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Phenomenon : Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA
Publisher : Sains and Technology Faculty, Walisongo State Islamic University

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In learning mathematical economics, the calculation of life insurance premiums is a matter concerning the application of a combination of compound interest, probability, differential and integral.  Life insurance with multilife concept is the one of ap- plied in actuarial mathematics.  A functions, in the actuarial cal- culation, related to death sequence in multilife concept is called as contingent function.   Usage that function in calculation of insurance premium will assist the insurer in giving the benet precisely.Contingent probabilities are resulted by multiplication be- tween the force of mortality of life in the last sequence of death which have been determined and probabilities of life all family member in multilife status. Insurance formulation is obtained by mutiplying this probabilities with vt discount factor and they are integrated by using the assumption of a uniform distribution of death throughout the year of age.
Evaluasi Premi Polis Last Survivor Pasangan Suami Istri Menggunakan Metode Copula Frank Fauziah, Irma
CAUCHY Vol 3, No 1 (2013): CAUCHY
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (899.87 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/ca.v3i1.2571


Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang sebuah produk asuransi, ketahanan hidup, yang didasarkan pada dua kelompok umur: pasangan menikah berusia kurang dari 55 tahun dan menikah berusia lebih dari 55 tahun. Penilaian premi untuk pasangan menikah yang kurang dari 55 tahun diperoleh dengan metode Frasier dengan memperhitungkan probabilitas kematian setelah kematian terjadi dari salah satu tertanggung dengan asumsi kematian pasangan menikah adalah independen. Sedangkan untuk pasangan yang sudah menikah lebih dari 55 tahun, premi penilaian diperoleh dengan metode Frasier untuk menghitung probabilitas kematian dengan menganggap kematian pasangan menikah adalah dependen, asumsi ini dimodelkan oleh Frank kopula, dimana kopula ini adalah salah satu dari keluarga kopula Archimedes
The Constant Annual Premium and Benefit Reserve for Four Participants in Joint Life Insurance Nadilia, Nindita; Fitriyati, Nina; Fauziah, Irma
InPrime: Indonesian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/inprime.v2i2.14780


AbstractThis research discusses the derivation of formula to calculate the constant annual premiums and the benefit reserves for joint insurance consisting of four people. We combine pure endowment insurance, lifetime insurance, and n-year term insurance. Assumed that the benefits are set at the beginning of the insurance contract, the benefit reserves are calculated using the prospective method, and the premium payment stops if one of those four participants dies. If all participants live until the end of the contract, the benefits are paid at once but if one of the participants dies, the benefits paid at the end of the contract in the form of a lifetime annuity. The formula to calculate the benefit reserves is divided into four cases i.e. the benefit reserves if one of four participants dies, the benefit reserves if two of four participants die, the benefit reserve if three of four participants die, and the benefit reserves if all participants are still alive until the end of the contract. Besides, we also present simulation to calculate the constant annual premium for four participants consist of a father (50 years old), a mother (45 years old), a son (20 years old), and a daughter (15 years old). From the simulation, we conclude that as the length of the insurance contract increases, the premium tends to decrease. The benefit reserve calculation does not have a certain tendency. It generally increases during the insurance period (the premium is still paid) and then decreases thereafter. This is valid for all cases mentioned above.Keywords: n-year term insurance; prospective method; pure endowment insurance. AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas mengenai penurunan rumus untuk menghitung premi tahunan konstan dan cadangan benefit untuk asuransi gabungan yang terdiri dari empat orang. Jenis asuransi yang digunakan adalah kombinasi antara asuransi endowment murni, asuransi seumur hidup dan asuransi berjangka n-tahun. Diasumsikan bahwa benefit ditetapkan di awal kontrak asuransi dan pembayaran premi berhenti jika salah seorang dari keempat peserta meninggal dunia. Jika seluruh peserta hidup sampai dengan akhir kontrak maka benefit dibayarkan secara sekaligus, namun jika salah satu dari peserta telah meninggal dunia maka benefit yang dibayarkan pada akhir tahun kontrak dalam bentuk anuitas seumur hidup. Rumus yang diperoleh untuk menghitung cadangan benefit dibagi menjadi empat kasus yaitu cadangan benefit jika satu orang meninggal dan tiga orang lainnya hidup, cadangan benefit jika dua orang meninggal dan dua orang lainnya hidup, cadangan benefit jika tiga orang meninggal dan satu orang lainnya hidup, dan cadangan benefit jika semua peserta tetap hidup sampai akhir masa kontrak. Pada akhir penelitian, disajikan simulasi perhitungan premi tahunan konstan untuk empat peserta yang terdiri dari ayah (berusia 50 tahun), ibu (45 tahun), anak laki-laki (20 tahun), dan anak perempuan (15 tahun). Dari simulasi diperoleh bahwa semakin lama kontrak asuransi maka premi yang dibayakan cenderung semakin kecil. Perhitungan cadangan benefit tidak memiliki kecenderungan tertentu, namun pada umumnya meningkat selama masa asuransi berlangsung (pembayaran premi masih dilakukan) kemudian menurun setelahnya. Hal ini berlaku untuk seluruh kasus yang telah dibahas pada perhitungan rumus cadangan premi.Kata kunci: asuransi berjangka n-tahun; metode prospektif; asuransi endowment murni.
LOGIK@ Vol 8, No 1 (2018): VOL.8 NO.1 TAHUN 2018
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7681.026 KB)


