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Internet of Things (IoT) in Agriculture Industries Erry Yulian Triblas Adesta; Delvis Agusman; Avicenna Avicenna
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI) Vol 5, No 4: December 2017
Publisher : IAES Indonesian Section

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52549/ijeei.v5i4.373


The IoT applications in the agriculture industry are intertwined in many ways, creating a hybrid construct of traditional businesses with digital connectivity implementations. Strategic issues and principles on the assimilation of IoT solutions are prevail through time: investment costs, data interconnectivity, management and analysis, as well as data security. The agriculture industry is expected to be always alerted for the changes that may apply, with all the contemporary challenges and future directions responding to the situations, so it can reap the optimum use of the IoT connectivity.
Pengaruh Temperatur dan Arus Listrik Proses Pelapisan Krom Pada Plastik ABS Dengan Metode Elektroplating Muhammad Budi Nur Rahman; Bambang Riyanta; Delvis Agusman
JMPM (Jurnal Material dan Proses Manufaktur) Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jmpm.v4i1.9379


Elektroplating pada plastik berfungsi menambah sifat konduktif dan dekoratif. Plastik ABS memiliki tingkat keberhasilan untuk dilakukan elektroplating karena dapat dietsa secara kimiawi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh temperatur dan arus listrik proses elektroplating krom terhadap ketebalan lapisan dan kekasaran permukaan. Proses elektroplating pada plastik ABS diawali dengan proses etching, proses metalisasi palladium, dan electrolessplating nikel. Variasi arus proses elektroplating krom yang dilakukan adalah 11 A, 16 A, dan 22 A sedangkan variasi temperatur adalah 55oC, 65oC, dan 75oC. Pengamatan hasil pelapisan meliputi pengamatan struktur mikro menggunakan mikroskop optic dan SEM, ketebalan lapisan, kekasaran permukaan dan kekerasan permukaan. Semakin besar arus proses elektroplating dapat meningkatkan kekasaran permukaan dan ketebalan lapisan. Proses elektroplating dengan arus 22 A menghasilkan kekasaran permukaan 0,493 µm dan ketebalan lapisan sebesar 60,61 µm. Peningkatan temperatur proses elektroplating sampai temperatur 75oC akan menurunkan nilai kekasaran permukaan sebesar 0,40 μm dan ketebalan lapisan sebesar 21,53 μm. Variasi arus dan temperatur proses elektroplating tidak banyak berpengaruh terhadap nilai kekerasan yang berkisar antara 111 - 114 shore-D. Electroplating on plastic serves to add conductive and decorative properties. ABS plastic has a high degree of success for electroplating because it can be chemically etched. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of temperature and electric current on the chrome electroplating process on the thickness of the layer and surface roughness. The electroplating process on ABS plastic begins with the etching process, the palladium metallization process, and the nickel electroless-plating. The variation of the chromium electroplating process current is 11 A, 16 A, and 22 A while the temperature variation is 55oC, 65oC, and 75oC. Observation of coating results includes observation of microstructure using optical microscopy and SEM, layer thickness, surface roughness and surface hardness. Coating research results include observations of microstructure and SEM, layer thickness, surface roughness and surface hardness. The greater the current electroplating process can increase surface roughness, thickness of the layer. Electroplating process with a current of 22 A produces a surface roughness of 0.493 µm and a layer thickness of 60.61 µm. Increasing the temperature of the electroplating process to a temperature of 75oC will reduce the surface roughness value by 0.40 μm and the thickness of the layer by 21.53 μm. The variation of current and temperature of the electroplating process does not significantly affect the hardness values ranging from 111 - 114 shore-D. 
Sistem Pendingin Bertenaga Surya pada Model Ruang Pendingin Rifky; Mohammad Yusuf Djeli; Delvis Agusman; Pancatatva Hesti Gunawan
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka Vol 7 (2022): Proceeding of TEKNOKA National Seminar - 7
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta

