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Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Karsa Cipta PKM-KC 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (399.518 KB)


An industrial gas leak will cause material losses and impede the gas distribution of the company. In addition, it can also threaten human lives if the gas leaked is of toxic and inflammable gasses. Thus, to overcome these issues, the researchers had developed an automatic gas leak detection system through this prototype. In this journal, the researchers described how to make a prototype of a robot for monitoring the gas leak. The designed robotwasof Out-Pipe Robot type anda PVC pipe was used as the real replica of the pipe. This study was conducted for three purposes: (1) Determining the design; (2) Describing themaking processand(3) Explaining theperformance test ofthe prototype of pipe tracking robotusingelectricnosetechnologyasthe gas leakdetector. The workingsystem of this pipe tracking robotis by trackingthe pipe usingthe HC-SR04 ultrasonicsensor. If the MQ-6gassensordetects the presence ofa gas leak, thegas sensorwilldetectthe gasandconvert itintovoltage. Then, the gas sensors will transmit the input voltage to the Arduino microcontroller, after which the output of the Arduino microcontroller will release the data to the LCD and display it in the form of digital figures in accordance with the level and type of the leaked gas. Besides, the buzzer will start soundingonce it detects the presence of the gas. The results of the study were: (1) The device is able to track the pipe which was  ± 10 cm in diameter, (2) The device is able to detect gas other than clean air, (3) The flashing LCD screen indicating that it detected the presence of gas, (4) The ideal distance to be maintained between the pipe and the mobile robot was 5 cm. With the ideal distance, the mobile sensors could easily track over a pipe installation without getting distracted by other objects. (5) The time reference used as the detection range was 1 minute. By doing so, the sensor will be more sensitive. Keywords - Arduino, Electric Nose Technology, Gas leak detector, Mobile Robot, Pipe Tracking
Home Energy Security Prototype using Microcontroller Based on Fingerprint Sensor Nusantar, Alrizal Akbar Nusantar Akbar; Zaeni, Ilham Ari Elbaith; Lestari, Dyah
Frontier Energy System and Power Engineering Vol 1, No 2 (2019): JULY
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (259.022 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um049v1i2p19-29


The globalization era brings rapid development in technology.The human need for speed and easiness pushed them toinnovate, such as in the security field. Initially, the securitysystem was conducted manually and impractical compared tonowadays system. A security technology that is developed wasbiometric application, particularly fingerprint. Fingerprintbasedsecurity became a reliable enough system because of itsaccuracy level, safe, secure, and comfortable to be used ashousing security system identification. This research aimed todevelop a security system based on fingerprint biometric takenfrom previous researches by optimizing and upgrading theprevious weaknesses. This security system could be a solutionto a robbery that used Arduino UNO Atmega328P CH340 R3Board Micro USB port. The inputs were fingerprint sensor, 4x5keypad, and magnetic sensor, whereas the outputs were 12 Vsolenoid, 16x2 LCD, GSM SIM800L module, LED, andbuzzer. The advantage of this security system was its ability togive a danger sign in the form of noise when the systemdetected the wrong fingerprint or when it detects a forcedopening. The system would call the homeowner then. Otherthan that, this system notified the homeowner of all of theactivities through SMS so that it can be used as a long-distanceobservation. This system was completed with a push button toopen the door from the inside. The maximum fingerprints thatcould be stored were four users and one admin. The admin’sjob was to add/delete fingerprints, replace the home owner’sphone number, and change the system’s PIN. The resultsshowed that the fingerprint sensor read the prints in a relativelyfast time of 1.136 seconds. The average duration that wasneeded to send an SMS was 69 seconds while through call was3.2 seconds.
Monitoring and Controlling The Hybrid System Using The Internet Of Things For Energy Transaction Wibowo, Sulton Ari; Lestari, Dyah
Frontier Energy System and Power Engineering Vol 1, No 1 (2019): JANUARY
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (531.043 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um049v1i1p1-9


The electrical energy is an energy that is needed by the people. Theelectrical energy, to date, came from several power plants, such aselectric steam power plants and diesel power plants. The communitymust pay the service provider, such as the State ElectricityCompany (PLN) with a rising cost, to obtain electrical energy.However, there were other alternative energies, for example, solarpower plants and windmill power plants. The hybrid system is acombination of two or more different energy sources to meet thedemand. The hybrid system was also expected to solve the problemthat might arise in utilizing other energies, the site condition, andthe unpredicted situation on the power plant. The solution to theseproblems was a hybrid using a monitoring device with ACS 712sensor current parameter, ZMPT101B voltage sensor, LDR solarsensor, hybrid electrical energy power, controller for four electricalsource inputs and three electrical sources for the output load. Thedevice used Arduino Mega 2560 for data processing, ESP 8266 asthe module to connect the device to the internet network and relayas the control actuator. Monitoring and controlling the device usedthe internet network and the implementation of the Internet ofThings (IoT) on the hybrid system plants (PLN, generator, solarpower plant, windmill power plant) that was integrated into thewebsite. The overall test resulted in the comparison average errorvalue between the device and the measuring instrument of thecurrent, voltage, and power. The test also resulted in the averageerror value of the response time for the four input contacts and threeoutput contacts. The average error value of the current was 2.13%,the average error value of the voltage was 0.7%, and the averageerror value from the power parameter was 0%. Meanwhile, theaverage error value of response time was 0.23 seconds. Based onthe above results, it can be concluded that the monitoring andcontrolling system from the website with the implementation of theIoT in the hybrid power system was worked following the design.
Pengembangan bahan ajar mekatronika untuk program studi D3 Teknik Elektronika Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang Benny Agung Prasetyo; Dyah Lestari; Siti Sendari
TEKNO: Jurnal Teknologi Elektro dan Kejuruan Vol 27, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (333.972 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um034v27i2p162-169


