Fauziyah Harahap
Department of Biology Education, Post Grduate, State University of Medan, Medan

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Journal : Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi

Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Siswa Materi Bioteknologi SMA Negeri Se- Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Zulpadly, Zulpadly; Harahap, Fauziyah; Edi, Syahmi
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol 6, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi

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This study aims to determine students learning difficulties in analyzing the material Biotechnology in view of the indicator. This research is descriptive quantitative study population of SMA as Rokan downstream terdir from SMAN 11 with a sample of as many as 644 people overall. The sampling technique used random sampling techniques. The data collection technique is a multiple-choice test instrument, for trouble indicator boteknologi materials, the data is processed by using a percentage. Judging from the indicators difficulties, learning difficulties on indicators derived their understanding of basic principles of biotechnology and 49.90%, explain the science related to biotechnology 46.44%, explaining the differences of traditional and modern biotechnology 52.23%, 67,44%  Explaining the process of genetic engineering %, explaining 63.44% tissue culture process, explain the process of gene recombinant 63.07%, 48,60%  describes an example of genetic engineering, explained the impact of the use of biotechnology 48.06%, describes the impact of using genetically engineered 63,17%.
Analisis Pengetahuan dan Ketuntasan Siswa pada Materi Bioteknologi di SMA Negeri Se-Kota Binjai Rangkuti, Sailana Mira; Harahap, Fauziyah; Edi, Syahmi
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol 5, No 3 (2016): Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi

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This research aimed to determined; (1) the level of student’ knowledge  on biotechnology subject matter; (2) the level student’ completeness on biotechnology subject matter. This research was descriptive qualitative research. The population of this research were grade  XII student from 5 senior high school in Binjai including SMA Negeri 1, SMA Negeri 2, SMA Negeri 4, SMA Negeri 6, SMA Negeri 7. Samples were chosen by using random sampling technique. Data were collecting using instrument of diagnostic test mastery on matter biotechnology and interview. The data were analyzed using descriptive percentage. Result from this research showed: (1) the average level of student’ knowledge  on biotechnology subject matter was  68,15 (SD±15,24) and categorized as good. (2) the level of student’ completeness on biotechnology subject matter was (36,32%). Based on the result of this research it can concluded the level of knowledge of students is actegorized as good but still important to improve the level of knowledge and attitude learning difficulties for more goodness result.
Analisis Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Biologi SMA Di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang Mardiana, Mardiana; Harahap, Fauziyah; Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol 6, No 3 (2017): Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi

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The objective of this study is to find out how biology teacher paedogogical competency of senior high schools in Aceh Tamiang regency. This study involved all of the high schools in Aceh Tamiang  regency. The population in this studyconsist of 54 biology teachers in Aceh Tamiang regency. The sample of this study consist of 34 biology teachers. In this study, observation in high school class was done by using the instrument called Penilaian Kinerja Guru (PK Guru) which has been modified by researcher. This sutdy uses descriptif quantitatif research methode by using numbering and then the number is explained by using the sentences. The result of this study shows the paedogogical competency of biology teacher is  verygood including some aspect : 1)recognize the student’s characteristic is  very good (80,40%), 2) having the ability the theory of teaching learning process and technique is very good (78,36%) 3). curiculum developing  is very good (77,33%) 4) teaching learning process  is very good  (80,31% ), 5)knowing and developing student ability is very good (80,02%),6) communicating with the student’s is very good (83,09% )7) assessment and evaluation is very good(80,15%). There are some obstacles that biology teachers should face regarding teaching, teachers have not been able to developing syllabus from BSNP based on students characteristics and condition of local region. In addition the result of study on curiculum developing to design worksheets and module obtained are very low 63%, then in the aspects having the ability the theory of teaching learning process and technique the ability of teachers to invite students learn to recognize enviroment and provide oppurtunities for students to make observation and experiments were also obtained  a low value 74%.
Analisis Faktor Kesulitan Belajar Biologi Siswa Materi Bioteknologi di SMA Negeri Se-Kota Medan Rahmadani, Wahida; Harahap, Fauziyah; Gultom, Tumiur
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi

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The aim of the study is to determine students’ learning difficulties at all Public Senior High School (SMA) in Medan. This research is descriptive. The population of the study is all students of class XII totaling 7272 in 21 Public Senior High Schools (SMA Negeri) spread over 15 districts. Samples were taken using Purposive Sampling, they are 524 students of class XII in 7 schools. The techniques for data collection use questionnaires of students’ learning difficulties and interviews. The finding of the study concluded that factors caused the biggest students’ learning difficulties derived from external factors (44%), which consist of laboratories factor (49%), books (45%) and the teacher factor (37%). The percentage of internal factors was (43%), which consist of the talent factor (50%), interest (44%) and motivational factors (36%).
Uji Kelayakan Penuntun Praktikum Genetika Berbasis Keterampilan Proses Sains Berdasarkan Ahli Materi dan Ahli Desain Lauren, Ivan; Harahap, Fauziyah; Gultom, Tumiur
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol 6, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi

