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Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Teknologi Konstruksi
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (663.04 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jts-utu.v7i2.3912


AbstractThe most noticeable change during the COVID-19 pandemic was that fewer people travel from one place to another unless it was very urgent. This was mainly driven by the government's instruction not to carry out activities outside the home except for vehicles transporting goods. The government appeal decreases public transportation operations and reduces the income of public transportation service providers. This study aimed to determine and analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on public transportation (passengers and goods) from Aceh Barat to Medan. The descriptive quantitative method was used in this research. Data collection was carried out through direct surveys and questionnaires, which were randomly distributed to public transport drivers (passengers/goods) at the passenger and freight terminals during working hours. The survey data were analyzed using multiple linear analyses with the help of SPSS software to observe the influence of the independent variable (X) on public transportation (passengers/goods) during the pandemic (Y). The results obtained from the analysis indicated that there are several equations obtained, the equation for passenger transportation: Y1 = 0.298 - 0.770X1 + 0.113X6 and the equation for freight transportation: Y2 = 0.113 + 0.546 X3 + 0.338 X6. From this equation, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the amount of income (X1), travel time (X3), and expenditure costs (X6) on the impact on public transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords— Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Passenger Transport, Goods Transport
Menghitung Kecepatan Kenderaan Bergerak (Running Speed) Cut Liliiza Yusra; Ferdiansyah Novriza
VOCATECH: Vocational Education and Technology Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Akademi Komunitas Negeri Aceh Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38038/vocatech.v3i2.79


AbstractAbstract -  The highway is a transportation infrastructure that is very important in helping the development of the region, so that with a smooth transportation flow it will have a lot of influence in supporting the pace of development that tends to increase community growth. In terms of driving on the road, you must pay attention to personal safety by paying attention to the speed of the vehicle. This study will calculate the moving speed of motorized vehicles using the running speed survey method. It is necessary to carry out a deeper analysis, because the more complicated the problems faced, the more complete the analysis that can be done. To get good results, it is very necessary to have complete and accurate data or information accompanied by relevant theories or basic concepts for the road section to be investigated on the Meulaboh - Tapak Tuan road, Suak Puntong Village, Kuala Pesisir District, Nagan Raya Regency. The average moving speed for the Meulaboh - Tapak Tuan road is 48.31 km/hour. The maximum moving speed for the Meulaboh – Tapak Tuan road is 87.80 km/hour. Keywords:Road, Running Speed.__________________________ AbstrakJalan raya adalah suatu prasarana transportasi yang sangat penting dalam membantu pengembangan wilayah, sehingga dengan adanya arus transportasi yang lancar maka akan banyak memberikan pengaruh di dalam menunjang laju pembangunan yang cenderung meningkatkan pertumbuhan masyarakat. Dalam hal berkendaran di jalan, haruslah memperhatikan keselamatan diri dengan memperhatikan kecepatan kendaraan, Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk pengendara satu dengan pengendara yang lain terjamin keselamatannya sampai ke tujuan. Penelitian ini akan menghitung kecepatan bergerak  kendaraan bermotor  metode survei kecepatan kendaraan bergerak (running speed). Perlunya dilakukan analisis yang lebih dalam lagi, dikarenakan semakin rumit permasalahan yang dihadapi akan semakin komplit pula analisis yang dapat dilakukan. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang baik, maka sangatlah diperlukan data atau informasi yang lengkap dan akurat disertai dengan teori atau konsep dasar yang relevan ruas jalan yang akan diteliti ruas  jalan  Meulaboh - Tapak Tuan Desa Suak Puntong Kecamatan Kuala Pesisir Kabupaten Nagan Raya. Kecepatan bergerak rata-rata untuk jalan Meulaboh - Tapak Tuan sebesar 48,31 km/jam. Kecepatan bergerak maksimum untuk jalan Meulaboh – Tapak Tuan sebesar 87,80 km/jam. Kata Kunci:Jalan Raya, Kecepatan Bergerak.
VOCATECH: Vocational Education and Technology Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2020): October
Publisher : Akademi Komunitas Negeri Aceh Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38038/vocatech.v2i1.42


