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Industrial and Systems Engineering Assessment Journal (INASEA) Vol 13, No 1 (2012): INASEA Vol. 13 No. 1
Publisher : Industrial and Systems Engineering Assessment Journal (INASEA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The Injection Department of PT Omni Kemas Industry has several problems in machines’ breakdown and in forecasting the customers’ demand. Besides that, the company also wants to maximize their profit. Therefore, the aim of this final assignment is to minimize the machines’ breakdown, demand forecasting and profit maximizing. This final assignment counts the frequencies and intervals of preventive replacements and inspections based on preventive maintenance method and also forecasts customers’ demand based on the smallest error generated by the methods. Then, the outputs from the preventive maintenance and demand forecasting are used in production amount optimalizing process in order to gain profit maximizing.
FAKTOR FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI INDEKS HARGA SAHAM GABUNGAN DI INDONESIA PERIOE 2001-2020 Pranata, Ricky; Felix, Felix; Kelly, Kelly; Robby, Robby; Astuty, Fuji
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Ekonomi, & Akuntansi (MEA) Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Edisi Mei - Agustus 2022
Publisher : LPPM STIE Muhammadiah Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31955/mea.v6i2.2123


Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi indeks harga saham gabungan di indonesia periode 2001-2020. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder, sedangkan jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah statistik deskriptif dengan mendeskripsikan data kuantitatif dan pengambilan sampel yang diambil adalah sampel probabilitas atau disebut juga sampel random (sampel acak). Dimana, sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah inflasi, bi rate, jumlah uang yang beredar dan IHSG di Indonesia pada tahun 2001- 2020 sebanyak 80 pengamatan. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa ttabel = - 2,131 dimana X1= - 1,196 maka inflasi berpengaruh negatif terhadap IHSG, X2 = - 1.591 maka bi rate berpengaruh negatif terhadap IHSG, X3 = - 3.499 maka jumlah uang yang beredar berpengaruh positif terhadap IHSG.
APPLICATION OF DATA MINING USING THE RANDOM FOREST METHOD TO PREDICT HEART DISEASE Felix, Felix; Sitanggang, Delima; Laia, Yonata; -, Amalia; Radhi, Muhammad; Barus, Ertina Sabarita
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Prima (JUSIKOM PRIMA)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi dan Ilmu Komputer Universitas Prima Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34012/jurnalsisteminformasidanilmukomputer.v7i2.4801


A heart attack is when fatty deposits block the arteries. This causes symptoms such as shortness of breath and chest pain. In addition, obstructed blood flow to the heart can cause damage to the heart muscle. Heart attacks are still the highest cause of death in Indonesia to date. The problem today is that it is tough to predict and identify heart disease. The appropriate method needed to predict heart disease is the Random Forest method. This research aims to calculate the level of accuracy in predicting heart attacks. Based on research and data processing carried out by previous study by comparing two K-Neighbor algorithms, which produced an accuracy value of 83% and the Logistic Regression algorithm produced an accuracy value of 88% and it was found that the Random Forest algorithm had an accuracy of 86.88%. Thus, other algorithms are better at predicting heart attacks than the Random Forest algorithm. Keywords: Heart Attack, Random Forest, Prediction.
The Effect of Customer Loyalty and Location on Purchasing Decisions at Brastagi Supermarket Gatot Subroto Agustiana, Intan Rizki; Sutantio, Andy; Felix, Felix; Nico, Nico; Pratama, Muhammad Farid; Rinaldi, Muammar; Khaira, Imamul
Outline Journal of Management and Accounting Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): June
Publisher : Outline Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61730/ojma.v2i2.137


This study aims to determine the effect of Customer Loyalty and Location partially or simultaneously on Brastagi Supermarket Gatot Subroto. Population in this study are customers of Brastagi Supermarket for 50 customers. The sampling technique in this study used a saturated samples, which amounted to 50 customers. The research method used is the technique of collecting data through questionnaires. The analytical method used to solve problems and prove hypotheses is descriptive analysis, regression analysis. T test results indicate that Customer Loyalty has no positive and insignificant effect on Purchase Decisions at Brastagi Supermarket Gatot Subroto and Location has a positive and significant effect on Purchase Decisions at Brastagi Supermarket Gatot Subroto. F test results indicate that Customer Loyalty and Location have a positive and significant effect on Purchase Decisions at Brastagi Supermarket Gatot Subroto. The coefficient of determination (R2) show that 35.3% of the Purchasing Decisions variable is influenced by the Customer Loyalty and Location variables, while the remaining 65.7% is influenced by other variables outside of this study such as service quality, store atmosphere, and promotion.
Gambaran Budaya Patriarki dalam Film Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap Felix, Felix; Pandrianto, Nigar
Koneksi Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): Koneksi
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/kn.v7i2.21512


Watching movies is one of the most popular forms of entertainment for the public. The film, as a mass media, is often used to comment, criticize, give messages, to instill values ​​in society. The patriarchal cultural system is a system that is still widely embraced by several cultures in Indonesia and even the whole world. Therefore, patriarchy is often used as an issue raised in a film. The Missing Home film, which received a nomination for the best international feature film category at the 2023 Academy Awards, is one of the films that raise the issue of Patriarchy. This film tells about a conflict that arises between a father with his wife and their four children due to the patriarchal culture they live in. This study aims to determine the depiction of patriarchal culture in the Missing Home film. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, with John Fiske's semiotic analysis. Semiotic analysis is done on the Missing Home film. Data collection was carried out by documenting several scenes in the film and conducting interviews with a film producer as a research triangulator. This study found that there is a depiction of patriarchal culture which is symbolized by the elements in the Missing Home film. This depiction shows that the male characters in the film are more dominant, superior and powerful, while the female characters tend to be submissive and yielding. The ideology and conflict in the film NNS are also a picture of the social life of the Indonesian people. Conflict resolution in this film can become a new value ​​for society. Menonton film merupakan salah satu hiburan yang paling digemari oleh masyarakat. Film sebagai media massa sering digunakan untuk mengomentari, mengkritik, memberi pesan, hingga menanamkan nilai-nilai pada masyarakat. Sistem budaya patriarki merupakan sistem yang masih banyak dianut oleh beberapa budaya di Indonesia bahkan seluruh dunia. Oleh karena itu, patriarki sering menjadi isu yang diangkat dalam sebuah film. Film Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap yang mendapat nominasi di kategori film fitur internasional terbaik di Academy Awards 2023 adalah salah satu film yang mengangkat isu patriarki. Film ini menceritakan tentang sebuah konflik yang timbul antara sosok ayah dengan ibu serta keempat anaknya akibat budaya patriarki yang dijalaninya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggambaran budaya patriarki yang ada dalam film Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, dengan analisis semiotika John Fiske. Analisis semiotika dilakukan pada film Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mendokumentasi beberapa scene dalam film serta dilakukan wawancara dengan seorang produser film sebagai triangulator penelitian. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ada sebuah penggambaran budaya patriarki yang tersimbol lewat elemen-elemen pada film NNS. Penggambaran tersebut menunjukan tokoh laki-laki dalam film yang lebih dominan, superior, dan berkuasa, sedangkan tokoh perempuan yang cenderung tunduk dan mengalah. Ideologi dan konflik yang ada pada film NNS juga merupakan gambaran kehidupan sosial masyarakat Indonesia. Penyelesaian konflik dalam film ini dapat menjadi nilai-nilai baru bagi masyarakat.