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar untuk Matakuliah Workshop Mekatronika. Bahan ajar yang dikembangkan berupa buku dan modul ajar yang materi pembelajarannya mencakup satu semester. Peneliti menggunakan model pengembangan milik Purwanto yang model pengembangannya diperuntukkan bagi pengembangan modul. Pengumpulan data validasi dan kelayakan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode angket/kuesioner. Angket/kuesioner ditujukan bagi validator kegrafikan, validator materi, dan mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dari hasil validasi dan uji coba dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi kriteria sangat valid dan layak untuk dipergunakan dalam pembelajaran. 
Hubungan antara kenyamanan belajar dan ketersediaan sumber belajar dengan kemandirian belajar pada siswa SMK Jurusan Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik di Kabupaten Tulungagung Setiadi Cahyono Putro; Dyah Lestari; Haya Mei Fatma Bela
TEKNO: Jurnal Teknologi Elektro dan Kejuruan Vol 27, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1080.412 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um034v27i1p37-44


Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk hubungan antara kenyamanan belajar (X1) dan ketersediaan sumber belajar (X2) dengan kemandirian belajar (Y). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Ex Post Facto dengan rancangan penelitian deskriptif korelasional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa SMK Jurusan Teknik Instalasi Tenaga Listrik di Kabupaten Tulungagung sejumlah 157 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan angket. Hasil data angket yang telah memenuhi uji validitas dan reliabilitas yang didapatkan dari skor nilai angket yang diisi oleh responden. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis korelasi parsial dan regresi linier. Dari hasil penelitian didapat persamaan regresi Y=17,764+ dengan signifikansi sebesar 0.000 yang artinya ada hubungan positif dan signifikan antara X1 dan X2 dengan Y secara simultan. 
Pelatihan Robot Edu Bagi Siswa SDN Sumbersuko di Desa Sumbersuko Kecamatan Wagir Kabupaten Malang Anik Nur Handayani; Dyah Lestari; Siti Sendari; Irham Fadlika
Ilmu Komputer untuk Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (147.94 KB) | DOI: 10.33096/ilkomas.v1i1.770


Sekolah Dasa Negeri Sumbersuko meyakini bahwa  pada  hakikatnya  setiap  anak  memiliki beragam  kecerdasan  (multiple  intelligences)  yang  menunggu  untuk  diungkap,  digali,  dilatih  dan dikembangkan. Sekolah Dasa Negeri Sumbersuko mengupayakan sebaik-baiknya dan menyediakan  beragam kegiatan pembelajaran. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengembangkan kecerdasan majemuk yang ada pada anak didik.  Maka dari itu kami membantu dengan mengadakan pengabdian kepada pendidikan khusunya di SDN Sumbersuko dengan menggunakan robot edu untuk proses pembelajaran. robot yang dibuat masih dalam bentuk analog belum bisa diprogram. Kegiatan pelatihan robot edu ini dapat memberikan  kesempatan belajar yang lebih  dalam mengenai pemrograman dasar. Ilmu  pemrograman  menjadi  keterampilan  yang  penting  bagi  anak-anak  yang  tumbuh  di  jaman teknologi  ini. Diharapkan program Pengabdian pada Masyarakat yang diimplementasikan dapat mendukung proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan robot di Sekolah Dasa Negeri Sumbersuko.
IJIGAEd: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Golden Age Education Vol 2 No 2 (2022): IJIGAEd: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Golden Age Education
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (672.552 KB) | DOI: 10.32332/ijigaed.v2i2.4734


Salah satu keberhasilan sebuah proses pembelajaran dalam bidang Pendidikan adalah adanya sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, karena hal ini mencakup semua kebutuhan serta fasilitas yang dibutuhkan untuk menunjang kegiatan belajar dan mengajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui lebih dalam mengenai kondisi manajemen sarana dan prasarana Pendidikan di TK PKK Dewi Sartika. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di lokasi tujuan secara langsung dan termasuk penelitian lapangan atau field research. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif secara metodologis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat kekurangan dalam pengadaan sarana dan prasarana di sekolah TK PKK Dewi Sartika Jabung malang, hal ini dikarenakan keterbatasan lahan sehingga kurangnya fasilitas ruang yang ada.
Alat Pengukur Status Gizi Balita Berdasarkan Berat dan Panjang Badan Menggunakan Indeks Antropometri Dengan Metode Logika Fuzzy Aditama Yudha Atmanegara; Ilham Ari Elbaith Zaeni; Dyah Lestari; Yandhika Surya Akbar Gumilang
JASIEK (Jurnal Aplikasi Sains, Informasi, Elektronika dan Komputer) Vol 4, No 1 (2022): JUNI 2022
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jasiek.v4i1.8352


