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Emitor Vol.15 No.01 Maret 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Determination of the minimum spanning tree is widely used to solve optimization problems are problems that demand solutions minmum search. In the electricity distribution network, the minimum spanning tree (MST) is used to find the minimum cable length for the system to the power grid becomes more optimal. The use of a minimum weight minimum cable length can be used as a variable for calculating the voltage drop (voltage drop) of an electricity distribution network.  The method used in this research is the process of field observations and data processing. Field observations aims to take some of the coordinates of each pole on the electricity distribution network. While the data processing is done to create a geographic information system that is based on primary data in the form of a power pole coordinates data and secondary data along with the data in the form of electricity distribution networks. Furthermore, the results obtained by the minimum weight of the MST combined with existing data on the electricity distribution networks like cable cross-sectional area, the type of cable used, and the current through the tissue with voltage measurement results from the ends of the network to obtain results penurungan voltage (voltage drop) resulting from each feeder. Results (voltage drop) can be used as a basis for evaluating the electrical distribution network that has been existing, particularly in the City Bontang.
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol.15 No.01 Maret 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Determination of the minimum spanning tree is widely used to solve optimization problems are problems that demand solutions minmum search. In the electricity distribution network, the minimum spanning tree (MST) is used to find the minimum cable length for the system to the power grid becomes more optimal. The use of a minimum weight minimum cable length can be used as a variable for calculating the voltage drop (voltage drop) of an electricity distribution network.  The method used in this research is the process of field observations and data processing. Field observations aims to take some of the coordinates of each pole on the electricity distribution network. While the data processing is done to create a geographic information system that is based on primary data in the form of a power pole coordinates data and secondary data along with the data in the form of electricity distribution networks. Furthermore, the results obtained by the minimum weight of the MST combined with existing data on the electricity distribution networks like cable cross-sectional area, the type of cable used, and the current through the tissue with voltage measurement results from the ends of the network to obtain results penurungan voltage (voltage drop) resulting from each feeder. Results (voltage drop) can be used as a basis for evaluating the electrical distribution network that has been existing, particularly in the City Bontang.
Rancang Bangun pH Meter Otomatis menggunakan ATMega 16 dalam Upaya Peningkatan Akurasi Pembacaan pH Larutan Senyawa Kimia Arief, Risal; Hardianto, Hardianto; Muliawan, Arief
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 20, No 1: Maret 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/emitor.v20i1.8799


Penggunaan indikator pH konvensional untuk pengujian larutan senyawa kimia tidak dapat menunjukkan angka pH dengan signifikan karena merupakan hasil pembacaan dengan cara pendekatan pada warna trayek pH. Dampak lainnya berupa  masalah keselamatan dari penguji pH. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan dan pembuatan sebuah alat pH Meter menggunakan Mikrokontroller ATMega16 yang dapat mengukur pH sebuah larutan sehingga akurasi pembacaan nilai pH dapat meninggkat dari pada menggunakan indikator konvensional. Alat ini akan bekerja secara otomatis menggerakan probe sensor pH naik dan turun sehingga masalah keselamatan di atas dapat diminimalkan dampaknya dan dapat mempermudah kerja penguji pH. Dalam pengujian dilakukan pengamatan beberapa parameter uji serta melakukan analisa terhadap beberapa sampel larutan kimia yaitu HNO3 (Asam Nitrat), CH3COOH (Asam Cuka), Aquadest, Antiseptik, dan NaOH. Dari pengujian pH yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil akurasi pembacaan nilai pH dengan perhitungan standar deviasi dibawah 0.1. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, diketahui hasil  yang didapatkan sesuai dengan spesifikasi awal sensor pH yang memiliki tingkat akurasi  ± 0.1, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pH Meter yang dirancang bangun oleh penguji dapat memenuhi aspek dari tujuan peneliti serta dapat bekerja sesuai fungsinya.
Maddika : Journal of Islamic Family Law Vol 7, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/ahkam.v1i1.750


