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AKULTURASI RUANG PADA RUMAH TINGGAL DI PERMUKIMAN SEKITAR KERATON SUMENEP, MADURA (Space Acculturation of Dwelling in a Settlement around Sumenep Palace, Madura) Nailufar, Mehdia Iffah; Faqih, Muhammad; Rachmawati, Murni
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 13, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Unika Soegijapranata Semarang

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Atas Taman village is a settlement located at the Sumenep palace nearby. It has been acculturated by the Chinese culture, one of the significant influence that affect the architecture of Sumenep since 18th century including the houses. Most of Chinese who came to Sumenep work as the artisan and the craftman at that periode. The aim of this study is to identify the space characteristic of houses of Atas Taman village which is influenced by the style of Chinese houses. Interpretation history and qualitative method were used to complete the data by observing and unstructured interview on house owner and the stakeholders who related to the object of research. The data were analyzed by comparing among the space of houses in Atas Taman and Madura traditional houses to include the space of Chinese houses. This study showed that people in Atas Taman Village still maintain the culture of Madura at their home, especially in the aspect of space, even though the culture has been acculturated to the Chinese culture. They integrated tanean lanjang and Chinese houses. Each of them has a meaning behind it but the people in Atas Taman change the house plan consider to the function of the space and their activities.
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 9, No 2 (2018): JURNAL SIMETRIS VOLUME 9 NO 2 TAHUN 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (435.119 KB) | DOI: 10.24176/simet.v9i2.2536


Pengalaman belajar yang menyenangkan akan menumbuhkan kemauan untuk terus belajar. Aplikasi pembelajaran multimedia interaktif merupakan sarana belajar mandiri yang menyenangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat aplikasi pembelajaran multimedia interaktif, berupa pengenalan penyakit gigi, dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) serta serious mobile game, agar pengguna mendapatkan pengalaman belajar yang mengesankan. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode Interactive Multimedia System of Design and Development (IMSDD) yang terdiri dari System Requirement, Design Consideration, Implementation, dan Evaluation. Pada pengukuran User Experience (UX), digunakan 6 indikator, yaitu Importance, Interest, Valence, Playfulness, Impressed, dan Enjoy. Survey terhadap 20 responden diperoleh respon sangat positif dengan nilai indikator terbaik pada Impressed sebesar 2,9.
Jurnal Visionary : Penelitian dan Pengembangan dibidang Administrasi Pendidikan Volume 1 Nomor 1 April 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Visionary : Penelitian dan Pengembangan dibidang Administrasi Pendidikan

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Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk menemukan tipe-tipe karakter anak yang berhasildalam belajarnya, Orientasi karakter anak yang berhasil dalam belajarnya, Besarnyakonstribusi tipe karakter bagi keberhasilan belajar anak, dan strategi belajar suksesberbasis berkarakter. Metode kajian dilakukan dengan riset pustaka dengan menggunakanpendekatan kajian teoritis. Dari hasil kajian ditemukan empat jenis karakter yakni 1)karakter konflicated; 2) karakter kreatif; 3) karakter otonominatif; 4) karakter efikatif.Dengan tipe sebanyak 12 (dua belas) tipe karakter yakni: tipe sex, tipe emosional, tipemoral, tipe superior, tipe minat sosial, tipe lifestyle, tipebody, tipe ideal, tipe identitas, tiperegulasi, tipe efikasi diri, tipe efikasi sosial. Masing-masing tipe memiliki satu orientasikarakter. Dari orientasi karakter tersebut kemudian akan diukur tingkat kecenderunganmasing-masing pada orientasi belajar dan berapa persen kontribusi tip karakterbagikeberhasilan belajar anak.
Jurnal Visionary : Penelitian dan Pengembangan dibidang Administrasi Pendidikan Volume 2 Nomor 2 Oktober 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Visionary : Penelitian dan Pengembangan dibidang Administrasi Pendidikan

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Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah ?Apakah Ada HubunganPeran Komite Sekolah Dengan Mutu Pendidikan di SMAN 1 Gangga Lombok UtaraTahun Pelajaran 2014/2015??. Sedangkan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ?UntukMengetahui Hubungan Peran Komite Sekolah Dengan Mutu Pendidikan di SMAN 1Gangga Lombok Utara Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015. Metode pengumpulan data yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan metode angket dan metode dokumentasi.Sedangkan metode analisis data yang yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahmetode analisis statistik dengan rumus koefisien korelasi product moment, dengan N= 40. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dalam penelitian ini, diperoleh nilai rhitungsebesar 0.130, selanjutnya nilai tersebut dikonsultasikan dengan nilai rtabel productmoment pada taraf siginifikansi 5% dengan N = 40 diperoleh nilai sebesar 0.312.kenyataan tersebut menunjukan bahwa rhitung lebih kecil dari nilai rtabel atau 0.130< 0.312, maka hasil analisis data dalam penelitian ini dinyatakan tidak siginifikan. Halini berarti (Ho) diterima sedangkan (Ha) ditolak. Kesimpulan yang di peroleh dalampenelitian ini adalah ?Tidak Ada Hubungan Peran Komite Sekolah Dengan MutuPendidikan di SMAN 1 Gangga Lombok Utara Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015.Kata kunci : Peran Komite Sekolah, Mutu Pendidikan
Virtual Simulation Method in Hospital Design Amien, Muchammad; Rachmawati, Murni; Faqih, Muhammad
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 2 (2017): The 2nd Internasional Seminar on Science and Technology (ISST) 2016
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23546026.y2017i2.2282


