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Alternative Livelihood Potential of Fishermen Households in The Liukang Tangaya Aquatic Conservation Area, Pangkajene Islands Regency Andi Adri Arief; Kasri; Muhammad Dalvi Mustafa; Harnita Agusanty; Irma Sribianti; Jumiati Amin
Torani Journal of Fisheries and Marine Science VOLUME 5 NOMOR 1, DESEMBER 2021
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35911/torani.v5i1.19059


The potential and development of alternative livelihoods for fishermen households in marine conservation areas must be relevant to or refer to the context of contextual technical considerations (locality), and not a deduction or bottom-up policies derivation so that they can grow and develop (facilitating) local fishermen's households in production activities that are complementary to increasing the spirit of the locality, community harmonious with natural resoureces and welfare through the opening of new economic spaces that can be accessed and controlled by the local community themselves. This type of research is qualitative with a case study approach. Data was collected through direct observation and in-depth interviews with some informants. There are 30 fisherman’s household which is used as primary data source informants. Qualitative analysis based on technical variables, namely community interest, availability of local raw materials/natural resources, availability of labor and market opportunities through content analysis from compilation of interview results through snowball technique with reference to triangulation principle. While quantitative data analysis is carried out with business feasibility indicators for new alternative types of livelihoods that can be applied to fishermen households, namely B/C Ratio indicators, Return Of Investment (ROI), and Payback Period (PP). Research result show that based on the analysis of technical variables, the potential alternative livelihoods carried out by fishermen households are seaweed aquaculture, floating net cage aquaculture, processed fishery products, coconut and household scale chicken and duck farming. The B/C ratio value of these businesses is > 1 with very profitable criteria to do.    
Pendapatan Masyarakat pada Komponen Silvopasture dan Agrisilvikultur Kecamatan Parangloe Kabupaten gowa Muthmainnah Zainuddin; Irma Sribianti
Jurnal Hutan dan Masyarakat VOLUME 10 NOMOR 1, JULI 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (622.059 KB) | DOI: 10.24259/jhm.v0i0.3908


Pendapatan Masyarakat pada Komponen Silvopasture dan Agrisilvikultur Kecamatan Parangloe Kabupaten gowaThe Community Revenue In Silvopasture Components and Agrisilvikulture Parangloe Districles Gowa RegencyMuthmainnah1, Irma Sribianti2  1. Staf Pengajar Program Studi Kehutanan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar   Email :  Staf Pengajar Program Studi Kehutanan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar ABSTRACT. This study aims to (1) identify the types of income from the components of silvopasture and agrisilvikulture (2) to know the income of farmers from the components of silvopasture and agrisilvikulture. This study was conducted for 3 months from April to July 2016. The respondent sample is a member of the community who earn income from the components of silvopasture and agrisilvikulture. Sampling technique conducted in this research is census method that is 20 head of family from population to be sample. The results showed that the farmers who apply the silvopasture component combine the plant component of forestry in the form of white teak with an average income of Rp. 3.310.773 / year and livestock components in the form of cattle Rp. 2.307.727 / year. The agrisilvikulture component is a forestry component of teak white with an average income of Rp. 2,155,889 / year combined with agricultural crops such as rice with an average income of Rp. 1.372.500 / year, corn of Rp. 4.232.000 / year, cassava Rp. 4.347.500 / year, long beans of Rp. 627,500 / year, cucumber of Rp. 505.000 / year and pare of Rp. 530,000 / year. Silvopasture component revenue is Rp 61,803,500 / year with an average of Rp.5.618.500 / year or 47.08%. While the results from agrisilvikultur with a value of Rp 56.834.000 / year with an average of Rp 6.314.889 / year or 52.92%. This shows that the audiovisual income is higher than that of silvopasture.Keywords: Revenue; Silvopasture; AgrisilvikultureABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis pendapatan dari komponen silvopasture dan agrisilvikulture (2) mengetahui pendapatan petani dari komponen silvopasture dan agrisilvikulture. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 3 bulan mulai dari bulan April sampai Juli 2016. Sampel responden merupakan anggota masyarakat yang memperoleh pendapatan dari komponen silvopasture dan agrisilvikulture. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sensus yaitu 20 kepala keluarga dari populasi dijadikan sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa petani yang menerapkan komponen silvopasture mengkombinasi antara tanaman komponen kehutanan berupa jati putih dengan rata-rata pendapatan sebesar Rp. 3.310.773/tahun dan komponen peternakan berupa sapi sebesar Rp. 2.307.727/tahun. Komponen agrisilvikulture berupa komponen kehutanan yaitu jati putih dengan rata-rata pendapatan sebesar Rp. 2.155.889/tahun yang dipadukan dengan tanaman pertanian seperti padi dengan rata-rata pendapatan sebesar Rp. 1.372.500/tahun, jagung sebesar Rp. 4.232.000/tahun, ubi kayu Rp. 4.347.500/tahun, kacang panjang sebesar Rp. 627.500/tahun, mentimun sebesar Rp. 505.000/tahun dan pare sebesar Rp. 530.000/tahun.  Pendapatan komponen silvopasture sebesar Rp 61.803.500/tahun dengan rata-rata Rp.5.618.500/tahun atau 47,08%. Sedangkan hasil dari agrisilvikultur dengan nilai Rp 56.834.000/tahun dengan rata-rata Rp 6.314.889 /tahun atau 52,92%  . Ini menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan agrisilvikultur lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pendapatan dari silvopasture.Kata kunci: Pendapatan; Silvopastur; Agrisilvikultur
Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan BONITA Vol 2, No 2 (2020): DESEMBER 2020
Publisher : Universitas Andi Djemma Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55285/bonita.v2i2.524


