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Academic Journal PERSPECTIVE: Education, Language, and Literature Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.967 KB) | DOI: 10.33603/perspective.v8i1.3348


Being able to speak critically requires think critically. This study explicates students? perception on the use of oral peer feedback/review in establishing their speaking ability and critical thinking. Peer feedback/review is commonly employed in the classroom learning process especially in writing and oral communication classroom. The study acquired a qualitative case study design. Questionnaires and interviews were disseminated to gain the data. The eighteen undergraduates? students of the English education program taking oral communication classroom entailed in this study. Findings indicated that most of the students perceived the beneficial use of oral peer feedback to enhance their oral communication speaking and critical thinking skills. They found that their peer feedbacks/review were very functional in establishing their oral communication skill. Defining the oral peer feedback/review, the students elucidated that it helped them in describing, analyzing, and evaluating critically what they had experienced. Concerning the findings, the students were able to reflect on their previous speaking performance and become more critical in analyzing and evaluating each of the performance sessions. Also, they were more aware of their comprehension of the materials taught in the classroom from the previous feedbacks/review. The findings profound that regular practices of oral peer feedback/review can be accomplished to develop students? critical thinking to speak critically. Future studies might explore the extent to which these peer feedback activities have a quantitative effect on students' critical thinking skills.
The Effectiveness of Georgiana’s Podcast on Spotify to Improve Students’ Listening Skills Widya Salsabila; Leni Irianti; Luthfiyatun Thoyyibah
TLEMC (Teaching and Learning English in Multicultural Contexts) Vol 5, No 2 (2021): TLEMC (Teaching and Learning English in Multicultural Contexts)
Publisher : Siliwangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37058/tlemc.v5i2.3567


This research reported the issues of using Georgina’s podcast on Spotify to improve student’s listening skills. This research aimed at figure out the improvement of the students’ listening ability in listening skills by using the Spotify application as a tool that focused on listening to Georgina’s podcast in subject asking and giving directions. In doing so, the subjects consisted of 20 students who were in tenth grade. The researcher applied a mixed methods design, which type is the embedded design. The instruments were a test and a questionnaire. The sample was taken by using a random sampling technique. The results of the test and the related comparisons, findings showed that Georgina’s podcast on Spotify is effective to improve students’ listening skills. This can be seen from the mean results of the pre-test was 30.00 and the post-test was 86.67 with the t-test value orientation is greater than the t-table (12.3912.110). As a result of this fact, the post-test score in the class was significantly different after going under the treatment. To sum up, Georgina’s podcast on Spotify is an effective medium to improve students’ listening skills in subject asking and giving directions. However, the success of podcasting depends on the teacher's ability to use Spotify and the selection of appropriate material in a way that guides students to achieve their learning goals.
JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy) Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Interpersonal meaning is important since it reveals someone’s adjustment into another participant, it is created and maintained the social relations (Gerrot and Wignell, 1994). The present study proposed to elaborate the similarity or the difference between the realization of interpersonal meaning on male and female students’ letters, especially personal letters and to investigate which one between male and female students is more emotionally expressive in writing a personal letter. The present study implemented discourse analysis in the qualitative descriptive design. Three couples of male and female students in the eleventh grade at one of Senior High School in Ciamis, Indonesia were engaged in this study. Six personal letters then analyzed by means of Systemic Functional Linguistics. It was found that both male and female students created a sense of politeness in a different way. Thus, the majority of declarative clauses evinced that both male and female students comprehended well the purpose of the letter-writing which is to give information. In terms of modality, female students presented lower modalization which is suggested that they preferred to present the information as what it has. Moreover, female students found dominated all the characteristics of emotional markers. It significantly proofed that female students are more emotionally expressive rather than male students.Keywords: Interpersonal Meaning, Gender Differences, Emotional Expression, Personal Letter
JALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literacy) Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (199.058 KB) | DOI: 10.25157/jall.v3i1.2644


There have been many facts showed that senior high school students in Indonesia faced some problems in learning English at school. Because of that, students try to seek a solution which offered outside the class, commonly known as independent language learning. Because there are limited studies elaborated activity of learning English out of school context, thus this paper aims to explore what kind of activity that the senior high school students choose for learning English out of the school context. This study employed qualitative descriptive study. Data were drawn from questionnaires that were disseminated to 40 students of state and private senior high schools, in order to respond with their own views. Based on the findings of this study, activity of learning English that mostly conducted by students from state school is attending extra course while most of students from private school prefer individual learning. According to the findings, this study recommends the further study of the similar field involving a bigger number of respondents and enrichment of the theory. Keywords: state school, private school, independent learning, extra course
Indonesian EFL Journal Vol 8, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/ieflj.v8i2.6457


