Silubun, Dortje Thedora
Politeknik Perikanan Negeri Tual

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ASPEK EKOLOGI DAN PERTUMBUHAN KERANG BULU (Anadara antiquata) DI PERAIRAN LETMAN, KABUPATEN MALUKU TENGGARA Rosita Silaban; Dortje Thedora Silubun; Ahmad Ade Rifandi Jamlean
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 14, No 2: Agustus (2021)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v14i2.10325


ABSTRACTFeather shells are an important commodity that has the potential to be developed. Feather shells are a fishery resource that has been exploited for thousands of years for consumption. The objectives of this study were 1) to examine individual density, 2) relative density, 3) distribution pattern, 4) relationship of length and weight and 5) condition factors of feather shells. Sampling was carried out using the belt transect method. The sample of feather shells was then measured for the length, width and height of the body and weighed. Based on the transect, the individual density of feather clams (Anadara antiquata) was found on transect 4, which was 0.338 ind / m2, while the lowest density was found on transect 2, which was 0.05 ind / m2. The highest relative density of feather shells was on transect 4 at 19% and the lowest was on transects 1 and 2 at 1%. The distribution of feather shells was obtained that the feather shells had a clustered distribution pattern with an Id value of 1.30 (Id 1). The correlation between length and weight of feather shells was found to have a b value of 2.60 so that the growth pattern was classified as positive allometric (b 2.50). The condition factor obtained an average value of 1.25 indicating that the environmental conditions were good enough for the organism (Kn 1).Keywords: feather shells, ecological aspects, growth, LetmanABSTRAKKerang bulu merupakan salah satu komoditas penting yang sangat potensial dikembangkan. Kerang bulu menjadi salah satu sumber daya perikanan yang telah dieksploitasi sejak beribu-ribu tahun yang lalu untuk dikonsumsi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu 1) mengkaji kepadatan individu, 2) kepadatan relatif, 3) pola distribusi, 4) hubungan panjang dan berat serta 5) faktor kondisi kerang bulu. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode belt transek. Sampel kerang bulu kemudian dilakukan pengukuran panjang, lebar dan tinggi tubuh serta ditimbang beratnya. Kepadatan individu kerang bulu (Anadara antiquata) berdasarkan transek diperoleh kepadatan tertinggi terdapat pada transek 4  yaitu sebesar 0,338 ind/m2 sedangkan kepadatan terendah terdapat pada transek 2 yaitu sebesar 0,05 ind/m2. Kepadatan relatif tertinggi kerang bulu terdapat pada transek 4 sebesar 19% dan terendah pada transek 1 dan 2 sebesar 1%. Distribusi kerang bulu diperoleh kerang bulu memiliki pola penyebaran mengelompok dengan nilai Id sebesar 1,30 (Id1). Hubungan panjang dan berat kerang bulu didapati nilai b sebesar 2.60 sehingga pola pertumbuhan tergolong allometrik positif (b2.50). Faktor kondisi diperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 1.25 menunjukan kondisi lingkungan cukup baik bagi organisme (Kn1).Kata kunci:  kerang bulu, aspek ekologi, pertumbuhan, Letman
Sebaran Ukuran dan Pola Pertumbuhan Kepiting Bakau (Scylla spp.) Pada Ekosistem Mangrove di Perairan Debut, Maluku Tenggara Rosita Silaban; Johny Dobo; Dortje Thedora Silubun; Barzan Borut
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 16, No 3: Desember (2023)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v16i3.22536


ABSTRAKPermintaan terhadap kepiting bakau ini meningkat dari waktu ke waktu, sementara memenuhi permintaan tersebut masih mengandalkan penangkapan di alam. Penangkapan kepiting bakau yang tidak memperhatikan kelestariannya, dikhawatirkan akan menurunkan populasi dari kepiting bakau tersebut. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengetahui kepadatan, pola distribusi, struktur ukuran, pola pertumbuhan dari kepiting bakau dan kerapatan mangrove. Pengumpulan sampel kepiting bakau menggunakan metode line plot transect. Data komunitas mangrove dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode transek kuadrat. Kepadatan kepiting bakau berdasarkan jenis diperoleh jenis Scylla tranquebarica memiliki kepadatan tertinggi yaitu sebesar 0,0050 ind/m2 sedangkan kepadatan terendah dari jenis Scylla olivacea sebesar 0.0025 ind/m2. Pola penyebaran kepiting bakau adalah mengelompok dengan nilai Id=1.20. Kepiting bakau yang tertangkap memiliki karapas yang berukuran panjang berkisar 9-19 cm dan lebar berkisar 12-22 cm, kaki renang berkisar 8-17 cm, kaki jalan I berkisar 10-22 cm, kaki jalan II berkisar 13-25 cm, kaki jalan III berkisar 12-23 cm, cheliped berkisar 15-35 cm serta berat berkisar 0.34-4.0 kg. Analisis hubungan panjang karapas-berat didapatkan persamaan W = 2.853L0.184 dengan nilai koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0.994 sedangkan lebar karapas-berat didapatkan persamaan W = 3.239L0.197 dengan nilai koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0.997. Jenis mangrove yang diperoleh pada daerah tangkapan kepiting bakau adalah jenis Rhizophora spp. tertinggi adalah jenis Rhizophora stylosa sebesar 0.198 ind/m2 dan terendah adalah jenis Rhizophora apiculata sebesar 0.129 ind/m2.Kata kunci:  kepiting bakau; mangrove; pertumbuhanABSTRACTThe demand for mud crabs has increased over time, while meeting this demand still relies on catching them in the wild. It is feared that catching mud crabs that do not pay attention to their sustainability will reduce the population of mud crabs. The aim of the research is to determine the density, distribution pattern, size structure, growth pattern of mangrove crabs and mangrove density. Mud crab samples were collected using the line plot transect method. Mangrove community data was collected using the quadrat transect method. Based on the type of mangrove crab density, it was found that the Scylla tranquebarica type had the highest density, namely 0.0050 ind/m2, while the lowest density of the Scylla olivacea type was 0.0025 ind/m2. The distribution pattern of mud crabs is clustered with a value of Id=1.20. The caught mud crabs have a carapace measuring around 9-19 cm long and a width ranging from 12-22 cm, swimming legs ranging from 8-17 cm, walking legs I ranging from 10-22 cm, walking legs II ranging from 13-25 cm, walking legs III ranges from 12-23 cm, cheliped ranges from 15-35 cm and weighs around 0.34-4.0 kg. Analysis of the relationship between carapace length and weight obtained the equation W = 2.853L0.184 with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.994, while carapace width and weight obtained the equation W = 3.239L0.197 with a coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0.997. The type of mangrove obtained in the mangrove crab catchment area is Rhizophora spp. The highest was the Rhizophora stylosa type at 0.198 ind/m2 and the lowest was the Rhizophora apiculata at 0.129 ind/m2.Key words: mud crab; mangroves; growth