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PHARMACIANA Vol 3, No 1: Mei 2013

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Paprika hijau (Capsicum annum L.) banyak mengandung –karoten(provitamin A), vitamin E serta vitamin C yang berkhasiat sebagai antioksidan. Tujuanpenelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui daya antioksidan dari buah paprika hijau(Capsicum annum L). Analisis aktivitas antioksidan dalam penelitian ini digunakanmetode penangkap radikal DPPH (1,1–difenil–2–pikrilhidrazil). Sampel dipreparasidengan cara maserasi selama 4 hari menggunakan metanol. Ekstrak kental yangdiperoleh dilakukan analisis secara kualitatif dengan pereaksi DPPH 0,4 mM. Hasilanalisis tersebut menunjukkan bahwa buah paprika hijau mempunyai dayaantioksidan. Absorbansinya kemudian dilakukan pengukuran menggunakanspektrofotometer UV–Vis pada panjang gelombang 517 nm. Hasil analisis aktivitasantioksidan ekstrak metanol paprika hijau diperoleh nilai EC50 sebesar 0,3399 ±0,01408 mg/ml.
Application method of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) combined with chemometrics for analysis of rat meat (Rattus Diardi) in meatballs beef Guntarti, Any; Prativi, Seshilia Rarasati
Pharmaciana Vol 7, No 2 (2017): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (466.687 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v7i2.4247


Food product forgery begins to become a new problem in Indonesia, the main problem is there is a concern that food product is mixed with forbidden meat, one of may is rat meat in meatball.  This study is expected to become one basic in order to meet meatball authenticity guarantee.Study about the utilization of infrared spectrophotometry Fourier Transform (FTIR) which was combined with chemometric was carried out to identified rat meat in meatball quantitative and qualitatively. Concentration variation of beef and rat meat in producing meatball is 0%, 25%, 35%, 65%, 75% and 100% rat meat in meatball dough and 5 samples of market meatball. Beef and rat fat which were contained in meatball was extracted by Soxhlet in temperature ≤ 70oC for 7 hours with n-hexane solvent.Qualitative and quantitative analysis was carried out in wave range 750-1600 cm-1 by using partial least square (PLS) multivariate analysis technique and principal component analysis (PCA). The result of calibration with y = 0,9720x + 1,580, coefficient of determination (R2) = 0,9941, and root mean square error of calibration (RMSEC) value was 1.63%. Validation model with, mean root mean square error of cross validation (RMSECV) value was 1.79%, and root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) value was 2.60%. Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), grouping of cow fat and mouse fat in the meatballs successfully. 
Pharmaciana Vol 2, No 2 (2012): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (92.817 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v2i2.661


Benzoic acid is one of the synthetic preservatives, work effectively at pH 2.5 to4.0, therefore it is widely used in acidic food or drink. This study aims to determinebenzoic acid content in some soft drink products, their conformity with Permenkes RINo.722/Menkes/Per/IX/88 on food additives, and to find out if there were any varianceof benzoid acid content in a different kinds of soft drink products.Determination of benzoid acid levels was performed by ultravioletspectrophotometry following solvent extraction of the benzoid acid with chloroform.Qualitatively, it was found that all of the sample contained benzoid acid. Quantitatively,the amount of benzoid acid in sample A was 227,73 mg/kg of materials; sample B was182,38 mg/kg of materials; sampel C was 259,52 mg/kg of materials; sample D was325,01 mg/kg of materials; sample E was 357,33 mg/kg of material. The resultindicated that there were variance of benzoid acid content in different soft drinkproducts. The use of benzoic acid in soft drinks was lower compaired to that ofPermenkes RI No.722/Menkes/Per/IX/88 (600 mg/kg of materials).
Pharmaciana Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (163.822 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v3i1.415


Green paprica (Capsicum annum L.) is one of fruits which have contain–carotene, vitamin E and vitamin C, which have antioxidant activity. The aim of thisresearch is to know an antioxidant capacity of green paprica. An analysis of theantioxidant activity of this research used radical scavenging DPPH(1,1–difenil–2–pikrilhidrazil) method. The sample was preparated with maceration for4 days using methanol as the solvent. Crude extract was evaluated qualitatively using0,4 mM DPPH reagent. This result of qualitative analysis showed that green papricahave an antioxidant activity. Then, absorbance was measured using UV–Visspectrophotometer at wavelength of 517 nm. The result of this analysis obtained EC50value of green paprica was 0,3399 ± 0,01408 mg/ml.
Pharmaciana Vol 4, No 1 (2014): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (76.223 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v4i1.391


