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Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Sains Indonesia (JPPSI) Vol 3, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Fisika dan Pengajaran IPA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jppsi.v3i2.29002


AbstractIntegrated Science Learning is an implementation of the 2013 curriculum. With the implementation of integrated science learning, it is hoped that separate science materials, namely physics, chemistry and biology, can be taught in an integrated and comprehensive manner in one Integrated Science field of study. Based on the results of observations, Integrated Science learning has not been fully implemented because the textbook used does not show the integration between physics, chemistry and biology in one concept, especially in energy material. Therefore, a connected type of integrated science teaching material product development was carried out in energy material. The purpose of this research is to find out how to develop this teaching material and determine the feasibility of this teaching material.The development model carried out is a modification of the Dick and Carey development model in 4 stages: first; conduct needs analysis through observation and interviews, second; developing an assessment instrument in the form of a questionnaire as a reference for product feasibility, third; designing products by determining the subject matter and basic competencies related to them as well as developing products by displaying the characteristics of being connected, fourth; conduct due diligence by material experts and media experts. The type of data used is in the form of cumulative data, namely assessments, responses, and suggestions obtained from experts. The data collection instrument used was a questionnaire using the Likert scale assessment criteria with the highest score of 4 (four) and the lowest score of 1 (one).Based on expert judgment, this teaching material is undergoing a revision stage. The results of the feasibility test analysis by material experts show a percentage of 91.27% and media experts 85.24% with an average of 88.25%, this teaching material is declared suitable for use as an Integrated Science Module Based on Connected in Energy Materials for Class SMP / MTs VII.
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Sains Indonesia (JPPSI) Vol 3, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jppsi.v3i2.29002


AbstractIntegrated Science Learning is an implementation of the 2013 curriculum. With the implementation of integrated science learning, it is hoped that separate science materials, namely physics, chemistry and biology, can be taught in an integrated and comprehensive manner in one Integrated Science field of study. Based on the results of observations, Integrated Science learning has not been fully implemented because the textbook used does not show the integration between physics, chemistry and biology in one concept, especially in energy material. Therefore, a connected type of integrated science teaching material product development was carried out in energy material. The purpose of this research is to find out how to develop this teaching material and determine the feasibility of this teaching material.The development model carried out is a modification of the Dick and Carey development model in 4 stages: first; conduct needs analysis through observation and interviews, second; developing an assessment instrument in the form of a questionnaire as a reference for product feasibility, third; designing products by determining the subject matter and basic competencies related to them as well as developing products by displaying the characteristics of being connected, fourth; conduct due diligence by material experts and media experts. The type of data used is in the form of cumulative data, namely assessments, responses, and suggestions obtained from experts. The data collection instrument used was a questionnaire using the Likert scale assessment criteria with the highest score of 4 (four) and the lowest score of 1 (one).Based on expert judgment, this teaching material is undergoing a revision stage. The results of the feasibility test analysis by material experts show a percentage of 91.27% and media experts 85.24% with an average of 88.25%, this teaching material is declared suitable for use as an Integrated Science Module Based on Connected in Energy Materials for Class SMP / MTs VII.
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar IPA Terpadu Tipe Connected Berbasis Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Pada Materi Lapisan Bumi Kelas VII Astiti, Kadek Ayu; Supu, Amiruddin; Sukarjita, I Wayan; Lantik, Vinsensius
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Sains Indonesia (JPPSI) Vol 4, No 2 (2021): JPPSI, Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jppsi.v4i2.38498


Pembelajaran IPA di tingkat SMP kini diharapkan dilaksanakan secara terpadu agar siswa memperoleh pemahaman secara holistik. Sementara itu di lapangan, pembelajaran IPA belum diajarkan secara terpadu. Tidak jarang juga bahan ajar yang digunakan oleh guru-guru SMP belum menyajikan IPA secara terpadu. Bahan ajar dari kajian fisika, kimia dan biologi yang disajikan secara terpisah. Bahan ajar memberikan ruang kepada siswa untuk belajar kapan saja dan dimana saja. Pembelajaran diharapkan dapat mengakomodir kesiapan, minat, serta profil siswa demi terwujudnya merdeka belajar. Pembelajaran berdiferensiasi merupakan strategi pembelajaran yang mampu mengakomodir kebutuhan siswa untuk mewujudkan merdeka belajar. Tujuan dari penelitian R & D ini adalah untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar berupa modul IPA Terpadu tipe connected berbasis pembelajaran berdiferensiasi pada materi lapisan Bumi kelas VII. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah dilakukan pengujian terhadap bahan ajar yang dikembangkan kepada ahli materi, ahli media dan uji praktisi (guru dan siswa) menunjukkan kategori baik pada rentang nilai 75%-89%.
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar IPA Terpadu Tipe Connected Berbasis Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Pada Materi Lapisan Bumi Kelas VII Astiti, Kadek Ayu; Supu, Amiruddin; Sukarjita, I Wayan; Lantik, Vinsensius
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Sains Indonesia (JPPSI) Vol 4, No 2 (2021): JPPSI, Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jppsi.v4i2.38498


