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Karakteristik Teknis Sistem Pertanaman Polikultur Sayuran Dataran Tinggi Witono Adiyoga; Rachman Suherman; Nikardi Gunadi; A. Hidayat
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 14, No 4 (2004): Desember 2004
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v14n4.2004.p287-301


Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di sentra produksi sayuran dataran tinggi Pangalengan, Jawa Barat pada bulan No vem ber2001. Observasi lapang dan survai for mal melalui wawancara dengan 23 orang petani responden diarahkan untukmemperoleh data/informasi dasar mencakup karakteristik teknis sistem pertanaman polikultur pada komunitassayuran dataran tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kecenderungan yang semakin meningkat dari penggunaansistem pertanaman polikultur. Kombinasi tanaman yang pal ing sering dipilih petani adalah cabai + petsai, kemudiandiikuti oleh tomat + petsai, cabai + siampo, kubis + petsai, dan cabai + kentang + petsai. Secara umum, pemilihan jenissayuran yang dikombinasikan telah sejalan dengan prinsip dasar polikultur yang mengisyaratkan maksimisasisinergisme dan minimisasi kompetisi antartanaman. Petani pada umumnya memilih tanaman kombinasi yangcenderung berumur lebih pendek dan memiliki kanopi lebih sempit dibandingkan dengan tanaman utama.Pengalaman petani mengindikasikan bahwa (a) tomat+petsai dikategorikan memiliki hubungan kompetitif, (b)cabai+petsai dikategorikan tidak saja memiliki hubungan komplementer, tetapi juga hubungan suplementer, (c)tomat+cabai, kentang+tomat, tomat+siampo, dikategorikan memiliki hubungan komplementer/kompetitif, dan (d)cabai+tomat dikategorikan memiliki hubungan suplementer/kompetitif. Kemungkinan kekurangan air ataukekeringan dipersepsi memiliki bobot pengaruh terpenting terhadap keberhasilan sistem pertanaman polikultur.Berdasarkan urutan kepentingannya, bobot pengaruh tersebut diikuti oleh curah hujan per tahun, efek naungan daritanaman lain yang dapat mengurangi radiasi sinar matahari, to tal kebutuhan air, curah hujan efektif per tahun dan efeklindungan. Dukungan hasil penelitian hulu yang bersifat teknis mencakup optimasi penataan spasial dan tem po ral(waktu tanam), optimasi kombinasi tanaman berdasarkan potensi sinergi dan kompetisi, seleksi, dan pemuliaantanaman spesifik untuk tumpangsari, aplikasi pemupukan dan pemulsaan, serta pengendalian hama penyakit secarabiologis, masih sangat diperlukan agar diperoleh suatu acuan atau bahan pembanding yang dapat digunakan untukmelakukan evaluasi, konfirmasi, dan pengembangan sistem polikultur lebih lanjut.Kata kunci: Polikultur; Sayuran dataran tinggi; Sinergisme; KompetisiAB STRACT. Adiyoga, W., R. Suherman, N. Gunadi, and A. Hidayat. 2004. Tech ni cal char ac ter is tics ofpolyculture sys tem of high land vegetables. This study was car ried out in No vem ber 2001, in the high land veg e ta blepro duc tion cen ter, Pangalengan, West Jawa. Field ob ser va tion and for mal sur vey to in ter view 23 re spon dents wereaimed to ob tain data tech ni cal char ac ter is tics of veg e ta ble mul ti plecrop ping sys tems in the high land. Re sults sug gestthat there is an in creas ing trend the use of multiplecropping by veg e ta ble farm ers. The most fre quent crop com bi na tioncho sen by farm ers is hot pep per + chi nese cab bage, fol lowed by to mato + chi nese cab bage, hot pep per + chi nese mus -tard, cab bage + chi nese cab bage, and hot pep per + po tato + chi nese cab bage. In gen eral, the choice of crop com bi na -tion has been in agree ment with the ba sic re quire ment of