This study aims to : ( 1 ) To determine the dismissal and replacement of ministers in the Presidential system of government under Law No. 39 Year 2008 on State ministries . ( 2 ) To find out more in depth ministerial accountability in a presidential system according to the Law No. 39 Year 2008 on State ministries .This study used a normative approach that emphasizes on the research literature . Types and sources of data are the materials used in this study of primary legal materials , legal materials and secondary legal materials tersier. Teknik dipergunakan data collection in this research is the study of literature or studies document that is used to collect the data sekunder. Dalam implementation research keputustakaan documents or studies conducted on primary legal materials or data . In analyzing the data , the data have been obtained was analyzed using qualitative analysis is non- statistical data analysis .The results of this study is about the appointment and dismissal of ministers according to Law Number 39 Year 2008 on State ministry in a presidential system , majority of cabinet seats will be divided by political party supporters , so the big chair in the cabinet for supporting a political party at will , resulting in the fit and propes test in selecting candidates for ministerial ultimately not be realized in accordance with the rules and Regulations persiden as head of government is certainly expected to make good decisions in lifting the minister . But the fact that a lot of ministers who occupy a position incompatible with kompoten his knowledge and skills that impact the performance of the ineffectiveness of a state ministry .This research recommendation is for the creation of good government in the presidential system of government according to Law No. 39 of 2008 should be based on the fit and proper test and not based on political pressure in menganggkat and dismiss ministers . As well as the accountability of ministers to the president is always transparent .
Identifikasi Penyakit pada Sel Darah Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy Mamdani Hardianto, Hardianto; Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah
PRISMA FISIKA Vol 7, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Physics, Tanjungpura University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (499.736 KB)


Identifikasi penyakit darah melalui citra sel darah manusia telah dilakukan menggunakan ekstraksi ciri Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix dan metode logika fuzzy mamdani. Citra yang digunakan terdiri dari 10 citra leukemia dan 10 citra anemia. Tahap preprocessing diawali dengan memotong citra menjadi 430×307 piksel, kemudian mengubah citra berwarna menjadi citra beraras keabuan (grayscale), menghitung histogram citra, dan melakukan proses segmentasi. Setelah  preprocessing, ciri statistic citra diekstraksi menggunakan Gray Level Co-occurence Matrix 4 arah (0o, 45o,90o, dan 135o) pada jarak d = 1. Fitur yang digunakan pada proses ini adalah kontras, korelasi, energi, dan homogenitas. Data dari ekstraksi ciri diidentifikasi menggunakan logika fuzzy dengan metode inferensi mamdani. Sistem identifikasi ini ditampilkan dalam bentuk Grafichal User Interface. Identifikasi menggunakan metode tersebut menghasilkan akurasi data pelatihan dan data uji, berturut-turut sebesar 93,75% dan 100%. Dari hasil yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dapat diaplikasikan untuk mengidentifikasi penyakit sel darah dengan akurasi yang tinggi. Kata Kunci: Citra Sel Darah, GLCM, Logika Fuzzy Mamdani
International Journal of Environment, Engineering and Education Vol 1 No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Three E Science Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (600.135 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3634186


Energy currently has a crucial role in human life. So far, the primary buffer of energy needs still relies on petroleum. Meanwhile, petroleum is inevitably increasingly scarce and expensive. With the state of the depletion of fossil energy sources, in today's world, there is a shift from the use of non-renewable energy sources to renewable energy sources. Of the many renewable energy sources, the use of energy through solar cells is the most potent alternative to applied in Indonesia. Solar energy is one of the energies currently actively developed by the Indonesian government because as a tropical country, Indonesia has considerable solar energy potential. Solar energy is extraordinary because it is not a pollutant, cannot use up, can trust and does not buy. There are many ways to harness energy from the sun. The electricity we can use today is electricity produced from the process of burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil or natural gas. The combustion results will produce carbon dioxide gas which can damage or adversely affect the environment. Solar electricity can provide electricity continuously because its energy source is a renewable energy source and is also a clean and environmentally friendly energy, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Besides, solar electricity can provide electricity quickly and does not require individual costs for maintenance and can provide electricity needs in rural areas, isolated areas, and islands that not electrified by the government.
Utilization of Solar Power Plant in Indonesia: A Review Hardianto, Hardianto
International Journal of Environment, Engineering & Education Vol 1 No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Three E Science Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3634186


Energy currently has a crucial role in human life. So far, the primary buffer of energy needs still relies on petroleum. Meanwhile, petroleum is inevitably increasingly scarce and expensive. With the state of the depletion of fossil energy sources, in today's world, there is a shift from the use of non-renewable energy sources to renewable energy sources. Of the many renewable energy sources, the use of energy through solar cells is the most potent alternative to applied in Indonesia. Solar energy is one of the energies currently actively developed by the Indonesian government because as a tropical country, Indonesia has considerable solar energy potential. Solar energy is extraordinary because it is not a pollutant, cannot use up, can trust and does not buy. There are many ways to harness energy from the sun. The electricity we can use today is electricity produced from the process of burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil or natural gas. The combustion results will produce carbon dioxide gas which can damage or adversely affect the environment. Solar electricity can provide electricity continuously because its energy source is a renewable energy source and is also a clean and environmentally friendly energy, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Besides, solar electricity can provide electricity quickly and does not require individual costs for maintenance and can provide electricity needs in rural areas, isolated areas, and islands that not electrified by the government.
Penentuan Penurunan Tegangan berdasarkan Minimum Spanning Tree pada Jaringan Listrik Distribusi Primer H Hardianto
Emitor: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 15, No 1: Maret 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/emitor.v15i1.1758


