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Measles Surveillance Attributes Assessment Based on The Puskesmas Surveilance Officers’ Perception in Surabaya Maharani, Bilqis Elfira; Hargono, Arief
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi
Publisher : Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi

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ABSTRACTMeasles is one of infectious diseases that potentially lead to death when complications occur. Based on the data from East Java Health Department, Surabaya is the area where the most measles cases occur in East Java and increase in the last three years. As one of measles controlling efforts, surveillance has been expected to provide qualified data and information as the basis for any decision making for a treatment or intervention. Therefore, an evaluation is needed in order to assure the effectiveness and efficiency of the surveillance application in achieving the goals. This study is a descriptive research aiming at evaluating the attributes of measles epidemiology surveillance system in Surabaya on 2012. The evaluation was done by assessing the attributes of surveillance then compared to Technical Guide for Measles Surveillance 2012, The Decree of The Health Ministry of The Republic of Indonesia No.1116/MENKES/SK/VIII/2003 On Guide for Conducting Surveillance System of Health Epidemiology and Guidelines for Evaluating Surveillance Systems from Center for Disease Control and Prevention 2001. The data collection method employed interview and observation or study documentation. The respondents of this study were 39 surveillance officers at 39 Puskesmas in Health Department Surabaya working area. The variabels of this study were simplicity, flexibility, data quality, acceptability, sensitivity, predictive value positive, representativeness, timeliness, and stability. The results of this study showed that the simplicity is complicated. The flexibility from CBMS is not flexible whereas the flexibility from EWARS is flexible. The data quality, acceptability, sensitivity and representativeness are low. The predictive value positive has not been able to be scored. The stability is high and the timeliness is punctual.Keywords: surveillance, evaluation, attribute, measles
The Relationship Analysis Between Husband’s Knowledge, Attitude And Practice for Maternal Health Muji, Novina Eka; Hargono, Arief
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol 2, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi
Publisher : Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi

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ABSTRACTThe total mortality of mother in east java was still catagorized so high. Pasuruan regency was one of many areas which capable to decrease maternal mortality rate(MMR) up to the targeted level number by MDGs 2015. The maternal health was also one of husband’s duty as a decision maker in the family. The purpose of this research was to analyze a relationship among knowledge, attitude and the husband’s practice for maternal health. This research was done in May until June 2013 at Puspo sub-district of Pasuruan Regency. A research design was a cross sectional of the population from of all of couple who had a child from second month to 2 years old, lived in a roof. The amont of respondent was 115 couple. The sample selection was systematically done by random sampling. The variable of this research was characteristic, knowledge, attitude and the husband’s action. The result showed that mostrespondens had lower knowledge about maternal health (72,2%), a positive attitude (73,9) and the unsupported action in maternal health (68,7). A chi-square test showed that there was no relationship between knowledge antion, neither between attitude nor action on maternal health.The conclusion that can be drawn on research about relationship of knowledge, attitudes and actionsin support of maternal health husband wife in Pasuruan district Puspo isno correlation between knowledge and attitude of the husband with the husband in the act of giving support to maternal health became pregnant wife until the election of contraception.Keywords : knowledge, attitudes, actions, maternal health
Description The Activities of Recording and Reporting Maternal Health Monitoring in PWS-KIA Based on Surveillance Attributes Rani, Ika Arma; Hargono, Arief
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol 2, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi
Publisher : Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi

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ABSTRACTMaternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in East Java Province tends to increase every year. In fact, Jember has the highest number of maternal deaths during the period 2009-2011, and placed in 2nd position during 2012. Puskesmas Kaliwates for 3 consecutive years has the highest number of maternal deaths in the Jember. This research aimed to to describe the activities of recording and reporting the maternal health monitoring in PWS KIA system at Puskesmas Kaliwates, Jember regency, in 2012 by using attributes surveillance.The Research design is descriptive. Assessment in attributes of maternal health monitoring on PWS KIA system at Puskesmas Kaliwates in 2012 showed that the system is quite complicated, lack of flexibility, low quality of data, high acceptability, low sensitivity, low NPP, low representativeness, uncertain timelines, and low stability of data.The alternative solutions given are familiarizing midwife to analyze and compose a follow-up planning, improving the quality of the completeness and data’s accuracy, standardizing the entire form on KIA PWS systems to avoid duplication and increase forms simplicity,completing PWS KIA guidelines in Puskesmas, making guidelines on how to fill the form, taking records on register cohort of mother by dividing the sheet into 12 sections by month for pregnant women by gestational age group to facilitate the monitoring of pregnant women and childbirth, developing other surveillance system, forming KIA surveillance team, improving attendance format, and using a computerized system.Keywords: Monitoring maternal health, PWS KIA, Attributes surveillance.
The Difference Practice of Condom Usage to Direct and Indirect Woman Sex Worker in Preventing HIV at Sidoarjo Sari, Elok Puspita; Hargono, Arief
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol 3, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi
Publisher : Faculty of Public Health

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.691 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jbe.v3i2.1656