multiplecropping that is max i miz ing syn er gism, whilemin i miz ing com pe ti tion be tween crops. Farm ers usu ally choose a com pan ion crop that is early ma tur ing and haslower/smaller can opy than the main crop. Farm ers’ ex pe ri ence sug gests that (a) to mato+chi nese cab bage tends to havea com pet i tive re la tion ship, (b) hot pep per+chi nese cab bage, not only has a com ple men tary, but also a sup ple men taryre la tion ship, (c) to mato+hot pep per; po tato+to mato; and to mato+chi nese mus tard have a com ple men tary/com pet i tivere la tion ship, and (d) hot pep per+to mato has a sup ple men tary/com pet i tive re la tion ship. The pos si bil ity of wa ter short -age is per ceived to be the most sig nif i cant fac tor that may af fect the suc cess of multiplecropping sys tems. This is fol -lowed by other fac tors, such as rain fall per year, shad ing ef fect, to tal wa ter re quire ment, ef fec tive rain fall per year, andshel ter ef fect. The sup port of tech ni cal ba sic re search that in cludes the op ti mi za tion of spa tial and tem po ral ar range -ments, op ti mi za tion of crop com bi na tion that con sid ers syn er gism and com pe ti tion as pects, se lec tion of and breed ingof crop va ri et ies which are par tic u larly suited to mul ti ple crop ping, fer til iza tion and mulch ap pli ca tion, and biologicalpest and disease control, is still needed to establish a guidance for evaluating, con firm ing, and further developing theadvantages of multiplecropping sys tem.
Analisis Pendapatan dan Optimalisasi Input Peternak Sapi Potong Rakyat Binaan Sarjana Membangun Desa Wirausahawan Pendamping (Smdwp) yang Berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya K. Sukmayadi; A. Ismail; A. Hidayat
Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan Vol. 4 No. 2 (2016): Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan
Publisher : Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University in associated with Animal Scientist's Society of Indonesia (HILPI)

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This research aims to estimate income, return-cost ratio (R/C ratio) and input optimization of Sarjana Membangun Desa Wirausahawan Pendamping (SMDWP) assited beef cattle farmers in Tasikmalaya District with different business systems, mainly to observe internalization of externalities by integrating waste management system into their business system. Data collection was conducted in September and October 2016 at SMDWP asissited beef cattle farmers groups in Tasikmalaya District. Quantitative reseach, in which the data were analyzed with statistical analysis by calculating the average income, R/C ratio and Cobb Douglass regression function to observe input optimization. Data collection conducted by census. The results of this research suggest that the highest income estimation and R/C ratio was beef cattle fattening farmers with integrated waste management system which cattle ownership is above 5 AU more, which is Rp.10.275.000 /month and 2,301 respectively. The lowest income estimation and R/C ratio was beef cattle breeding farmers without integrated waste management system which cattle ownership between 3-4 AU, which is Rp.454.127/month and 1,125 respectively. Factors that technically affect the production function was the amount of forages, amount of concentrate feeds, initial cattle weight, cattle breeds. Input application in the beef cattle farming at SMDWP fostered beef cattle farmers groups in Tasikmalaya District are not optimized, which is the amount of forages, amount of concentrate feeds, and initial cattle weight.
