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Measurement and Analysis of Output Radiation Dose on X-Ray Device over 10 Years at Hospitals in Medan City Herty Afrina Sianturi; Martha Rianna; Timbangen Sembiring; Marhaposan Situmorang
Journal of Aceh Physics Society Volume 7 Number 1, January 2018
Publisher : PSI-Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (47.861 KB)


Telah dilakukan pengukuran dosis radiasi keluaran pada empat pesawat sinar-X yang sudah berusia lebih dari 10 tahun di unit radiologi rumah sakit di kota Medan dengan spesifikasi yang berbeda. Badan Tenaga Atom Internasional (IAEA), telah merekomendasikan penggunaan tingkat panduan agar dosis radiasi yang diterima pasien dengan tetap mempertahankan kualitas citra film yang dihasilkan untuk kepentingan keselamatan pasien. Untuk melihat kualitas dari pesawat sinar-X ini dapat dilakukan uji akurasi tegangan dan uji akurasi lamanya penyinaran dosis sebagai proses quality control. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui nilai penyimpangan tegangan tabung (kVp) dan arus waktu tabung (mAs) dalam batas toleransi yang ditetapkan oleh PERKA BAPETEN No 9 Tahun 2011. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan mengukur tegangan keluaran tabung menggunakan detektor Piranha CB2-10090128 dan mengukur jarak antara tabung X-Ray ke detektor Piranha CB2-10090128 sejauh 100 cm seperti pada acuan pada PERKA BAPETEN No. 9 Tahun 2011. Hasil pengujian kemudian dianalisa sehingga didapatkan kesimpulan performa dari alat tersebut apakah masih dalam kondisi baik atau tidak. Dari empat pesawat sinar-X pada rumah sakit di kota Medan didapatkan hanya satu pesawat yang tidak melebihi ambang batas yang diperbolehkan oleh PERKA BAPETEN No. 9 Tahun 2011. Kata Kunci: Dosis Radiasi, Pesawat sinar-X, PERKA BAPETEN No. 9 Tahun 2011, Akurasi Tegangan  There have been measurements of output radiation dose for four X-Ray device over ten years of radiology units some hospitals in Medan city with different specifications. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has recommended the use of guidance levels for the optimum patient-received radiation dose while maintaining the quality of film imagery generated for the patient safety. To see the quality of this X-ray device can be tested the accuracy of voltage and duration of dose irradiation as a quality control process. The purpose of this research is to know the value of tube voltage deviation (kVp) and tube time (mAs) to meet the tolerance limit specified by PERKA BAPETEN No 9, 2011. The method is to measure the output voltage of tube using Piranha CB2-10090128 detector and measure the distance between the X-Ray tubes to the Piranha CB2-10090128 detector as far as 100 cm as in reference to the PERKA BAPETEN no. 9, 2011. The results give the conclusion that the performance of the device is still in good condition or not. For the four X-ray devices in hospitals at Medan give only onedevice does not exceed the limited permitted by PERKA BAPETEN No. 9,2011.Keywords: Radiation Dose, General Radiography, PERKA BAPETEN No. 9 Tahun 2011 accurate of voltage, accurated radiationReferensiAdhikari, Suraj Raj. 2012. Effect And Application      Of Ionization Radiation (X-Ray) In Living  Organism. Kaski: Volume 3.The Himalaya  Physics.Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir, Peraturan Kepala BAPETEN No. 8 Tahun 2011  tentang Keselamatan Radiasi dalam Penggunaan Pesawat Sinar-X Radiologi Diagnostik dan Intervensional, 2011.BAPETEN, 1999, Surat Keputusan Kepala Bapeten nomor 01/Ka-Bapeten/V-99 tentang Kesehatan terhadap radiasi pengion, JakartaBATAN, 2005, Disain Penahan Ruang Sinar –X, Pusdiklat, BATAN, JakartaBushong, Steward C. 2013. Radologic Science for Technologists. 10th edition.United State of  America : CV. Mosby Company.Kramer, H. M., dan Selbach, H. J. 2008. Extension of the Range of Definition of the Practical Peak Voltage up to 300 kV. The British Journal of  Radiologhy (81):693-698.Rassad, S. dkk, Radiologi Diagnostik, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia Rumah Sakit Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta (2000).Suryanto, Sigit Bachtiar. 2011. Analisis Pembentukan Gambar Dan Batas Toleransi Uji Kesesuaian Pada Pesawat Sinar-X Diagnostik. Prosiding Seminar Penelitian Dan Pengelolaan Perangkat Nuklir.Trikasjono, T. dkk. 2009. Analisis Keselamatan Pesawat Sinar-X di Instalasi Radiologi Rumah Sakit Umum daerah Sleman Yogyakarta. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir PTNBR – BATAN.Vassileva, J. 2004. A Phantom for Dose Image Quality Optimization in Chest Radiography. The British Journal of Radiologhy 75:837-842.Wadianto, Azis Muslim. 2017. Uji Akurasi Tegangan Tinggi Alat Rontgen Radiography Mobile. INOVASI, Volume XIX Nomor 1,Januari 2017 
Characteristic of microstructure and magnetic properties in LaFeO3 using co-precipitation method Tua Raja Simbolon; Muhammadin Hamid; Martha Rianna; Yoga Pratama; Timbangen Sembiring; Junedi Ginting; Achmad Maulana Soehada Sebayang; Eko Arief Setiadi; Anggito P. Tetuko; Perdamean Sebayang
Journal of Aceh Physics Society Volume 11, Number 2, April 2022
Publisher : PSI-Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jacps.v11i2.23691


