Mohammad Farid
Program Pascasarjana Teknik Sumber Daya Air, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan. Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung, 40132.

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Comparison of the efficacy of nebulized and intravenous salbutamol in the initial treatment of acute severe asthma Katili, Antalia K.M.; Mangunnegoro, Hadiarto; Farid, Mohammad; Yunus, Faisal
Medical Journal of Indonesia Vol 4, No 4 (1995): October-December
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1147.353 KB) | DOI: 10.13181/mji.v4i4.926


[no abstract available]
Studi Pengembangan Peta Indeks Resiko Banjir pada Kelurahan Bukit Duri Jakarta Kusuma, Muhammad Syahril Badri; Rahayu, Harkunti P.; Farid, Mohammad; Adityawan, M. Bagus; Setiawati, Tia; Silasari, Rasmiaditya
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 17, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Abstrak. Banjir merupakan bencana yang sering terjadi di ibukota DKI Jakarta dengan kejadian terbesar pada tahun 2007. Penentuan langkah yang tepat dalam menyelesaikan masalah banjir dapat dibantu dengan pemetaan resiko banjir. Daerah studi kasus dalam penelitian ini adalah Kelurahan Bukit Duri, Kecamatan Tebet, Jakarta yang terletak di hulu pintu air Manggarai. Penelitian difokuskan pada estimasi bahaya banjir, kerentanan, kapasitas, dan resiko di daerah studi. Peta genangan banjir dikembangkan dengan model matematis aliran 1-D tak tunak DUFLOW dengan hidrograf banjir tahun 2007. Limpasan hidrograf banjir akan membebani daerah retensi dan menyebabkan variasi genangan. Indeks bahaya banjir dianalisis berdasarkan peta genangan dengan diverifikasi data lapangan. Analisis indeks kerentanan menggunakan parameter jaringan pipa dan kabel, jenis bangunan, sebaran populasi, dan potensi bahaya kolateral. Analisis indeks kapasitas memakai parameter kondisi pompa, tanggul, dan intervensi (peningkatan kewaspadaan banjir). Peta resiko dievaluasi menggunakan GIS dalam skenario optimis dan pesimis dengan persamaan: resiko = bahaya x kerentanan / kapasitas. Intervensi pada skenario optimis menunjukkan penurunan resiko signifikan di beberapa daerah, sedangkan pada skenario pesimis tidak berbeda dibandingkan kondisi eksisting. Peta resiko kondisi eksisting  dianalisis serupa dengan keadaan aktual, dimana daerah studi merupakan daerah beresiko banjir tinggi karena perumahan penduduk yang padat dan kapasitas penanggulangan banjir yang tidak memadai.Abstract. Flood is a frequent disaster in DKI Jakarta with the worst event occurred in 2007. Determining right steps to resolve flooding problem can be assessed by developing flood risk map. Case study area observed is Kelurahan Bukit Duri, Tebet Subdistrict, Jakarta, at Manggarai floodgate upstream. This study emphasizes on the estimation of flood hazard (inundation), vulnerability, capacity, and risk of case study. Inundation map is developed with 1-D steady flow mathematical model DUFLOW with 2007 flood hydrograph input. Overflow water from flood hydrograph will inundate retention area and create inundation. Flood hazard index is based on inundation depth and verified with field data. Vulnerability index parameters are infrastructure lifeline network, building quality, population distribution, and possible source of collateral hazard. Capacity index parameters are pump and dike conditions and intervention (flood awareness improvement). Risk map evaluation uses GIS in optimistic and pessimistic scenarios with equation: risk = hazard x vulnerability / capacity. Intervention in optimistic scenario shows significant risk reduction in some areas, while pessimistic scenario shows similar result with existing condition. Existing condition risk map is able to present actual condition of high flood risk in case study area caused by dense residential area and inadequate flood prevention capacity.