Mapping is a very important part of the work in the field of development, especially in modern times. Accurate and good mapping will also produce good data, so that it can be used as a reference in the field of development both in small, medium and large scale. Therefore, in carrying out the mapping, the tools used should be able to apply the correct measurement techniques. The total station is one of the tools used in the mapping. The total station is a digital device capable of measuring distances and angles simultaneously and can record data electronically. This mapping aims to map a plot of land with the output produced in the form of a topographic map of the Teuku Umar Integrated School Complex (STTU), West Aceh Regency. The measurement method uses Sokkia Total Station Type CX 103 using a prism and data processing uses PC-CDU software, SOKKIA Link SOKKIA Tools, and Land Desktop. The measurement results obtained the original land surface elevation data with an area of 8645 m2. The lowest point of the land surface is at P9 point with an elevation of 2.01 m. This is because the area is a swampy area. While the highest ground level elevation is at the BM point with an elevation of 3.00 m. This is because the area is a hilly land surface. Pemetaan merupakan bagian pekerjaan yang sangat penting pada bidang pembangunan, khususnya di zaman modern ini. Pemetaan yang akurat dan baik akan menghasilkan data-data yang baik pula, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam bidang pembangunan baik dalam skala kecil, menengah maupun besar. Oleh karena itu, dalam melaksanakan pemetaan hendaknya menggunakan alat yang mampu mengaplikasikan teknik-teknik pengukuran yang benar. Total station merupakan salah satu alat yang digunakan dalam pemetaan tersebut. Total station merupakan alat digital yang mampu mengukur jarak dan sudut secara sekaligus dan dapat merekam data secara elektronik. Pemetaan ini bertujuan untuk memetakan suatu bidang tanah dengan output yang dihasilkan berupa peta topografi Komplek Sekolah Terpadu Teuku Umar (STTU) Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Metode pengukuran menggunakan alat Total Station Sokkia Tipe CX 103 dengan menggunakan prisma dan pengolahan data menggunakan software PC-CDU, SOKKIA Link SOKKIA Tools, dan Land Dekstop. Hasil pengukuran didapatkan data elevasi permukaan tanah asli dengan luas 8645 m2. Titik terendah permukaan tanah berada pada titik P9 dengan elevasi 2,01 m. Hal ini disebabkan pada daerah tersebut merupakan daerah rawa-rawa. Sedangkan elevasi tertinggi permukaan tanah berada pada titik BM dengan Elevasi 3,00 m. Hal ini disebabkan pada daerah tersebut merupakan permukaan tanah yang berbukit.
Kajian Kuat Tekan Beton Berdasarkan Kondisi Bakar dan Tanpa Bakar (Studi Mutu Beton 20 MPa Menggunakan Metode American Concrete Institute) Ferdiansyah Novriza; Desi Yana; Syukri Syukri
VOCATECH: Vocational Education and Technology Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): October
Publisher : Akademi Komunitas Negeri Aceh Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38038/vocatech.v1i0.5


Abstrak—Beton merupakan salah satu campuran material yang sangat banyak digunakan dalam setiap pekerjaan konstruksi, baik untuk kegiatan bangunan, jalan atau pembuatan jembatan. Beton memilikki kriteria yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan perencanaan yang telah disepakati. Mutu suatu beton sangat dipengaruhi oleh material pembentuknya ataupun dari sisi perawatannya. Mutu beton dapat berkurang dikarenakan terjadinya hal yang tidak diinginkan seperti terjadinya kebakaran. Proses pemanasan berlebih terhadap suatu beton tidak direncanaan pada tahapan perencanaan beton sehingga bisa saja mengurangi atau menambah mutu beton tersebut. Oleh karena itu tujuan dari pada penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan kuat tekan beton yang terjadi akibat pembakaran dengan kuat tekan beton normal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode American Concrete Institute (ACI). Penelitian ini dilakukaan terhadapat mutu beton 20 MPa dengan sampel berbentuk silinder dengan jumlah sampel penelitian pada masing-masing sampel beton sebanyak 8 buah dengan pembagian sampel penelitian 4 sampel untuk dibakar dan 4 sampel untuk kondisi normal. Pembakaran dilakukan pada suhu >250oC dan lamanya pembakaran selama 3 jam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap sampel yang di uji diperoleh mutu beton untuk kondisi beton kondisi bakar berturut- turut sebesar 17,7 Mpa, 20,9 Mpa, 11,4 MPa, dan 21,7 MPa. Sedangkan untuk kondisi beton normal diperoleh sebesar 25,8 MPa, 26,67 MPa, 28,4 MPa dan 22,5 MPa. Berdasarkan kuat tekan beton dengan pembakaran didapatkan kuat tekan rata-rata sebesar 17.925 MPa. Sedangkan pada perlakuan beton normal tanpa bakar diperoleh kuat tekan rata-rata sebesar 27.00 MPa. Sehingga penurunan kuat tekan beton akibat terjadinya kebakaran adalah sebesar 33,61% dari kondisi beton normal. Kata kunci: Kuat Tekan Beton, American Concrete Institute, Beton Bakar. Abstract—Concrete is a mixture of materials widely used in every construction work such as in building, road, and bridge. Concrete has different criteria according to agreed plans. The quality of concrete is greatly influenced by its material and maintenance. Concrete quality can be reduced due to fire. The overheating process of concrete is not planned at the concrete planning stage. Therefore, it may reduce or increase the quality of the concrete. The current study aimed to compare the press strength of combusted and normal concrete. The American Concrete Institute (ACI) method was employed in the study. This study was conducted on the 20 MPa cylindrical concrete for a total of 8 samples. Four samples were set to be burned while the other four were in normal conditions. Combustion is carried out at temperatures above 250oC for the duration of 3 hours. The results showed that the concrete quality of the combusted concrete was 17.7 Mpa, 20.9 Mpa, 11.4 MPa, and 21.7 MPa, respectively while the normal concrete obtained 25.8 MPa, 26.67 MPa, 28.4 MPa, and 22.5 MPa respectively. The average press strength for combusted concrete was 17,925 MPa while the normal concrete without combustion was 27.00 MPa. It can be concluded that combustion reduced the press strength of the concrete at about 33.61% compared to the normal concrete. Keywords: Concrete Press Strength, American Concrete Institute, Burned Concrete
Prokons: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 16, No 2 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/prokons.v16i2.377


