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Analisis Tegangan pada Belokan Pipa Marine Boil Off Gas (MaBOG) Berbasis Metode Elemen Hingga Rudi Kurniawan; Arhami Arhami; Rahmatsyah Maksum Ramsi
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Unsyiah Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Unsyiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jtm.v6i2.18231


This paper discusses the stress analysis of marine boil off gas pipe elbow. The piping system receives several loading conditions such as expansion load, occasional load, operation load, and sustain load, which are referred to as static loading conditions. As a result of the load conditions can be known stress distribution and examine the strength of the weld connection on the pipe elbow. The purpose of this research is to know the distribution of stress at the elbow of the pipe due to static loading conditions. The method used in this study using finite element analysis. The result of stress simulation in pipe elbow is 771 Pa and the result of calculation of stress in pipe elbow is 3,94 Pa. The result of piping system simulation shows the value of the pipe elbow e due to the load operation of 23151,34 kPa, the sustain load is 24918,91 kPa, the occasional load is 59110,83 and the expansion load does not produce the stress value. From the results of the analysis, the stress due to operating, sustain, and expansion loads are categorized as safe because they do not exceed the allowable stress values of each loading condition.
Desain Sistem Kerja Bongkar Muat Menggunakan Metode Fisiologi dan Biomekanika pada Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia Kota Banda Aceh Arhami Arhami
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Vol 9, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Mesin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jtm.v9i2.23953


Load loading activity is a work condition where heavyweight causes excessive energy on working position so that the potential of musculoskeletal complaints and early fatigue disorder occur. Early fatigue can possibly cause illness and accidents which lead to disability and perhaps death. This study aims to produce a supporting design tool for work on load loading activities based on biomechanics and physiology methods regarding workers of the Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (SPSI) Banda Aceh, Indonesia. A normal lift restriction is provided by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) consist of a range of aspects of biomechanics and physiology. Biomechanical limitations include the magnitude compression force at 3.4 kN (770 lbs) and physiological limitations include the energy expenditure to a maximum of 2.2 to 4.7 kcal/minutes. Steps and stages processes are taken in the physiology method begun by recording workers’ heart rate/pulse before work while working and at rest. The next stage was calculated workers’ energy expenditure, at the time before work it was at 2,815 kcal/minutes while working at 8.194 kcal/min, and while at rest it was at 5.58 kcal/min. The researcher also calculated the energy consumption of each worker in about 2,614 kcal/min. The measurement of biomechanics method is the measurement of the Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) origin and destination absence supporting tools, and then calculated the lifting index (LI) origin and destination value without supporting work tools. The LI origin was 2.9 and 2.3 to 2.6 destination. So according to LI criteria values were above 1 point which indicated that works were not safe and potentially could cause injury. The value of RWL origin and destination using supporting tools able to count the LI origin and destination value on the condition of using supporting tools, a value obtained was 0.825 LI origin and destination 0.38 to 0.44. It showed the workers were safely done. The conclusion of all stages test conducted in this study is to provide design support tools as a solution for load loading work which allows the slider conveyor concept to move materials from the place of its origin to its destination.
Pembuatan Sistem Penghitung Kecepatan Mobil Listrik Teknik Mesin Unsyiah Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega 8535 Syahriza Syahriza; Masri Ibrahim; Arhami Arhami; Naswadi Naswadi
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Unsyiah Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Unsyiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (17.41 KB)


Speed measurement equipment is very essential in a vehicle. The speed measurement equipment engineered in this research is specially designed for the electric vehicle of Mechanical Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, which is equipped with microcontroller of atmega 8353. The sensor system utilized is a dc generator which is connected to the front wheel of the electric car. The rotation of the wheel causes the generator to rotate that the generator produces dc electric voltage that the voltage is sent to the microcontroller. In general there are two main base components used for speed measurement equipment which are hardware and software. The software used to support the programming of the equipment is code vision AVR. The reading of input signal, processing and the visual display are designed with code vision AVR programming and c programming language. The test was conducted at the wheel of the vehicle with several steps of rotation speed to know the speed of the vehicle in rpm and convert it into km/hour by calibrating it based on the wheel diameter. The speed data is displayed on an LCD in real time that the driver knows the real speed.
Jurnal Optimalisasi Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jopt.v4i2.1498


Tirta Mountala Regional Water Company (PDAM) is a regional company that has a concentration in the field of water supply. This study aims to implement Lean Service at PDAM Tirta Mountala in an effort to reduce waste in the service of installing new pipe connections. The method used in the study uses Big Picture Mapping and Root cause analysis in finding the causes of waste. The study was conducted in several stages, namely preliminary observations then continued with determining the use of the methods used, collecting data, conducting data processing, analyzing the results of data processing and finally concluding the results of the research, as well as being reviewed from lean service theories, The Waste that occurs is Over Production, Defect, Unnecessary Inventory, Inappropriate Processing, Excessive Transportation, Waiting, Unnecessary Motion. While the critical waste that occurs in the service process is waiting with a weight of 0.36. Waste waiting is caused by mechanical power delay, material repair delay, delay in repairing pipelines passing through public spaces. By knowing the types of waste and critical waste in PDAMs, it is expected to reduce waste and customer satisfaction is fulfilled.
Penggunaan Moving Average dan Exponential Smoothing untuk Memprediksi Kebutuhan Beras Raskin di Kota Banda Aceh Heri Tri Irawan; Iing Pamungkas; Fitriadi Fitriadi; Arhami Arhami; Khairul Hadi; T.M Azis Pandria
Jurnal Optimalisasi Vol 6, No 2 (2020): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jopt.v6i2.2554


