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Interaksi Perlakuan Dosis Dan Suhu Pirolisis Pembuatan Biochar Kayu Meranti (Shorea spp.) Mempengaruhi Kecepatan Tumbuh Sengon (Paraserianthes moluccana) Bangun Adi Wijaya; Melya Riniarti; Hendra Prasetia; Wahyu Hidayat; Ainin Niswati; Udin Hasanudin; Irwan Sukri Banuwa
ULIN: Jurnal Hutan Tropis Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32522/ujht.v5i2.5782


The growth rate of Paraserianthes moluccana is effected by the planting medium quality. Biochar is a soil-improving agent that could improve soil quality. This study aimed to determine the effect of biochar made from meranti wood (Shorea spp.) by pyrolysis temperature at 400°C and 600°C and dose at 0 ton/ha, 25 ton/ha and 50 ton/ha factors through the growth rate of P. moluccana. The P. moluccana was planted within 2x2 m in the field. The size of planting holes was 100 x 60 cm, the biochar was placed at a depth of 100 cm to 20 cm, then it was covered with soil so that the root did not interact directly to the biochar. This research used 6 months old P. moluccana seedling, and was planted in field demplot for 8 months. The research used the Split Plot experimental design with 5 treatments and 7 repetitions. Data analysis used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Least Significance Different (LSD). The effect of biochar could be seen since the 4th month of plantation. The results showed that biochar with a dose of 25 ton/ha and pyrolysis temperature of 600°C had a very significant effect on the increment of height and significant on diameter steam increment of P. moluccana; increased the rate of stem height 22.6% and stem diameter 23.6% faster than the control. Further research related to the dynamics of P. moluccana growth with a longer time is needed because the physical properties of biochar change over time. 
Optimasi Proses Fermentasi Semi Padat Onggok Singkong Menggunakan Metode Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Beni Hidayat; Udin Hasanudin; Muhammad Muslihudin; Syamsu Akmal; Siti Nurdjanah; Neti Yuliana
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 21 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v21i2.2075


The application of semi-solid fermentation has been able to increase the potential for using cassava pulp, an underused biomass from starch processing (tapioca),  as foodstuffs which are reflected in an increase in protein content up to 7.07% and a decrease in cyanide content to less than 10 mg/kg (8.78 mg/kg). Further process optimization is required if the cassava pulp fermentation process is to be carried out on an industrial scale. This research was aimed to obtain the optimal fermentation process parameters to produce cassava pulp flour with optimal characteristics as foodstuffs. Optimization of the fermentation process was carried out using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) with the Central Composite Design model.  There were three optimized factors, namely the concentration of S. cerevisiae (1%-3%), ammonium sulfate concentration (1%-2%), and fermentation time (72-120 hours). The determination of the upper and lower limits was based on preliminary research. The optimal characteristics of fermented cassava pulp flour is obtained in the process parameters: starter concentration 1.67%, ammonium sulphate concentration 1.00%, and fermentation time 77.65 hours. The optimal process parameters will produce fermented cassava pulp flour with a protein content of 6.17%, cyanide content of 8.64 mg/kg, and an odour score of 4.93 (maximum score of 5, like very much) which is very potential to be used as foodstuffs.
Pemanfaatan Limbah Biomassa Jagung Untuk Produksi Biochar di Desa Bangunsari, Pesawaran Wahyu Hidayat; Agus Haryanto; Gusri Akhyar Ibrahim; Udin Hasanudin; Seldi Prayoga; Bagus Saputra; Alim Fadila Rahman; Karina Gracia Agatha Tambunan
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (JPKM) TABIKPUN Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jpkmt.v3i1.77


Jagung merupakan komoditi unggulan di Desa Bangunsari, Pesawaran, namun hasil panen menyisakan limbah biomassa tongkol jagung. Selama ini limbah tongkol jagung hanya dibuang dan dibakar, sehingga menimbulkan masalah polusi, efek rumah kaca dan pemanasan global. Pemanfaatan limbah tongkol jagung sebagai bahan baku biochar dapat menjadi solusi yang menjanjikan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan manfaat penting biochar sebagai pembenah tanah kepada petani di Desa Bangunsari, membangun tungku produksi biochar, dan mempraktikkan cara membuat biochar dari tongkol jagung. Metode pengabdian menggunakan PLA (Participatory Learning and Action) dengan melibatkan beberapa petani yang dilatih dalam pembuatan biochar. Dari kegiatan PKM ini telah dibangun satu tungku produksi biochar dari batu bata dan tanah liat yang mampu memproses bahan baku berupa limbah tongkol jagung dengan kapasitas proses 35 meter kubik. Petani yang terlibat dalam kegiatan PKM ini mengerti proses pembuatan biochar menggunakan tungku tanah liat
Pengaruh Kadar Perekat Terhadap Karakteristik Briket Arang Limbah Kayu Karet (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg) Rahmi Adi Bazenet; Wahyu Hidayat; Siti Mutiara Ridjayanti; Melya Riniarti; Irwan Sukri Banuwa; Agus Haryanto; Udin Hasanudin
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering) Vol 10, No 3 (2021): September
Publisher : The University of Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jtep-l.v10i3.283-295