Antioxidant is compounds which have abilities to inhibit oxidation rate. Anredera cordifoliafolium consist of flavonoid which have activities as antioxidant. The purpose of this research was toknow antioxidant activity at ether fraction of hydrolysed aquous extract of Binahong folium (Anrederacordifolia). Ether fraction was obtained by hydrolysing the infuse Binahong folium (Anrederacordifolia) with HCl 2N then fractionated with ether and then evaporated. The antioxidant activity wasmeasured by DPPH method using spectrophotometer. The maximum wavelength and operating timequercetin and samples were 515,0 nm (quersetin) and 514,0 nm (ether fraction), 19-30 minute(quersetin) and 19-29 minute (ether fraction). Scavenging activity test done with the DPPH method(1,1- dyphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl). The decreasing of DPPH radical solution decreased the absorbantintensity. The percentage of radical scavenging activity was performed as EC50 (EffectiveConcentration). The results indicated that both samples showed free radical scavenging activity withEC50 value for quercetin (2,702±0,15) µg/ml, and ether fraction of (249,31±9,26) µg/ml. Statisticalanalysis using Kruskall Wallis method with 95% of confident level followed by Mann Whitney testgiving evidence the results between samples and positive control (quercetin) are significantlydifference.
Pharmaciana Vol 3, No 2 (2013): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (119.392 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v3i2.425


The source of lead pollution (Pb) can come from cosmetic product including shampoo. The purpose of thisresearch are to know wether there is Pb in the shampoo cosmetic based on different brands and colours of theshampoo. The sample of the shampoos that used in this research are A, B, C, and D. Each of the samples replicated5 times, then analyzed with atomic absorbtion specktrophotometry. Then, one of the sample are taken from onebrand with different colour and replicated 5 times. The result of this research shows that from the different brandof shampoos contain Pb. The average level of Pb that obtained from analysis are, brand A (0,4838 ppm 0,0538ppm), brand B (0,6935 ppm 0,3131 ppm), brand C (0,8354 ppm 0,0405 ppm), and brand D ( 0,9517 ppm0,0811 ppm). Whereas for the same shampoo brand but different in colour had average level of Pb: shampoo I (redcolour)= (0,5428 0,0192) ppm, Shampoo II (yellow colour) = (0,3606 0,0255) ppm, Shampoo III (blue colour)= (0,4385 0,0062) ppm, and Shampoo IV (green colour) = (0,1427 0,0133) ppm.
Antioxidant activity of methanolic extract from yellow paprika (Capsicum annuum, L.) by DPPH radical scavenging method Warsi, Warsi; Guntarti, Any
Pharmaciana Vol 7, No 2 (2017): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (549.708 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v7i2.3905


Yellow paprika (Capsicum annuumL.) is one of fruit that contains of carotenoid compounds as an antioxidant. This reasearch was aimed to know an antioxidant capacity of methanolic extract from yellow paprika with 2,2–diphenyl–1–picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging method. The fresh yellow paprika was determined of its loss of drying by gravimetric. The yellow paprika extract was obtained by maceration using methanol as solvent. The content of β–carotene from this extract was analyzed qualitively by thin layer chromatography and UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The antioxidant activity of methanolic extract from yellow paprika was determined base on measurement of residual DPPH by UV–Vis spectrophothometric at wavelength of 515.6 nm. The data was used to calculate % inhibition. Furthermore, IC50 value was determined to know potency of its antioxidant. The result of loss of drying yellow paprika fruit was obtained 6.33 ± 0.02 %. The analysis with thin layer chromatography and UV-Vis spectrophotometer showed that this fruit was contain of β–carotene. The result of antioxidant activity analysis from yellow paprika fruit was obtained IC50 value of 0.3028 ± 0.0093 mg/mL. The result of the research showed that the antioxidant potency of yellow paprika was less than β–carotene (IC50 0.0852 ± 0.0009 mg/mL).
Aktivitas Penangkapan Radikal 2,2–Difenil–1–Pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) Oleh Ekstrak Metanol Paprika Merah (Capsicum annuum, L.) Warsi, Warsi; Guntarti, Any
Media Farmasi: Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi Vol 13, No 1: Maret 2016
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (555.865 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/mf.v13i1.5740


