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Islamic Work Ethics: The New Direction for Research Gustiawan, Willson
MENARA EKONOMI Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Vol. I No.2 Oktober 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Menara Ekonomi : Pelatihan dan Kajian Ilmiah Bidang Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/me.v1i2.248


Much of work ethic research has been carried out in the West, focusing on ProtestantWork Ethic (PWE) as advanced by Max Weber who relate Protestantism and capitalism.There was not much research on Islamic work ethics but a few authors whose work hascontributed towards promoting and highlighting Islamic work principle inorganizational studies. The emersion of Islamic Work Ethic (IWE) is a response to theissue of religious values relation to economic, management and business, that hasbecame popular since decades. This paper is the review paper of some articlesregarding Islamic Work hics. We emphasize on research of IWE, begining with IWEresearch periodization and trend, and how it will develop in the future. The importantconceptual framework was discussed are about effort, competition, tranparency, andmorality. We also compare between IWE and PWE to construct specific IWE. Wepropose new paradigm for future study. This is the last part of two papers on IWE. Wehope this paper can enrich discourse in work ethic literature and encourage futureresearch development.Keyword: Islamic Work Ethic (IWE), PWE, research development on work ethic
MENARA EKONOMI Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Volume IV No. 2 - April 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Menara Ekonomi : Pelatihan dan Kajian Ilmiah Bidang Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/me.v4i2.695


This paper is an article review regarding management theory of Koontz (1980) revisited from his 1960’s first paper. The paper gives a fundamental understanding of the management theory which will be very useful and used during the study period.Through this paper, Koontz examined some approaches to management theory for the last twenty years up to 1980. The management theory jungle that he termed in his 1961 paper are reconsidered. This paper is his report of his revisit to the jungle.As conclusion, there were the need for more effort in disentangling the jungle. The most effective way would be for leading managers to take a more active role in narrowing the widening gap that seem to exist between professional practice and college and university business, management andpublic administration schools.Keywords: management theory, Harold Koontz
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Bisnis Vol 10 No 1 (2018): Volume 10 No. 1 April 2018
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/jipb.10.1.33


Sebuah kutipan mengingatkan kita bahwa pengukuran itu penting, bahkan dalam kehidupan, juga dalam penelitian, secara kontekstual. Dalam proses penelitian yang dimulai dengan pertanyaan investigasi, kami mengidentifikasi konsep dan konstruksi yang relevan untuk diukur dengan mendefinisikan secara operasional semua konstruk. Setelah itu kita memilih skala / tingkat pengukuran konstruk dengan mengidentifikasi skala yang ada. Melalui ini, kita dapat merancang skala khusus: pilih pendekatan konstruksi, pilih jenis skala yang sesuai, buat skala, uji skala dan akhirnya kami memiliki pertanyaan pengukuran. Pengukuran merupakan salah satu hal yang penting dalam proses penelitian dalam membangun teori. Menurut Cooper & Schindler, pengukuran adalah menetapkan angka untuk peristiwa empiris sesuai dengan aturan pemetaan. Pengukuran menyiratkan memilih peristiwa empiris yang dapat diamati, mengembangkan seperangkat aturan pemetaan dan menerapkan aturan pemetaan. Dalam proses penelitian, pengukuran terletak pada tahap desain penelitian, terutama dalam pengumpulan data dan instrumen.
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Bisnis Vol 9 No 2 (2017): Volume 9 No.2 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk memberikan pengertian dasar tentang bagaimana pengukuran suatu konstruk penelitian secara teoritis. Pengukuran adalah satu tahapan penting dalam suatu proses penelitian. Pengukuran diartikan sebagai penyelarasan angka-angka ke dalam bukti-bukti empiris sesuai peraturan pemetaan ilmu pengetahuan. Pengukurna menyiratkan memilih peristiwa empiris yang dapat diamati, mengembangkan seperangkat aturan pemetaan, dan menerapkan aturan pemetaan tersebut. Dalam penelitian, pengukuran diletakkan pada tahap perancangan, terutama pada pengumpulan data dan instrumen. Dalam tulisan ini diambil sebuah contoh bagaimana membuat skala pengukuran untuk Etika Kerja Islam.
Dimensional Construct Measurement: Differentiating Unidimensionality and Multidimensionality Willson Gustiawan
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Bisnis Volume 11 Nomor 1 Tahun 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/jipb.11.1.206


Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk memaparkan pengukuran dimensisuatu konstruk penelitian. Berkaitan dengan itu dijelaskan tentang skala pengukuran, yaitu skala Likert and skala semantic differentialserta perbandingan diantara keduanya. Selain itu, juga dijelaskan tentang analisis faktor, baik exploratory maupun confirmatory factor analysis. Lebih jauh, memberikan pengertianunidimensionality and multidimensionality dalam pengukuran konstruk. Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman perbedaan, diberikan contoh aplikasi pengukuran konstruk yang unidimensi dan multidimensi.
The Nature of Managerial Work: A Book Review of Mintzberg Willson Gustiawan
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Bisnis Volume 11 Nomor 2 Tahun 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/jipb.11.No. 2.249


The purpose of this paper is to review an old holy book of management: the nature of managerial work’s Mintzberg which originally published since 1973. The book is the answer of the young Mintzberg on what was his father do at the office. Mintzberg then details the kind of managers’ activities, managerial work characteristics, managerial basic role, managerial jobs variations, and management science. Briefly, the aim of the book is to develop a manager job description through management science approach. This book review paper emphasizes the last chapter as integrated basic research findings in three previous chapters. In literature review, there is explanation about the outline of the analysis that how theory is developed. The implication for stakeholders around manager and future work as discussed. Keywords: managerial work, Mintzberg, development of theory
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Bisnis Volume 12 Nomor 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/jipb.12.1.385