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Energi surya masih menjadi harapan besar dalam menggantikan energi fosil, karena potensinya, kemudahan dalam memperolehnya serta ramah terhadap lingkungan. Konversi energi surya menjadi energi termal atau energi listrik bukan akhir dari pemanfaatan energi surya dalam kehidupan. Dengan media dua konverter energi yakni sel surya dan termoelektrik energi surya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membuat sistem pendingin ruang. Model ruang pendingin dapat dibuat dari kotak sederhana sampai ruangan dalam bangunan. Adapun yang ingin dicapai penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan sebanyak mungkin penyerapan kalor dari ruang di bawahnya dan mendapatkan temperatur terendah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimental. Pada model ruang pendingin bagian atasnya ditempatkan sel surya dan termoelektrik yang diberi ruang pembuangan panas dari termoelektrik. Susunan sistem pendingin terdiri dari pendingin termoelektrik dan heatsink sebagai penyerap kalor. Penelitian ini menghasilkan capaian kinerja model ruang pendingin dengan nilai CoP sebesar 0,989. Sementara temperatur terendah yang dicapai oleh model ruang pendingin sebesar 25,60 oC.
Analisis Perbandingan Material Plat Stainless Steel 304 Dengan Graphite Sheet Dalam Produksi Gas Hidrogen Pada Generator Dry Cell Danu Darma Wijaya; R. Mohammad Alansyah Mauludi; Arif Putra Pratama; Delvis Agusman; Hendi Saryanto
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka Vol 7 (2022): Proceeding of TEKNOKA National Seminar - 7
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta

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Energy are the most important part of human life, every activity in human life is dependent on energy consumption. Humans are now using fossil fuel energy sources on a large scale so that fuel (fuel oil) is running low and alternative energy is needed. Hydrogen gas is an alternative energy that can replace fossil energy sources by using the electrolysis process in dry cell generators. The research aims to determine the material with the highest production and highest efficiency in the electrolysis process. This study used an experimental method by comparing stainless steel material with graphite sheets. From the results of the study it was concluded that the highest production rate was obtained for the variation of stainless steel 304 plate material at a time variation of 30 seconds with a result of 0.013333 l/s and the lowest variation for graphite sheets. at a time variation of 90 seconds with a result of 0.002222 l/s. The highest efficiency was obtained from variations in Stainless steel material with a time of 30 seconds reaching an efficiency of 45.19% and the lowest was obtained from variations of Graphite sheet with a time variation of only 7.53%.
Evaluasi Pembelajaran Robotika di SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Serpong, Tangerang Selatan Harry Ramza; Rosalina Rosalina; Rizqi Naufal Aprianto; Nesa Amelia Wati; Salsabila Salsabila; Delvis Agusman; Erizal Erizal; Hafiz Sholahudin; Sadriman Sadriman
Fikiran Masyarakat Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Penerbit Kemala Indonesia

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Telah dilakukan evaluasi pembelajaran mengenai robotika di SMK Muhammadiyah 02, Tangerang Selatan. Kegiatan dilakukan sebagai bagian dari program pengabdian masyarakat Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. Proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan berupa kegiatan perakitan robot beroda dengan menggunakan mikrokontroler Arduino. Perakitan robot ini sebagai upaya memperkenalkan dasar – dasar teknologi mobil listrik, disertai dengan pelatihan pemrograman dalam pengendalian robot yang akan dibuat. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa program pelatihan robotika masih dalam peringkat awal, dimana nilai pencapaian masih keadaam rendah berupa jumlah skor jawaban yang diberikan sebesar 110 poin dan jumlah nilai yang dihasilkan dari seluruh peserta sebesar 917 poin. Begitupula skor terendah yang diperoleh 2 poin dan skor tertinggi sebesar 6 poin, serta nilai terendah dan tertinggi skor sebesar 16.67 poin dan 50.00 poin. Begitupula skor rata – rata dan nilai rata – rata yang diperoleh dari hasil evaluasi sebesar 3.793 poin dan 31.609 poin disertai dengan simpangan baku Skor dan nilai sebesar 1.114 poin dan 9.285 poin. Hasil yang dihasilkan menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran belum mencapai hasil yang diharapkan dan memerlukan proses tambahan dalam pengajaran robotika dilingkungan SMK Muhammadiyah 02.
Analisis Pengaruh Desain Tangki Mobil untuk Kapasitas 5000 Liter Gas Terhadap Tekanan Permukaan Faris Setio Wibowo; Delvis Agusman; Riyan Ariyansah
Jurnal Asiimetrik: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa dan Inovasi Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35814/asiimetrik.v5i2.4563


