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Jurnal Informatika dan Rekayasa Elektronik Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): JIRE April 2019
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Lombok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36595/jire.v2i1.87


Keamanan jaringan adalah aspek terpenting dari sistem dalam menjaga kesehatan dan integritas data dan memastikan ketersediaan layanan yang akan digunakan oleh pengguna. Sistem keamanan jaringan komputer harus dilindungi terhadap semua jenis serangan dan infiltrasi atau upaya survei oleh pihak yang tidak berkualifikasi. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, langkah pertama yang diambil adalah memanfaatkan sistem firewall. Tetapi Firewall tidak dapat melindungi kesalahan penyalahgunaan serangan dalam perangkat lunak tingkat aplikasi. Untuk menangani keamanan jaringan dan masalah privasi data yang sering terjadi, teknik sistem otentikasi keamanan jaringan dikembangkan yang disebut port knocking dan otorisasi paket tunggal, sistem otentikasi ini akan diterapkan pada server raspbian.
Jurnal Informatika dan Rekayasa Elektronik Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): JIRE April 2019
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Lombok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36595/jire.v2i1.88


Program Studi Teknik Informatika (PSTI) adalah salah satu program studi di Universitas Mataram. Saat ini di PSTI berbagai sistem informasi telah berjalan untuk kebutuhan siswa. Masalah yang terjadi adalah informasi itu diakses melalui browser web dengan alamat yang berbeda. Dalam mengatasi masalah yang telah dideskripsikan, diperlukan suatu sistem yang dapat memberikan informasi dalam satu sistem. Sehubungan dengan ketersediaan Sistem Informasi Akademik (SIA) dan sistem Sidik Jari pada PSTI yang dilengkapi dengan API dengan metode REST, sehingga data tentang SIA dan Sidik Jari dapat ditampilkan pada sistem yang akan dikembangkan. Agar sistem yang telah dimiliki oleh PSTI dapat ditampilkan oleh sistem lain menggunakan layanan web. Oleh karena itu, aplikasi IF berbasis Android akan dikembangkan yang mengimplementasikan API yang tenang. Sistem ini menggunakan Codeigniter untuk membangun layanan web sementara kerangka ionik untuk membangun aplikasi mobile. Berdasarkan pengujian black box sistem telah dilakukan dengan baik, sedangkan pengujian menggunakan metode MOS menunjukkan bahwa peringkat rata-rata responden adalah 84,83%.
Jurnal Informatika dan Rekayasa Elektronik Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): JIRE April 2019
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Lombok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36595/jire.v2i1.91


Energi listrik adalah salah satu kebutuhan masyarakat modern yang sangat penting dan vital [1]. Untuk mengukur daya secara keseluruhan, sumber daya untuk mengukur peralatan dan orang-orang yang mengendalikan penggunaan energi tidaklah murah. Untuk alasan ini, diperlukan sistem pengukuran berbasis Internet of Things dan kecerdasan buatan secara relatif. Sistem akan dikembangkan berbasis web dengan pemrosesan terpusat dan node untuk mengukur daya pada beban. Untuk mendapatkan data, sensor yang dapat mendeteksi tegangan dan arus digunakan, sensor ini akan mengirim data melalui internet dengan menggunakan peralatan IoT untuk menyimpan data ke server. Data akan direkam menggunakan sensor PZEM-004T dan hasil dari data tersebut akan ditambang menggunakan urutan penambangan untuk mendapatkan derajat keanggotaan fuzzy di mana tingkat keanggotaan dimasukkan ke hasil sistem pendukung keputusan konsumsi energi nanti.
Implementasi Internet of Things pada Sistem Informasi Pelacakan Kendaraan Bermotor Menggunakan GPS Berbasis Web I Wayan Agus Arimbawa; Abdul Chalel Rahman; Andy Hidayat Jatmika
JTIKA (Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Komputer dan Aplikasinya) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): March 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jtika.v1i1.10


