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DYNAMIC ESTABLISHMENT OF PONDOK PESANTREN IN THE MINORITY AREA OF JAYAPURA CITY Zulihi Zulihi; Sabaruddin Garancang; Kamaluddin Abunawas; Muljono Damopolii
Jurnal Diskursus Islam Vol 7 No 3 (2019): December
Publisher : Pascasarjana UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jdi.v7i3.11924


This paper discusses the dynamics of the establishment of Islamic boarding schools in the minority areas of Jayapura City. This research method is a qualitative research with the approach used is the phenomenological approach and scientific approaches in the form of sociological and historical. The source of the data of this research is the boarding school caretakers, religious teachers, students, community leaders, traditional leaders, coaches, mentors, educators, and the community. Furthermore, the data collection methods used are observation, interview, documentation, and triangulation. The next stage is data processing techniques and data analysis is done through data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of this study indicate that there are three concepts that become the dynamics of the establishment of huts in minority areas, namely: 1) History of its establishment including: there are indications of apostasy in remote areas of transimigration in Jayapura and Keerom Papua, the assumption of the Islamization of the majority of people in Jayapura, the existence of mosques which is very quiet from the pilgrims, the assumption of Islamic boarding schools as a stronghold of Muslims, and the assumption that Islamic boarding schools print human resources with a radical mindset, the involvement of traditional leaders. 2) Institutional development, including: formal and non-formal education. 3) Contributions of Islamic boarding schools include: the social religious field, the field of religious harmony, and the cultural field based on local wisdom.
BKMT Kota Jayapura Dalam Mengembangkan Majelis Ta’lim Tingkat Mesjid Zulihi Zulihi; Muhamad Yusuf
POROS ONIM: Jurnal Sosial Keagamaan Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Fattahul Muluk Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53491/porosonim.v1i1.22


BKMT Jayapura in carrying out its duties in fact there is still a majelis ta'lim has not been tracked by BKMT, even in the implementation of religious activities BKMT sometimes does not involve Majelis Ta'lim of Mosque level, so the contribution posed BKMT Jayapura is not yet felt. The research aims to determine the role of managers in developing the organization, the form of activities undertaken, and the inhibitory factor of activities conducted by BKMT Jayapura. The management of BKMT Jayapura is expected to be able to conduct communication with the founder of BKMT Jayapura so that the exchange process, understanding the information conducted between the Board with the founder of BKMT. The importance of norms communication, the value in the actions of its members conducting activities, there is no appreciation for managers who have a large contribution to the organization, planning the personnel, identifying the work, placing new members taken from the district level BKMT, implementing socialization on the new officers on the task, responsibility to be carried out. Training and development conducted for BKMT managers constraints of available funds, the contact between the board of BKMT Jayapura to know each other so as to facilitate managers interconnected, decision making is done individually, but some are done in a group. Decision making by the leadership of BKMT based on certain considerations, or based on the properties of its urgency, coordination is done if there is work done together, carrying out personal exchange between the managers in the body BKMT and with the caretaker in the province or BKMT at the district level.
Paradigma Islam Kosmopolitan dalam Orientasi Pendidikan Pesantren di Indonesia Zulihi; Muhammad Syukri Nawir; Athoillah Islamy
Risalah, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Islam Vol. 8 No. 4 (2022): Pendidikan dan Studi Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Wiralodra Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/jurnal_risalah.v8i4.377