The tank car is a closed storage area or tank designed to contain the liquid as a gas or liquid at a different pressure than the ambient pressure. Chemical reactions with the fluid inside a car's tank or physical phenomena the fluid encounters can cause instantaneous changes in the condition of the tank, resulting in occasional cracking or leaking. This research aims to determine how the design shape of a 5000-liter tank affects surface pressure. The method utilized is the finite element method based on computer-aided engineering (CAE) with the software Ansys Workbench Student Version. The results demonstrated that the maximal stress value and total deformation of the Model 2 tank were significantly different from those of the Model 1 and Model 3 tanks. The tank variation of the model is known to have the lowest stress value of 1.1309 MPa and the lowest deformation value of 0.0042421 mm. Therefore, the Model 2 tank variants are more recommended than the Models 1 and 3 for vehicles with a 5000-liter capacity.
Desain dan Analisis Kekuatan Rangka Mesin Pres Batako Menggunakan Finite Element Method Anggi Pratama; Delvis Agusman
Jurnal Asiimetrik: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa dan Inovasi Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35814/asiimetrik.v5i2.4658


This study investigates the safety factor and stress in order to determine the utmost dynamic load the press machine frame can withstand. Dynamic loads occur because of the working mechanism of the press machine, which suppresses the brick components. Test simulation stress analysis using the computer program Inventor Professional Student 2023 with the finite element method in a material structure simulation test of a brick press machine frame with a dynamic load treatment the frame design model uses mild steel material with dimensions of 880 mm by 545 mm by 1200 mm. The variable loads are 700 kg, 1000 kg, and 1500kg. The simulation results show the displacement value at a load of 700 kg = 0,25 mm; 1000 kg = 0,36 mm; and 1500 kg = 0,54 mm. The von Mises stress value is 700 kg = 70,03 MPa; 1000 kg = 100,4 MPa; and 1500 kg = 150,9 MPa. The safety factor value is 700 kg = 2,96; 1000 kg = 2,06; and 1500 kg = 1,37. The simulation results show that the frame design of the brick press machine has a safety factor of 2,06 and can withstand a dynamic load of up to 1000 kg.
Analysis of Vibration Characteristics in 17-Inch Aluminum Alloy Wheel Rims Using Finite Element Method Victor Indra Wijaya; Riyan Ariyansah; Delvis Agusman; Rifky; Oktarina Heriyani
Jurnal Asiimetrik: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa dan Inovasi Volume 6 Nomor 2 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35814/asiimetrik.v6i2.6620


The wheel rim serves as a component designed to provide stability and necessary support for vehicle tires. The phenomenon of resonance occurring when the external vibration frequency approaches the natural frequency of the structure has the potential to increase vibration amplitude, which can lead to wheel rim damage. This study aims to investigate the shape patterns and natural frequencies of 17-inch aluminum alloy wheel rims, as well as to analyze the maximum total deformation that occurs. The finite element method is employed to simulate the vibration characteristic of 17-inch aluminum alloy wheel rims under various natural frequencies. Modifications to the wheel rim design are made by altering the spoke angle in variations of 5°, 10°, and 15°. The vibration characteristic data of the wheel rim was obtained through simulation using ANSYS software. The research findings indicate that the natural frequencies range from approximately 364.7 Hz to 723.21 Hz. Furthermore, the maximum total deformation values range from approximately 9.7 mm to 22.5 mm.