The Temperature and Time Influence of Immersion in Water Solvent against Formaldehyde Salted Level Belanak Fish (Mugil cephalus) Farid, Mohammad; Jannah, Akyunul; Maunatin, Anik
Publisher : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306.107 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/al.v4i2.3202


The salted fish is one that is frequently consumed foods by the general public, but people do not realize that a lot of salted fish in the market that contained formaldehyde that can endanger the health of the body and is a food that is not suitable for consumption. The purpose of this study was to determine the temperature and the time required for formaldehyde in salted fish can be reduced. The formaldehyde method used to reduce level in foods, especially salted fish is by using immersion in water. Soaking dried fish is done by using variations in temperature and immersion time. Stage of the study was initiated with the addition of making salted fish with formalin at a concentration of 4%. The fish used is fresh mullet. Variations in temperature used is 40°C, 50°C,  60°C, and 70°C while the variation of time used is 10, 15, 20 and 25 minutes. The level of formaldehyde was analyzed by acid kromatofat and UV-Vis. The analysis results of formaldehyde levels using UV-Vis is the best temperature to reduce levels of formaldehyde in salted fish is 70 ° C by 80.2% and the best time to reduce levels of formaldehyde that is 25 min for 95.6%. Test statistics using Minitab ANOVA variance variant which shows that the influence of the decreased levels of formaldehyde salted fish and produce temperature and the best time is at a temperature of 70 °C and 25 minutes at a time. Keywords: Mugil chepalus, formaldehyde, salted fish, water solvent
Studi Pengembangan Peta Indeks Resiko Banjir pada Kelurahan Bukit Duri Jakarta Muhammad Syahril Badri Kusuma; Harkunti P. Rahayu; Mohammad Farid; M. Bagus Adityawan; Tia Setiawati; Rasmiaditya Silasari
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 17 No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2010.17.2.5


Abstrak. Banjir merupakan bencana yang sering terjadi di ibukota DKI Jakarta dengan kejadian terbesar pada tahun 2007. Penentuan langkah yang tepat dalam menyelesaikan masalah banjir dapat dibantu dengan pemetaan resiko banjir. Daerah studi kasus dalam penelitian ini adalah Kelurahan Bukit Duri, Kecamatan Tebet, Jakarta yang terletak di hulu pintu air Manggarai. Penelitian difokuskan pada estimasi bahaya banjir, kerentanan, kapasitas, dan resiko di daerah studi. Peta genangan banjir dikembangkan dengan model matematis aliran 1-D tak tunak DUFLOW dengan hidrograf banjir tahun 2007. Limpasan hidrograf banjir akan membebani daerah retensi dan menyebabkan variasi genangan. Indeks bahaya banjir dianalisis berdasarkan peta genangan dengan diverifikasi data lapangan. Analisis indeks kerentanan menggunakan parameter jaringan pipa dan kabel, jenis bangunan, sebaran populasi, dan potensi bahaya kolateral. Analisis indeks kapasitas memakai parameter kondisi pompa, tanggul, dan intervensi (peningkatan kewaspadaan banjir). Peta resiko dievaluasi menggunakan GIS dalam skenario optimis dan pesimis dengan persamaan: resiko = bahaya x kerentanan / kapasitas. Intervensi pada skenario optimis menunjukkan penurunan resiko signifikan di beberapa daerah, sedangkan pada skenario pesimis tidak berbeda dibandingkan kondisi eksisting. Peta resiko kondisi eksisting  dianalisis serupa dengan keadaan aktual, dimana daerah studi merupakan daerah beresiko banjir tinggi karena perumahan penduduk yang padat dan kapasitas penanggulangan banjir yang tidak memadai.Abstract. Flood is a frequent disaster in DKI Jakarta with the worst event occurred in 2007. Determining right steps to resolve flooding problem can be assessed by developing flood risk map. Case study area observed is Kelurahan Bukit Duri, Tebet Subdistrict, Jakarta, at Manggarai floodgate upstream. This study emphasizes on the estimation of flood hazard (inundation), vulnerability, capacity, and risk of case study. Inundation map is developed with 1-D steady flow mathematical model DUFLOW with 2007 flood hydrograph input. Overflow water from flood hydrograph will inundate retention area and create inundation. Flood hazard index is based on inundation depth and verified with field data. Vulnerability index parameters are infrastructure lifeline network, building quality, population distribution, and possible source of collateral hazard. Capacity index parameters are pump and dike conditions and intervention (flood awareness improvement). Risk map evaluation uses GIS in optimistic and pessimistic scenarios with equation: risk = hazard x vulnerability / capacity. Intervention in optimistic scenario shows significant risk reduction in some areas, while pessimistic scenario shows similar result with existing condition. Existing condition risk map is able to present actual condition of high flood risk in case study area caused by dense residential area and inadequate flood prevention capacity.