Terdapat empat model premi asuransi tunggal bersih dari penurunan model SIR yang dihasilkan yaitu model untuk premi asuransi tunggal bersih dengan benefit berupa penanggungan biaya rawat inap di rumah sakit tanpa benefit kematian, model untuk premi asuransi tunggal bersih dengan benefit lump sum, model untuk premi asuransi tunggal bersih dengan benefit berupa penanggungan biaya rawat inap di rumah sakit dengan benefit kematian, dan model untuk premi asuransi tunggal bersih dengan benefit lump sum dan benefit kematian. Simulasi model-model premi asuransi tunggal bersih dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa nilai parameter penyebaran penyakit demam berdarah dengue di Sulawesi Selatan. Hasil dari simulasi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa besarnya premi asuransi tunggal bersih untuk penyakit demam berdarah dengue di Sulawesi Selatan dengan benefit berupa penanggungan biaya rawat inap tanpa benefit kematian adalah sebesar 3.0492 x 10 per benefit Rp. 1 dan premi asuransi tunggal bersih dengan benefit berupa penanggungan biaya rawat inap dengan benefit kematian adalah sebesar 3.1495 x 10 per benefit Rp 1.
Analysis Infiltration Waters in Various Forms of Irrigation Channels by Using Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method Ana Nurhasanah; Muhammad Manaqib; Irma Fauziah
Jurnal Matematika MANTIK Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (930.303 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/mantik.2020.6.1.52-65


This research discusses the infiltration of furrow irrigation invarious forms of irrigation channels in homogeneous soils. The governing equation of the problems is a Richard’s Equation. This equation is transformed using a set of transformation including Kirchhoff and dimensionless variables into Helmholtz modified equations. Furthermore with Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method (DRBEM), numerical solution of modified Helmholtz equation obtained. The proposed method is tested on problem involved infiltration from periodic flat channels, non-flat channels without impermeable and non-flat channels with impermeable. The greatest value of suction potential and water content is located below the channel surface. The most water consecutively is a non-flat channel without impermeable, non-flat channel with impermeable and flat channel on Lakish Clay soils.
Phenomenon : Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA
Publisher : Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/phen.2013.3.1.177


In learning mathematical economics, the calculation of life insurance premiums is a matter concerning the application of a combination of compound interest, probability, differential and integral.  Life insurance with multilife concept is the one of ap- plied in actuarial mathematics.  A functions, in the actuarial cal- culation, related to death sequence in multilife concept is called as contingent function.   Usage that function in calculation of insurance premium will assist the insurer in giving the benet precisely.Contingent probabilities are resulted by multiplication be- tween the force of mortality of life in the last sequence of death which have been determined and probabilities of life all family member in multilife status. Insurance formulation is obtained by mutiplying this probabilities with vt discount factor and they are integrated by using the assumption of a uniform distribution of death throughout the year of age.
The Constant Annual Premium and Benefit Reserve for Four Participants in Joint Life Insurance Nindita Nadilia; Nina Fitriyati; Irma Fauziah
InPrime: Indonesian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/inprime.v2i2.14780