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This research was aimed to develop a Genetics Practical Guidance book Based on Science Process Skills which feasible empirically according to content and design expert. This Genetics Practical Guidance book was developed integrated to 11 components of science process skills in each practicum activity. This science process skills allowed students to explore the information in the form of facts and concepts of science. This study was conducted from April 2016 to August 2016. This research and development used Borg and Gall model. However this study was limited to validation from content expert and design expert. Validation to content experts was carried out to assess the feasibility of the contents, feasibility of the presentation, and the feasibility of science process skills components on the product. Validation of design experts carried out to assess the feasibility of the design of cover, cover typography, content design and content illustration on practical guidance book. Data validation was analyzed descriptively qualitative.The result shown that according to conten experts the product has average percentage of 88.2% with very good criteria, where as validation from design expert shown the average percentage of 88.3% with very good criteria. As the conclusion Genetics Practical Guidance book based on Science Process Skills is feasible empirically based on content and design expert to be continue to the next steps.
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Mikrobiologi Pangan Berbasis Masalah Harahap, Sri Rahmadani; Harahap, Fauziyah; Hasruddin, Hasruddin
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol 5, No 3 (2016): Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Magister Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Negeri Medan

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The research aims to: (1) Develop a textbook of microbiological food at based problem; (2) determine the response of microbiology lecturer and students to textbooks developed. The textbook was developed to be used as a guide students in conducting lectures learning in the classroom. Data on the quality of development product were collected by questionnaire/questionnaire. Textbook was developed by using a development model Thiagarajan (4-D) that has been modified into a 3-D. The results showed: (1) Validation team of material experts showed an average of 88% (the excellent category); (2) Validation of the expert team of instructional design showed an average 95% (excellent category); (3) Ratings lecturer of microbiology showed an average of  92% (a very interesting category); (4) Trial individuals showed an average 89% (a very interesting category); (5) Trial small group showed an average of 84% (a very interesting category); (6) a finite field trial group showed an average of 87% (a very interesting category).So it can be concluded that product development research microbiology textbooks of based prombles that development is feasible to be used as a textbook students at third semester of Biology Education PPs of Unimed or as supporting lecture material on the material Applied Microbiology in Food Microbiology at Unimed.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Media ICT dalam Pembelajaran Inkuiri pada Topik Bioteknologi Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Siswa MAN 3 Medan Satriawati, Satriawati; Djulia, Ely; Harahap, Fauziyah
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol 5, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Magister Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Negeri Medan

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This study aims to investigate the effect of implementing the ICT media in learning inquiry about biotechnology into: Student’s higher order thingking skill; of students in class XII IPA at MAN 3 Medan.The study use quasy eksperimentwith sample as much as 3 class wich certained cluster random samplingof class XII IPA1learning process use learning video media, class XII IPA2learning process use animation media and class XII IPA3with use charta (control). Research instrumentuse higher order thingking skill test of students with use multiple choice and essay test. Analysis techniq using analysis covarians with usingby program SPSS 21.0.Study result and analysis show there are: Effect wich very significant (F=11,272; P=0,000) with using learning video media, animation, and charta of inquiry learning of the biotechnology topic to higher order thingking skill. Higher order thingking skillthat were taught by learning video (75,82±7,847) different significant with animasi (70,74±7,549) (P=0,010) and different significant with charta (65,38±7,162) (P=0,000).The result of this study is expectedfrom the teachersto applymedia of learning video and animation with inquiry of the biotechnology topicin order to increase higher order thingking skill of students in class XII IPA at MAN 3 Medan.
Analisis Pengetahuan Lingkungan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal pada Pola Pemupukan, Pergiliran Tanaman dan Kebersihan Ladang Masyarakat di Kabupaten Karo dan Kabupaten Deli Serdang Ginting, Permata; Syarifuddin, Syarifuddin; Harahap, Fauziyah
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol 6, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Magister Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Negeri Medan