Abstrak. Perkembangan penelitian material ferit memiliki karakteristik mikrostruktur dan sifat magnetik yang berbeda-beda. Karakteristik mikrostruktur dan sifat magnetik dari Fe3O4 dan LaFeO3 telah berhasil dilakukan menggunakan metode ko-presipitasi lanthanum klorida dan pasir besi alam digunakan sebagai prekursor untuk preparasi sintesis nanopartikel Fe3O4 LaFeO3. Rasio molar antara lanthanum klorida dan pasir besi alam adalah 1:1, dan tanpa lanthanium. Karakterisasi sampel menggunakan XRD, SEM dan VSM. Hasil XRD menunjukkan bahwa kedua sampel telah memiliki fase tunggal tanpa pengotor kristal seperti La2O3 atau Fe2O3. Hasil morfologi SEM menunjukkan bahwa Fe3O4 dan LaFeO3 memiliki ukuran partikel yang random. Histogram distribusi sebaran partikel untuk kedua sampel ini menunjukkan range 50-300 nm. Sifat magnetik dari sampel Fe3O4 memiliki Ms= 20 emu/g, Mr= 9 emu/g dan H= 400 Oe, sedangkan sifat magnetik LaFeO3 yaitu Ms= 10 emu/g, Mr= 8 emu/g dan H= 410 Oe. Hasil mikrostruktur dan sifat magnetik dalam penelitian ini dapat mendukung dalam pembuatan magnet permanen.  Abstract. The development of research on ferrite materials has different microstructural characteristics and magnetic properties. The microstructural characteristics and properties of Fe3O4 and LaFeO3 have been successfully carried out using the co-precipitation method. Lanthanum chloride and natural iron sand were used as precursors for the preparation of the synthesis of Fe3O4 LaFeO3 nanoparticles. The molar ratio between lanthanum chloride and natural iron sand is 1:1, and without lanthanium. Sample characterization using XRD, SEM and VSM. The XRD results show that the second sample already has a single phase without crystal impurities such as La2O3 or Fe2O3. SEM morphology results show that Fe3O4 and LaFeO3 have random particle sizes. Histograms of particle distribution distribution for these two samples show the range of 50-300 nm. The nature of the sample Fe3O4 has Ms= 20 emu/g, Mr= 9 emu/g and H= 400 Oe, while the specific properties of LaFeO3 are Ms= 10 emu/g, Mr= 8 emu/g and H= 410 Oe. The results of the microstructure and magnetic properties in this study can support the manufacture of permanent magnets
Study and characterization of Fe3O4 synthesized from natural iron sand in Sumatera Utara Martha Rianna; Muhammadin Hamid; Fitri Handayani; Achmad Maulana Soehada Sebayang; Wina Rahmadani Rangkuti; Marhaposan Situmorang; Timbangen Sembiring; Eko Arief Setiadi; Anggito P. Tetuko; Perdamean Sebayang
Journal of Aceh Physics Society Volume 11, Number 2, April 2022
Publisher : PSI-Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jacps.v11i2.23492