The development of computing technology affords wide opportunities to apply the virtual reality in the building design process. Virtual reality not only promotes possibilities to explore architectural forms but also affords capability to learn the interaction of users and the design object as if they do in the real situation. User reaction toward design model can be learned and used to be effective information to develop a promoted preliminary design. The user satisfaction and suitability are indicated by their feedback of design object in virtual reality simulation. This paper aims to explain the application of the method on hospital building design. In this case the authors found that the method is very accurate to capture the user need and very valuable to support design process.
Lumbung Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 2, No 1: October 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LITPAM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/linov.v2i1.409


Tujuan dari pelaksanaan program KKN-PPM ini adalah untuk mengoptimalkan peran dan fungsi keluarga, mensosialisasikan pentingnya pendidikan keluarga melalui pengkondisian lingkungan yang asri, nyaman, dan ramah terhadap perkembangan anak, serta menumbuhkembangkan pendidikan keluarga berbasis Pos Pemberdayaan Keluarga (Posdaya). Sedangkan target khusus dari pelaksanaan program KKN-PPM ini yakni memberdayakan masyarakat melalui peningkatan aktivitas pendidikan keluarga melalui kegiatan-kegiatan keluarga dalam bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, keagamaan, lingkungan hidup, dan kewirausahaan dengan membentuk Pos Pemberdayaan Keluarga (POSDAYA) sebagai modal sosial mewujudkan generasi emas NTB (GEN) di desa Sesela Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Program KKN PPM ini telah terlaksana dengan kegiatan berupa rekrutmen mahasiswa KKN PPM, pembekalan materi, survey dan koordinasi dengan mitra, sosialisasi program, pembentukan POSDAYA bersama mitra dan aparat desa Sesela dengan perangkat kegiatan perintisannya. Pada tahap rekrutmen mahasiswa KKN PPM telah dilakukan melalui proses seleksi dengan memenuhi persyaratan akademik dan administratif. Selanjutnya kegiatan penyampaian materi program kerja KKN PPM telah dilakukan melalui tahap pembekalan materi yang disampaikan oleh pimpinan kampus dan LPPM IKIP Mataram serta pembekalan materi khusus oleh tim pelaksana bersama DPL. Dalam upaya mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan program dilapangan, tim pelaksana telah melakukan kegiatan survey lokasi dan koordinasi dengan mitra (PKBM Ceria) serta aparat desa dalam mempersiapkan dan memfasilitasi berbagai perangkat kebutuhan program. Sosialisasi program KKN PPM ini telah dihadiri oleh kepala desa beserta jajarannya, pihak mitra, tokoh masyarakat, tokoh pemuda, kader PKK, warga masyarakat dan mahasiswa dengan tujuan untuk menyamakan persepsi dan penguatan dukungan dari masyarakat. Hasil dari pelaksanaan program KKN-PPM ini antara lain; (1) terbentuknya Pos Pemberdayaan Keluarga (Posdaya) di desa Sesela dan telah memiliki legalitas dari kepala desa; (2) peningkatan partisipasi keluarga dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pemberdayaan keluarga baik dalam bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, kewirausahaan, keagamaan, dan lingkungan hidup; (3) terciptanya produk unggulan Posdaya dalam bidang kewirausahaan yakni Stick Jagung Manis dan  Peyek Kacang; (4) publikasi kegiatan KKN-PPM pada media massa cetak (Lombok Post); (5) tersusunnya draft buku panduan pendidikan keluarga berbasis Posdaya; (6) publikasi artikel ilmiah pada Jurnal Lumbung Inovasi (ber-ISSN).
The Spatial Characteristics of Tidal Flood Vulnerability and Adaptation Strategy in Tambak Lorok Kampung Settlement Fajrin, Akhmad Raditya Maulana; Hayati, Arina; Faqih, Muhammad
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 6 (2020): 6th International Seminar on Science and Technology 2020 (ISST 2020) - IN-PRESS
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j23546026.y2020i6.11124