AbstractThe ups and downs of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia have caused economic, educational, and social aspects of public lives to experience a decline. Changes in community activity patterns are a warning for the central and regional government to bring public lives back to normal. Such effort can be seen in the government issuing policies regarding preventive measures to suppress the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. One kind of such policy is the regulation of Domestic Travelers (PPDN). This policy certainly has positive and negative impacts on both the users and providers of transportation services. The purpose of this study is to see the impact of the regulations applied on the characteristics of service users in choosing the mode of transportation. The alternative modes of transportation used in this study are public, private and air transportation. The method used in this study is a quantitative descriptive method by distributing questionnaires to the target samples. The data were then processed and analyzed using a multinomial logit model approach through STATA 13 software to obtain the probability of each mode of transportation. The results show that there were several factors that influence the choice of transportation modes, the amount of income (X1), type of work (X4), gender (X3), cost (X2), travel time (X6) and comfort (X7). The probabilities of the three selected modes of transportation were Ppublic transportation = 56.07%, Pair freight = 34.54 % and Pprivate transport = 6.08%. The results indicate that the more demanding mode of transportation was the land transportation (public transportation).Keywords: Mode of Transportation, COVID-19, Logit Model, PPDN.
VOCATECH: Vocational Education and Technology Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : Akademi Komunitas Negeri Aceh Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38038/vocatech.v4i1.89


The value of travel time is a necessity that is needed by travelers. Efficient time value will make a lot of cost savings to be incurred. Sisingamangaraja Street in Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency is one of the areas that is currently very developed. This is because this area is a place for offices, education, trade and housing for residents. The density of this area often causes traffic problems such as congestion so that accidents often occur. The purpose of this study was to determine the value of time spent by travelers using private vehicles (cars motorbikes). The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method, by distributing questionnaires directly to private vehicle users. Data from the questionnaire will be analyzed by using multiple linear regression method with SPSS software to get equation of time value for cars and motorcycles. The results obtained from the data analysis show that there are several variables that affect the value of travel time, including: the amount of income (X3), type of work (X2), travel time (X5) and travel costs (X8). The regressions obtained for each vehicle are: cars, Y = 272,320 – 2,170 X2 + 1,113 X3 – 46,770 X5 + 112,113 X8 and motorcycles, Y = 20,289 – 3,429 X2 + 3,153 X3 – 36,475 X5 + 78,129 X8. From these equations it can be concluded that the time value of a car is Rp. 35,021.28/hour and the value of travel time for a motorcycle is Rp. 14,508.66/hour.Keywords:Keyword: Time Value; Private Vehicle; Multiple Linear Analysis.
Analisis Kuat Hantar Arus pada Instalasi Listrik Berdasarkan Standar Persyaratan Umum Instalasi Listrik di Akademi Komunitas Negeri Aceh Barat ary firnanda; herdian saputra; haimi ardiansyah; teuku mizan sya'rani denk; ferdiansyah novriza; ari saputra; zulfan khairil simbolon
VOCATECH: Vocational Education and Technology Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Akademi Komunitas Negeri Aceh Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38038/vocatech.v5i1.142