Penelitian kualitatif berupa studi pustaka ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dimensi nilai-nilai Islam kosmopolitan dalam orientasi pendidikan Pesantren yang termaktub pada Undang-undang No.18 Tahun 2019 tentang Pesantren. Penelitian normatif-filosofis ini menggunakan paradigma  Islam kosmopolitan yang dirumuskan Abdurrahman Wahid. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat dimensi nilai-nilai Islam kosmopolitan dalam orientasi pendidikan Pesantren yang termaktub pada Undang-undang No.18 Tahun 2019 tentang Pesantren. Pertama, nilai universalisme Islam dalam orientasi pembentukan karakter santri yang religius dan humanis. Keberadaan Pesantren diharapkan dapat menanamkan nilai-nilai religiusitas dan universalisme Islam agar dapat diejawantahkan oleh santri guna kemaslahatan kehidupan umat manusia secara universal. Kedua, nilai pribumisasi Islam dalam orientasi  pembentukan karakter santri yang moderat, nasionalis dan pluralis. Keberadaan Pesantren  diharapakan dapat membentuk karakter santri yang dapat menghargai, menghormati, dan menerima realitas kemajemukan sosial masyarakat Indonesia Ketiga, nilai subkultur dalam orientasi pembentukan karakter santri yang akademis dan berjiwa sosial. Keberadaan Pesantren diharapkan dapat bertransformasi pada kehidupan sosial masyarakat di lingkungan sekitarnya tanpa harus mengorbankan identitas dirinya sebagai lembaga pendidikan Islam. Implikasi teoritik penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kosmopolitanisme Islam dapat menjadi basis nilai, pendekatan maupun paradigma guna membangun orientasi pendidikan Islam dalam mewujdukan kemaslahatan bagi kehidupan universal. Keterbatasan penelitian ini belum mengkaji terkait bentuk seperti apa strategi kongkrit yang diinisiasi oleh pemerintah Indonesia dalam menanamkan ragam nilai kosmopolitanisme Islam dalam segala aktifitas lembaga pendidikan Pesantren di Indonesia. 
Politeness strategies used by Papuan students in virtual communication practices at university Rahmawansyah Sahib; Zulihi Zulihi; Abdi Maloga; Zulfadli Zulfadli; Lalu Nasrulloh; Junaiddin Junaiddin
Englisia: Journal of Language, Education, and Humanities Vol 10, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/ej.v10i2.15289


This study aims at investigating and revealing language politeness strategies, as well as the factors that influence politeness strategies used by Papuan students during virtual in the context of virtual academic consultations as a practice of virtual communications to the lecturers. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods and purposive sampling to choose two lecturers and fifteen university students from the Papua as participants. Data was also gathered through online observation, offline interviews, and documentation. Online observations were made by evaluating screenshots of Google Classroom comments and recording of written conversations on WhatsApp and SMS sent by ten Papuan students. At the same time, offline interviews were carried out 10 students and 2 instructors. The data is then analysed using discourse analysis, which consists of multiple steps, including data recording, data transcription, data selection, and data interpretation. In line with the findings of this study, Papuan students use four types of politeness strategies when consulting with lecturers via virtual communication. They are positive, negative, bald on record, and off the record politeness strategies. In online communication, the negative politeness strategy is the most prevalent among Papuan students. The diversity of politeness strategies that are replicated, even if they appear unpleasant at times, is not an aspect of purposeful or disrespectful behaviour toward the interlocutor. But let us get back to the level of language skills, which still require more attention and are impacted by a variety of internal factors such as personality and age, and external factors such as culture, facilities obtained. The findings indicate that even when language capabilities are restricted in virtual communication, Papuan students receive enough education. This situation will improve the civility of language that students in Papua use while conversing digitally. As a result, higher education institutions in Papua should pay more attention to standard communication patterns when academic consulting with lecturers as speech partners in the context of higher education in Papua in order to develop comprehensive and effective communication practices.
Pembiasaan Al-Akhlaq Al-Karimah Melalui Komunikasi Guru PAI (Pendidikan Agama Islam) Yang Efektif di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Mi) di Kota Jayapura Zulihi Zulihi; Muhamad Yusuf; Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo
Edukasi Islami : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 12, No 01 (2023): Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Hidayah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30868/ei.v12i01.3947