This study uses moving average and exponential smoothing methods to predict the demand for Raskin rice in Banda Aceh. The Logistics Agency (Bulog) is a food institution in Indonesia that organizes a rice trading system, which functions to provide rice distribution services to the public. The fluctuation in demand for Raskin rice in Banda Aceh makes it difficult for Bulog to predict future needs. In addition, the excess supply of Raskin rice will also be very detrimental because rice is a staple that is perishable. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research to predict the demand for Raskin rice in Banda Aceh. The results of forecasting or prediction by comparing two methods and three errors in forecasting accuracy, it can be concluded that the exponential smoothing method with α = 0.90 can be used to predict the demand for Raskin rice in Banda Aceh City. The prediction result of the demand for raskin rice in Banda Aceh is 92,407 tons, with an MAD error rate of 4.92, MSE 34.58, and MAPE 0.006%, or having the smallest value compared to the 7-month moving average method.
Jurnal Optimalisasi Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jopt.v4i2.1505


PT. PLN (Persero) currently uses a lot of coal-based power plants or Steam Power Plants (PLTU) in carrying out its operational activities. Aceh Province has a PLTU located in Nagan Raya Regency and is owned by PT. PLN (Persero). The Nagan Raya power plant has two generating units with an installed capacity of 2x110 Megawatts. The highest frequency of interference or damage experienced by the boiler section and this is very influential on the Nagan Raya PLTU production system. Performance evaluation in terms of reliability is needed to minimize interference or damage. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of reliability using Monte Carlo simulations on each important component of the boiler section. Monte Carlo simulations will be used to predict the time between failure or time to failure (TTF) and time to repair (TTR) so that the level of reliability can be predicted in the future. Monte Carlo simulations basically produce uniformly distributed random numbers (0.1) and then convert them into non-uniform distributions using the inverse transformation method. Monte Carlo simulation results on eight critical components in the boiler section obtained time to failure (TTF) obtained were 260 hours to 1312 hours with a reliability value of 30% to 42%. While the time to repair (TTR) is 1,57 hours to 2,26 hours with a reliability value of 22% to 41%.
Penjadwalan Produksi Paving Block Pada CV. Nibo Corporation Banda Aceh Heri Tri Irawan; Iing Pamungkas; Arhami Arhami
Jurnal Optimalisasi Vol 6, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jopt.v6i1.2063


This paper uses the Palmer method to schedule paving block production in CV. Nibo Corporation Banda Aceh. CV. Nibo Corporation is engaged in the production of paving blocks located in the city of Banda Aceh. Problems faced by CV. Nibo Corporation often produces excess paving blocks than the number of orders that results in product accumulation in the storage area. The purpose of this study is to schedule paving block production in CV. Nibo Corporation. Paving block production scheduling in CV. Nibo Corporation will use the Palmer method. This research begins by calculating each standard time for each job. From the scheduling results, the comparison between the initial factory work schedule is nine hours of work in one day, and twenty-four working days in a month. While scheduling using the palmer method is six hours of work in one day and twenty-four working days in a month, or nine hours of work in one work day and seventeen days in a month. Using the palmer method can reduce the difference in production and orders every month from 31.000 to 5.944, or 3.000 per month, thereby reducing the accumulation of paving block products.
Upaya Meminimumkan Biaya Pemeliharaan Mesin dengan Metode Preventive dan Breakdown Maintenance pada Workshop Arita Steel Medan Masri ALI; ARHAMI
JEMSI (Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): JEMSI (JURNAL EKONOMI, MANAJEMEN, DAN AKUNTANSI)
Publisher : Sekretariat Pusat Lembaga Komunitas Informasi Teknologi Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jemsi.v7i2.612


Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk menganalisis perawatan Arita Steel bengkel yang diaplikasikan pada mesin cetak mirror merk Sumitomo TP41 buatan Jepang. Periksa kedalaman pemeliharaan preventif dan pemeliharaan jika terjadi kegagalan sistem pemeliharaan yang diterapkan. Ini juga mengidentifikasi perbandingan yang paling efektif untuk meminimalkan biaya pemeliharaan antara biaya pencegahan dan biaya waktu henti. Jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknologi perolehan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Ada 45 mesin berdasarkan data dari Workshop Ariita Steel, dan satu tahun masalah memiliki 30 mesin. Untuk meminimalkan biaya dan mengurangi kerusakan mesin, peneliti membandingkan kedua metode ini dan menemukan bahwa pedoman pencegahan lebih efektif daripada kebijakan runtuh. Mesin Rp. 31.630.769.23. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa status pemeliharaan perusahaan dapat mengkonfirmasi keadaan mesin yang dianalisis secara signifikan. Biaya pemeliharaan perusahaan sebesar RP. 122.163.077 per bulan.
Perancangan Ulang Tata Letak pada Galangan Kapal Tradisional menggunakan Blocplan-90 Heri Tri Irawan; Bismi Khairijal; Iing Pamungkas; T.M. Azis Pandria; Arhami Arhami; Hasnita Hasnita; Risnadi Irawan
Jurnal Optimalisasi Vol 9, No 2 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jopt.v9i2.8325