Pembelajaran IPA di tingkat SMP kini diharapkan dilaksanakan secara terpadu agar siswa memperoleh pemahaman secara holistik. Sementara itu di lapangan, pembelajaran IPA belum diajarkan secara terpadu. Tidak jarang juga bahan ajar yang digunakan oleh guru-guru SMP belum menyajikan IPA secara terpadu. Bahan ajar dari kajian fisika, kimia dan biologi yang disajikan secara terpisah. Bahan ajar memberikan ruang kepada siswa untuk belajar kapan saja dan dimana saja. Pembelajaran diharapkan dapat mengakomodir kesiapan, minat, serta profil siswa demi terwujudnya merdeka belajar. Pembelajaran berdiferensiasi merupakan strategi pembelajaran yang mampu mengakomodir kebutuhan siswa untuk mewujudkan merdeka belajar. Tujuan dari penelitian R & D ini adalah untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar berupa modul IPA Terpadu tipe connected berbasis pembelajaran berdiferensiasi pada materi lapisan Bumi kelas VII. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah dilakukan pengujian terhadap bahan ajar yang dikembangkan kepada ahli materi, ahli media dan uji praktisi (guru dan siswa) menunjukkan kategori baik pada rentang nilai 75%-89%.
Jurnal Pembelajaran Sains Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan IPA FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (639.559 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um033v3i1p29- 34


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis kontekstual menggunakan model R & D dengan model uji coba one group pretest-posttes design. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah modifikasi model Borg & Gall (1989) dengan tahap (1) penelitian dan pengumpulan data melalui survei, (2) perencanaan, (3) penyusunan bahan ajar cetak, (4) uji validitas pakar, (5) revisi produk, (6) uji coba lapangan skala kecil, (7) revisi produk, (8) uji coba lapangan skala luas, (9) revisi produk final, (10) diseminasi. Uji coba lapangan dilakukan di SMA N 2 Kupang dengan melibatkan siswa kelas XI IPA 7 sebagai sampel dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 6 siswa saat uji skala kecil dan satu kelas yang terdiri dari 30 siswa saat uji skala besar. Beberapa jenis instrumen yang digunakan yaitu: 1) lembar Penilaian dengan responden ahli media dan materi; 2) Instrumen angket, untuk mengetahui kepraktisan bahan ajar, dan 3) Instrumen tes, berupa lembar penilaian yang sudah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya untuk mengetahui kualitas bahan ajar. Hasil yang diperoleh yakni nilai pada kategori baik oleh ahli media dan sangat baik oleh ahli materi. Saat uji skala kecil pada guru dan 6 orang siswa diperoleh nilai pada kategori sangat baik. Hasil saat pemberian tes adalah terjadi peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam ranah kognitif dengan nilai gain score sebesar 0,3 yang pada kategori sedang.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 4, No 6 (2020): DESEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (261.578 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v4i6.3000


Abstrak: Program pengabdian ini dilaksanakan untuk memberikan alternatif solusi permasalahan yang sedang terjadi yakni rendahnya nilai jual rumput laut kering, sehingga alternatif solusi yang ditawarkan adalah mengelola rumput laut menjadi produk nata de seaweed yang bernilai ekonomis. Luaran yang ingin dicapai 1) meningkatnya motivasi masyarakat untuk lebih produktif dan kreatif dalam mengelola rumput laut, 2) mengetahui IPTEK pembuatan nata de seaweed, 3) terampil membuat nata de deaweed, 4) bertambahnya referensi peluang usaha bagi penduduk desa Tablolong. Mitra program ini adalah ibu-ibu warga setempat yang tergabung dalam kelompok Mina Usaha bersama dan Kelompok Dale Esa. Program ini berjalan lancar dan mendapat dukungan dari kepala desa setempat. Hasil yang diperoleh 1) pengabdian ini memberikan dampak positif bagi masyarakat dengan memperkenalkan teknologi pembuatan nata de seaweed sebagai salah satu alternatif dalam mengoptimalkan hasil budidaya daya rumput laut, 2) program ini memberikan keterampilan kepada kelompok mitra terkait cara dan langkah pembuatan nata de seaweed yang berpotensi sebagai industri rumah tangga, 3) masih perlu perhatian khusus dari berbagai pihak untuk peningkatan sumber daya manusia desa Tablolong dalam memaksimalkan potensi rumput laut. Metode yang digunakan adalah melalui kegiatan workshop yakni pemberian materi dan praktik membuat nata de seaweed oleh peserta kegiatan. Abstract: Tablolong village has the potential of seaweed cultivation with the majority of residents working as seaweed farmers. Seaweed is sold in the form of dried seaweed to the suppliers to be sent to the island of Java as the basic ingredient of cosmetics or food. The problem occurs when the price of dried seaweed has suffered deterioration so that it affects the economy of citizens. This Program of devotion is implemented to provide alternative solutions. External to be achieved 1) increased community motivation to be more productive and creative in managing seaweed, 2) Knowing the IPTEK manufacture nata de seaweed, 3) skilled to make Nata de deaweed, 4) Increased business opportunity reference for the villagers of Tablolong. The program's partners are the mothers of locals who belong to the group of Mina Enterprises together with the Dale Esa group. The Program went smoothly and got support from local village heads. Results obtained 1) This dedication positively impacts the community by introducing the technology to manufacture nata de seaweed as an alternative in optimizing the cultivation of seaweed, 2) This program provides skills to the group of partners related to the way and steps of making nata de seaweed which is potentially as a household industry, 3) still need special attention from various parties to increase the human resources of Tablolong village in maximizing the potential of seaweed
Training on integrated science learning for science teachers in Nekamese District Kadek Ayu Astiti; Andam Surianty
Jurnal Pemberdayaan: Publikasi Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/jpm.v5i2.2967


