with additional range between 8.5% to 15% from the real price. Factors that significantly influenced consumers’ willingness to pay were education level, monthly income and product quality.