CV. Rasya Jaya is a traditional fishing boat manufacturing company located in Padang Seurahet, Kec. Johan Pahlawan, Aceh Barat Regency. The facility layout of CV. Rasya Jaya has several workstations that are not in the correct location for the production process or the relationship between related rooms. This results in inefficient and ineffective material handling, as well as reduced worker comfort. The poorly organized facilities also contribute to production constraints. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the production facility layout at CV. Rasya Jaya. The goal is to provide an alternative design for the production facility layout that is more efficient and effective in terms of the relationship between the production process flow and minimizing material flow in the production process. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal layout at CV. Rasya Jaya using the Blocplan algorithm. Blocplan-90 is an algorithm for solving spatial layout problems that can handle both quantitative and qualitative data. Mathematical models within the design are developed with computer applications for models that work with the limitations of workstation shapes. Based on the results of the layout design of facilities at CV. Rasya Jaya, three main layouts were created: office layout, facility layout, and production layout. The total area of the three layouts is 1739 m2.
Perancangan Dan Pengujian Model Mobil Robot Penanam Bibit Kangkung Rizki Aulia Nanda; Arhami Arhami; Rudi Kurniawan
Rona Teknik Pertanian Vol 13, No 2 (2020): Volume 13, No. 2, Oktober 2020
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Engineering, Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/rtp.v13i2.16982


Abstrak. Penanaman bibit kangkung sesuai prosedur dilakukan dengan proses menajuk, proses menajuk memakan waktu yang lama, sehingga membuat petani melakukan penaburan bibit untuk mempersingkat waktu peanaman, namun berpotensi terjadi gagal panen akbiat bibit tidak tertanam. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu membangun mobil robot penanam bibit kangkung. Metode yang diperlukan dalam membangun mobil robot ini meliputi, penghitungan rata-rata bedengan, perancangan mobil robot, perakitan, dan pengujian. Dari metode tersebut maka diperoleh hasil yang meliputi desain dan analisis desain, hasil pembuatan/perakitan, hasil pengujian dan hasil penanaman. Desain mobil robot memiliki ukuran sesuai ukuran rata-rata bedengan yang digunakan petani yaitu 1,6  m, hasil analisis menunjukan beban maksimum robot 28,80 kg dengan perpindahan maksimal 3,266 mm yang membuat chassis masih aman digunakan.Proses perakitan mobil robot meliputi komponen elektronika dan komponen chassis sesuai dengan hasil desain dan perancangan. Robot yang telah dirakit dilakukan pengujian. Pengujian elektronika menampilkan keluaran arus sebesar 3A, tegangan 12 volt dan tahanan 5,4 ohm, pada penggunaan baterai dengan kapasitas 7,4 Ah yang dapat bekerja selama 4,5 jam dengan menggunakan stepdown supaya arus stabil membuat kecepatan stabil dan tidak membuat komponen mobil robot hangus akibat loncatan tegangan. Karena mobil robot bekerja secara autonomous maka pengujian vision juga diperlukan sebagai indra penglihatan gerak pada mobil robot. Selama 4,5 jam mobil robot dapat menanam bibit dengan luas lahan 4,7 hektar (4788 m2).Design and Testing Mobile Robot Spinach Water Seed PlantingAbstract. Planting water spinach seeds according to the procedure were carried out by the process of crowning, the process took a long time, so it made farmers sow seeds to shorten the planting time, but there was a potential for crop failure due to not planting the seeds. The purpose of this research was to build a mobile robot water spinach seed planting. The methods needed to build this robot car included calculating the average bed, designing a robot car, assembling, and testing. From this method, the results obtained included design and design analysis, manufacturing/assembly results, testing results, and planting results. The mobile robot design had a size according to the average size of the beds used by farmers, namely 1.6 × 1.4 × 0.5 m, the analysis results showed that the robot's maximum load was 28.80 kg with a maximum displacement of 3.266 mm which made the chassis still safe to use. The robot car assembly process included electronic components and chassis components in accordance with the design and design results. The assembled robot was tested. Electronic testing displayed a current output of 3A, a voltage of 12 volts, and a resistance of 5.4 ohms, on the use of a 7.4 Ah battery that can work for 4.5 hours using a step down so that the current was stable to make the speed stable and did not make robot car components scorched due to voltage jumps. Because robot cars worked autonomously, vision testing was also needed as a sense of motion in robot cars. During 4.5 hours the robot car can plant seeds with a land area of 4.7 hectares (4788 m2).