AbstractThis research discusses the derivation of formula to calculate the constant annual premiums and the benefit reserves for joint insurance consisting of four people. We combine pure endowment insurance, lifetime insurance, and n-year term insurance. Assumed that the benefits are set at the beginning of the insurance contract, the benefit reserves are calculated using the prospective method, and the premium payment stops if one of those four participants dies. If all participants live until the end of the contract, the benefits are paid at once but if one of the participants dies, the benefits paid at the end of the contract in the form of a lifetime annuity. The formula to calculate the benefit reserves is divided into four cases i.e. the benefit reserves if one of four participants dies, the benefit reserves if two of four participants die, the benefit reserve if three of four participants die, and the benefit reserves if all participants are still alive until the end of the contract. Besides, we also present simulation to calculate the constant annual premium for four participants consist of a father (50 years old), a mother (45 years old), a son (20 years old), and a daughter (15 years old). From the simulation, we conclude that as the length of the insurance contract increases, the premium tends to decrease. The benefit reserve calculation does not have a certain tendency. It generally increases during the insurance period (the premium is still paid) and then decreases thereafter. This is valid for all cases mentioned above.Keywords: n-year term insurance; prospective method; pure endowment insurance. AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas mengenai penurunan rumus untuk menghitung premi tahunan konstan dan cadangan benefit untuk asuransi gabungan yang terdiri dari empat orang. Jenis asuransi yang digunakan adalah kombinasi antara asuransi endowment murni, asuransi seumur hidup dan asuransi berjangka n-tahun. Diasumsikan bahwa benefit ditetapkan di awal kontrak asuransi dan pembayaran premi berhenti jika salah seorang dari keempat peserta meninggal dunia. Jika seluruh peserta hidup sampai dengan akhir kontrak maka benefit dibayarkan secara sekaligus, namun jika salah satu dari peserta telah meninggal dunia maka benefit yang dibayarkan pada akhir tahun kontrak dalam bentuk anuitas seumur hidup. Rumus yang diperoleh untuk menghitung cadangan benefit dibagi menjadi empat kasus yaitu cadangan benefit jika satu orang meninggal dan tiga orang lainnya hidup, cadangan benefit jika dua orang meninggal dan dua orang lainnya hidup, cadangan benefit jika tiga orang meninggal dan satu orang lainnya hidup, dan cadangan benefit jika semua peserta tetap hidup sampai akhir masa kontrak. Pada akhir penelitian, disajikan simulasi perhitungan premi tahunan konstan untuk empat peserta yang terdiri dari ayah (berusia 50 tahun), ibu (45 tahun), anak laki-laki (20 tahun), dan anak perempuan (15 tahun). Dari simulasi diperoleh bahwa semakin lama kontrak asuransi maka premi yang dibayakan cenderung semakin kecil. Perhitungan cadangan benefit tidak memiliki kecenderungan tertentu, namun pada umumnya meningkat selama masa asuransi berlangsung (pembayaran premi masih dilakukan) kemudian menurun setelahnya. Hal ini berlaku untuk seluruh kasus yang telah dibahas pada perhitungan rumus cadangan premi.Kata kunci: asuransi berjangka n-tahun; metode prospektif; asuransi endowment murni.
Prediction of The Number of Ship Passengers in The Port of Makassar using ARIMAX Method in The Presence of Calender Variation Laili Nahlul Farih; Irma Fauziah; Madona Yunita Wijaya
InPrime: Indonesian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (833.963 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/inprime.v1i1.12786


AbstractIndonesia is an archipelago with the largest Muslim population in the world. Every year, Indonesian people have a tradition of meeting relatives in other areas or take a vacation on Eid al-Fitr. People use different modes of transport to travel such as air, water, and land transport. Port plays a role in supporting water transportation because it is a knot of inter-regional relations. The celebration of Eid al-Fitr moves forward by about 11 days every year. The purpose of this thesis is to make an estimate of the total departure of ship passengers in the main port of Makassar using the ARIMAX method with the effects of calendar variations. The ARIMAX method is a method that can be used when there are exogenous variables, where in this case the exogenous variable is in the form of variable dummy wich is Eid holidays. These forecasting results show that the ARIMAX  method has a relatively small accuracy with the MAPE value of .Keywords: water transportation; calendar variations effects; Eid Al-Fitr. AbstrakIndonesia merupakan negara kepulauan dengan mayoritas muslim  terbesar  didunia. Setiap tahun masyarakat Indonesia memiliki tradisi bertemu sanak saudara di daerah lain ataupun berlibur pada hari raya Idul Fitri. Jalur transportasi yang digunakan yaitu melalui darat, udara dan laut. Pelabuhan memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam mendukung transportasi laut karena menjadi titik simpul hubungan antar daerah. Perayaan hari raya Idul Fitri dalam setiap tahun mengalami pergeseran 11 hari. Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk membuat prakiraan total keberangkatan penumpang kapal di Pelabuhan Utama Makassar menggunakan metode ARIMAX dengan efek variasi kalender. Metode ARIMAX merupakan metode yang dapat digunakan ketika data tersebut menggunakan variable eksogen, dimana dalam kasus ini variable eksogennya berupa variable dummy libur hari raya idul fitri. Hasil peramalan ini menunjukan bahwa metode ARIMAX  memiliki tingkat akurasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan ARIMA musiman  dengan nilai MAPE sebesar 14,08%.Kata Kunci: transportasi air; efek variasi kalender, Hari Raya Idul Fitri.
Mathematical Model for MERS-COV Disease Transmission with Medical Mask Usage and Vaccination Muhammad Manaqib; Irma Fauziah; Mujiyanti Mujiyanti
InPrime: Indonesian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol 1, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2571.135 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/inprime.v1i2.13553


