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The Influence of Individual Spirituality Toward Spirit at Work in Enhancing Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction Amelia Naim Indrajaya
International Journal of Business Studies Vol 1 No 2 (2017): International Journal of Business Studies (IJBS)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (532.491 KB) | DOI: 10.32924/ijbs.v1i2.19


The low spirit, lack of higher purpose and meaning in the workplace has an impact towards employees’ morale. Eventually, the commitment to moral will decrease employees’ productivity and organizational commitment at work. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the inluence of individual spirituality toward spirit at work and how it enhances job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The quantitative research through questionnaires was conducted in the branch ofice of PT. Telkom with the highest revenue in the Central of Jakarta. The indings show the importance of workplace spirituality in enhancing job satisfaction and organizational commitments as important factors in increasing company’s performance. Despite the growing belief that workplace spirituality signiicantly relates to performance, the evidence is still needed based on academically proven empirical research that great spirituality is part of the strategic management approach toward better performance. Furthermore, this study supported the hypotheses that individual spirituality is positively impacting spiritat work and in turn positively enhancing job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Further quantitative explanatory approach and/or qualitative exploratory approach will be needed to reach a more solid conclusion.
Pelatihan Seni Ketrampilan Makrame dan Penjualan Online untuk Remaja Putri di Panti Asuhan Darusholihat Wiwiek Mardawiyah Daryanto; Amelia Naim Indrajaya
Journal of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Journal Of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32924/jscd.v1i1.1


ABSTRAK Saat ini Indonesia masih sangat minim wirausahawan. Secara persentase, jumlah wirausaha di Indonesia baru sekitar 3%. Angka tersebut masih jauh jika dibandingkan dengan negara tetangga di ASEAN seperti Malaysia, Singapura, dan Thailand yang sudah di atas 4%. Kurangnya minat berwirausaha ini menjadi penyebab menambahnya tingkat pengangguran. Wadah untuk pengenalan wirausaha dan peningkatan kreatifitas pada anak-anak terlantar masih sangat sulit ditemukan di Indonesia. Panti asuhan merupakan salah satu tempat perkumpulan anak terlantar yang dapat digunakan untuk pengenalan akan wirausaha. Namun hal ini sering terlupakan karena keterbatasan dana dan keterbatasan tenaga pengasuh. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk pengenalan terhadap pendidikan wirausaha untuk anak panti asuhan yang dimulai dari pembelajaran seni keterampilan yang unik seperti Makrame dan pengenalan terhadap cara berjualan tanpa atau rendah biaya melalui online. Seni Makrame adalah suatu kerajinan simpul-menyimpul dengan menggarap rangkaian benang/tali sehingga terbentuk aneka rumbai dan jumbai yang dapat dibuat menjadi ikat pinggang, penghias gerabah atau keramik, tas, hiasan dinding, keranjang untuk menggantung tanaman, dan sebagainya. Metode yang digunakan pertama memperkenalkan produk-produk kerajinan Makrame beserta manfaatnya, belajar membuat produk Makrame dengan mengajarkan cara membuat simpul-simpul, cara menjual produk secara langsung juga cara memasarkan secara online. Setelah kegiatan terlihat kemampuan anak anak panti asuhan dalam membuat produk produk Makrame. Disarankan agar perlu dilakukan pelatihan seni Makrame untuk produk lainnya yang lebih intensif secara berkala untuk meningkatkan skill mereka juga potensi kerjasama yang bisa dibangun misalnya anak-anak panti membentuk komunitas untuk menjual barang secara bersama. ABSTRACT Currently Indonesia still lacks of entrepreneurs. By percentage, the total entrepreneurship in Indonesia is around 3%. This is far below compared to our neighbors in Asean like Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand which is above 4%. The lack of interest of the entrepreneurship increases the jobless. In Indonesia, it is difficult to find a place / a facility for misfortune kids to learn about entrepreneurship or to develop the creativity. The orphanage will be one of the place for those kids to get the acknowledgment. But due to the limited funds and trainers, none is available. Therefore, the purpose of this community involvement activity was to introduce the entrepreneurship to the orphans by teaching them to learn to know about Makrame, the art of knotting cord or string in patterns to make decorative articles such as belt, ceramic articles, bags, wall decoration, plant hanger, etc. The methods which were used to introduce Makrame products with their usefulness, learning how to make knots, how to do direct selling of the product as well via online marketing. After the completion of the activity, the participants’ ability making Makrame products has increased. It is suggested to continue giving the learning activity for various Makrame products, hence it will increase the participants’ skills. As well the potential opportunity to build the network for marketing and selling the products.
Pendekatan Green Eco Tourism Berbasis Budaya dalam Memajukan Pariwisata Bahari Amelia Naim Indrajaya; Wiwiek Mardawiyah Daryanto; Clemence Perrin; Evita Sukmawati
Journal of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Journal Of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32924/jscd.v1i1.5


