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GEMA LINGKUNGAN KESEHATAN Vol 19, No 2 (2021): GEMA Lingkungan Kesehatan
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36568/kesling.v19i2.1539


           Penyakit skabies merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infestasi sarcoptes scabies, hal ini dikarenakan kurangnya memelihara kebersihan diri (personal hygiene). Personal hygiene meliputi : kebersihan kulit, kebersihan  tangan dan kuku, kebersihan kaki, kebersihan pakaian, kebersihan handuk, dan kebersihan tempat tidur. Skabies menempati posisi ke – 2 dari 5 penyakit terbesar di Pondok Pesantren As – Syafi’iyah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan personal hygiene santri dengan kejadian skabies di Pondok Pesantren As - Syafi’iyah Sidoarjo tahun 2020.         Penelitian ini menggunakan studi analitik, jenisnya observasional dengan pendekatan case control. Variabel yang diteliti ialah : kebersihan kulit, tangan, kuku, kaki, pakaian dan handuk. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 66  responden sakit skabies dan 66 sebagai kontrol, dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan wawancara. Analisis data ditunjukkan dengan uji chi square.      Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 15 responden (11,4%) kurang menjaga kebersihan kulit, lalu 19 responden (14,4%) kurang menjaga kebersihan tangan dan kuku, sebanyak 20 responden (15,2%) kurang menjaga kebersihan kaki, kemudian 19 responden (14,4%) kurang menjaga kebersihan pakaian, dan sekitar 17 responden (12,9%) kurang menjaga kebersihan handuk.      Kesimpulan ada hubungan antara kebersihan kulit dengan kejadian skabies (p-value = 0,00), terdapat pula hubungan antara kebersihan tangan dan kuku dengan kejadian skabies (p-value = 0,00), kejadian skabies juga dipengaruhi oleh kebersihan kaki (p-value = 0,01), kebersihan pakaian (p-value = 0,03), dan kebersihan handuk (p-value = 0,06). Pengelola Pondok pesantren perlu mengadakan  penyuluhan tentang kebersihan diri. Sanitarian dapat berperan sebagai penyuluhnya. Seluruh santri hendaknya menerapkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS).
PENGARUH PERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH dan SEHAT TERHADAP PENULARAN SKABIES (Studi Kasus Pada Lembaga Permasyarakatan Kelas 1 Malang Tahun 2020) Dinda Pratiwi; Irwan Sulistio; Deddy Adam; Ferdian Akhmad Ferizqo
GEMA LINGKUNGAN KESEHATAN Vol 19, No 1 (2021): GEMA Lingkungan Kesehatan
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36568/kesling.v19i1.1293


Berdasarkan catatan medis di klinik Lembaga Permasyarakatan Kelas 1 Malang jumlah penderita scabies sebanyak 681 kejadian tercatat dari 4 bulan berlalu (bulan Juni 2019 – Oktober 2019) yang dialami oleh narapidana. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab banyaknya penularan skabies di Lapas Kelas 1 Malang.Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuantitatif dengan metode analitik.  Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner dengan sampel sebanyak 97 dari 3200 populasi. Analisis yang digunakan adalah uji statistic Chi Square dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%.97 warga binaan permasyarakatan yang menjadi sampel penelitian terdapat 64 (66%) warga binaan yang sedang mengalami penyakit skabies dan 33 (34%) warga binaan yang pernah mengalami penyakit skabies. 69 responden memiliki tingkat pengetahuan PHBS yang kurang, 58 narapidana memiliki sikap PHBS kurang, 59 narapidana memiliki tindakan PHBS kuran, 71 narapidana memiliki perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat kurang. Tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat dengan penularan penyakit scabies di Lembaga Permasyarakatan Kelas I Malang.Kegiatan pemeriksaan dan pemberian obat secara rutin terlebih kepada penderita scabies. Perlunya dilakukan penyuluhan kesehatan tentang penyakit yang rentan tterjadi di Lembaga Permasyarakatan. Demi meningkatkan terlaksananya PHBS did alam Lapas Klas I Malang maka sarana sanitasi dan kondisi lingkungan  Lapas perlu ditingkatkan. Untuk peneliti selanjutnya perlu diadakan penelitian lanjutan dengan faktor kondisi fisik lingkungan dan sarana sanitasi.
GEMA LINGKUNGAN KESEHATAN Vol 18, No 2 (2020): GEMA Lingkungan Kesehatan
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36568/kesling.v18i2.1431