ABSTRACTDirect Woman Sex Worker (Direct-WSW) is a woman who openly offers sex at street legal or illegal prostitution complex  or ex legal or illegal prostitution complex, while Indirect Woman Sex Worker (Indirect-WSW) is a woman who operate in concealed as prostitute who works at certain job or has other main job and indirrectly offers sex at placesof entertainment as massager or public relation in bar or karaoke. The objective of this study is to know the difference practice using condom to direct-WSW and indirect-WSW in prevention against HIV in Sidoarjo. This study is an analytic observational study using survey method and case control approach. The population such as ndirect-WSW population is 20 people and direct-WSW population is 233 people. Determining the size for sample in hypothesis test using Lameshow formula by ratio 1:2 is gotten indirect-WSW sample for 20 people by total sampling technique and direct-WSW sample for 42 people by simple random sampling technique. The variables are characteristic and practice of both sample group. The result of the study shows that both respondent group are having high the practice of condom usage in preventing HIV in direct-WSW 73% and indirect-WSW 30%. The conclusion from this study is there is different practice in condom usage to direct-WSW and indirect-WSW in preventing HIV in Sidoarjo. The suggestion for further researchers to be able to expand the research sample, add other variable, and expand different research methodology like quantitative and experiment.Keywords: practice, Direct-WSW, Indirect-WSW, condom usage behavior, HIV prevention
Application Database of Comprehensive Emergency Neonatal and Obstetric Service in Sampang Hospita Andarini, Yenik Dyah; Hargono, Arief
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol 3, No 3 (2015): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi
Publisher : Faculty of Public Health

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1657.193 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jbe.v3i3.1680


ABSTRACTServices Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (PONEK) is essential maternal and neonatal care/ emergency comprehensively which aims to save mothers and newborns. Activities PONEK in Hospital involving several service units where data maternal and neonatal services are sourced from each service unit, database shall be integrated data and information wich is needed. The purpose of this study was to develope database model PONEK. The scope includes the development of database PONEK include maternal and neonatal care int he Hospital. This research was conducted through qualitative approach to the type of research was action research that the development of database model. Development of database model PONEK system approached includes input, process and output. Subjects in this study was the Hospital Management Team and Officers PONEK Recording and Reporting Hospital Sampang. Analysis of recording and reporting system PONEK Sampang Hospital found some problems that the registers were not uniform formats, duplication of records, which is still manual data storage, process inautomation as well asa report that has not produced informationis still limited. Results of this study are prototype Database PONEK based on the information needs of maternal and neonatal care. PONEK database developed can generate the information needed by the team so that it can be used to PONEK performance monitoring and evaluation in the Hospital. Implementation of the database PONEK should be supported by the availability of appropriate computer specifications, human resources that qualified, maintenance management system and training toimprove reporting officers PONEK.Keywords: database, comprehensive emergency obstetrics and neonatal care, recording and reporting system
Jurnal Wiyata Penelitian Sains dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : LP2M IIK (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Ilmu Kesehatan) Bhakti Wiy

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Latar belakang: Permasalahan imunisasi di Puskesmas Blega, selain rendahnya cakupan, terdapat permasalahan dalam sistem informasi program imunisasi mengakibatkan kualitas informasi yang dihasilkan tidak valid. Tujuan: Mengembangkan model basis data pencatatan dan pelaporan imunisasi dasar lengkap dan booster batita di Puskesmas Blega. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan rancang bangun penelitian tindakan. Tahapan penelitian meliputi analisis sistem yang berjalan, mengidentifikasi kebutuhan data dan informasi, merancang model basis data, dan menguji coba model basis data. Hasil: Hasil tahapan analisis sistem berjalan ditemukan permasalahan pada komponen input, proses, dan output. Identifikasi kebutuhan data dan informasi terdapat data dan informasi yang dibutuhkan sistem belum dapat dihasilkan. Perancangan basis data menggunakan Epi Info Version 7. Simpulan dan saran: Basis data yang dikembangkan sederhana, variabel memenuhi kebutuhan data dan informasi yang dibutuhkan, mudah dioperasikan serta kualitas informasi akurat.
Jurnal Wiyata Penelitian Sains dan Kesehatan Vol 3, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : LP2M IIK (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Ilmu Kesehatan) Bhakti Wiy