Kajian Model Matematik Efektivitas Normalisasi Sungai Terhadap Penurunan Risiko Banjir Studi Kasus: Sungai Tikala Kota Manado Erha Intan Sukmajati; Muhammad Syahril Badri Kusuma; Waluyo Hatmoko; Mohammad Farid; Suardi Natasaputra
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 28 No 3 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2021.28.3.7


Abstrak Sungai Tikala merupakan anak Sungai Tondano dengan tingkat risiko banjir yang cukup tinggi. Pada tahun 2014 dimana terjadi banjir besar yang mengakibatkan dampak yang cukup merugikan bagi Kota Manado. Upaya pengendalian banjir secara struktural berupa normalisasi baik di Sungai Tondano maupun Sungai Tikala dilakukan untuk mengurangi dampak banjir. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas normalisasi dalam mengurangi risiko banjir pada dataran banjir yang dipengaruhi oleh luapan banjir Sungai Tikala yang berada di wilayah Kota Manado. Kajian ini meninjau risiko banjir Sungai Tikala berdasarkan Peraturan Kepala BNPB No. 2 tahun 2012 tentang Pedoman Umum Pengkajian Risiko Bencana. Indeks ancaman banjir diperoleh dari hasil model matematik luapan banjir Sungai Tikala dan Sungai Tondano dengan upaya pengendalian banjir Skenario 1 yaitu kombinasi pembangunan Bendungan Kuwil Kawangkoan dan normalisasi Sungai Tondano. Skenario 2 yaitu  kombinasi pembangunan Bendungan Kuwil Kawangkoan, normalisasi Sungai Tondano dan normalisasi Sungai Tikala. Peta-peta risiko berbagai skenario hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi bahan masukan dalam pengambilan keputusan terkait pengendalian banjir Sungai Tikala. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kedua skenario upaya pengendalian banjir yang dilakukan tidak sepenuhnya menghilangkan banjir yang ada. Namun berdasarkan luas genangan banjir, tingkat ancaman banjir, jumlah jiwa terdampak, potensi kerugian serta tingkat risiko yang dapat diturunkan atau di reduksi, maka upaya pengendalian banjir secara struktural sangat direkomendasikan untuk dilanjutkan dengan skenario 2. Kata kunci: Sungai Tikala, banjir, tingkat risiko, normalisasi. Abstract The Tikala River is a Tondano River tributary with a fairly high level of flood risk. In 2014 the flood occurred and gave a quite detrimental impact to the City of Manado. Structural flood measures efforts in the form of normalization in both of the Tondano River and Tikala River are carried out to reduce the impact of flooding. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of normalization in reducing the risk of flooding on floodplains that are affected by the Tikala River flood in the City of Manado. This study reviews the Tikala River flood risk based on the Head of BNPB Regulation No. 2 of 2012 about Pedoman Umum Pengkajian Risiko Bencana. The flood threat index was obtained from the results of the mathematical model of the Tikala River and Tondano River floods with flood control measures. The 1st Scenario is the combination of the construction of the Kuwil Kawangkoan Dam and the normalization of the Tondano River. The 2nd Scenario is a combination of the construction of the Kuwil Kawangkoan Dam, the normalization of the Tondano River and the normalization of the Tikala River. The risk maps of various scenarios as a result of this research can be used as input in making decisions regarding flood control in the Tikala River. The results showed that the two scenarios of flood control measures did not completely eliminate the existing floods. However, based on the area of ​​the flood inundation, the level of flood threat, the number of people affected, the potential loss and the level of risk that can be reduced or reduced, structural flood control efforts are highly recommended to continue with the 2nd scenario. Keywords: Tikala river, flood, risk level, channel normalization.  