The purpose of this paper is to review some related academic papers to understand cross-cultural concepts. It begins with a briefly introduction to culture definition, the relation of culture and international business, the Culture’s consequences after 25 years; something old and new in cross-cultural studies and a failure of analysis in cross-cultural studies. Then, deeply understanding to cross-cultural studies, it discusses the cross-cultural research in terms of the types, the key issues, problem and proposed solutions, and the process. This paper ends with methodological concepts and theoretical frameworks of universal dimensions of cultural variability. Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk mengutarakan beberapa artikel akademik yang berkaitan untuk memahami konsep lintas budaya (cross-culture). Makalah ini dimulai dengan pengantar singkat mengenai definisi budaya, budaya dan hubungannya dengan bisnis internasional, culture’s consequences karya Hofstede setelah 25 tahun, beberapa hal baru dan lama dalam studi lintas budaya, dan kesalahan analisis dalam studi lintas budaya. Untuk lebih memahami studi lintas budaya, makalah ini mendiskusikan penelitian-penelitian lintas budaya dalam hal tipe-tipe, masalah-masalah kunci, permasalahan dan solusi yang disarankan, serta proses penelitian. Makalah ini diakhiri dengan konsep metodologi dan kerangka teoretis dari berbagai dimensi budaya.
The Control System and External Control of Organization Willson Gustiawan
Jurnal Ilmiah Poli Bisnis Volume 13 Nomor 2 tahun 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/jipb.v13i2.557


This paper aims to discuss control - a function in an organization – by relooking some works in control system and external control of the organization. A classical work of Pfeffer and Salancik (1978) becomes an important basic source in this review paper discussing the external control of the organization from a resource dependence perspective. Luckily, Dill (1981) reviewed this ten chapters book giving a basic understanding of the control function of the organization. Dill also offered a term of the environment of an organization, the one that might be understood before understanding about the organization. Another important source comes from Eilon’s (1996) work which provides a theoretical framework on the basic concept of identifying and classifying of the administration control system. The more recent works in the control system strengthen this review paper such as Chenhall (2003) that provides a critical review of findings from contingency-based studies relating to the management control system (MCS), and Gillan (2006) describing corporate governance as another aspect in control function of management. This paper ends with concluded recommendations to answer the curiosity in understanding the organization and its environment and the external control of the organization. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan pengendalian atau control - suatu fungsi dalam organisasi – dengan melihat kembali beberapa karya tulis dalam sistem pengendalian dan pengendalian eksternal organisasi. Karya Pfeffer dan Salanic (1978) menjadi bahan yang penting dalam makalah ini yang mendiskusikan pengendalian eksternal suatu organisasi dengan perspektif keterikatan sumber daya. Beruntung, bahwa Dill (1981) membahas buku yang terdiri atas sepuluh bab ini dan memberikan pemahaman mendasar mengenai fungsi pengendalian dalam organisasi. Dill juga memperkenalkan istilah lingkungan organisasi, sesuatu yang perlu dipahami terlebih dahulu sebelum membahas lebih lanjut tentang organisasi. Sumber bahan penting lain berasal dari karya Eilon (1996) yang memberikan kerangka teoretis sebagai konsep dasar dalam mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan sistem pengendalian administrasi. Karya lebih baru yang digunakan dalam makalah ini adalah Chenhall (2003) yang memberikan pandangan kritis dari temuan studi contingency based dalam sistem pengendalian manajemen (MCS), dan Gillan (2006) yang menjelaskan tentang corporate governance sebagai aspek lain dalam fungsi pengendalian manajemen. Makalah ini diakhiri dengan rekomendasi yang memberikan jawaban atas pemahaman tentang organisasi dan lingkungannya serta pengendalian eksternal organisasi.
Menara Ilmu Vol 10, No 73 (2016): Menara Ilmu Desember Jilid 2
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/mi.v10i73.64


The purpose of this research is to find how the role of citizen journalists in news program NET 10 as one of the programs NET TV whose typical citizen journalism characteristic. As known that NET TV is television that follows the concept of citizen journalism since establishing in may 2013. This research using descriptive study to explore news website NET CJ on news program in NET 10. Qualitative methods by using in-depth interviews was conducting with four source. They are NET TV news producer, and citizen journalists. The results of the study concluded that citizen journalist is one of an element of which is very important in preaching the news, although most of citizen journalist do not come from journalist background. Citizen journalist having a different point of view which is not possessed professional journalist. Keywords: citizen journalism, news media
Jurnal Menara Ekonomi : Penelitian dan Kajian Ilmiah Bidang Ekonomi Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Volume IV No. 2 April 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Menara Ekonomi : Pelatihan dan Kajian Ilmiah Bidang Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/me.v4i2.695


This paper is an article review regarding management theory of Koontz (1980) revisited from his 1960’s first paper. The paper gives a fundamental understanding of the management theory which will be very useful and used during the study period.Through this paper, Koontz examined some approaches to management theory for the last twenty years up to 1980. The management theory jungle that he termed in his 1961 paper are reconsidered. This paper is his report of his revisit to the jungle.As conclusion, there were the need for more effort in disentangling the jungle. The most effective way would be for leading managers to take a more active role in narrowing the widening gap that seem to exist between professional practice and college and university business, management andpublic administration schools.Keywords: management theory, Harold Koontz