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Latar belakang: Difteri merupakan suatu penyakit menular dan sering menimbulkan Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) di beberapa wilayah. Kasus difteri di Jawa Timur merupakan kasus difteri terbanyak di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2015 terjadi tiga kasus difteri klinis di Kabupaten Ngawi. Tujuan: Memastikan adanya KLB dan mencari faktor risiko KLB Difteri tersebut. Metode: Penyelidikan Epidemiologi partisipatif yang dilakukan bersama antara Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur, Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Ngawi, TIM FETP Unair, dan Puskesmas Setempat.. Hasil: Klasifikasi Difteri kasus Pasien I dan Pasien II adalah Difteri Faring sedangkan kasus Pasien III adalah Difteri Tonsil. Capaian Imunisasi Desa Z sudah baik karena telah UCI dan IDL telah mencapai 95.1%, berbeda dengan Desa X dan Y. Pada tahun 2014, kedua desa tersebut belum UCI dan IDL belum mencapai 90%. Cold cain di kedua Puskesmas telah baik dan sesuai SOP. Permasalahan yang ditemukan di lapangan antara lain Pengambilan swab pada kontak erat masih kurang, Profilaksis tidak berjalan dengan baik dan tidak ada PMO. Simpulan dan saran: Telah terjadi KLB Difteri Di Kecamatan Geneng dan Kecamatan Karang Jati. Faktor risiko utama adalah belum tercapainya UCI dan IDL. Kurangnya pengambilan swab dan hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium yang negatif perlu manjadi bahan evaluasi untuk kegiatan PE selanjutnya.
Analysis of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) Surveillance System at Haji Public Hospital of Surabaya Mudjianto, Dwiono; Hargono, Arief; Rosli, Arief Wijaya
Health Notions Vol 2 No 5 (2018): May 2018
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (Address: Cemara street 25, Ds/Kec Sukorejo, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia 63453)

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The incidence of HAIs in Haji Public Hospital of Surabaya in the 1st quarter of 2017 was 0.20% and increased by an average of 56%. Prevention and control measures can be initiated with aseptic setup procedures, comprehensive treatment during tool installation, and possible monitoring of infection by identifying risks through bundle prevention. Bundle prevention is one of the HAIs surveillance that is used to identify and monitor every incident of HAIs in Haji Public Hospital. The purpose of this study was to describe the HAIs surveillance system at Haji Public Hospital. This study used descriptive method of evaluation type. The study was conducted from 7 to 31 August 2017 in the PPI (Infection Prevention and Control) Committee of Haji Public Hospital of Surabaya. The data collected in the form of primary data through interviews and secondary data through documentation study in the form of annual evaluation report or archive of HAIs surveillance data contained in unit PPI Haji Public Hospital. The instruments of data collection used were interview guides and observation sheets in the form of checklist. Data analysis was conducted descriptively on the components and attributes of surveillance. The results obtained from the input components that the competence of surveillance officers are not in accordance with the standards, while the attributes obtained by the results of timeliness, and low data quality. The need to conduct socialization and training of both basic and advanced PPIs and refine technology-based surveillance systems to be more effective and efficient in the implementation of the HAIs infection surveillance system. Keywords: Surveillance, Evaluation, HAIs and Hospital
Development of Hand Hygiene Audit Information System at Haji Public Hospital of Surabaya Ludyaningrum, Rezkha Mala; Hargono, Arief; Rosli, Arief Wijaya
Health Notions Vol 2 No 5 (2018): May 2018
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (Address: Cemara street 25, Ds/Kec Sukorejo, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia 63453)

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Hand hygiene is the act of washing hands using antiseptic or handwash. Implementation of improper hand hygiene is a major cause of HAIs events and the spread of multi-resistant microorganisms in health facilities. WHO states that handwashing compliance can reduce the transmission of microorganisms by 20-40%. This activity aim to identify the type of information needed and the utilization of data on ouput components, processes, and inputs. The method used was descriptive observasional that aims to design the model of system development through data collection by indepth interview using interview guides and documentation studies to key informants and described in the form of DFD diagram. The results of activities in the form of information type needs in the output component include the identification of data that was not yet available on the information system that was running and the development plan of monthly report on the achievement of minimum service standards; process components include daily data collection manually and processed using Microsoft Excel; input components included data collection forms and hand hygiene audit compliance figures. It is recommended to test the information system that has been developed for each room, conduct questionnaires for patient training, and conduct routine monitoring and supervision by the head of the room. Keywords: Hand hygiene audit, Information system development, Infection control
PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN TENAGA KESEHATAN TENTANG PROGRAM VAKSINASI COVID-19 DI INDONESIA Efendi, Ferry; Dewi, Yulis Setiya; Arifin, Hidayat; Hargono, Arief; Apriyanto, Yogo; Adnani, Qorinah Estiningtyas Sakilah; Gudia, Amel Dawod Kamel
PEDULI: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37303/peduli.v5i2.379


The increasing number of cases and deaths due to Covid-19 has become a global problem. The Covid-19 vaccination program becomes one of the efforts by the government to save lives and protect the citizens. The safety, effectiveness, and postvaccination impact are often discussed and debated by the community. This community service aimed to increase the knowledge of health workers regarding the Covid-19 vaccine in Indonesia. This activity was attended by 26 nursing students and was carried out virtually. The evaluation of participants' knowledge was carried out using a knowledge questionnaire consisting of 10 questions related to knowledge of the Covid-19 vaccination. The analysis was performed by paired t-test. The results of community service showed that the socialization participants were enthusiastic and motivated nurses as one of the health workers to play an essential role to deliver the appropriate information promotions to assist the government in achieving vaccination programs. The level of knowledge of participants increased after being given socialization (p-value 0.000). The government and health workers are the basis for program preparation and appropriate information to achieve the vaccination target in Indonesia.