The study aimed to determine the effects of adhesive content on rubber wood charcoal briquette characteristics. Wood charcoal was produced using a double-drum retort kiln at > 500°C.  Wood charcoals were crushed into powder and then mixed with tapioca adhesive of 5%, 10%, and 15%. The charcoal-adhesive mix was then pressed using a hydraulic press machine. For comparison, rubber wood biomass briquettes were also produced using wood particle-adhesive mix with similar adhesive content.  Biomass and charcoal briquettes characteristics as physical properties (density and water absorption), chemical properties (ultimate analysis, and FTIR analysis) and energy properties (calorific value) were evaluated.  The results showed that density ranged between 0.52-0.56 g/cm3, water absorption of 6.54-7.47%, C content of 82.67-84.41%, H content of 3.28-3.60%, N content of 0.67%-0.74%, and calorific value of 30.76-32.86 MJ/kg.  The results of FTIR analysis showed changes in the spectrum of the wave band on the functional groups OH, CH, C≡H, C=C, and C=O, indicating the decomposition of the chemical components of rubber wood due to pyrolysis.  The results prove that increasing the adhesive content can reduce the quality of briquettes.  Based on physical, chemical, and energy properties, charcoal briquettes with 5% adhesive showed better characteristics than briquettes with 10% and 15% adhesive content, showing water absorption of 6.54%, C content of 84.41%, H content of 3.28%, and heating value of 32.86 MJ/kg. Keywords:  adhesive content, charcoal briquette, pyrolysis, rubber wood waste, tapioca starch
PERUBAHAN SIFAT FISIS PELET TANDAN KOSONG KELAPA SAWIT HASIL TOREFAKSI tri yulianto; Indra Gumay Febryano; Dewi Agustina Iryani; Agus Haryanto; Udin Hasanudin; Wahyu Hidayat
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering) Vol 9, No 2 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : The University of Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jtep-l.v9i2.104-111


 Penggunaan sumber energi dari fosil secara terus menerus mengakibatkan pasokan minyak bumi menjadi terbatas, sehingga dibutuhkan inovasi energi terbarukan. Tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) merupakan salah satu limbah padat dari industri minyak sawit yang potensial untuk digunakan sebagai energi terbarukan karena ketersediaannya yang melimpah dan harga bahan baku yang relatif murah. Sifat-sifat TKKS dapat ditingkatkan menggunakan metode torefaksi. Torefaksi adalah perlakuan termokimia pada kisaran  suhu 200-300°C dengan kondisi inert (oksigen terbatas).  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan sifat fisis pelet TKKS melalui torefaksi dengan menggunakan electric furnace (EF). Torefaksi pelet TKKS pada penelitian ini menggunakan suhu 280°C dengan durasi 20 menit.  Pengujian pelet TKKS meliputi perubahan warna, kerapatan, kadar air, dan ketahanan terhadap perendaman air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa warna pelet tandan kosong kelapa sawit berubah total setelah torefaksi dengan nilai perubahan warna (ΔE*) sebesar 14,97. Kerapatan awal pelet sebesar 0,58% g/cm3 menurun dan setelah torefaksi menjadi 0,48 g/cm3. Kadar air awal pelet tandan kosong kelapa sawit sebesar 11,54% menurun setelah torefaksi menjadi 6,66%. Uji ketahanan terhadap air menunjukkan bahwa pelet yang ditorefaksi lebih tahan terhadap air dibandingkan pelet yang belum ditorefaksi, sehingga akan sangat menguntungkan ketika pelet disimpan dalam waktu yang lama dan pada kondisi lembab. Kata kunci: sifat fisis, tandan kosong kelapa sawit, torefaksi, warna.