Abstrak. Pasir besi alam adalah satu dari sumberdaya alam di Indonesia, khususnya Sumatera Utara, yang pemanfaatannya belum dilakukan secara optimal. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kandungan dan ukuran butir Fe yang terdapat di Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Pembuatan sampel pasir besi alam ini menggunakan metode milling basah yang dikeringkan pada suhu 100oC hingga sampel menjadi serbuk. Selanjutnya, proses ekstrasi menggunakan magnet permanen dilakukan pada sampel pasir untuk memisahkan material magnetik dan non magnetik didalamnya. Sampel magnetik yang diperoleh kemudian diuji menggukan alat XRD, SEM-EDX dan VSM. Hasil XRD menunjukkan bahwa sampel pasir besi alam memiliki fasa tunggal yaitu fasa magnetite (Fe3O4), dan struktur kristal kubik spinel yang mana a = b = c = 8.513 Ǻ. Berdasarkan hasil SEM-EDX, terdapat kandungan unsur Fe dan O didalam pasir besi, yang berasal dari fase Magnetit (Fe3O4), maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) dan hematit (α-Fe2O3). Hasil VSM menunjukkan bahwa parameter sifat magnetik saturasi (Ms) sebesar 30.52 emu.g-1, magnetik remanansi (Mr) sebesar 21.66 emu.g-1 dan koersivitas sebesar 455.17 Oe. Hasil studi ini berpotensi dalam pengolahan material magnetik lainnya sehingga dapat ditindaklanjuti dalam pembuatan material berikutnya dalam aplikasi bidang tertentu. Abstract. Natural iron sand includes one of the natural resources in Indonesia, especially in Sumatera Utara which has not been used optimally. The study was done to investigate the content and grain size of Fe found in Sumatera Utara. The manufacture of this natural iron sand sample uses the wet milling method which is dried at 100oC until the sample becomes powder. Next, the extraction process using permanent magnet was performed on the sand sample to separate its magnetic and non-magnetic materials. The iron sand was tested via XRD, SEM-EDX and VSM. The XRD results reveal that the natural iron sand sample has a single phase of magnetite (Fe3O4) phase, and a spinel cubic crystal structure with a = b = c = 8.513 Ǻ. SEM-EDX results show that the iron sand sample consists of Fe and O components, which come from Magnetite (Fe3O4), Maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) and hematite (α-Fe2O3) phases. The VSM results show that the saturation type (Ms) parameter is 30.52 emu.g-1, remanence type (Mr) is 21.66 emu.g-1 and coercivity is 455.17 Oe. The study’s results are potential in other making magnetic materials, so that they can be followed up in the manufacture of subsequent materials in certain applications, respectively.
Preparation and characterization of ZnFe2O4 on the microstructures and magnetic properties Tua Raja Simbolon; Timbangan Sembiring; Muhammadin Hamid; David Arianto Hutajulu; Martha Rianna; Achmad Maulana Soehada Sebayang; Anggito P Tetuko; Eko Arief Setiadi; Masno Ginting; Perdamean Sebayang
Journal of Aceh Physics Society Volume 10, Number 2, April 2021
Publisher : PSI-Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jacps.v10i2.18710


Abstrak. Telah berhasil dilakukan sintesis ZnFe2O4 menggunakan metode sol-gel. ZnO dan serbuk Fe3O4 dicampur dan dipanaskan menggunakan hotplate pada suhu 60oC selama satu jam. Efek dari doping ZnO pada mikrostruktur, morfologi dan sifat magnet dikarakterisasi menggunakan XRD, SEM dan VSM. Hasil dari XRD dan SEM mengkonfirmasi bahwa struktur ZnFe2O4 spinel ferit menunjukkan kristal rata-rata 1 μm. Kemudian sifat kemagnetan ZnFe2O4 yang dikonfirmasi bersifat paramagnetik dengan kondisi optimum dari sifat kemagnetan tersebut tercantum sebagai berikut: Ms 0.4 emu×g-1, Mr 0.2 emu×g-1, dan Hc 230 Oe.Abstract. ZnFe2O4 have been synthesized using sol-gel method. ZnO, and Fe3O4 powder was mixing with hotplate for one hour in 60oC. Effect of ZnO doped on microstructure, morphology and magnetic properties were investigated using XRD, SEM and VSM. The result of XRD and SEM confirmed that the ZnFe2O4 structure of spinel ferrite has average crystal of 1 μm. The magnetic properties of ZnFe2O4 confirmed paramagnetic with the optimum condition of the magnetic properties are listed in the following: Ms 0.4 emu×g-1, Mr 0.2 emu×g-1, and Hc 230 Oe.Keywords: ZnFe2O4, Sol-gel method, Microstructures, Magnetic Properties.
Pembuatan Alat Bantu Cuci Tangan Menggunakan Teknologi Sederhana SD Swasta HKBP II Pajak Baru Belawan Martha Rianna
Journal of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD) Vol 3 No 3 (2021): Journal Of Sustainable Community Development (JSCD)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32924/jscd.v3i3.59