The health sector is crucial today. Various medical devices were created to facilitate the work of health workers. One of them is in the routine measurement of nutritional status by measuring the weight and length of children under five at the Posyandu. Several tools used to measure nutritional status are still working separately, and health workers are still calculating nutritional status manually. The purpose of this study is to design a tool that can measure the nutritional status of toddlers by using measurements of weight and length of toddlers simultaneously based on Anthropometric index calculations and comparing with fuzzy calculation analysis to support the results. The results of nutritional status, in this study, used 2 calculations, namely the calculation of the anthropometric index and the analysis of fuzzy measures. Based on the anthropometric index, the assessment of nutritional status used the variables of weight, body length, age, and gender (M/F). The calculation of these variables is processed in the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller and then displayed on the LCD and the Delphi program. A loadcell sensor is used to measure body weight, and a multiturn potentiometer is used to measure body length. Fuzzy calculation analysis used Mamdani, body length/age, and weight/body length methods as input from the anthropometric index and body weight/age to support calculations. The results of this study obtained a measuring tool for the nutritional status of toddlers that can bring up nutritional status based on anthropometric indexes and analysis of Fuzzy Mamdani calculations. This nutritional status measuring device can be used to make it easier for health workers to monitor the development of toddlers
Pendeteksi Kecepatan Proyektil Mortir Bertekanan Udara Menggunakan Sinar Inframerah Arya Mahesa Jenar; Dyah Lestari; I Made Wirawan
SinarFe7 Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): Sinarfe7-3 2020
Publisher : FORTEI Regional VII Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.391 KB)


Dalam menggunakan sebuah proyektil tidak diketahui seberapa besar kecepatan yang dihasilkan. Selain dari pengaruh tekanan sel mesiu yang dihasilkan mengikuti standar internasional, panjang laras dan banyak ulir dalam laras yang digunakan dapat mempengaruhi percepatan, sehingga kecepatan proyektil tersebut bertambah cepat dan harus dapat diperkirakan. Pada kasus kali ini pengukuran kecepatan proyektil dilakukan pada mortir latih bertekanan udara yang digunakan untuk pelatihan kadet, gaya dorong proyektil dipengaruhi oleh tekanan udara yang digunakan sehingga mempengaruhi kecepatan yang dihasilkan agar dapat benar- benar terlontar ke langit. Karena dalam pelatihan kadet jangkauan jatuh mortir sangat diperlukan sebagai pelatihan penggunaan mortir yang sesungguhnya, maka faktor kecepatan proyektil mortir yang harus dapat di deteksi dengan mengukurnya menggunakan alat. Dengan menggunakan cahaya inframerah, uji coba dapat dilakukan diluar ruangan selayaknya menembak sungguhan. Sistem akan memulai manghitung waktu selama sensor mendeteksi ujung kepala proyektil hingga ekor proyektil. Besar nilai panjang objek harus sudah diketahui dan diprogramkan pada microcontroller, panjang objek proyektil yang digunakan sekitar 50 cm. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan besar kecepatan yang dihasilkan oleh proyektil mortir dengan tekanan udara 50 psi sekitar 102 m/s hingga 129 m/s berdasarkan pada waktu yang didapat dan panjang proyektil.
Stopkontak Pintar Berbasis Internet of things sebagai Solusi Manajemen Energi Listrik dengan Menggunakan Aplikasi Android Yandhika Surya Akbar Gumilang; Mokh Sholihul Hadi; Dyah Lestari
JASIEK (Jurnal Aplikasi Sains, Informasi, Elektronika dan Komputer) Vol 4, No 2 (2022): DESEMBER 2022
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jasiek.v4i2.8332


Leaving an electrical appliance connected to an outlet when not in use or on standby accounts for 80% of electricity wastage. A study conducted by the Lawrence National Laboratory, it was revealed that when a cellphone charger is still connected to a wall socket when not in use, there is still power being released. The purpose of this research is to make a smart socket based on the Internet of things (IoT) to be able to save electricity. An IoT smart socket that is designed to be integrated with an Android-based smartphone application. The IoT smart socket uses the ACS-712 current sensor and the ZMPT101B voltage sensor to measure electrical energy and then uses the Arduino Nano microcontroller and NodeMCU ESP8266 so that the socket can communicate with the Google Firebase cloud via Wi-Fi connection to the internet. The IoT smart socket uses a relay module as a switch, and the micro SD and RTC DS3231 modules record and store data (data logging) of electrical energy information that has been issued. The IoT smart outlet is integrated with Android smartphone applications created through Android Studio. The IoT smart socket in this study has 2 socket holes and features Wi-Fi pairing, electrical energy measurement, data logging, and socket scheduling (timer). The IoT smart outlet has an average measurement error of 3.27% when compared to a measuring instrument, and there is an error in the outlet timer feature with a delay of 5 to 30 seconds. The IoT smart socket is still said to be valid and can function properly.