Pengaruh Perubahan Tutupan Lahan terhadap Debit Banjir di Daerah Aliran Sungai Ciliwung Hulu Mohammad Farid; Maryo Inri Pratama; Arno Adi Kuntoro; Mohammad Bagus Adityawan; Faizal Immaddudin Wira Rohmat; Idham Riyando Moe
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 28 No 3 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2021.28.3.8


Abstrak Jakarta yang berfungsi sebagai pusat pemerintahan dan bisnis Indonesia seringkali mengalami permasalahan bencana banjir. Kejadian banjir yang terjadi tidak hanya disebabkan oleh tingginya intensitas hujan yang terjadi namun juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain, khususnya perubahan tutupan lahan yang memperkecil daerah resapan air hujan.. Studi ini merupakan suatu upaya untuk memprediksi dampak perubahan tutupan lahan yang terjadi terhadap dinamika banjir yang melanda ibu kota Negara Indonesia ini. Penelitian ini terbagi dalam 3 bagian yaitu pengumpulan data, pemodelan hidrologi dan analisis sensitivitas banjir terhadap perubahan tutupan lahan. Hidrograf Sintetis SCS CN digunakan untuk analisis hidrologi untuk mendapatkan peningkatan debit dan volume limpasan. Analisis hidrologi menunjukkan perubahan tutupan lahan berdasarkan tren yang tercatat menyebabkan peningkatan debit puncak dan volume limpasan pada tahun 2030 masing-masing sebesar 26% dan 24%. Namun demikian, dengan mengikuti Rencana Tata Ruang Kabupaten Bogor dan sekitarnya, peningkatan pengaruh banjir terhadap debit puncak dan volume limpasan dapat diminimalisir  hingga berturut-turut sebesar 5.26% dan 4.94%. Setiap 13 km2 kawasan hutan atau pertanian yang diubah menjadi kawasan perkotaan atau tanah kosong, debit puncak banjir dan volume limpasan meningkat sebesar 4.63% dan 4.34%. Kata-kata Kunci: Ciliwung, banjir, SCS-CN. Abstract Jakarta, serves as the center of government and business in Indonesia, often experiences flood problems. The floodings that occur is not only caused by the high intensity of rain but is also influenced by other factors, especially changes in land cover that reduce the rainwater catchment area. This study is an attempt to predict the impact of land cover changes on the dynamics of floods that hit the capital city of Indonesia. This research is divided into 3 parts, namely data collection, hydrological modeling and analysis of flood sensitivity to land cover changes. SCS CN Synthetic Hydrograph was used for hydrological analysis to obtain increased discharge and runoff volume. Hydrological analysis shows that changes in land cover based on trends will cause an increase in peak discharge and runoff volume in 2030 by 26% and 24%, respectively. However, by following the Spatial Plan for Bogor Regency and its surroundings, the increase in the influence of flooding on peak discharge and runoff volume can be minimized to 5.26% and 4.94%, respectively. Every 13 km2 of forest or agricultural areas that are converted into urban areas or urban area, the peak flood discharge and runoff volume increase by 4.63% and 4.34%. Keywords: Ciliwung, flood, SCS-CN.  