Rumah sakit merupakan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan yang memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat, tidak jarang menggunakan bahan dan alat-alat kesehatan yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan, maka, rumah sakit harus mengelola sampah medis yang dihasilkan dengan baik dan benar yang memenuhi syarat sanitasi agar tidak menjadi sumber penularan penyakit. Proses pengangkutan sampah medis yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan sanitasi akan menyebabkan masalah kesehatan ( infeksi nosokomial ) di rumah sakit tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana sistem pengelolaan sampah medis di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak ( RSIA ) Nirmala Kediri Tahun 2020.Desain penelitian yang digunakan observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif, data primer diperoleh dengan menggunakan formulir penelitian serta wawancara kepada pihak yang berhubungan dengan petugas, pengelola sampah medis. Penelitian terhadap sistem pengelolaan sampah medis Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak ( RSIA ) Nirmala Kota Kediri tahun 2020 termasuk dalam kriteria memenuhi persyaratan dengan persentasi penilaian 73 %. Pada proses penimbulan sampah medis diperoleh persentase 80%, pada proses pewadahan sampah medis diperoleh hasil persentase 90%, pada proses pengangkutan diperoleh hasil 42 %, pada proses pengolahan sampah medis diperoleh hasil persentase 80 %.Kesimpulan dari penelitian pengelolaan sampah medis di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak ( RSIA ) Nirmala Kediri adalah sudah memenuhi persyaratan. 
EFEKTIVITAS PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR KULIT ARI KEDELAI UNTUK PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN SAWI (Brassica juncea L.) Shelli Aprilia Stanza Ardini; Rachmaniyah .; Ferdian Akhmad Ferizqo
GEMA LINGKUNGAN KESEHATAN Vol 20, No 1 (2022): GEMA Lingkungan Kesehatan
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36568/kesling.v20i1.1677


One of the wastes of making tempe is soybean husk which comes from boiling and soaking. Soybean husk waste that is not utilized causes unpleasant odors and pollutes the environment. Utilization as organic fertilizer can be used to overcome the pollution. This study aims to utilize soybean husk waste as a liquid fertilizer applied to mustard greens (Brassica juncea L.).This type of research is included in the True Experimental Design. With the research design Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The object of this research is green mustard (Brassica juncea L.) as many as 30 samples and liquid organic fertilizer from soybean husk waste at concentrations of 5%, 10%, and 15% with 9 replications. The sampling technique used is Simple Random Sampling. Data were obtained from the field in the form of observations and measurements of mustard plant growth parameters including the height of the mustard plant, the number of leaves of the mustard plant, and the diameter of the stem of the mustard plant, the NPK content test in the laboratory, and data analysis was carried out with the Anova test.The application of liquid organic fertilizer from soybean husks did not significantly affect stem diameter and number of leaves, but did affect plant height. The effective concentration treatment on the growth of mustard greens is a 15% concentration treatment for plant height with an average of 35.85 cm.Liquid Organic Fertilizer of soybean epidermis with a concentration of 15% is effective on the growth of mustard greens. Suggestions for further researchers are to conduct research on other plants with higher concentrations in order to obtain optimal results on plant growth to be studied.
Jurnal Hygiene Sanitasi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.52 KB)