This study aims to determine the value of the economic benefits of sugar palm plants utilized by the community. The research was conducted for 2 months, starting from September to October 2018. The preparatory phase was to determine the location of the study, namely in the Village of Ko'mara, Polongbangkeng District, North Takalar District. With the consideration that in the village there are many sugar palm plants. The next step is identification to see how many people manage palm sugar plants to produce processed palm products. Based on the results of identification obtained 12 respondents. Calculation of the economic value of sugar palm plants is done by calculating income based on market prices. The results showed that sugar palm plants had been processed into Brown Sugar, Kolang Kaling and Ijuk. The value of the economic benefits of the production of Red Sugar is Rp. 99,575,000 / year with a percentage of 69.40%, the production of Kolang-Kaling is Rp. 26,188,000 / year with a percentage of 18.25%, and the production of Ijuk is Rp. 17,700,000 / year with a percentage of 12.33%. The total value of the economic benefits of sugar palm plants is Rp. 143,463,000 / year.
Jurnal Eboni Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Program Studi Kehutanan Universitas Muslim Maros

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.15 KB)


This study aims to identify the value of economic benefits obtained from the Candlenut plant in Bungin Village, Bungin District, Enrekang Regency and to determine the economic benefit value of the candlenut plant in Bungin Village, Bungin District, Enrekang Regency. This research was conducted in Bungin Village, Bungin District, Enrekang Regency and this research will be carried out for approximately 3 months from September to November 2019. The research population is all people in Bungin Village, Bungin District, Enrekang Regency. The research sample was farmers who owned candlenut plants and the sampling was done by using purposive sampling technique. The people who earn from candlenut are 90 households using the Slovin formula with a tolerance of 15% error value. Based on the Slovin formula, the number of research samples is 30 people. Data analysis was carried out by recapitulating data from the respondents' results for the calculation of the economic benefit value of candlenut using a direct approach based on market prices. The results showed that the hazelnut plants obtained by the community were like candlenut fruit, candlenut shell, firewood and candlenut stands. The net income of the candlenut tree is Rp. 11.409.466 / year or 8,13% of candlenut, Rp. 54.107 / year or 0,04% of candlenut shell, Rp. 127.200 or 0.09% of firewood, and Rp. 128.700.000 stands of candlenut or 92,00%.
Estimasi Biomassa, Cadangan Karbon, Produksi O2 dan Nilai Jasa Lingkungan Serapan CO2 Tegakan Hutan di Taman Hutan Raya Abdul Latief Sinjai Timur Irma Sribianti; Sultan; Muthaminnah; M Daud; Nirwana; Andi Aziz Abdullah; Ashar Sardiawan
Jurnal Hutan dan Masyarakat VOLUME 14 NO 1, JULI 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (395.727 KB) | DOI: 10.24259/jhm.v14i1.18022


ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the potential of biomass, carbon stocks, and carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption in forest stands in the Abdul Latief Forest Park, Sinjai District, South Sulawesi Province. Measurement of biomass at various levels of growth was carried out by making plots of 20 with a size of 20 m x 20 m for tree level, 10 m x 10 m for pole level and 5 m x 5 m for sapling level. Tree biomass, poles and saplings are calculated using allometric equations for tropical wood species in Indonesia. Measuring carbon stocks is done by multiplying biomass with a conversion rate of 0.47 (47%) while carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption is calculated by multiplying the average annual growth of biomass with a conversion rate of 1.4667 obtained from the photosynthesis equation. Based on the results of the study showed that the biomass content of forest stands in the Abdul Latief Forest Park was 192.10 Ton/Ha, carbon stocks in the forest stand in the Abdul Latief Forest Park were 90.28 Ton/Ha, the oxygen production was 385,59 Ton/Ha and the absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) in forest stands in Abdul Latief Forest Park of 13.13 Tons/Ha/Year oksigen. Value of Environmental services carbon dioxide was Rp. 35.267.664/Ton/Tahun Keywords : Biomass, Carbon dioxide absoption, Oxygen Production, Value of Enviromental Services, Forest Park
Keragaman jenis pohon dan peresapan air di lahan terbiarkan setelah kebun tradisional Emi Purwanti; Rachmad Mulyadi; Dita Putri Dwi Ramadhanti; Dicky Setyono; Kusno Yuli Widiati; Irma Sribianti; Karmini Karmini
ULIN: Jurnal Hutan Tropis Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (464.828 KB) | DOI: 10.32522/ujht.v6i2.7906