Respons Pertumbuhan Cabai dan Selada terhadap Pemberian Pukan Kuda dan Pupuk Hayati Rosliani, R., A. Hidayat, dan A. A. Asandhi Rini Rosliani; A. Hidayat; Azis Azirin Asandi
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 14, No 4 (2004): Desember 2004
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v14n4.2004.p258-268


Percobaan dilaksanakan di Rumahkasa Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran Lembang 1.250 m dpl dari Juli 2001sampai Januari 2002. Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaan pukan kuda dan pupuk hayati terhadappertumbuhan dan hasil sayuran cabai dan selada yang ditanam dalam pot. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan acaklengkap dengan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas pukan kuda 0,7 kg + 33 g NPK per pot (isi 10 kg) atau setara 20 t/ha+ pupuk NPK 1 t/ha sebagai kontrol, lima dosis pemberian pukan kuda tanpa pupuk NPK dan lima dosis pukan kuda +pupuk hayati (mikroba berguna: lactobacillus, mikoriza, dan saccharomyces) tanpa pupuk NPK. Dosis pukan kudayang digunakan yaitu 1, 2, 3, 4, dan 5 kg per pot atau setara 30, 60, 90, 120, dan 150 t/ha. Hasil percobaanmenunjukkan bahwa pemberian pukan kuda dan pupuk hayati meningkatkan tinggi tanaman dan hasil panen seladaserta meningkatkan pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, luas daun, biomassa tanaman, hasil buah cabai, serapan hara, dankandungan hara tanah. Pukan kuda 3 kg per pot (90 t/ha) atau 2 kg per pot (60 t/ha) dengan pupuk hayati merupakanperlakuan yang terbaik dalam menghasilkan buah cabai. Peningkatan hasil cabai pada kedua dosis tersebutmasing-masing adalah 1.316 dan 1.194% dibandingkan dengan kontrol (0,7 kg per pot pukan kuda + 33 g NPK atau 20t/ha pukan kuda + 1 t/ha pupuk NPK). Untuk tanaman selada, perlakuan terbaik adalah pukan kuda 1 kg per pot (30t/ha) atau meningkatkan 69% dibandingkan dengan kontrol (20 t/ha pukan kuda + pupuk NPK).Kata kunci : Cap si cum annuum; Lactuva sativa; Pukan kuda; Mikroba; Lactobacillus; Mikoriza; Saccharomyces;Kesuburan tanah; Pertumbuhan; HasilAB STRACT. Rosliani, R., A. Hidayat, and A.A. Asandhi. 2004. Re sponse of ap pli ca tion of horse ma nure andbiofertilizer on hot pep per and let tuce growth. Ex per i ment was con ducted in a Screenhouse of In do ne sian Veg e ta -bles Re search In sti tute, 1,250 m asl, from July 2001 un til Jan u ary 2002. The ob jec tive of the ex per i ment was to findout the per for mance of or ganic mat ter and biofertilizer in put on the growth and the yield of hot pep per and let tuceplanted in the pot. The ex per i men tal de sign used was com pletely ran dom ized de sign with three rep li ca tions. The treat -ments con sist of ap pli ca tion of 0.7 kg horse ma nure + 33 g NPK per pot (con tent of 10 kg) or about 20 t/ha or ganic mat -ter + 1 t/ha NPK, five kinds ap pli ca tion of horse ma nure with out syn thetic anorganic fer til izer (NPK), and five kindsap pli ca tion of horse ma nure + biofertilizer (ben e fi cial mi crobe: lactobacillus, my cor rhi za, and saccharomyces) with -out syn thetic anorganic fer til izer (NPK). Dos age of horse ma nure was 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 kg per pot or about 30, 60, 90,120, and 150 t/ha. The re sults showed that ap pli ca tion of horse ma nure and biofertilizer in creased plant height andyield of let tuce and in creased plant height, leaf area, plant bio mass, yield of hot pep per, its nu tri ent up take, and soil nu -tri ent con tent. Horse ma nure sin gly at 3 kg per pot (90 t/ha) or 2 kg per pot (60 t/ha) + biofertilizer were the best treat -ment in terms of yield of hot pep per. These two dos ages could in crease hot pep per yield by 1,316 and 1,194%,re spec tively, com pared to con trol (0.7 kg horse ma nure per pot + 33 g NPK per pot or about 20 t/ha horse ma nure + 1t/ha NPK). The best treat ment for let tuce yield was 1kg/pot horse ma nure or 30 t/ha horse ma nure). The yield in creasewas 69% com pared to con trol (0.7 kg horse ma nure per pot + 33 g NPK per pot or about 20 t/ha horse ma nure +anorganic NPK fer til izer).