The research of motor vehicle tracking system using GPS have been done by some researchers. However those researches still have problems, such as the location’s accuracy, data transmision that is still manual using SMS, and systems that have not been integrated with the web server. This research applies the concept of Internet of Things on a vehicle system device consisting of four parts. There are an Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller as part of control, GY-NEO6MV2 GPS module providing position information, SIM900A GSM/GPRS module used to send or receive data from server, and web-based information system used to monitor position of vehicle. From the results it can be concluded that GPS Tracker device that was designed has ran well and produced an average error difference of 2,457 meters.
Analisis Kinerja Routing Protokol AODV pada Jaringan VANET (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Cakranegara) Muhamad Zaelani Syahrir Ramadhan; I Wayan Agus Arimbawa; Moh Ali Albar
JTIKA (Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Komputer dan Aplikasinya) Vol 1 No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jtika.v1i2.19


Vehicular Ad-hoc Network is the concept of a subset of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET) where vehicles act as nodes on the network. Protocol routing is very influential on the performance of the network to deal with challenges related to the rapidly changing network topology. This study analyze the routing performance of the AODV protocol on vanet networks in the district of Cakranegara by analyzing performance results using end to end delay parameters, packet delivery ratio (PDR), throughput, and routing overhead. The average Maximum value at end to end delay is 940.577 ms while the minimum value is 50,065 ms, and the average speed value decreases delay at speed 50 to 30 km / h by 78,314 ms and from 30 to 10 km / hour decreased by 102,827 ms. The maximum average value in the packet delivery ratio is 84.75% while the minimum value is 55.33%, and the average speed value decreases the ratio at the speed of 50 to 30 km / hour by 7.26% and from 30 to 10 km / h has increased by 10.39%. The average maximum value at throughput is 69,553 Kbps while the minimum value is 10.06 Kbps, and the average speed value decreases throughput at speeds of 50 to 30 km / h by 1,065 Kbps and from 30 to 10 km / h decreases amounting to 0.658 Kbps. The average Maximum value on routing overhead is 37,311 bytes while the minimum value is 7,439 bytes, and the average speed value increases at a speed of 50 to 30 km / hour by 1,321 Bytes and from 30 to 10 km / hour decreases by 5,453 Bytes. Key words: AODV, VANET, Routing Protocols, SUMO, NS2.
Sistem Pendaftaran Hotspot Online Berbasis Web Menggunakan Mikrotik API, PHP, MySql Pada SMK Plus Nurul Hakim Kediri Lalu Yusran Said; Andy Hidayat Jatmika; I Wayan Agus Arimbawa
JTIKA (Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Komputer dan Aplikasinya) Vol 1 No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jtika.v1i2.28


Abstract Now days the use of internet access is a priority for everyone. One of the internet media that is often used today is a hotspot network. Hotspot use at vocational high school (SMK) plus nurul Hakim using Indiehome wifi router. By default the hotspot security on this device uses a single password for all users connected to this hotspot network. This causes the security of the hotspot network is not safe, inefficient time and increases the workload of the Hotspot manager to change password at every change. Based on these problems, research is conducted that aims to create a web-based online hotspot registration system by using the PHP Programming Language, MikroTik PHP Class API, and MySQL Database. The results of this study are expected to be a solution to overcome the problem of hotspot service on vocational high school plus nurul Hakim kediri. If utilizing this hotspot registration system will help users register quickly. Keywords words: system register hotspot, API Mikrotik, PHP, MysQl, Mikrotik.
Analisis Pengaruh Interferensi Frekuensi Terhadap Kinerja Access Point Dengan Teknologi IEEE 802.11n Suri Darmiantini; I Wayan Agus Arimbawa; Andy Hidayat Jatmika
JTIKA (Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Komputer dan Aplikasinya) Vol 1 No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jtika.v1i2.44