Water pollution of dug wells is an environmental problem that can reduce water quality. Factors that affect the quality of dug well water are tofu industrial wastewater and RPH waste disposal in Tropodo Village. If the location of the dug well is lower than the pollutant source and has a distance of <11 meters, it is estimated that the pollutant source flow will seep into the well. So the aim of the researcher is to analyze the quality of dug well water in terms of river pollution. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative with a cross sectional approach. The variables used are water quality physically, chemically and microbiologically. Sampling was done by purposive sampling as many as 6 samples of dug well water and 1 sample of river water. Data analysis uses tabular form and is described based on Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001. Construction of dug wells in Bale Panjang Hamlet, which is <11 meters from river pollution, 83.33% of well-walled wells do not meet the requirements and all conditions of the well floor are 100% not eligible. The 6 dug wells are not equipped with SPAL which allows contamination of the dug well water. There are still 90.20% of dug well water whose physical quality does not meet the requirements, 56.67% of dug well water which has chemical quality does not meet the requirements and 50% of dug well water with microbiological quality does not meet the requirements. It is concluded that the quality of dug well water is influenced by river contamination from tofu industrial waste and RPH waste and is influenced by other factors such as domestic waste and SPAL seepage from dug wells. It is recommended to the relevant agencies to always conduct counseling about the construction of good wells and SPAL and make home visits to measure the quality of clean water.
EFEKTIVITAS PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR KULIT ARI KEDELAI UNTUK PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN SAWI (Brassica juncea L.) Shelli Aprilia Stanza Ardini; Rachmaniyah; Ferdian Akhmad Ferizqo
Gema Lingkungan Kesehatan Vol. 20 No. 1 (2022): GEMA Lingkungan Kesehatan
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (129.948 KB) | DOI: 10.36568/gelinkes.v20i1.19


One of the wastes of making tempe is soybean husk which comes from boiling and soaking. Soybean husk waste that is not utilized causes unpleasant odors and pollutes the environment. Utilization as organic fertilizer can be used to overcome the pollution. This study aims to utilize soybean husk waste as a liquid fertilizer applied to mustard greens (Brassica juncea L.). This type of research is included in the True Experimental Design. With the research design Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The object of this research is green mustard (Brassica juncea L.) as many as 30 samples and liquid organic fertilizer from soybean husk waste at concentrations of 5%, 10%, and 15% with 9 replications. The sampling technique used is Simple Random Sampling. Data were obtained from the field in the form of observations and measurements of mustard plant growth parameters including the height of the mustard plant, the number of leaves of the mustard plant, and the diameter of the stem of the mustard plant, the NPK content test in the laboratory, and data analysis was carried out with the Anova test. The application of liquid organic fertilizer from soybean husks did not significantly affect stem diameter and number of leaves, but did affect plant height. The effective concentration treatment on the growth of mustard greens is a 15% concentration treatment for plant height with an average of 35.85 cm. Liquid Organic Fertilizer of soybean epidermis with a concentration of 15% is effective on the growth of mustard greens. Suggestions for further researchers are to conduct research on other plants with higher concentrations in order to obtain optimal results on plant growth to be studied.
Effectiveness of Green Mussel Shells as a Natural Coagulant for Domestic Wastewater Treatment Ernita Sari; Ferdian Akhmad Ferizqo; Deddy Adam
Jurnal Teknokes Vol 16 No 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektromedik, POLTEKKES KEMENKES Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/teknokes.v16i1.521


Coagulation is one of the wastewater treatment processes. Aluminum sulfate is usually used as a chemical coagulant. On the other way, the use of alum can cause a new problem that was the inorganic residues produced are carcinogenic and can harm the environment and human health. Then people try to use natural materials such as chitosan as the coagulant. Chitosan can be produced from the skin of marine animals such as green mussels. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of natural coagulant green mussel shells. The research method was an experimental study by testing the effectiveness of green mussel shells as a natural coagulant with one group post design. This research used small dose of chitosan that is 0,15 g/l until 0,4 g/l to know which one is the most effective to reduce turbidity and suspended solid. The sample in this study was domestic wastewater. The parameters were total suspended solids (TSS) and turbidity. The data were analyzed by the ANOVA test. The result showed that both TSS and turbidity were decreased by about 100% (14 mg/l to 0,65 mg/l) for optimum decreasing of TSS parameter and 73% (2.38 NTU to 0 NTU) for turbidity parameters. The optimal dose of natural coagulant green mussel shells for domestic wastewater was 0,4 g/l. The ANOVA test showed that there was an effect of green mussel shells coagulant dose on TSS and turbidity level (p-value = 0,000). The potential of using these green mussel shells as a coagulant is indeed very high. However, it takes a combination with other natural ingredients to make an effective and safe coagulant.