Abstrak Pulau Kelapa Dua merupakan pulau pemukiman terkecil di wilayah Kepulauan Seribu. Agak sedikit berbeda dengan pulau-pulau pemukiman lainnya, di pulau ini masih dapat kita jumpai rumah-rumah panggung khas masyarakat pesisir yang terbuat dari kayu. Penduduk Pulau Kelapa Dua ini berasal dari Bugis yang merupakan pelaut ulung sehingga sejak lebih dari 30 tahun yang lalu bermukim di Pulau Kelapa Dua hingga saat ini. Hampir 98 % warga Pulau Kelapa Dua merupakan nelayan ikan dan cumi-cumi terutama para Bapak-Bapak, sedangkan Ibu-Ibunya berprofesi sebagai Ibu Rumah Tangga yang merangkap sebagai Anggota Kelompok Usaha Bersama / KUBE. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini mengetengahkan Analisa SWOT serta memberikan pelatihan pelayanan prima untuk pemandu wisata berbasis eko wisata. Kegiatan ini dapat memberikan manfaat yang berkelanjutan kepada masyarakat Pulau Kelapa Dua, terutama dalam meningkatkan kegiatan Eco-pariwisata yang ada di Pulau Kelapa Dua. Abstract Kelapa Dua island is a small island in the thousand island archipelago. Typical houses of Kelapa Dua are traditional Bugis stilt wooden house. The community who lives in Kelapa Dua island are originally from South Sulawesi. More than 30 years ago the brave fishermen from Bugis sailed across the ocean from South Sulawesi and some of them settled in the thousand islands area. Almost 98% of them are fisherman, and the housewife are members of Work Collaboration Cooperative. This paper presents the SWOT analysis of Kelapa Dua island and report the capacity development program conducted to the Kelapa Dua tourist guide. This program improves service excellence and is targeted to ensure sustainability in implementing Eco-tourism in Kelapa Dua Island.
Pelatihan Menjadi Pembicara yang Menginspirasi untuk “Start-up’s Coach” Amelia Naim Indrajaya
Journal of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Journal Of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32924/jscd.v2i1.9


ABSTRAK Seorang pembimbing yang handal adalah faktor yang penting bagi keberhasilan sebuah bisnis start-up. Mereka harus menguasai keahlian komunikasi, keahlian presentasi yang menginspirasi serta mampu mengoptimalkan potensi dari bimbingannya. Program pengembangan komunitas ini mengembangkan kemampuan pembimbing dalam mengasah keahlian pebisnis start-up. Metode penyampaian dimulai dengan konsep diri yang positif. Ke dua adalah menjelaskan konsep “Moment of Truth” dengan mengasah kemampuan komunikasi yang efektif. Bagian ke tiga adalah latihan empati dan asertif. Pada bagian akhir setiap peserta melakukan praktek melakukan presentasi de depan audiens dengan menggunakan semua keahlian yang telah diajarkan dan para peserta menunjukkan performansi yang menggembirakan. Mereka telah menunjukkan kemampuan untuk memberikan presentasi yang berdampak dan menginspirasi. ABSTRACT A coach for a startup business needs to have a good communication skill, and a good presentation skill, in order to unleash the utmost potential of their counselees. This community development project is developing the capacity building of coaches to be able to optimize their skills in giving training and coaching sessions to their counselees. The process starts with the initial phase of Understanding the self-concept. The second step is to improve the moment of truth through the communication skill. The third is mastering empathy and using assertiveness. And the final step is practicing in front of the audience using all the skills taught and practiced in the program. Based on obsertvation, visually, verbally and through the participant’s workbook, the participants are showing a promising improvement in delivering presentation. After the completion of the training, the participants show the ability to conduct impactful and inspiring presentation
Menumbuhkan Integritas melalui Karakter Anti Korupsi untuk Mempersiapkan Remaja menjadi Agen Perubahan Amelia Naim Indrajaya; Yulita Fairina Susanti; Rudy Eddywidjaja; Heryudi Heryudi; Candra Setianto; Juliana Juliana
Journal of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD) Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Journal Of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32924/jscd.v3i1.24