Technologies that support wireless networks include WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) and WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network). One of the most widely used WLAN products today is IEEE 802.11n while the WPAN application is Bluetooth. Using the same frequency band in a coverage area can cause interference. Interference that occurs can be caused due to the use of 2 pieces of the same communication system, as well as different in a region. This study aims to determine how much influence interference has on the decline in the quality of a communication system with parameters measuring bandwidth, jitter, and packet loss. From the results of measurements and analysis shows that network quality is affected due to interference. Where if the network is free from interference around it, the network quality will be better, if the network experiences interference because using the same frequency band in the same coverage area can affect network quality such as reduced bandwidth value, increased jitter, and packet loss as well as channel usage and different channels. And the closer the distance of the access point that uses a different channel in a coverage area will cause the decreasing bandwidth value to increase the value of jitter and packet loss and vice versa. Keywords: interference, wireless, channel, bandwidth, jitter, packet loss.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Layanan Elektronik Program Studi Teknik Informatika Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram Baiq Nia rahmawati; I Wayan Agus Arimbawa; Ahmad Zafrullah Mardiansyah
JTIKA (Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Komputer dan Aplikasinya) Vol 2 No 2 (2020): September 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jtika.v2i2.54


The design of the PSTI Electronic Service Information System, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram is an advanced system that supports the correspondence process that is asked by students to ask for permission, such as research permit, submission of supporting data for the final assignment, submission of data for coursework, submission to college transfer , invite leave and be active again. This system works to make outgoing letters needed by students for submitting applications requested for this form above or processed by other parties as to the Admin Study Staff Program. The test results with the black box method all functions are by following the system proposed and expected by system users, especially students and admins. Based on the results of testing the Mean Opinion Score method, it can be concluded that 64% of respondents agreed and 36% of respondents stated that they strongly agreed with the design of electronic service information systems, informatics engineering study programs, engineering faculty, Mataram University.
Sistem Presensi Siswa berbasis Internet of Things menggunakan Sensor Sidik Jari pada SMK Perhotelan 45 Mataram Baiq Rizki Putri Utami; I Wayan Agus Arimbawa; Fitri Bimantoro
JTIKA (Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Komputer dan Aplikasinya) Vol 1 No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jtika.v1i2.59


Fingerprint is one of the unique part of human body that can be used as a personal identity with the help of fingerprint biometric technology to help identify it. The use of fingerprint biometric technology can be a solution for student attendance that helps minimize errors or fraud such as manipulation or falsification in the process of recording attendance. The application of computerized attendance recording can be done by utilizing the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) which assumes that electronic devices can be connected to each other to communicate or exchange data independently through internet networks that using protocols to communicate, including the MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport protocol), which is lightweight message and designed for devices with limited resources. Therefore, an Internet of Things based attendance system was created by utilizing fingerprint sensor technology on the MQTT protocol to assist schools in improving attendance recording performance, as well simplifying the process of recording student attendance at SMK Perhotelan 45 Mataram which still applies conventional attendance recording procedure. The fingerprint enroll process is carried out with a system interface in the form of a web application using the MQTT protocol. Fingerprint feature data is stored on the fingerprint sensor memory module. The total time used to record attendance for 10 respondents is 11,241 seconds with the average time obtained is 1.1241 seconds. It was found that 50% of users agreed to the application of the internet-based fingerprint presence system based on MOS testing.
Rancang Bangun Digital Home Assistant Dengan Perintah Suara Menggunakan Raspberry Pi Dan Smart Phone Isni Fachri Rizal; I Wayan Agus Arimbawa; Royana Afwani
Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering (J-Cosine) Vol 2 No 2 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : Informatics Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1696.149 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jcosine.v2i2.84


Digital home assistant is one part of smart home technology. The smart home is one of technology research that focuses on home automation, so the interaction between human and home becomes easier and more practical. One of the interactions that can be done is using voice commands. Currently, digital home assistant technology can be implemented with a variety of concepts and various tools. One of the tools that can be used is the smartphone. A smartphone is a communication tool that has a variety of tools to meet the needs of users, one of which is a tool offered by the Android operating system that is Google speech API. With google speech API we can build applications that can understand human speech. In order for home electronics devices to communicate with smartphones, use a microcontroller that is attached to the home electronics. Some microcontrollers that can be used are Raspberry Pi and Arduino. In this study, built a digital home assistant with voice commands using Raspberry Pi and smartphone. The built-in digital home assistant is used for lamp, TV and AC control. The Google speech API is used on smartphones for the process of translation of voice commands provided by users of the system. The results obtained for the control of lights, TV and air conditioning with voice commands using smartphones and Raspberry Pi is a system can run with 90% success and the average time of command execution reaches is 5.32 seconds.