Having a certain reading ability is one of the prerequisites for becoming a professional teacher. The focus on language literacy, particularly reading abilities, has been upgraded as well. The focus of this research is to look into the process of developing an English teachers' reading test in vocational schools, and at the same time to investigate the quality of teachers' reading test reflects their ability in test construction. This study employs a case study approach, focusing on three English teachers who work in three distinct vocational schools. This study employs interviews to better understand the process of creating reading tests, as well as thorough expert standards to assess the quality of teacher-created tests. The study discovered that the process of creating a reading test for teachers includes the basic ability to find materials, select the correct text, determine the type of question, and determine the number of digits in the test. Read and rate. As far as the quality of the reading test conducted by the teacher is concerned, the results of the scoring scale show that the teacher’s first reading test is considered poor and good because the passing scores of the test are 69 and 87 respectively. With scores of 51 and 56, reading test number two created by the teacher of English was deemed inadequate. The third teacher's reading test score was 81, so he was considered very good. Other teachers' abilities in test creation have not been effectively utilized in terms of test design, relevance, balance, efficiency, validity, reliability, adequacy of test items, and technical voice of reading test. For reading test, English teachers should use authentic materials. The teacher is also suggested to use real text to create high-level comprehension problems. It is preferable to use a more comprehensive list as one of the study techniques in the future and to involve more participants. Keywords: Reading test; competence; criteria; process of constructing.
THE STUDY OF USING VIDEO LYRIC TO MOTIVATE STUDENTS IN LEARNING PASSIVE VOICE Pebby Pixtilany Nur Saputri; Lilies Youlia Friatin; Luthfiyatun Thoyyibah
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 8, No 2 (2021): Journal of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.587 KB) | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v8i2.6431


This study is aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using video lyric in learning passive voice toward students’ motivation and students’ perception on learning passive voice using video lyric. In collecting the data, the study used qualitative method especially case study; and triangulation method were observation, interview and questionnaire as instruments. This study was conducted at one of Senior High School in Majenang. Purposive sampling was used to select fifty three students as participants. The writer observed the activities in the classroom using naturalistic record and transcribed the conversation using notes. The writer used semi-structure interview and interpreting the answer of interviewee. The last, she gave twelve questions to the students followed by calculating the frequency and the percentage of each statement. The findings revealed that there were several steps used by teacher to give motivation in learning passive voice using video lyric: 1) giving some simulation; 2) asking students to watch some video of song; 3) asking students to sing a song together; 4) asking the students to write the lyric when the teacher explained the the passive voice; and 5) giving a treatment when the students deliver questions. Meanwhile, students perceived learning passive voice using video lyric positively. They joined with peer and other students; they also enjoyed and gave good attitude. Almost all of the students were enthusiastic when the teacher showed the video lyric. They assumed that video lyric was easier to comprehend passive voice in term of structure and formula. In addition, it improved their imagination, increased their critical thinking, creativity, and comprehension of learning experiences using new teaching aids. Using video lyric as teaching aids can help students to keep their interest in learning. It is very important for the teacher to increase their variety tools in learning activities. Keywords: Motivation, Passive voice, Video lyric.
English Education and Applied Linguistics Journal (EEAL Journal) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): EEAL Journal
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31980/eealjournal.v5i2.2516


This research focuses on speech acts as a significant role in teaching and learning process. In line with this topic, the aimed of this research attempts to find out the types of speech act mostly used by teachers’ and students’ English program. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data which were used the utterances performed by the teacher and students talk in speaking class. Those speech acts are supported by theories of Searle (1977) who find out the use of speech act. From the theory, there are 5 classifications of illocutionary speech act; representative, directive, expressive, commissive, and declarative. The findings show that the classifications of speech acts mostly used by teacher is directive and representative is mostly used by the students. From the findings, teacher’s directive has some involvement toward students’ behavior during teaching and learning process. Besides, the used of representative by students has enhances their speaking ability. This study concludes that when teacher and students used the speech acts, it helps them comprehend the message in every utterance and easy to understand when communication. Hopefully, this study will help develop good classroom communication between teachers and students.
Interdisciplinary perspectives on conservation and culture Agus Yuniawan Isyanto; Ai Tusi Fatimah; Luthfiyatun Thoyyibah; Ana Samiatul Millah
Interdisciplinary International Journal of Conservation and Culture Vol 1 No 1 (2023): IIJCC April
Publisher : Badan Kemitraan Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/iijcc.v1i1.3102


This article describes conservation and cultural perspectives from various disciplines based on research from various disciplines. The description is categorized into three parts; conservation and culture of applied science and health, conservation and culture of social science and humanity, conservation and culture of business and entrepreneurship. Natural sciences, health, social humanities, business, and entrepreneurship have all contributed to the conservation of natural resources and the environment, according to the results of journal article searches. Conservation in applied science promotes environmental, water, agricultural, biodiversity, and wildlife conservation, as well as land preservation and building reuse. Conservation can be accomplished through management and strategies derived from indigenous peoples' traditions with implications for nature conservation. The use of environmentally friendly health infrastructure is part of conservation in the health sector. Conservation is the study of the relationship between human interaction and the environment in a society in order to achieve a better life in the field of social sciences and humanities. Conservation strategy, policy, and education are important studies on conservation issues in the social sciences and humanities. Furthermore, conservation strategies are critical for identifying efficiency and conservation in support of development integration and disaster mitigation. Conservation and local wisdom-based education is a learning process that aims to raise environmental and cultural awareness and concern. In particular, conservation and local wisdom-based entrepreneurship education is a promising topic to be studied and researched further to generate various businesses that support environmental and cultural preservation.