Tujuan artikel ini adalah menjelaskan secara komperhensif komunikasi yang dilakukan guru PAI dianggap belum mampu merealisasikan pembiasaan akhlak mulia pada siswa dan untuk mengetahui strategi yang efektif dalam melakukan komunikasi bagi guru untuk memberikan pembiasaan akhlak mulia di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah di Kota Jayapura. Merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan paradigma fenomenologi social. Hasil penelitian: Komunikasi aktif yang dilaksanakan guru PAI di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) yang ada di Kota Jayapura yaitu memberikan kesempatan yang setara kepada siswa berinteraksi antar siswa maupun guru dalam mengembangkan daya nalar, serta pola berfikir sehingga mampu mengontrol komunikasi yang dilakukan. Mengembangkan komunikasi interpersonal dan komunikasi kelompok, dianggap efektif merangsang siswa berinteraksi. Membiasakan hal-hal yang bersifat teladan agar menimbulkan peniruan dan menjadi kebiasaan. Faktor lingkungan, faktor keluarga, teman sepermainan mampu merubah sikap dan perilaku siswa. Minimnya media komunikasi yang digunakan guru berpengaruh dalam pembentukan akhlakul karimah, dalam mengembangkan imajinasi siswa dalam mentransfer ilmu pengetahuan keagamaan pada siswa. Kurangnya pelatihan guru PAI yang ada di MI Kota Jayapura berpengaruh pada kemampuan berinovasi mengembangkan media komunikasi yang efektif dalam memberikan materi berkaitan Al-akhlaq Al-Karimah.
PERAN KIAI DALAM PENGEMBANGAN PENDIDIKAN MODERN DI PONDOK PESANTREN Laili Savitri Noor; Ismail Nasar; Irena Novarlia; Mukhamad Anieg; Zulihi zulihi
At-Ta'dib Vol. 18 No. 1 (2023): At-Ta'dib Journal of Pesantren Education
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/attadib.v18i1.9911


The purpose of this research is to determine the Role of Kiai in the Development of Modern Education in Islamic Boarding Schools. The method used is qualitative research with a literature review approach. The steps in this research include identifying literature sources, such as books, scientific journals, research papers, and other relevant documents related to the research topic. There are several steps that researchers must undertake in this study, including: a. Determining the research topic, b. Finding relevant literature sources, c. Selecting relevant and quality literature sources, d. Reading and evaluating the selected literature sources, e. Organizing data and extracting relevant information, f. Analyzing data, and g. Preparing a research report. The conclusion of this study is that the difference between Salafiyah and Khalafiyah Islamic boarding schools lies in their approach and view of Islamic teachings. Islamic boarding schools have many advantages and benefits for students in developing themselves. They provide a comprehensive and in-depth learning experience, as well as preparing students to live independently and contribute to society. The leadership style of Kiai has characteristics that can help develop Islamic boarding schools effectively. The transactional and transformational leadership applied by Kiai can bring Islamic boarding schools to a higher level of quality education. Additionally, effective leadership characteristics of Kiai can create a conducive environment for students to learn, for teachers to engage and grow, and for community support to help improve the quality of education provided by the Islamic boarding schools.
THE MALE LECTURERS TALK TOWARD THE FEMALE STUDENTS’ LEARNING MOTIVATION IN EFL CLASSROOM Findy Elsa Pratiwi; Rahmawansyah Sahib; Zulihi Zulihi; Andi Miftahul Maulidil Mursyid
JOEEL: Journal of English Education and Literature Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : English Language Education Study Program

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38114/joeel.v4i1.268


The male lecturers talk toward the female students' learning motivation shows that lecturer’s talks by male lecturers have a very significant impact on the learning motivation of female students. This study aims to examine the types of lecturers talk used by male lecturers based on Flanders theory using FIAC (Flanders Interaction Analysis Categories) and their impact on female students' learning motivation. This study used a descriptive qualitative design, were collected data through observation and interviews. The instruments used in the observations were video recordings for three observation class meetings and the instruments used in the interviews were audio recordings. The result showed that from 7 types of lecturers talk, 6 types appeared. The type most often used by male English lecturers is the gives information. Meanwhile, the impact of lecturers talk on the learning motivation of female students is more likely to have an impact on the extrinsic motivation of students in the classroom such as, the desire to study the material voluntarily, be responsible, and good relations with lecturers. Thus, this study is expected to be references by which lecturers could consider the types of lecturers talk to be implemented to improve their students' motivation and interest during the classroom.