PKM activities are carried out in partner schools in the form of training for Mathematics and Natural Sciences teachers to overcome the problems they are facing. Some of the obstacles that are being faced are that science teachers still have difficulty applying integrated science learning according to the demands of the 2013 curriculum. The targets to be achieved in the implementation of this PKM program include increasing the professional competence of teachers in implementing integrated science learning. Activities are designed in several stages, namely 1) coordinating with partner schools for implementation time, 2) providing material related to integrated science learning, 3) Mentoring for Natural Sciences teachers in designing integrated science material and 4) program evaluation. This activity was not only attended by Natural Sciences teachers in partner schools but several Natural Sciences teachers in schools around partner schools were also joined. Participants in the activity were Natural Sciences teachers from SMP N 1 Nekamese, SMP N 2 Nekamese, SMP N 4 Nekamese, and SMP N 5 Nekamese. The participants were quite enthusiastic in participating in this activity, seen from the enthusiasm for joining the activity and dynamic discussions
ANALISIS KEMAMPUAN MENYUSUN RPP BERBASIS SAINTIFIK MAHASISWA CALON GURU FISIKA Vinsensius Lantik; Fakhruddin Kamaruddin; Yusniati H. Muh Yusuf; Kadek Ayu Astiti; Antonius Suban Hali; Amirudin Supu
OPTIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): OPTIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Flores

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/optika.v5i1.727


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganlisis  kemampuan perencanaan bagi calon guru  fisika  dalam  menyusun  Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran  berbasis  saintifik.  Metode  penelitian  yang  digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 50 orang mahasiswa pendidikan fisika semester VI tahun akademik 2019/2020 pada mata kuliah Micro Teaching. Instrumen penelitian  menggunakan  penilaian  skala  disertai  rubrik  dari  hasil  tampilan  Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran.  Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dan  kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai rata-rata penyusunan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran sebesar 68,53 dengan kategori baik. Capaian ini masih perlu ditingkatkan.
Workshop Perancangan dan Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Praktikum bagi Guru IPA di Kecamatan Nekamese Kadek Ayu Astiti
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2019): PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.072 KB) | DOI: 10.33084/pengabdianmu.v4i1.340


This program is carried out in the form of a workshop for science teachers in partner schools to overcome the problems experienced by partners namely science teachers in SMP N 2 Nekamese and SMP N 3 Nekamese especially in terms of carrying out practical activities. Based on the problems encountered, several stages carried out in this activity include providing necessary science materials (physics, chemistry, biology) to improve understanding of the basic concepts of science for science teachers in partner schools, Theory and practice of using KIT media Science (mechanics, hydrostatic and heat, electricity and magnetism, optics), theory and practice of designing simple science practice activities, theory and practice of developing a simple science lab tool then carried out mentoring in carrying out practical exercises in the learning process and finally the evaluation phase. The results obtained after this activity was carried out were an increase in teachers 'knowledge of the science concept in an integrated manner, an increase in teachers' understanding and skills in using KIT physics, simple experimental design, and the design of a simple science lab tool. Participants were quite enthusiastic in participating in this activity as seen from the enthusiasm of coming to participate in activities and dynamic discussions. During the activity and further discussions, there were other problems that the partners had, namely the lack of teachers' ability to develop IT-based learning media. This can be a reference for future activities to realize a more varied and enjoyable learning process
Program Kemitraan Masyarakat: Perancangan Praktikum Matematika dan IPA Sederhana bagi Guru SMP Kadek Ayu Astiti; Andam S. Ardan; Damianus Dao Samo
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 6 No 3 (2021): PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33084/pengabdianmu.v6i3.1787


This community service activity improves teacher skills in carrying out simple Mathematics and Natural Sciences practical activities. This activity is designed in the form of training through several stages, namely 1) coordinating with partner schools for implementation time, 2) providing material related to simple mathematics and science practicum, 3) Mentoring for Mathematics and Natural Sciences teachers in designing simple practicums, and 4) program evaluation. Participants in this activity were several Mathematics and Natural Sciences teachers from SMP N 1 Nekamese, SMP N 2 Nekamese, SMP N 4 Nekamese, and SMP N 5 Nekamese. In the training activities, the participants were quite enthusiastic in participating in the activities, which could be seen from the enthusiasm to participate in the activities and dynamic discussions. Based on the final test results, there was an increase in the teacher's ability before and after the training with an n-gain value in the high category.