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This type of research is ex post facto, the sampling technique used was stratified random sampling. This study aims to determine the level of environmental knowledge based on local wisdom on the pattern of fertilization, crop rotation and cleanliness of public fields in Karo and Deli Serdang. Data was collected using a questionnaire to calculate percentages, looking for differences in normal distribution of data using the formula Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) and also for the homogeneity of the data used by the formula of environmental knowledge Levene. Based on the results of ANOVA test a significant difference to the level of public knowledge (F = 4.41; P = 0.035). The level of knowledge of the agricultural environment in the communities in Karo, 24.91 ± 5.74 (SB) was significantly higher than the level of environmental knowledge of farming communities in Deli Serdang 23.74 ± 6.56. Based on the Anova test results on the data level of knowledge of the agricultural environment in the communities in Karo and Deli Serdang found that the location of agricultural land significant effect on the level of knowledge society. Based on Tukey test results showed that the level of environmental knowledge of peasant farming, 28.42 ± 4.01 was significantly higher than the level of environmental knowledge of primary school students, 18.40 ± 4.46, and the level of environmental knowledge of junior high school students, 22.27 ± 4, 51 but did not differ significantly with the level of environmental knowledge of high school students, 28.47 ± 4.54. Based on the results of Anova test of the influence of a significant interaction between the location of the farm to the knowledge society in Deli Serdang (F = 68.829; P = 0.000), for Karo (F = 28.558; P = 0.000). Based on Tukey test results can be seen that there are differences in the environmental knowledge owned by farmers, high school students, junior high school students, elementary students in Karo and Deli Serdang is significantly different overall. Knowledge society in terms of fertilization, farming communities have chosen manure and compost as a fertilizer major to restore soil fertility, but can not be separated from chemical fertilizers. Chemical fertilizer given to plants to see its development. The community also has been farming in rotation and in the hygiene field, to eradicate the weeds are still using herbicides.
Analisis Kompetensi Guru Biologi SMA Se-Kabupaten Batu Bara Rahmadani, Fitri; Harahap, Fauziyah; Edi, Syahmi
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol 5, No 3 (2016): Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Magister Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Negeri Medan

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The objective of this research was to observe the pedagogic, professional, personal, and social competence of high school biology teachers in Batu Bara district. The population in this research were all of biology teacher in high school of Batu Bara district as many 22 people. Samples were taken by purposive sampling with a sample of 22 teachers, 90 students from 9 schools were each taken 10 students, 3 lecturers as validator expert. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative. Data were collected using questionnaire of observation, test comprehension, student assessment, teacher and student questionnaires. The results showed that pedagogic competence was appropriate, with the highest result in the mastery of the learning (4,85±0,357) and pre-learning (4,32±0,862) but still in appropriate criteria, from the test given to teachers on average 57,72 % of teachers can answer the test given by the highest score successfully answered 39 questions with 78% comprehension level of the lowest value just answer 11 questions with a level of comprehension 22%.In the professional competence of the teaching materials scored significantly higher values ​​(116.05 ± 6.973) and the lowest value (38.91 ± 3.350) suggesting that teacher professional attitude towards the teaching materials they provide.The results of a questionnaire assessment of teachers and students questionnaire also showed the results of personal competence and social competence biology teacher in Batu Bara District was very well.At the personal competence, the average value of the total aspects of the assesment (77.68 ± 5.867) and assessment of students with an average value (89.77 ± 4.350), and on the social competence, the mean value of the total aspects of the assessment (85.09 ± 3.829 ) on the teacher questionnaire, as well as the mean value (87.53 ± 3.706) in the student questionnaire.This study has implications for the importance of sustainable development for high school biology teachers in Batu Bara district.
Pengembangan Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS) Berbasis Potensi Lokal pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi SMA Kelas XII Lase, Natalia Kristiani; Sipahutar, Herbert; Harahap, Fauziyah
Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol 5, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi
Publisher : Magister Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Negeri Medan

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This research was aimed to develop a Student Activity Sheet (SAS) based on local potency for biology grade XII which is feasible empirically. Eligibility Worksheet was obtained through validation of subject matter experts to assess the feasibility of the content and presentation of the feasibility of worksheets, design expert to assess the feasibility of the design worksheets to SAS developed. Exploiting local potency in accordance with a curriculum that gives freedom to each school consider the potency of the school and the surrounding area. This can be done by incorporating elements of local potency in learning activities through the creation of learning media in the form of worksheets. Examples of local potencies have been integrated into the SAS are distilled palm wine processing (integrated into cell metabolism, fermentation alcohol), the activity of the material have been incorporated in a biotechnology are activities of coconut extraction to produce edible oil. This research and development using 4-D model of development research which comprises the step of define, design, develop and disseminate, however the disseminate stage of this study was not done. The procedure starts from the development stages: (1) problem analyze; (2) design of SAS; (3) validation and field trials SAS. The instruments used were sheets covering the aspects of feasibility validation of content, presentation feasibility, feasibility of the design and questionnaire responses of teachers and students. Data validation and the questionnaire responses of teachers and students were analyzed descriptively qualitative. Feasibility content and feasibility contents presentation SAS based on local potency at biology grade XII has been developed by subject matter experts is very good, in which the feasibility of the content had an average percentage score of 88.10% and feasibility aspects of the presentation of SAS has an average percentage score of 91.35 %. Feasibility design SAS based on local potency at biology grade XII has been developed according to the expert design is very good with a percentage score of 97.00%.