Persyaratan Umum Instalasi Listrik (PUIL) merupakan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi pada instalasi listrik. Penerapan standar PUIL pada instalasi listrik sangat penting dimana untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan yang dikarenakan kesalahan pada instalasi listrik seperti kebakaran. Akademi Komunitas Negeri Aceh Barat yang merupakan perguruan tinggi vokasi sangat membutuhkan listrik untuk mengoperasikan alat-alat praktikum. Apabila instalasi listrik di Akademi Komunitas Negeri Aceh Barat tidak memenuhi standar PUIL maka sangat rentan alat-alat praktikum tersebut akan cepat rusak dan bahkan terjadi kebakaran karena alat-alat praktikum tersebut membutuhkan daya listrik yang lumayan besar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kesesuaian KHA pada penghantar instalasi listrik Akademi Komunitas Negeri Aceh Barat berdasarkan standar PUIL 2011. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode studi pustaka dan observasi lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum KHA penghantar instalasi listrik Akademi Komunitas Negeri Aceh Barat yang dibagi 10 jalur sudah sangat baik dimana 2 jalur sudah sesuai standar dan 8 jalur berada di atas standar PUIL 2011.
JURNAL TEKNIK SIPIL Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Volume 1 Special Issue, Nomor 1, September 2017
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract: Meureubo subdistrict is one of subdistricts in West Aceh which are currently experiencing lot of developments. It is because at this time meureubo subdistrict became central of education in West Aceh. The construction of three universities in this subdistrict will impact the growing population density and number of trip in this area. The modelling of trip generation has been performed by individuals in one area that will be needed to know by studying a variety of relationships between the characteristic of movements and the environmental of land use. This research aimed at achieving the modelling movements of generation based on activities in the housing of the Buddhist Tzu Chi and ADB (Asian Development Bank) in the subdistrict of Meureubo in West Aceh Regency by identifying the factors which have influenced the occurrence of movements to the workplace by dwellers of housing. The data were collected by surveys, questionnaires and the formation of the model was collected by using STATA 13 with each of these activities serve as comparison (base outcomes). A discrete model was analyzed by multinomial logit model to get utility and probability of each activity. In this study there are several types of activity were obtained but only 2 dominant is school activity (mandatory) and work activity (mandatory). Based on the results of running from several variables there are 6 variables that meet to the criteria of model, the variables are number of family members (X1), family income (X2), age (X8), travel time (X9), gender (X11) and vehicle used (X12). The probability of events for each activity are reviewed by the utility obtained is P(working) = 44.75%, P(school) = 27.12% and P(other activity) = 28.13%. Abstrak: Kecamatan Meureubo merupakan salah satu dari kecamatan yang berada di Kabupaten Aceh Barat yang saat ini banyak mengalami perkembangan. Hal ini dikarenakan untuk saat ini kawasan tersebut menjadi central pendidikan. Pembangunan tiga buah universitas negeri di kecamatan ini akan berdampak bertambahnya kepadatan penduduk dan jumlah perjalanan di kawasan tersebut. Model bangkitan pergerakan yang akan dilakukan oleh suatu individu disuatu kawasan perlu diketahui bentuknya dengan mempelajari berbagai variasi hubungan antara karakteristik pergerakan dengan lingkungan tata guna lahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan model bangkitan pergerakan berdasarkan aktivitas pada penghuni komplek perumahan Buddha Tzu Chi dan perumahan ADB (Asian Development Bank) di Kecamatan Meureubo Kabupaten Aceh Barat dengan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya pergerakan oleh penghuni komplek perumahan ke tempat beraktivitas. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survey dan kuesioner adapun pembentukan model dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak STATA 13 dengan masing-masing aktivitas tersebut dijadikan sebagai pembanding (base outcome). Model berbasis pemilihan diskret dianalisis dengan pendekatan multinomial logit model untuk mendapatkan utilitas dan probabilitas masing-masing aktivitas. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat beberapa jenis aktivitas yang diperoleh namun hanya 2 yang dominan yaitu aktivitas sekolah (mandatory) dan aktivitas bekerja (mandatory). Berdasarkan hasil running dari beberapa variabel yang ada terdapat 6 variabel bebas yang memenuhi kriteria model yang diinginkan variabel tersebut antara lain adalah jumlah anggota keluarga (X1), jumlah pendapatan keluarga (X2), umur (X8), waktu perjalanan (X9), jenis kelamin (X11) dan kendaraan yang digunakan (X12). Adapun nilai probabilitas aktivitas untuk masing-masing aktivitas yang ditinjau berdasarkan utilitas yang didapat adalah P(Bekerja) = 44,75 %, P(Sekolah) = 27,12 % dan P(Aktivitas lain) = 28,13 %.