ABSTRAK Meskipun telah dilakukan berbagai upaya, Indonesia kembali dinilai sebagai negara paling terkorup di Asia. Sejak awal tahun 2004 dan 2005 berdasarkan hasil survei dikalangan para pengusaha dan pebisnis oleh lembaga konsultan Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC). Hasil survei lembaga konsultan PERC yang berbasis di Hong Kong menyatakan bahwa Indonesia merupakan negara yang paling korup di antara 12 negara Asia. Predikat negara terkorup diberikan karena nilai Indonesia hampir menyentuh angka mutlak 10 dengan skor 9,25 (nilai 10 merupakan nilai tertinggi atau terkorup). Pada tahun 2005, Indonesia masih termasuk dalam tiga teratas negara terkorup di Asia. Ini seharusnya mampu membangkitkan suatu pemahaman baru, bahwa diperlukan suatu sistem yang mampu menyadarkan semua elemen bangsa untuk sama-sama bergerak memberantas korupsi yang telah menggurita.Cara yang paling efektif adalah melalui media pendidikan. Belajar dari pengalaman negara lain yang relatif berhasil memberantas korupsi, selain aspek penegakan hukum (law enforcement) yang tidak kalah pentingnya adalah Aspek pencegahan dalam bentuk Pendidikan Anti Korupsi (PAK). Program kampanye anti korupsi ini menerapkan pendekatan yang menumbuhkan kesadaran untuk menjadi agen perubahan dengan menerapkan sembilan nilai integritas yaitu Jujur, Peduli, Sederhana, Tanggung Jawab, Kerja Keras, Mandiri, Disiplin, Berani dan Adil. Melalui abdimas ini para remaja diajak untuk mulai berkomitmen untuk menyebarkan konsep integritas melalui perilaku kehidupan sehari-hari dan melakukan kampanye anti korupsi melalui sosial media untuk Indonesia yang lebih bersih. Katakunci: Anti Korupsi, Integritas, Change-Maker, Area of Control, Area of Influence ABSTRACT Despite various efforts, Indonesia was again rated as the most corrupt country in Asia in early 2004 and 2005 based on the results of a survey among entrepreneurs and business people by the Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC) consultancy. The results of a survey by the Hong Kong-based consulting agency PERC stated that Indonesia was the most corrupt country among 12 Asian countries. The predicate of the most corrupt country was given because Indonesia's score almost touched the absolute number 10 with a score of 9.25 (10 is the highest or most corrupt score). In 2005, Indonesia was still among the top three most corrupt countries in Asia. This should be able to generate a new understanding, that we need a system capable of awakening all elements of the nation to jointly move to eradicate corruption that has plagued us.The most effective way is through the media of education. Learning from the experiences of other countries that have been relatively successful in eradicating corruption, apart from the aspect of law enforcement which is no less important is the aspect of prevention in the form of Anti-Corruption Education (PAK). This anti-corruption campaign program applies an approach to raise awareness to become an agent of change by applying the values of integrity, through characters namely Honest, Caring, Humble, Responsibile, Hard Work, Independent, Discipline, Courageous and Fair. Through this community engagement, teenagers began to commit to spreading the concept of integrity through their daily life behavior and carrying out anti-corruption campaigns through social media for the future corruption-free Indonesia.Keywords: presentation skill, moment of truth, empathy, assertiveness
Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Sampah Plastik dan Keterampilan Membuat Souvenir dari Bahan Daur Ulang untuk Anak dan Remaja Nurul Haniza; Amelia Naim Indrajaya
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30653/002.202052.513


TRAINING ON UTILIZATION OF PLASTIC WASTE AND SOUVENIR MAKING SKILLS FROM RECYCLED MATERIALS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH. Cempaka Putih Village is located in East Ciputat sub-district on the outskirts of Jakarta. In this kelurahan, there are still many children dropping out of school, high divorce rates, irregular parental work, which has an impact on juvenile delinquency. Therefore Cempaka Putih Village in East Ciputat District was chosen as a place of community service to target children and adolescents, in order to gain skills in making useful items from recycled materials such as plastic waste. We collaborate with PKBM (Community Learning Center) Lestari a nonprofit organization in the field of education and also with Eco Business Indonesia (EBI) an independent business that makes various kinds of goods from recycled materials. Community service activities are expected to provide sustainable benefits to the community of Cempaka Putih Village, especially in increasing business activities based on plastic waste-based recycling. In the medium term it is hoped that this program can build population independence in a sustainable manner both in economic, social and environmental terms. The program is also expected to be able to contribute in directing children and young people to be able to improve their abilities and fill their free time with useful activities. Long-term impacts are expected to generate income and have a positive effect to increase the creativity and innovation of children and adolescents. This achievement in Cempaka Putih Village can later be used as a model of community development in other Kelurahans so that superior products from each region emerge and develop.
The The Moderating Impact of Individual Spirituality on the Relationship of Spiritual Leadership toward Individual Capability in the Form of Spirit at Work toward Organizational Objectives Amelia Naim Indrajaya; Adi Zakaria Afiff; Tengku Ezni Balqiah; Riani Rahmawati
International Journal of Business Studies Vol 7 No 3 (2023): International Journal of Business Studies
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32924/ijbs.v7i3.269


This empirical research identifies the possible resources as antecedents of Spirit at Work (SW) in an RBV framework. The research empirically examines 530 data taken from a leading telco company on the interaction between organizational resources in the form of spiritual leadership (SL) variables: Vision, hope/faith, altruistic love (AL), meaning/calling and membership toward SW, and human resource in the form of Individual Spirituality (IS) toward SW. Further, SW is tested toward Job Satisfaction (JS) and Organizational Commitment (OC) as competitive advantages in the Service Industry.Findings show that all work related SL variables are significant toward SW. AL shows significant influence toward SW in the context of lower IS. The SW is also significantly and positively impacting JS and OC. Vision, AL and Membership which serve as the primary role and show dependence upon organizational support, are showing higher influence toward SW in lower IS. Hope/Faith and Meaning/Calling as secondary role which rely on employees’ intrinsic factors are showing higher influence toward SW in group of higher IS.