AbstractThis study developed a model of the spread of MERS-CoV disease using the SEIR model which was added by a health mask and vaccination factor as a preventive measure. The population is divided into six subpopulations namely susceptible subpopulations not using health masks and using health masks, exposed subpopulations, infected subpopulations not using health masks and using health masks, and recovering subpopulations. The results are obtained two equilibrium points, namely disease-free equilibrium points and endemic equilibrium points. Analysis of the stability of the disease-free equilibrium point using linearization around the equilibrium point. As a result, the asymptotic stable disease-free local equilibrium point if the base reproduction number is less than one. Numerical simulation models for MERS-CoV disease are carried out in line with the analysis of model behavior.Keywords: MERS-CoV, SEIR Model, Stability Equilibrium Point, Basic Reproduction Number. AbstrakPenelitian ini mengembangkan model penyebaran penyakit MERS-CoV menggunakan model SEIR yang ditambahkan faktor masker kesehatan dan vaksinasi sebagai upaya pencegahan. Populasi dibagi menjadi enam subpopulasi yaitu subpopulasi rentan tidak menggunakan masker kesehatan dan menggunakan masker kesehatan, subpopulasi laten, subpopulasi terinfeksi tidak menggunakan masker kesehatan dan menggunakan masker kesehatan, serta subpopulasi sembuh. Hasilnya diperoleh dua titik ekuilibrium yaitu titik ekulibrium bebas penyakit dan endemik. Analisis kestabilan titik ekuilibrium bebas penyakit menggunakan linearisasi disekitar titik ekuilibrium. Hasilnya, titik ekuilibrium bebas penyakit stabil asimtotik lokal jika bilangan reproduksi dasar kurang dari satu. Simulasi numerik model untuk penyakit MERS-CoV yang dilakukan sejalan dengan analisis perilaku model.Kata kunci: MERS-CoV, Model SEIR, Kestabilan Titik Ekuilibrium, Bilangan Reproduksi Dasar.
Model matematika penyebaran COVID-19 dengan penggunaan masker kesehatan dan karantina Muhammad Manaqib; Irma Fauziah; Eti Hartati
Jambura Journal of Biomathematics (JJBM) Volume 2, Issue 2: December 2021
Publisher : Department of Mathematics, State University of Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34312/jjbm.v2i2.10483


This study developed a model for the spread of COVID-19 disease using the SIR model which was added by a health mask and quarantine for infected individuals. The population is divided into six subpopulations, namely the subpopulation susceptible without a health mask, susceptible using a health mask, infected without using a health mask, infected using a health mask, quarantine for infected individuals, and the subpopulation to recover. The results obtained two equilibrium points, namely the disease-free equilibrium point and the endemic equilibrium point, and the basic reproduction number (R0). The existence of a disease-free equilibrium point is unconditional, whereas an endemic equilibrium point exists if the basic reproduction number is more than one. Stability analysis of the local asymptotically stable disease-free equilibrium point when the basic reproduction number is less than one. Furthermore, numerical simulations are carried out to provide a geometric picture related to the results that have been analyzed. The results of numerical simulations support the results of the analysis obtained. Finally, the sensitivity analysis of the basic reproduction numbers carried out obtained four parameters that dominantly affect the basic reproduction number, namely the rate of contact of susceptible individuals with infection, the rate of health mask use, the rate of health mask release, and the rate of quarantine for infected individuals.