Paprika merah (Capsicum annum L.) banyak mengandung β–karoten  (provitamin A), likopen, vitamin E serta vitamin C telah diuji aktivitasnya sebagai penangkap radikal 2,2–difenil–1–pikrilhidrazil (DPPH). Sampel diekstraksi dengan cara maserasi menggunakan metanol. Ekstrak yang diperoleh dilakukan analisis aktivitas antioksidannya secara kualitatif dengan larutan DPPH 0,4 mM dan reagen ferri tiosianat. Identifikasi terhadap senyawa yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan dilakukan dengan spektrofotometer UV–Vis. Aktivitas penangkapan radikal DPPH oleh ekstrak metanol paprika merah ditetapkan secara spektrofotometri pada panjang gelombang 517 nm. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh nilai IC50 paprika merahsebesar0,299 ± 4,98x10-3 mg/mL. Aktivitas paprika merah sebagai penangkap radikal DPPH  kurang poten dibandingkan dengan β–karoten (IC50 0,066 ± 3,24x10-3 mg/mL). Kata kunci : antioksidan, paprika merah, Capsicum annuum, DPPH
Pengembangan Produk Tablet Oral Disintegrasi Piroksikam Rohmiati, Rohmiati; Wahyuningsih, Iis; Guntarti, Any; Narwanti, Iin; Putri, Hilma; Anwar, Shinta Desy; Rahmadani, Firda; Rustandi, Tedi; Islamy, Muhammad Rido
Media Farmasi: Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi Vol 15, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (588.351 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/mf.v15i1.12307


Piroksikam digunakan sebagai analgetik dan antiinflamasi yang sering dialami oleh kalangan lansia yang mempunyai kesulitan menelan. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut yaitu dengan sediaan Orally Disintegrating Tablet (ODT). Avicel PH 102 merupakan bahan disintegran yang biasa digunakan sebagai penyusun ODT, karena mempunyai daya disintegran yang sangat baik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan piroksikam menjadi bentuk sediaan ODT. Metode pembuatan ODT dilakukan dengan metode kempa langsung. Variasi konsentrasi Avicel PH 102 yang digunakan untuk formula 1 sebesar 15% dan formula 2 sebesar 20%. Tablet hasil formulasi diperiksa karakteristik fisik yang meliputi identifikasi tablet, kerapuhan, kekerasan, ketebalan, waktu hancur, bentuk dan ukuran tablet, laju disolusinya serta dilakukan penetapan kadar. Metode analisa kadar piroksikam baik pada penentuan disolusi maupun pada penentuan kadar, dilakukan verifikasi metode spektrofotometri UV-Vis terlebih dahulu meliputi spesifisitas, presisi, dan akurasi. Formula terbaik selanjutnya dilakukan uji hedonik. Hasil verifikasi untuk ketiga uji memenuhi persyaratan sehingga dikatakan metode uji valid. Hasil uji fisik tablet dikatakan memenuhi syarat kecuali untuk uji kerapuhan. Data laju disolusi dan penetapan kadar tablet piroksikam memenuhi syarat FI V yaitu laju disolusi tidak kurang dari 75%(Q + 5%) dan hasil penetapan kadar F1 dan F2 berturut-urut sebesar 95,22 ± 3,09% dan 95,14 ± 4,26%. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa piroksikam dapat dibuat dalam bentuk sediaan ODT karena menghasilkan sediaan tablet dengan sifat fisik yang baik kecuali pada uji kerapuhan. Formula yang dipilih yaitu formula 2, karena waktu hancur dan disolusi tablet lebih baik dibandingkan dengan formula 1.
Analisis Lemak Anjing Dalam Bakpao Ayam Menggunakan Ftir (Fourier Transform Infrared) Dikombinasi Kemometrika Guntarti, Any; Abidin, Muhamad Ali Zainal
Media Farmasi: Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi Vol 15, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (609.267 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/mf.v15i1.12356


Bakpao ayam adalah makanan yang dikenal masyarakat Indonesia. Bahan utama umumnya daging ayam yang kemudian dikukus. Daging yang digunakan, kadang belum tentu terjamin keasliannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan mendeteksi adanya kandungan lemak anjing dalam produk makanan bakpao ayam. Analisis dengan spektrofometri FTIR yang dikombinasi kemometrika dapat memberikan informasi adanya kandungan lemak anjing dalam bakpao ayam. Model analisisnya dengan membuat variasi konsentrasi campuran daging anjing dengan daging ayam. Bakpao produk di pasaran diambil empat sampel yang dijual di kota Yogyakarta dengan teknik stratified random sampling. Hasil spektra FTIR dianalisis dengan kemometrika. Analisis kuantitatif menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS), dan analisis kualitatif dengan Principles Component Analysis (PCA). Hasil optimasi bilangan gelombang diperoleh pada 1226-840 cm-1. Analisis dengan PLS diperoleh persamaan y=0,9969x+0,1697 ; nilai R2 0,9969; RMSEC 1,38% ; RMSEP 0,27% ; RMSECV 1,31%.  Analisis dengan PCA menunjukkan bahwa keempat sampel bakpao pasaran pedagang kaki lima di kota Yogyakarta tidak mengandung lemak anjing.