The coastal area has an important role in supporting the community development and economics. The problem occurs when the tidal flooding has almost completely engulfed human activities for instance in human settlements. Tidal flooding has a negative impact on physical, social, economic, and environmental conditions, as an example the coastal settlement in Tanjung Mas Village. Tidal flood, in addition, can cause damage on infrastructure and housing areas, also, it has an impact to the live of communities, households, and individuals simultaneously. This research aims to examine on how to determine the vulnerability of community settlements to the danger of tidal flooding and how to build the adaptation efforts among the community to deal with tidal flooding disaster in order to keep the buildings and public facilities in safety. This research uses interview and observation methods, then, by using qualitative descriptive techniques to gain result underlined in the object research. The result shows that Kampong Tambak Lorok can be divided into 3 zones at high, medium and low. This zoning concept is obtained from flood vulnerability assessment related to the high of tidal flood, inundation duration and its impact. The first zone is represented by a high tidal flood with an average threat duration of inundation ranging from 3 to 5 hours. The depth of the tidal flooding can reach around 70-80 cm from the floor in a house. The second zone is represented by a medium tidal flooding with an average threat duration of inundation ranging from 3 to 4 hours. The depth of the Tidal Flood can reach around 50-60 cm from the floor. The third zone is a low tidal flooding with an average threat of inundation ranging from 0 to 1 hour. The problem of settlements on monetary and non-monetary factors lies in the economic capacity of the community which is classified as very low, affecting the value of expenditure for settlement needs. This has an impact on the response of the community in dealing with tidal flooding. Adaptation to settlements by elevating the level of floor in the house, changing the position of electricity, elevating the height of the house, making dykes on the front of the house and suctioning the flood by pump.
Journal of Architecture&ENVIRONMENT Vol 17, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1670.243 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j2355262x.v17i2.a4210


In Indonesia, type B non-affiliated organization Pesantren is represent private boarding school which is managed by organizationl or non-organizational Islamic institution. The Pesantren buildings are commonly not well designed and depended on institution’s preference. This paper investigates the bedroom design of the student’s dormitory based on student’s preferences and adaptation as reference the concept design. Bedroom is the smallest environmental scale of pesantren, yet it has great influence on accommodating student’s daily needs. Moreover, the bedroom dimension in Pesantren’s dormitory has limited area with higher occupant density compared to other dormitories. This study uses case study strategy supported by quantitative and qualitative methods. Six Pesantrens is chosen to determine bedroom’s design typology that is examine in 500 respondents in Sunan Drajat pesantren with questioner to identify student preference. After preference is known, adaptation be investigated. The result shows that almost all standards in typology of architectural elements are not available in pesantren. In this study, the typology used is based on existing observation in six Pesantren. Thus, the preference result is not ideal preference but potential preference. This study indicates that the need for student is influenced by security, privacy, personal space, territory, crowding and density. The suitability of student preference on bedroom size, number of occupant and bedroom wide per-student in their dormitory is very low, hence student has high adaptation. The type of adaptation that student used is by reaction, by adjustment and by withdrawal. The generated concept is room wide (student per square meter), arrange tool and furniture, room use space, room-wide based on a number of occupants, and mezzanine concept.
Journal of Architecture&ENVIRONMENT Vol 13, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (440.676 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j2355262x.v13i1.a713


Property growth of 12% - 20% throughout the year 2012. In Surabaya, the growth the property can reach above 15%. But the lack of residential land in Surabaya, the property developers began to turn to the concept of vertical housing, one of which was an apartment. The development of apartments in Surabaya is inseparable from economic development and people's lifestyles. The public interest in the apartments is very high. The level of the average apartment sales had reached about 80-90 percent. However, the occupancy rate of apartments in Surabaya on average is still below 50 percent. Diparanu Rucitra apartments (DR Apartemen), is the first middle-class apartments that sell an apartment complete with furniture.This research is a quantitative study with a cross-tabulation method. The study aims to explain the relationship between the phenomenon of lifestyle apartments with the decision to choose DR Apartemen. Cross-tabulation method to look for similarities and differences in lifestyle of the owners / tenants who inhabit the owner who does not occupy DR Apartemen.The survey results revealed that there is influence people's lifestyles in the decision to choose either the residential DR Apartemen or as an investment asset. There are some differences and similarities that people's lifestyles in terms of the approach to activities, interests and opinions.
Journal of Architecture&ENVIRONMENT Vol 16, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2304.241 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j2355262x.v16i1.a3189


Flats corridors’ designs that are relatively narrow are less able to accommodate the needs of social space for residents in low cost flats. This is because Indonesian people are used to livinge in horizontal housing, one of them being the kampung. The kampung alley provides for various forms of dynamic activity and social interaction for resident, and make it to be a good social space. Related to this fact, architects have the task of designing flats corridors that could accomodate residents’ needs for social space such as the user’s behaviour setting in a kampung street. This issue is in line with the case study in Sombo Flat’s corridor which was designed based on the characteristics of a kampung street’s behaviour setting concept. With that concept, flats corridors were designed very wide, approximately 3–9 meters. This wide corridor give residents the opportunity for social interaction and other dynamic activities that take place in the corridors. This paper aims to evaluate the design implementation of the Sombo Flat’s corridors using analysis on behaviour setting method, which covers the pattern of the activities, setting/milieu, synormophy (the relationship between activity and the setting), and also analysing space usage patterns that occur in the corridors. The data are collected through observation, interview, documentation and analyze with descriptive qualitative methods. The results of the research show that Sombo Flat’s corridor, designed based on the characteristics of a kampung street concept, can accomodate the resident’s pattern of activities well, especially in the function of social space to create a sense of neighborhood. However, the negative impact from this wide corridor design is that it gives residents an opportunity to appropriate their personal space in the corridor which supposedly is a public space (thereby changing the spatial usage).