Pemodelan Banjir akibat Perubahan Tata Guna Laha di Daerah Aliran Sungai Ciliwung Sarah Abighail; Iwan Kridasantausa (alm.); Mohammad Farid; Idham Riyando Moe
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 29 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2022.29.1.6


Abstrak Salah satu variabel berubah yang dapat memengaruhi karakteristik DAS dan hidrologi DAS tersebut adalah perubahan tata guna lahan. Pertumbuhan wilayah hulu, tengah, dan hilir DAS Ciliwung di berbagai sektor baik dari Bogor, Depok, hingga Jakarta sangat memengaruhi kondisi tata guna lahan DAS Ciliwung. Jakarta sebagai ibukota Negara Indonesia sekaligus wilayah hilir DAS Ciliwung terpapar pertumbuhan perekonomian yang paling siginifikan. Pertumbuhan ekonomi tersebut menjadi daya tarik urban dan investor sehingga terjadi peningkatan kebutuhan infrastruktur seperti permukiman dan perkantoran. Peningkatan kebutuhan ini yang melatarbelakangi perubahan fungsi lahan dari lahan kosong menjadi permukiman, atau contoh lainnya hutan menjadi perkantoran. Perubahan tata guna lahan tersebut membuat kemampuan daya resap air limpasan menurun dan meningkatkan kemungkinan terjadinya banjir atau kenaikan debit limpasan. Pemodelan rainfall run off menggunakan MIKE SHE akan merepresentasikan pengaruh tutupan lahan terhadap limpasan di DAS Ciliwung wilayah hilir pada tahun 2002 yang hasilnya dikalibrasi dan divalidasi dengan debit di Stasiun Pengamatan Pintu Air Manggarai. Luas tutupan lahan, koefisien aliran, koefisien Manning, dan indeks infiltrasi menjadi tiga parameter utama dalam pemodelan rainfall run off. Setelah dimodelkan, ketiga parameter menunjukkan sifat dependent terhadap variabel lain. Perubahan persentase nomenklatur tata guna lahan menjadi penyebab utama perubahan debit limpasan terhadap waktu. Kata-kata Kunci: Debit, infiltrasi, koefisien, limpasan, model, tutupan. Abstract One of the changing variables that can affect the characteristics of the watershed and the hydrology of the watershed is land use change. The growth of the upstream, middle and downstream areas of the Ciliwung watershed in various sectors from Bogor, Depok to Jakarta greatly affects the land use conditions of the Ciliwung watershed. Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia as well as the downstream area of the Ciliwung watershed is exposed to the most significant economic growth. This economic growth has become an attraction for urban and investors, resulting in an increase in the need for infrastructure such as settlements and offices. This increasing need is the background for changing the function of land from vacant land to settlements, or other examples of forests being offices. These land use changes reduce the ability of runoff to absorb water and increase the possibility of flooding or an increase in runoff discharge. Rainfall run off modeling using MIKE SHE will represent the effect of land cover on runoff in the downstream Ciliwung watershed in 2002, the results of which are calibrated and validated with discharge at the Manggarai Sluice Observation Station. Land cover area, flow coefficient, Manning coefficient, and infiltration index are the three main parameters in modeling rainfall run off. After being modeled, the three parameters show the nature of being dependent on other variables. Changes in the percentage of land use nomenclature are the main cause of changes in runoff discharge over time. Keywords: Coefficient, coverage, discharges, infiltration, model, overflow.
Tsunami Early Warning System Based on Maritime Wireless Communication Aryanti Karlina Nurendyastuti; Mochamad Mardi Marta Dinata; Arumjeni Mitayani; Muhammad Rizki Purnama; Mohammad Bagus Adityawan; Mohammad Farid; Arno Adi Kuntoro; Widyaningtias
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 8 No. 2 (May 2022)
Publisher : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1552.707 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jcef.2878


Tsunami buoy, linked to satellite, is commonly used as a tsunami early warning system but has been discovered to have several drawbacks such as the need for approximately 5 minutes to issue an early warning for a tsunami after detecting the initial wave as well as its fragility. It was also reported that the twenty-two buoys placed in the Indonesian seas from 2012 to 2018 were damaged and missing. Therefore, this study proposes a new method for tsunami early warning by integrating ship-to-ship maritime wireless communication. It is important to note that vessels or fishing boats with over 30 GT have the ability to travel more than 100 nmi (approximately 180 km) from the shoreline and can be equipped with point-to-multipoint VHF radio communication. Meanwhile, smaller boats on the fishing ground located approximately 2-5 km from the shore can use a WiFi network to communicate like a wireless mesh while the existing terrestrial network can be used for the ship-to-shore communication between boats and land stations. This system is expected to provide significant benefits for a fishing town such as Pangandaran, West Java, Indonesia which is directly facing Java Megathrust in the Indian Ocean. Therefore, a tsunami numerical simulation was conducted in this study using Shallow Water Equation which involved a hypothetical tsunami simulated from the possible fault source which is approximately 250 km from the source. Moreover, the vessel’s location was assumed to be in line with the fishing ground while the arrival time of the tsunami was estimated from the model to be 22.5 minutes and compared to the relay time of the proposed system which was approximately 5.4 seconds. This is faster in terms of delay than the existing system which relays information through satellite at approximately 5 minutes in an ideal condition and also has the ability to reduce the need for tsunami buoys.