Determination of the minimum spanning tree is widely used to solve optimization problems are problems that demand solutions minmum search. In the electricity distribution network, the minimum spanning tree (MST) is used to find the minimum cable length for the system to the power grid becomes more optimal. The use of a minimum weight minimum cable length can be used as a variable for calculating the voltage drop (voltage drop) of an electricity distribution network. The method used in this research is the process of field observations and data processing. Field observations aims to take some of the coordinates of each pole on the electricity distribution network. While the data processing is done to create a geographic information system that is based on primary data in the form of a power pole coordinates data and secondary data along with the data in the form of electricity distribution networks. Furthermore, the results obtained by the minimum weight of the MST combined with existing data on the electricity distribution networks like cable cross-sectional area, the type of cable used, and the current through the tissue with voltage measurement results from the ends of the network to obtain results penurungan voltage (voltage drop) resulting from each feeder. Results (voltage drop) can be used as a basis for evaluating the electrical distribution network that has been existing, particularly in the City Bontang.
Purwarupa Sistem Kontrol Elevator Berbasis Programable Logic Control Fathahillah Fathahillah; Hardianto Hardianto
Setrum : Sistem Kendali-Tenaga-elektronika-telekomunikasi-komputer Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Edisi Desember 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Elektro - Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (421.474 KB) | DOI: 10.36055/setrum.v6i2.2570


Various methods / types of controls developed in accordance with industry needs one of them in the field of building automation system. One of the controls in the field of building automation system is the elevator control system (elevator). Early elevator control systems that transport humans or goods as vertical transportation vehicles are still conventional using human power, then evolved using steam engines, until now the elevators use AC motors equipped with control systems. The purpose of this research is to design the prototype of elevator control system using programmable logic control (PLC). The type of PLC controller used in the study using Omron PLC. The results show the design of prototype of elevator control system using PLC successfully and can control eleveator in accordance with its function, besides its programming form can be more simple.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Widyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.813 KB) | DOI: 10.33197/jitter.vol1.iss3.2015.60


[INA]Kehadiran  perpustakaan  pada  satu  institusi pendidikan sangatlah penting. Selain sebagai sumber referensi  pembelajaran,  perpustakaan  yang  terkelola dengan  baik  juga  dapat  menunjang  terciptanya atmosfer  akademik  yang  memadai.   Pengelolaan perpustakaan yang baik salah satunya tercermin dari kemudahan  akses  konten-konten  pada  perpustakaan tersebut.  Jika  konten  perpustakaan  dapat  diakses secara luas tanpa tergantung ruang dan waktu, maka akan  dapat  menambah  daya  tarik  pengunjung  baik mahasiswa  maupun  masyarakat  umum  terhadap perpustakaan itu sendiri.Saat  ini,  akses  perpustakaan  dapat  diperluas dengan  penyediaan  informasi  perpustakaan  melalui internet.  Melalui  sistem  ini,  mahasiswa,  khususnya mahasiswa  STITEK  Bontang,  maupun  masyarakat luas dapat mengetahui koleksi buku yang disediakan perpustakaan, anggota perpustakaan dapat memeriksa status  peminjaman  buku,  bahkan  petugas perpustakaan  dapat  mengelola  data  anggota  secara lebih fleksible. Untuk menjawab kebutuhan tersebut, akan  dikembangkan  aplikasi  perpustakaan  berbasis web  yang  tahapan  analisisnya  dilakukan  dengan pendekatan PIECES. [EN]utions is very important. Besides as a reference source  of  learning,  well-managed  library  may  also support  the  creation  of  adequate  academic atmosphere.  Good  library  management  can  be reflected in the ease of access to the contents of the library.  If  the  library  content  widely  accessible regardless  of  time  and  space,  it  will  be  able  to improve  the  attraction  of  visitors  both  students  and public to the library itself.Currently,  access  to  the  library  can  be expanded  by  providing  information  of  the  library over  the  internet.  Through  this  system,  students, especially  students  STITEK  Bontang,  as  well  as public can know the book collection, library members can  check  the  status  of  borrowing  books,  even  the librarian  can  manage  data  in  a  more  flexible members. To answer these needs, we will developed a web-based  library  application  using  PIECES approach for analyze the system requirement.