Pandemi Covid-19 telah melanda dunia khususnya Indonesia sehingga berdampak dalam kebiasaan sehari-hari. Begitu juga berdampak pada aktivitas belajar mengajar di lingkungan sekolah khususnya di SD Swasta HKBP Pajak Baru Belawan. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah pembuatan alat cuci tangan menggunakan teknologi sederhana dan mendemonstrasikan penggunaan alat cuci tangan dengan menggunakan teknologi sederhana yaitu pedal kaki serta membangun 6 kran air untuk menambah fasilitas tempat mencuci tangan bersama siswa dan guru. Melalui pengabdian masyarakat ini akan dibuat alat pencuci tangan menggunakan teknologi sederhana serta sosialisasi mengenai penerapan Protokol Kesehatan yang ditetapkan Pemerintah. Alat pencuci tangan dari pedal kaki ini diharapkan membantu meningkatkan tingkat efektivitas dan mempersingkat waktu yang dibutuhkan, sehingga perkembangan teknologi dibutuhkan hampir diseluruh area kehidupan manusia khususnya di lingkungan SD HKBP Pajak Baru Belawan. Pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan dapat membuat dan merancang alat pencuci tangan dari mekanisme pedal kaki yang dapat membantu seluruh siswa dan guru untuk menghemat waktu dan air sehingga memperlancar proses belajar mengajar di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Alat cuci tangan menggunakan pedal kaki dan ditambah dengan 6 kran air berfungsi dengan baik. Alat cuci tangan menggunakan pedal kaki dan rangkaian kran air mengeluarkan air dengan lancar dan sudah dipergunakan oleh guru dan siswa di SD Swasta HKBP II Pajak Baru Belawan dalam melakukan aktivitas belajar mengajar.
Coulomb Stress Change of the 2004 Aceh Earthquake on Mount Sorik Marapi 2021 Goldberd Harmuda Duva Sinaga; Martha Rianna Tambunan; Agoez Loeqman; Adhi Wibowo
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA) Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jpfa.v11n2.p158-170


Sorik Marapi is an active volcanic mountain with an altitude of 2,145 meters located in Batang Gadis National Park, Sibanggor Julu Village, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Since the earthquake in Aceh on December 26, 2004, geological conditions in the western part of Sumatra Island have increased in stress. This affects the volcano in Sumatra, Mount Sorik Marapi, so it needs to be studied to find out the condition of changes in coulomb stress in Sorik Marapi. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with an analysis of the coulomb stress method. From the Aceh earthquake year of December 2004 to 2021, Mount Sorik Marapi experienced the highest average increase in coulomb stress in 2012, which was 0.171 bars. The highest average increase in shear in 2015 was 0.25 bars, and the highest average normal increase in 2018 was 0.202 bars. While at depth, Sorik Marapi mountain experienced an average change in coulomb stress highest of 0.368 bars, the average increase in the highest shear by 0.269 bars, and the average normal increase of 0.246 bars. All such increases are at a depth of 90 km below sea level. Based on the results of this study, it is stated that Mount Sorik Marapi experiences inconsistent changes in coulomb stress every year.
Water Conservation and Sanitation HKBP Sidorame Private SMA Noverita Sprinse Vinolina; Martha Rianna
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1368.395 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/abdimastalenta.v7i1.6925


This program is conducted to provide solutions to water conservation and sanitation problems that occur in HKBP Sidorame Private High School. The problem faced by the school is the slow absorption of water around the school yard so that floods often occur when it rains which causes disruption of the teaching and learning process. The service team conducted a site survey, provided socialization and motivation for students regarding the importance of a clean environment. The methods used are repairing damaged waterways and removing waste waste, making bioporous holes at a number of points in the school yard, dismantling and reassembling paving blocks where there were previously closed soil pores, planting plants to accelerate water absorption, renovation of water inlet routes. by increasing the height of the floor which is often the access for water to enter. The results obtained at this time, the school environment is free from puddles when it rains, the waste flow runs smoothly and the school environment is more beautiful. The actions that have been taken are very effective in overcoming the existing sanitation problems and motivate students to care about school hygiene and maintain it on an ongoing basis.
COMPARISON OF ENERGY DOSES 10 MV DISTRIBUTION USING PERCENTAGE DEPTH DOSE (PDD) METHOD ON LINAC: ELECTA AND SIEMENS Martha Rianna; Herty Afrina Sianturi; Hariyati Lubis; Awan Pelawi; Timbangen Sembiring; Marhaposan Situmorang
Jurnal Natural Volume 18, Number 2, June 2018
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (496.173 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/jn.v18i2.11133


The patient dosing on Linac (Electa and Siemens) can be determined by Source Surface Distance (SSD) technique using Precentage Depth Doses (PDD) method. The study was conducted by measuring PDD to compare the dosage distribution calculations on Linac Electa and Siemens device of photon energy at 10 MV. PDD is done with a 100 cm SSD technique at a depth of 0 to 25 cm. The dose distribution results between the Electrical and the Siemens PDD are almost the same in that the Dmax at 10 MV Siemens photon energy occurs at a depth of 20 mm while the 10 MV Electa photon energy occurs at a depth of 21 mm. Both Linac Electa and Siemens device this at the same energy of 10 MV there is a difference of 95.23%.Keywords: Distrubusi dose, PDD, Photon Energy, Quality File Index