Clarification of Watershed Recharge in Cisadane River Basin through Ground Test Dina P.A Hidayat; Sri Legowo W. D; Mohammad Farid
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 8 No. 2 (May 2022)
Publisher : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (293.73 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jcef.4015


KARDAS is an area used to protect groundwater from its usage as a water source. Meanwhile, the recharge zone is normally determined in Indonesia through the Regulation of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (Permen PUPR) Number 10/2015 with the focus on certain physical parameters such as soil texture, land use/land cover, annual rainfall, and slope provided with relative potency values from 1 which represents very low to 5 which is very high. This system was used to review four parameters in a small grid unit of 1 km2 each in the Cisadane River Basin with a 1,545.47 km2 area divided into 1,710 units and the most dominant grid placed at the middle part while the rest are at the edge of the basin. This research focused on the clarification methods to determine the potential recharge variables for this river basin in order to serve as a reference for the potential recharge zone in Indonesia. The KARDAS map obtained showed a very high potential with a score of 17-20 covering 183 km2 (10.45%), high potential with a score of 13-16 involving 943 km2 (56.96%), medium potential with 584 km2 (32.59%), and 0 small potential. Moreover, KARDAS desk study results were clarified using the field or ground test to ensure accuracy and this involved using 14 units as samples to represent the five potentials through temporary quantitative cumulative scores. The desk study or secondary data results were found to be only 50% accurate with a limited point survey but the application of qualitative perception showed that only 1 point does not match with the medium and high potentials this indicates the accuracy was 93% which is categorized to be good.
Artificial Neural Network dan Pemodelan Numerik untuk Prediksi Parameter Aliran akibat Dam Break Calvin Sandi; Mohammad Bagus Adityawan; Dhemi Harlan; Mohammad Farid; Novintasari Nadeak
Jurnal Teknik Sumber Daya Air Desember 2022
Publisher : Himpunan Ahli Teknik Hidraulik Indonesia (HATHI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56860/jtsda.v2i2.50


Setiap bendungan mempunyai potensi keruntuhan bendungan, yang dapat disebabkan oleh banyak factor seperti gempa. Kejadian dam break dapat menyebabkan kerusakan besar pada bagian hilir, terutama jika hilirnya merupakan area perkotaan. Oleh karenanya, setiap pembangunan bendungan harus disertai dengan kajian terkait potensi keruntuhan bendungan untuk meminimalisir kerugian. Parameter yang didapatkan dari kajian tersebut adalah prediksi dari waktu kedatangan, kedalaman, dan kecepatan aliran banjir. Metode prediksi yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah sebuah machine learning, yaitu Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Kasus yang digunakan pada studi ini adalah eksperimen dam break dengan satu bangunan miring pada bagian hilirnya yang kemudian dimodelkan secara numerik. Metode numerik yang digunakan adalah skema Mac-Cormack dengan filter numerik. Data yang dimasukkan pada model adalah ketinggian level air pada bendungan. Hasil yang didapat dari pemodelan numerik menunjukkan perbandingan fluktuasi muka air yang baik terhadap hasil eksperimen. Skenario yang berbeda kemudian digunakan dengan beberapa ketinggian level air pada bendungan untuk melalui proses pembelajaran, pelatihan, dan pengujian untuk menghasilkan model ANN yang paling optimum dengan nilai MSE mendekati nol sebagai parameter akurasi metode ini. Untuk mendapatkan MSE terkecil, maka digunakan algorima backpropagation perceptron karena lebih efektif dalam memprediksi parameter aliran akibat dam break. Melalui berbagai proses pengujian ANN, didapatkan performance MSE validation terbaik berada pada epoch 2 dengan nilai 0.00011882 dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode ANN dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor parameter aliran akibat keruntuhan bendungan. Dengan dilakukannya studi ini, diharapkan dapat membantu kajian terkait dam break pada area perkotaan di masa mendatang.