Aspek ekologi lahan terlantar dapat dilihat dari banyak aspek, antara lain keanekaragaman famili dan kemampuan menyerap air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indeks nilai penting berdasarkan famili pohon dan kemampuan menyerap air (laju infiltrasi dan permeabilitas) pada lahan terlantar setelah kebun tradisional. Survei vegetasi pohon dengan diameter setinggi dada (DBH) >5 cm dilakukan pada 10 anak petak masing-masing berukuran 20 m × 20 m. Pengukuran laju infiltrasi dan permeabilitas dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali dengan masing-masing 3 kali pengulangan. Nilaisignifikansi famili (FIV) tertinggi adalah Euphorbiaceae (104,07), Moraceae (84,75), dan Sapindaceae (20,94). Laju infiltrasi adalah 12,8 cm/jam di hutan sekunder (lereng landai), 6,0 cm/jam di hutan sekunder (lereng agak curam), 1,6 cm/jam di lahan terbuka (lereng landai), dan 1,2 cm/jam di lahan terbuka (lereng agak curam). Permeabilitas di hutan sekunder (lereng landai), hutan sekunder (lereng agak curam), lahan terbuka (lereng landai), dan lahan terbuka (lereng agak curam) masing-masing sebesar 15,45 cm/jam, 11,15 cm/jam, 9,82 cm/jam, dan 8,93 cm/jam. Informasi tentang keanekaragaman dan resapan air lahan terlantar
Publisher : Fapetrik-UMPAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31850/jgt.v12i1.938


This study aims to identify the economic benefits of paddy field ecosystems and analyze the value of the economic benefits of paddy field ecosystems in Moncobalang Village, Barombong District, Gowa Regency. The sampling method used a purposive technique, namely deliberately selecting respondents whose livelihoods were 83 farmers. Data was collected through interviews with respondents using a questionnaire. The method used to analyze the value of the economic benefits of the paddy field ecosystem uses an economic valuation method with a market price approach and the price of substitute goods. The calculated economic benefit value of the paddy field ecosystem is the direct benefit value, the indirect benefit value, the optional benefit value, and the existence benefit value. The results showed the economic benefit value of the paddy field ecosystem obtained, namely the direct benefit value consisting of the value of rice production and the production value of horticultural crops. The indirect benefit value was calculated from the value of agricultural waste products, as well as the optional benefit value calculated from the value of the paddy field ecosystem as a carbon sink and oxygen producer and the benefit value of the existence of paddy fields. The total value of the economic benefits of the paddy field ecosystem is IDR 8,813,171,208/ha/year, which consists of a direct benefit value of IDR 8,143,127,013/ha/year, the indirect benefit value is IDR 121,375,000/ha/year, the value of the optional benefits is IDR 416,369,190/ha/year, and the existence benefit value is IDR 132,300,000/ha/year.
KELAYAKAN EKOWISATA MANGROVE LUPPUNG BERBASIS POTENSI KEANEKARAGAMAN HAYATI Irma Sribianti; Hikmah Hikmah; Muthmainnah Muthmainnah; Andi Azis Abdullah; Muhammad Tahnur; Reski Melati
Jurnal Hutan Tropis Vol 11, No 3 (2023): Jurnal Hutan Tropis Volume 11 Nomer 3 Edisi September 2023
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jht.v11i3.17627


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai kelayakan ekowisata Hutan Mangrove Luppung.  Metode analisis data berpedoman pada Pedoman Analisis Wilayah Kerja Objek dan Daya Tarik Wisata Alam (ADO-ODTWA) Direktorat Jenderal Perlindungan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam Tahun 2003 dianalisis menggunakan skoring sesuai dengan kriteria yang terdapat dalam Pedoman Analisis Objek Daerah Operasi dan Daya Tarik Wisata Alam dari Direktorat Jenderal Perlindungan Hutan dan Alam Konservasi tahun 2003. Perhitungan untuk masing-masing kriteria ini menggunakan tabulasi dimana diperoleh angka dari hasil penilaian yang nilai bobotnya berpedoman pada Penilaian Wilayah Kerja Obyek dan Daya Tarik Wisata Alam Direktorat Jenderal Perlindungan Hutan dan Konservasi 2003. Metode Penilaian Kelayakan Ekowisata dengan nilai yang telah ditentukan untuk setiap kriteria.  Nilai kelayakan ekowisata Hutan Mangrove sebesar 70,8% masuk dalam kategori layak untuk dikembangkan sebagai objek wisata